What is the difference between the Amur Tiger and the usual: a description, what is the state of the population of these animals?

What is the difference between the Amur Tiger and the usual: a description, what is the state of the population of these animals?

What is the difference between the Amur tiger and ordinary and other species of these animals? Color, dimensions, habits.

Amur tiger - The largest and most powerful beast in the world among cats living in Russia. He has several names: Far Eastern, Ussuri, Siberian.

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From this article below you will learn how the Amur tiger differs from the usual, Ussuri, Bengal and other species of these animals. Read further.

Amur tiger: Description, what is the state of the population of these animals?

Amur tiger
Amur tiger

This is a very large and beautiful animal from the Panther clan, a class of mammals. A dense thick fur helps to live in a cold climate. The Amur Tiger is not afraid of snowy winters and deep snow. A wide paw allows you to run along it. In color, he is much brighter than his relatives - southerners, and the fur is much longer. And before winter it becomes even brighter and fluffs. On a red background, a complex pattern of dark transverse stripes is woven. The Amur tiger has fewer than all subspecies, and reaches only 100. The drawing is unique in every cat. For them, it is like a papillary pattern on the pillows of the fingers of a person. Despite such a bright color at the tiger, thanks to the dark lanes, he is good at masking in the forest.

  • An adult male reaches 300 kg of weight, the female - a little less
  • Body length is about 2 m and another tail - 1 m
  • Height at the withers - 1 m

A predator needs about 10 kg of meat per day. Therefore, he constantly bypasses his territory in the search for prey. When hunting, only one of ten attempts will be successful. In the pursuit of game, he develops speed up to 80 km/h. He should not jump to the height of the second floor.

  • Although the tiger is adapted to harsh conditions, but frosts are 40 degrees, the small number of game leads him to residential villages.
  • Animals weakened by the disease also come out.
  • Maybe a tigress with kittens in search of food to cut livestock, drag and dogs - they are a delicacy for tigers.
  • A person is not an object of hunting, but invading the territory of a predator, when meeting with him, he may die.

And these cats are excellent fishermen. At the river rivers, they deftly catch fish going to spawning. There is a similarity in homemade cats. The tiger has 30 teeth, like a home cat. And also, showing tenderness, a striped predator can purr. The tiger has excellent vision. In the dark, he sees 5 times better than a person.

What is the state of the population of these animals?

  • The Amur Tiger is in the Red Book, hunting is prohibited.
  • Special funds involved in the study, protection and protection of the Amur tiger have been created.
  • By this year, animals have gone out of a critical situation. There are from 600 to 700 individuals.

The lonely tigers found in the taiga are caught and grown, while creating conditions close to the wild, then to release the predator to the will.

What is the difference between the Amur tiger from the usual tiger?

The Amur Tiger is a subspecies of the species of these animals. The Russian Amur Tiger has a thick, long (compared to other subspecies) and fluffy fur, with a more faded red background and less than other species, the number of stripes. For example, the Indochina tiger has a darker background color, and Sumatransky is considered the brightest in the color of the wool.

In general, a tiger is a common name for 9 subspecies of a predator known throughout the world.

  • Three of them disappeared: Balian (1937), Caspian(1948) and Javanese tiger (mid-1980s). They are exterminated by people and the destruction of the environment.
  • Amur, Bengal, Malay, South Chinese, Indochinai and Sumatran tiger Still preserved. The existence of these subspecies depends on a person, his desire to preserve the disappearing animal on the planet.

In total in the world there are about 6500 thousand tigers. The most numerous is the Bengal subspecies, it is 40% From all individuals.

What is the difference between the Amur tiger and the Ussuri tiger?

Amur or Ussuri is the same tiger. Therefore, they are no different. The habitat is the Far Eastern forests of Russia. A small number of about 5% lives in the northern part of China. The Amur tiger is called animals living in the Amur Region and the Khabarovsk Territory on the banks of the Amur, and Ussuri - living in Primorye on the banks of Ussuri.

What is the difference between the Amur tiger from the Bengal Tiger?

Bengal tiger
Bengal tiger

The habitat of the Bengal Tiger is Burma, Nepal, India, Bangladesh. This is a special subspecies. Its variety is a white tiger. On the light fur of the predator, dark brown or red-brown stripes are located. And these cats also have a surprisingly blue color of the rainbow shell of the eyes. In a conventional Bengal tiger, the color of the fur is yellow or light orange with very dark brown, almost black stripes. The difference from the Amur tiger is mainly in color.

  • About 1200 individuals remain in nature
  • The body length of an adult male is 270-310 cm, the maximum is 330 cm
  • The female is less-240-260 cm

But here the fangs of these cats reach 8 cm. There are specimens with longer teeth. These are the largest fangs in all subspecies.

What is the difference between the Amur tiger and the Indochinese tiger?

Indochina tiger
Indochina tiger

Indochina "Tiger Corbetta" is poorly understood due to the inaccessibility of habitats. This animal lives in the subtropical and tropical forests of Laos, Malaysia, Burma, Vietnam and Thailand. They live in a mountainous area. It differs from the Amur tiger mainly in sizes - Indochinai is smaller. Read more:

  • An adult male of this type of predator weighs from 150 to 200 kg, female - 130 kg
  • There are about 900 individuals in nature, fifty are in zoos
  • Refers to endangered animals

To preserve tigers, it is important to restore the number of animals necessary for food in its habitats. It is important to tighten the measures of punishment for poaching, create special natural zones to preserve the range.

The use of tiger biomaterials in traditional Chinese medicine remains also a difficult issue. It will be a pity if this beautiful predator remains only in zoos or in the photo.

Video: Amur Tiger - a description of the species where does it live and how does it live in nature?

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