Cheeric water: composition, properties, instructions for use from lice, alcoholism, hair loss, dandruff, deprivation, acne, pigment spots, nail fungus, scabies, with demodicosis, baldness

Cheeric water: composition, properties, instructions for use from lice, alcoholism, hair loss, dandruff, deprivation, acne, pigment spots, nail fungus, scabies, with demodicosis, baldness

Instructions for the use of Cheeric water from lice, alcoholism, fungus, dandruff, hair loss.

Cheretica is grass that contains poison, as well as poisonous components. The basis contains an alkaloid veratrine, which was used for a long time in Spain among crossbowkers. In the article, we will tell you how to use Cheeric water for medicinal purposes.

What is Cheeric water, its composition, properties, how does lice work?

The product is an alcohol tincture of Cheeritsa, along with purified distilled water. The composition of the liquid that is sold in the pharmacy contains 1 part of the water and 1 part of the alcohol infection of the plant. It is thanks to the content of alkaloids that therapeutic water is used against lice. The mechanism of action is quite simple.

What is Cheeric water, its composition, properties, how it acts on lice:

  • When the product enters the respiratory tract parasites, the tincture vapors poison them, penetrating into the digestive system. Insects are paralysis, and death. Such an action is observed in sexually mature individuals, that is, lice.
  • In order to destroy the nits, you will have to try. Due to the presence of a dense cocoon and shell, nits are more resilient in relation to not only Cheeric water, but also other effective drugs.
  • That is why it is recommended to carry out repeated processing after about 8-12 days. This will contribute to the complete destruction of the entire population of insects, both nits and sexually mature individuals.

Cheeric water from lice: how much to keep on the head, instructions for use, reviews

Please note that this tool is unlikely to prescribe a dermatologist, since along with a very good effect there is a huge number of contraindications and side effects. This tool is poisoning not only for lice, but also in pets, as well as for people. Of course, inhalation of vapors cannot cause death, but significant irritation, severe cough, runny nose and an allergic reaction will appear. Therefore, we recommend using the product correctly.

Cheeric water from lice - how much to keep on the head, instructions for use:

  • It is necessary to wash the hair with shampoo, but the balm does not need to be applied.
  • After washing, wipe your hair with a towel, slightly dry it. It is necessary that the curls remain slightly wet. Apply the product to the swab, and well lubricate your hair along the entire length. It is necessary to lubricate not only strands, but also the scalp.
  • The fact is that the product acts only if it gets directly on lice. Therefore, if some section remains unprocessed, there is a high risk of repeated growth and development of the population.
  • That is why we recommend doing everything right, in several stages. Instead of cotton pads, you can use a syringe. Pick up a small amount of product into a syringe and sprinkle your hair.
  • Particular attention must be paid to the area of \u200b\u200bthe back of the head, neck and temples. Do not apply too much product on the forehead so that it does not run out, and does not get into the eyes. It is necessary to interfere with the entry of the product in the eyes, ears, as well as the nose. And when it hits the mucous membranes, severe irritation may occur.
  • You can put on a plastic cap, and walk for about 30-40 minutes. After that, wash your hair with shampoo. After you can use the balm, repeat the processing after about 10 days.

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who used Cheeric water from lice.

Cheper water from lice, reviews:

Veronica. I have a little daughter, whom I sent to the camp for the first time this year. I brought home a whole head of lice. Mom advised to take advantage of Cheeric water in the old fashioned way. I did not pay attention that children under 12 years of age cannot be used. It helped from lice, but at the same time irritation appeared, a rash on the head. Perhaps I overshadowed the remedy. Now I will use safer options.

Oksana. I have two schoolchildren who often leave for grandfather and grandmother in the village for the summer. One son 12, the second is 13 years old. They really like to relax outside the city, so I'm not afraid to send them to my parents. But after such trips, children often return with lice. After all, not only my children are sent to the village for the summer. I struggle in various ways, this year I stopped on Cheeric water. I was satisfied, perhaps this is due to the fact that the boys had short hair, so it was convenient to apply, and distribute along the entire length. We managed to get rid of lice in 2 doses.

Alexei. I went to work, lived in a hostel. He picked up lice, so he was forced to take advantage of the advice of his mother, who recommended Cheeric Water. I did not want to shave the head, because it has long to grow my hair to make a stylish haircut. After using Cheeric water, there really was no lice, but the nits remained. Therefore, I carried out repeated processing after 10 days. The remedy helped me. I did not use anything except Cheeric water.


Cheeric water from alcoholism: dosage, reviews

Poisonous herbs have long been used by healers to help alcoholics get rid of their dependence. For these purposes, a mushroom was usually used by a pile and a Cheerice.

Cheeric water from alcoholism, dosage:

  • When drinking alcohol, it is necessary to add a few drops of Cheeric water to food or alcohol. There is no exact dosage, it depends on the age, weight and degree of alcoholism of the patient.
  • The larger the man, the more funds will be needed. You can recognize the required dose experimentally. To do this, at the initial stage, about three drops of the product are added to alcohol.
  • About a day after a day, it is necessary to increase the dose if there are no visible results. After drinking alcohol, it begins to feel sick and tear. The main essence of the use of Cheeric Water is to instill in the alcoholic the failure to renovate the product, as well as to remove psychological dependence. After all, the desire to drink is due to the need to feel better, more vigorously and get a state of euphoria.
  • If there is no pleasure, then drinking alcohol is absolutely useless. Thus, with the help of Cheeric water, you can try to break the connection between the use of strong drinks and pleasure. Now, after each intake of alcohol, a person will have poor health, up to a terrible state, severe vomiting, and heart problems.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that a man or woman does not have diseases of the cardiovascular system, stomach ulcers, as well as severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys. In no case should you add hotel water in the intervals between the drunk, and on the hangover. It is necessary to add drops before drinking to alcohol.
  • This is what will contribute to the occurrence of poor health after taking alcohol. It is best to use the product three times a day, dividing it into an equal number of drops. The maximum amount is 45 drops per day. It is necessary to give a person a product three times a day, mixing about 15 drops in alcohol, or food, compote, which a person will drink strong drinks.

Remember that the product is quite dangerous, so we can expect side effects, poisoning, up to hospitalization. Therefore, doctors recommend using safer methods. After all, most alcoholics already have problems with kidneys and liver, so the use of Cheeric water can become fatal and lead to the death of the patient.

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who used Cheeric water to treat alcoholism.

Cheeric water from alcoholism, review:

Oksana, 38 years old. After the loss of work, my husband began to drink a lot, threaten me, as well as children. I do not have my own housing, nowhere to go, I decided to fight with his addiction. To do this, I used Cheeric water. I bought this tool because it is cheap. Dagging 10 drops three times a day in food, which my husband had a bit of alcohol. After the first use, she was very scared, as severe vomiting, nausea and almost convulsions began. I decided to reduce the number of drops to 8. I continued to use the product for 5 days. To be honest, she was very worried because her husband’s condition worsened each time. After another glass of a glass, he decided that it was time to tie up with this matter. I believe that Cheeric water helped, but with psychological dependence it is necessary to fight in the office of a narcologist and psychiatrist. After 2 weeks, the husband began to drink again. If you use this tool constantly, you can ditch his health or even provoke death.


Cheeric water from falling out and for hair growth, with baldness

Chemical water contains alkaloids that have an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. Water is effective against fungi, viruses and various parasites. Therefore, often the product is used for falling and for hair growth. Alkaloids stimulate the blood circulation of hair follicles, and contribute to the growth of new hair. In order to provoke an improvement in hair growth, it is necessary to use Cheeric water according to the instructions.

Cheeric water from falling out and for hair growth, with baldness:

  • To do this, apply a small amount of product to wet hair, rubbing the scalp into the scalp. The remaining curls can not be applied. Please note that manipulation is best in gloves, since the product enters the skin or open wounds can provoke poisoning, the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  • Remember that in no case this tool is used if there are wounds, blisters or cracks on the skin of the head. After the product is applied to the skin, it is necessary to hair hair, put on a hat and insulate a towel.
  • Application time 10 minutes. After that, apply burdock oil to the roots, put on a hat again, insulate you using a towel, and hold on your hair for another 30 minutes. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo. Use a baldness tool once a week. Do not use the product for every wash of the head.
A drug
A drug

Cheper water: where to buy, how much does it cost in a pharmacy?

Cheeric water can be bought at a regular pharmacy. It is realized without a recipe, so anyone can buy it. The cost of water is low.

Cheper water: where to buy, how much does it cost in a pharmacy:

  • The product is realized in bottles, with a capacity of 40 or 100 ml.
  • The price per bottle of 40 ml is approximately 50 rubles, per bottle of 100 ml, about 100 rubles.
  • Prices can vary depending on the location of the pharmacy and the city in which you purchase the product.

Cheeric water from dandruff: Method of application

As indicated above, hotel water is distinguished by antifungal properties, so it will be effective from dandruff. Indeed, in most cases, the appearance of dandruff is provoked by the reproduction of the fungus, the genus Candida. Chemical water can be strengthened by hair. In order to use the means against dandruff, it can be used in its purest form, or prepared a healing lotion.

Cheeric water from dandruff, method of application:

  • It is necessary to slightly moisturize the hair, and rub the product into the scalp with a sponge, or apply a disposable syringe, carefully combing the curls with a scallop. It is necessary to ensure that the product completely covers the entire surface of the head. Pour a hat and hold the product on your hair for about 20 minutes. Wash off using shampoo. Use no more than twice a week.
  • To prepare a lotion, you will need 150 ml of 96 % alcohol, 40 g of hop cones, 20 g of grated licorice root, 20 g of nettle leaves, 20 g of sage leaves, 10 g of acute patch, 50 ml of Cheeric water, 30 ml of castor, 20 ml Lapipidar.
  • It is necessary to mix all the herbs and pour alcohol. And it is best to carry out manipulations in a dark glass bottle. Close it with a lid and leave it without access to direct sunlight for 14 days. Do not forget to shake the bottle every day.
  • After two weeks, it is necessary to strain the product, mix with turpentine, hotel water and castor oil. Now this tool can be used from dandruff and against falling out. It is used as a pure hotel water, rubbing into the scalp. The optimal exposure time is 40 minutes. After that, it is necessary to rinse with water with shampoo. Please note that for a reliable effect it is necessary to use a product of at least 6 months. During this time, you will see that the hair has been transformed significantly, became brilliant, dandruff, as well as itching, disappeared.

Cheerodic face for pimples

Cheeric water is a natural antibiotic, which is why it is often used to treat acne and rashes on the face. Please note that the product will be effective only if the rashes are provoked by pathogenic microorganisms such as streptococci and staphylococci. If acne appeared as a reaction to malnutrition, consuming a large amount of fatty foods, then it will be ineffective.

Cheeric water for the face from acne, instructions:

  • To use the product, it is necessary to remove cosmetics, wash with warm water. This helps to reveal pores and promotes the access of the product inside the skin.
  • A cotton swab is wetted in the product and wiped the surface. Pay attention, it is necessary to avoid the area around the eyes so that the product does not fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes, ears or nose. In no case should the substance get into the mouth.
  • It is necessary to wash off the product 10 minutes after application. It is best to use the drug twice a day, morning and evening. Before use, it is advisable to check your skin to an allergic reaction, applying the product to the internal bend of the elbow. If after 12 hours you will not see redness and rashes, you can use a tool for treating acne, and against dandruff.

Cheeric water from lichen

Lichen is a skin disease, which is most often provoked by various fungi. It is red or brown spots, with clear edges. The middle of the defeat looks lighter than its edges and outlines. Cheeric water is distinguished by antibacterial, antifungal, analgesic effect, therefore it can be used against lichen.

Cheeric water from lichen:

  • To do this, the surface of the rashes is lubricated with a means, having previously applied it to the cotton pad.
  • Apply the drug twice a day. It is not necessary to wash off anything. The treatment period is 14-21 days.
  • We do not recommend quitting use earlier than after 14 days, since rashes may resume.

Cheeric water for demodicosis

Demodecosis is a disease that is characterized by the growth and reproduction of the subcutaneous tick. Usually it is deployed in the area of \u200b\u200bhair follicles, or near them. It is impossible to find a tick with the naked eye. According to statistics, about 97% of the earth's population are infected with a parasite, but in order for the tick to begin to manifest itself, concomitant conditions, weakening of immunity, and the presence of other ailments are necessary. Demodecosis is treated quite difficult. It all depends on the area in which it is deployed. Most often, it can be found on the face, the scalp.

Cheeric water with demodicosis:

  • If you notice peeling, red spots, and after the examination, the dermatologist was diagnosed with demodecosis, then you can treat it with it with it with it. To get rid of the disease, it is necessary to rub the product into the scalp with a cotton swab and leave for about 40-60 minutes.
  • In addition, you can apply to the defeats that are on the face. In no case, the product is not used for application in the mucosa, so it is impossible to use it near the eyes, mouth or nose. It can be used in areas that are located in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows, cheeks and chin.
  • If the lesions are on the face, then the product is applied twice a day, in the morning and evening, it is not necessary to wash it off. The treatment period is up to 1 month.

Cheeric water from age spots on the face, hands, body, freckles

Due to the content of toxic components, hotel water copes with hyperpigmentation of the skin. These are age spots that occurred due to hormonal imbalance, as a result of pregnancy.

Cheeric water from age spots on the face, hands, body, from freckles:

  • In order to get rid of freckles and stains on the face, hands, it is necessary to apply hotel water overnight, before bedtime.
  • It is not necessary to wash off it. Previously, the skin is cleaned using a scrub, as well as any detergent. The product can dry the skin, so after the procedure it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.
  • It is necessary to use Cheeric water for two weeks or until age spots disappear. Cheeric water reduces the amount of pigment in the skin, so it lights up.
Dark spots
Dark spots

Cheeric water from white spots on the body with vitiligo

Highlight water, in addition to alkaloids, contain amino acids, resins, triterpenoids, tannins, sugar. Thanks to such a rich composition, a good restorative effect for the skin is observed. Vitiligo is a heavy ailment that is characterized by the appearance of light spots on the skin. In order to eliminate them, you can use Cheeric water.

Cheeric water from white spots on the body at Vitiligo:

  • Lubricate the affected areas once a day, before bedtime. It is best to do this after the shower. On average, the treatment period is one month.
  • Spots can disappear much earlier. Then use the product further there is no need. If you believe the reviews, then such manipulations help get rid of the spots with vitiligo for about a year.
  • However, it is worth remembering that the product is distinguished by its toxic effects, therefore, with strong allergic reactions and in the groin, the drug cannot be used.

Cheeric water from scabies: how to use?

Due to the improvement of the well-being of the population, as well as the emergence of a huge number of detergents, now few people suffer from scabies. Previously, the disease was very common. Despite this, the ailment is provoked by a scabies, which is difficult to display. You can fight it with both modern drugs and Cheeric water. As indicated above, the drug contains alkaloids, and toxins that penetrate the digestive system, chitin cover of ticks, causing paralysis, contributing to their death.

Cheper water from scabies, how to use:

  • That is why scabies can be cured with hotel water. It is necessary to lubricate the affected area with a means twice a day.
  • In this case, the treatment period can be up to six months. It depends on how many manifestations of scabies are on the body.
  • Along with this, do not ignore the appointment of a doctor, and be sure to take the drugs that he prescribed to you.

Remember that there is a risk of re -infection from your own clothes and objects. Therefore, they must be disinfected. If this is not possible, place things that cannot be treated with disinfectants, in the freezer or on the balcony, during severe frost. Hold through the day. In such conditions, the scabies tick quickly dies.


Cheeric water from the fungus on the eyebrows

Many faced peeling in the eyebrow area, this is nothing more than a fungus. There are a lot of varieties of fungi, but there is also a huge amount of antifungal agents that allow you to cope with the disease. One of them is Cheeric Water. It is used in the form of an application or tampons.

Cheeric water from the fungus on the eyebrows:

  • It is necessary to wash your eyebrows remove makeup from them, soak cotton pads with a means and attach for about 35 minutes. Please note that the solution should not fall into the eyes or nose.
  • Therefore, cut comfortable strips of cotton pads, soak abundantly with liquid and make lotions or applications on the eyebrows. It is necessary that the product concerns not only the hairy part, but also the skin.
  • Left on the eyebrows, it is necessary for 35 minutes. After that, it is necessary to wash off the product using warm water and soap. Repeat manipulation twice a day. The tool is used until the signs of the disease are completely disappeared.
Fungus on eyebrows
Fungus on eyebrows

Cheeric water from the nail fungus

Cheeric water is a tool that must be used directly in areas infected with a fungus. However, it makes no sense to apply the product to the nail. The fact is that the dense horn layer does not let the product into the deep layers of the nail. Accordingly, recovery will be carried out only in surface areas.

Cheeric water from the fungus on the legs:

  • In order for the product to work effectively, it is necessary to use special tools for softening and removing the nail. After you get bare skin on your fingers, you need to apply hotel water.
  • Only in such conditions will it be quite effective. Otherwise, applying liquid to the nails does not make any sense.
  • Because the areas under the nail, and the surface areas of the skin also remain infected with a fungus that does not go anywhere. The treatment period is approximately 2 weeks.

Is it possible to use Cheeric water during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Hesting water in no case can be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Is it possible to use Cheeric water during pregnancy and breastfeeding:

  • The product is toxic, poisonous, can provoke the occurrence of pathologies in the fetus. This applies to development diseases.
  • That is why in no case can you use Cheeric water in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the main organs, systems of the child are formed. This does not mean that in the third trimester it is worth using the product.
  • It is poisonous, can provoke the occurrence of late gestosis, strong toxicosis, as well as the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, the drug is not used during breastfeeding and during pregnancy. It can cause severe allergies, poisoning, both mom and child.

Cheeric water: contraindications

If you take the product inside, or it accidentally gets on the mucous membrane, do not be surprised if you get an exacerbation.

Among the side effects, one can distinguish the following:

  • Tingling
  • Redness in the places where the drug was applied
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Thirst
  • Headache
  • Unpleasant sensations in the solar plexus

If the amount of water taken inside is quite high, then this is dangerous for the heart. Since the frequency of heart contractions increases, and after that the pulse is slowed. The nervous system fails. As a result, you can get convulsions, excitement and temporary loss of vision. If a person after using the drug has become excessively calm and sluggish, it is necessary to immediately check the pulse frequency, as well as pressure.

Cheeric water, contraindications:

  • Stomach
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation period
  • Heart ailments
  • Renal failure
  • Kidney disease

Cheper water and alcohol: compatibility, consequences

The tool is used to treat alcohol dependence, accordingly, it is impossible to take it with alcohol with alcohol. These are incompatible liquids that can provoke serious ailments.

Cheper water and alcohol, compatibility, consequences:

  • When taking Cheeric water and alcohol, severe vomiting, diarrhea, deterioration of the nervous system is observed. Shocking the upper extremities may begin, convulsions in the face and body are observed.
  • Often, after taking a large amount of hotel water and alcohol, there may be a serious intoxication of kidneys and liver, which is treated exclusively in a hospital. Remember that the main task in the treatment of hotel water of alcoholism is not to exceed the dosage.
  • Therefore, in no case do not rush at the initial stages to use the maximum amount of the product. More than 45 drops cannot be used per day. Divide them into an equal number of techniques.

Read on the topic:

Often, after taking Cheeric water, a slowdown in the pulse and a decrease in blood pressure to critical marks are observed. Use the drug as prescribed by a doctor, do not take it inside.

Video: Use of Cheeric Water


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