My head with food soda from psoriasis, seborrhea, dandruff: recipes, reviews. How to wash your hair with baking soda, shampoo and apple cider vinegar?

My head with food soda from psoriasis, seborrhea, dandruff: recipes, reviews. How to wash your hair with baking soda, shampoo and apple cider vinegar?

The article mentions recipes for soda solutions for washing the head. You will also learn how to improve the condition of the skin on the head with a rinse.

Conventional shampoos that sell in stores contain elements harmful to the skin and body (sulfates, benzene, phthalates, etc.). Therefore, washing the hair with such products negatively affect the condition of your hair and not only. Many women, knowing about this problem, are looking for other options for caring for their curls.

Soda will often be used for washing the head. And not surprisingly, sodium bicarbonate restores the acid-base balance of the skin and hair after its use becomes light, clean and voluminous.

Is it useful to wash your hair with baking soda?

Soda solution is more suitable for girls with oily hair. Owners of dry strands are less likely to use this product. The benefits of hair soda are obvious:

  • effectively cleanses the skin
  • there are no harmful components
  • eliminates the skin of excessive fatty balance
Soda - Hair benefits
Soda - hair benefits

IMPORTANT: Before using sodium bicarbonate, be sure to look at the expiration date on the package.

Food soda for psoriasis of the scalp: recipes for use

Psoriasis is a serious disease. The methods of treatment are still unknown, which would be 100% effective in the fight against pathology. However, there are methods that can improve the patient's condition, save the patient from the progression of psoriasis. These include the procedures for rinsing the head with soda and the use of lotions with the same component on the affected skin.

Soda rinses for psoriasis
Soda rinses for psoriasis


  1. Dissolve one tsp in hot water (225 ml). soda
  2. When the solution becomes pleasant warm, rub it in the scalp
  3. After 5-7 minutes, rinse with warm water
  4. Next, break your head with a solution of warm water (500 ml) and lemon (1/2 part)

Food soda from dandruff and seborrhea on the head: Application

Seborrhea is a pathology of the skin, which is manifested by a violation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Not only does this disease affect the epidermis, it can also provoke hair loss. Soda will be used to treat the disease on the scalp.


  • mix glycerin, soda, water in an arbitrary quantity to the state
  • massage movements rub the composition into the scalp
  • leave the mass for 14-20 minutes
  • then wash your head thoroughly and rinse with a lemon solution
How to get rid of dandruff with soda?
How to get rid of dandruff with soda?

Soda contains active components that can successfully prevent dandruff. This follows:

  • dilute soda in warm water to the consistency of low -fat sour cream
  • make a mask on the skin of the head for 20 minutes
  • after that, wash your head and rinse with water with lemon juice
  • for oily hair, it is advisable to make such a mask no more than twice a week

How to wash your hair with baking soda, shampoo and apple cider vinegar?

To improve the condition of your hair and get rid of skin problems, start washing your hair with soda solution:

  • In a large container, dissolve two tablespoons of soda with boiling water
  • When the water becomes warm, drop a little rosemary there a little essential oil
  • Wash your hair thoroughly under running warm water
  • Thoroughly rub the solution with soda into the hair and skin
  • Wash your head with warm water
  • Then break the curls with water (1 liter) with apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp)
Washing hair with soda
Washing hair with soda

Piling of scalp with baking soda

To improve blood circulation in the skin cells, a mascot mask with sodium bicarbonate is used. Prepare and apply it as follows:

  • Mix two large spoons of soda, as much burdock oil
  • Add two or three drops of sea buckthorn oil to the mixture
  • Apply with massage movements to hair roots, epidermis
  • After 15-23 minutes, rinse with warm running water
  • Do not forget to rinse your hair with a solution with lemon juice
Hair soda mask
Hair soda mask

Contraindications for washing the heads of food soda

Before proceeding with the use of soda stripes for hair, study who is contraindicated in such procedures:

  • If there are wounds, scratches, irritation on the skin of the heads, then postpone the rinsing with soda solution until the epidermis heals.
  • If there are problems with hair, it is also not recommended to rinse. Read more: hair should not be dry, brittle and have split ends.
  • Do not use soda after a chemical curling and staining of curls.
  • Allergenic reactions to soda powder are also a contraindication for use.
Who is contraindicated for rinsing hair with soda
Who is contraindicated for rinsing hair with soda

Washing your head with baking soda: reviews

Natalia, 29 years old:

“I have oily hair, very much polluted, I have to wash my hair almost every two days. I tried a lot of funds - to no avail. Then I decided to try to wash my hair with soda. At the beginning of the changes were not noticeable. Three weeks later, progress appeared - she began to wash her hair twice a week. Hair condition has improved. "

Marishka, 24 years old:

“My hair is for almost six months with soda solution. I got rid of dandruff, the condition of the hair improved. I advise everyone to try - it's better than washing your hair with shampoo. ”

Katya, 19 years old:

“I have been using soda for rinsing for more than three months. Less commonly began to wash my hair. There used to be problems - oily skin, the hair was quickly polluted. Now the hair has become dry. I think to take a break and switch to shampoo. ”

Video: Hair soda

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Comments K. article

  1. I quickly got rid of dandruff with a shampoo with ketoconazole from horsepower, after 3 applications, dandruff completely passed.

  2. Valentina, is it enough to wash 3 times and that's it? And after dandruff did not appear?

  3. Julia, yes, after 3 applications, dandruff and itching have passed, but you need to wash 2 months with a course so that dandruff does not appear again. So shampoo just for the entire course is enough.

  4. I try to select shampoos with a sparing composition, this is the way for me was the Horse for the brand based on PAV, which is not an aggressive environment of washing.

  5. The shampoo from dandruff from horsepower helped me to achieve the best effect, I kept the shampoo on my hair for 5 minutes after application.

  6. Good shampoo and paste Sulsen Forte 911, he cured dandruff in a couple of applications, exfoliates well and does not violate the sebaceous glands

  7. Shampoo must be selected in accordance with the type of dandruff. I managed to get rid of oily dandruff with a shampoo Naftaderm. As far as I understand, the high effectiveness of this therapeutic drug is ensured by the fact that the composition is Naftalan oil.

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