How to wash the pan and hands from onion husk: recommendations, tips, methods

How to wash the pan and hands from onion husk: recommendations, tips, methods

In this article, we will figure out how to wash pots and hands from onion husks, as well as which container is best used to make decoctions.

Any thing is exposed to wear and ceases to look like new over time. The same thing happens with pots, because we use them constantly. At the same time, there are such types of pollution that are quite difficult to remove. For example, the question of how to wash onion husks is always relevant because it causes many problems. To date, there are many ways to clean the pots of husks. Just about them we will talk about in our article.

In which pan is better to cook onion husks or paint eggs with onion husk?

The time of Easter and painting eggs is always an interesting event. Very often, boiled onion husks are used for these purposes. But, as a rule, as a result, the housewives receive glossy pots, which are very difficult to clean. The question comes to the mind of many, and then to use which pan then, so that you do not have to think about how to wash the onion husk. In fact, there is no specific answer to the question. The husk is allowed to be cooked in any pan, and regardless of the material, the bow will still leave its traces. So experienced housewives advise instead of finding a suitable pan to simply make a separate one that will be used only for this purpose.

How to wash your hands from onions?

Often, the question arises not even about how to wash the pan from onion husk, but hands. It is recommended to use laundry soap for these purposes. It has not a very pleasant smell and dries the skin, but it can be removed with simple soap. To get rid of the smell for good, use baths made of warm water and natural remedies, for example, chamomile or thyme. At the same time, this tool will help you restore the skin of the hands.

How to wash a pot of onion from stainless steel husk, aluminum, enameled?

Pan before and after cleaning from onion husks
Pan before and after cleaning from onion husks
  • Depending on which pan was used for cooking, the method of solving the problem will not be different. You can wash the onion husks with the help soda or salt. They need to be boiled. To do this, leave a pot of water on low heat and with the addition of one of the components, and then rinse with running water and dry. By the way, this method is effective even with the elimination of green or beets.
  • Mustard It also copes well with pollution. Take hot water into a pan and add dry mustard there. After that, bring the mixture to a boil. To increase efficiency, clean the pan with a small brush after finishing boiling with mustard.
  • Another good tool is potato. To get started, clean it, cut into two halves and wipe them with a pan. After the pollution disappears, rinse the surface. Or use a potato broth. That is, in a dirty pan weld potatoes. It will only take more time than usual. When the vegetable is ready, leave it for another 20 minutes in a pan.
  • If you are a big amateur coffee, then you can use coffee thick and sponge, and then wash off the rest with water.

The presented methods can help get rid of even the most powerful pollution. They differ in safety and may well become a good alternative to expensive cleaning agents.

Video: Wash the pan from paint with onion husk\u003dsuijlmvdtz4

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