What is the difference between dyeing the hair of ombre from balayazh, honeycomb, bronching, California highlighting, coloring: comparison, difference, difference. What is better to choose: ombre, shatush, bronching, California highlighting, coloring or Balayazh?

What is the difference between dyeing the hair of ombre from balayazh, honeycomb, bronching, California highlighting, coloring: comparison, difference, difference. What is better to choose: ombre, shatush, bronching, California highlighting, coloring or Balayazh?

Features of hair dyeing ombre, honeycomb, balayazh.

Now at the peak of popularity a variety of hair dyeing. A few years ago, staining in the highlighting and coloring technique was enormous. Now the trend is striving for naturalness.

That is, to staining, which looks like burnt strands and a uniform transition from light tone to dark. That is why techniques as Shatush, California highlighting and Degrad are used.

What is hair dyeing ombre, honeycomb, hoodie, bronching, California highlighting, coloring: explanation, examples, photos

Coloring options are selected by the client, but the master can make its own adjustments and give advice. After all, the result depends on the condition and color of the hair.

Staining methods:

Ombre. With this technique, about half the length of the curls, paint is applied. At the same time, the curls are not touched at the roots or are additionally obscured. The transition relatively smooth from one shade to another, but still quite clearly visible.


Shatush. In this coloring, the effect of burnt hair is created. Regarding the technician, the coloring composition is selectively applied to some strands. The transition from dark to light is quite smooth. Most of the strands are chosen from the face. It is in this area that the most bright areas.


Balayazh. Very unusual, but rather complicated technique. In principle, at first glance - nothing complicated. The master just about a brush, lightening the strands. At the same time, peculiar glare on the hair is obtained.


Bronding. The strands are stained selectively over the entire surface of the head. At the same time, the type of highlighting is performed, but using the use of different amounts and concentration of the oxidizing agent, it is possible to achieve a smooth transition of color. In fact, it is a complex highlighting with the transitions of shades.


California highlighting. At the roots, the hair remains not touched on the rest of the hair, along the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe head, individual strands are selected and painted. The effect of blurring and smooth transition from light to dark is also created.

California highlighting
California highlighting

Coloring. This is a strand of staining with the use of at least 3 colors. That is, throughout the head, pieces of hair are dyed with three different colors.


What is the difference between hair dyeing ombre from balayazh, shatush, bronching, California highlighting, coloring: comparison, difference, difference

All these techniques are not similar to each other and differ both by execution and the result.

The difference between ombre and other techniques:

  • From Balayazh. The difference between the light and dark part is not even, but quite clear. There is no great blur. The upper part is stained in Balayazh, and not continuous hair, but with locks.
  • From the honeycomb. There is no such clear separation of dark and bright areas in the connecting rod. At the same time, the border is maximally blurry. In the ombre it is quite clear.
  • From bronching. The paint in bronching is applied to separate locks, and the light is almost predominant.
  • From California highlighting. The roots in this type of staining are dark, and the strands in a checkerboard pattern are brightened.
  • From coloring. Here the difference is huge, because when stained in coloring, a huge number of colors of different shades are used.
The difference in staining techniques
The difference in staining techniques

What is better to choose: ombre, shatush, bronching, California highlighting, coloring or Balayazh?

To choose a certain technique, you should carefully study the desired results. That is, it is worth consulting with a hairdresser. Briters are recommended to make a connecting rod or ombre. At the same time, the hair is minimally exposed to the oxidizing agent. There will be no yellowness and untidiness.


  • If you are a very bright personality, coloring is suitable for you. At the same time, feathers can be made quite bright and unusual colors. Often you can make an ombre with unusual color solutions. This coloring looks quite bright and defiant.
  • If you have wheat hair, then it is best to do bronching. You will get the effect of burnt hair and save a natural shade.
  • Girls with dark hair, it is better to make a shatush or a hoodie. Thus, you will receive many light strands and fairly smooth transitions.
  • Balayazh is an ideal technique for brunettes. This method of staining will add freshness to the image and make strands on the tips lighter.
Staining schemes
Staining schemes

All these staining techniques are quite popular. But few of the masters have such skill. Therefore, do not resort to such staining at home and contact the salon.

Video: Balayazh, Shatush and Ombre staining techniques

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