A new, large hypoallergenic cat of the Asher breed: description, photo, character. A cat, a cat and a kitten of the Asher breed - how do they look, how much does it cost in Russia? Royal Asher is the most expensive cat in the world: photo of a cat and cats, description

A new, large hypoallergenic cat of the Asher breed: description, photo, character. A cat, a cat and a kitten of the Asher breed - how do they look, how much does it cost in Russia? Royal Asher is the most expensive cat in the world: photo of a cat and cats, description

About the cat breed of Asher.

The word "most" is directly related to this breed. This is the most expensive, the largest, most affectionate and most beautiful cat. And also, this is the most controversial animal. You might even say the most scandalous. We will talk about the catfish of Asher, let's look at it in more detail.

A cat, a cat and a kitten of the Asher breed - what do they look like?

Cats of this breed can be safely called a home little leopard. Although, at first glance, it is easy to confuse with the cub of the representative of the wild breed. And, some such an animal may seem completely non -domestic.

  • The main distinguishing feature that is immediately striking is the size. These representatives can grow up to a meter at the withers and reach a weight of up to 15 kg.
  • Outwardly, naturally, with its color resembles a leopard. After all, it contains the genes of African Serval, which is crossed with an Asian leopard and a domestic cat. It was the color that he liked the lovers of exotic breeds.
Kittens of the Asher breed
Kittens of the Asher breed
  • Also, she, as befits a predator, has a very developed muscles. But at the same time, such a cat is very graceful and elegant.
  • It is worth noting that she has very strong paws, and her body is proportional. She has a wide chest, like a real wild animal. Paws, as for a domestic cat, have large sizes.
  • The head is relatively small with sufficiently large ears. They are located close to each other and have a high rack.
  • The eyes of a real predator. This is visible both by section and color. As a rule, they have a golden, green or amber shade.
An adult representative of the breed
An adult representative of the breed
  • Its tail is moderately long, thick and very strong.
  • She has smooth and short wool. It is believed that people who are allergic can afford this kitty.
  • The color is both golden and chocolate, and even smoky black. Spots are most often brown or black.

New, large hypoallergenic cat of the Asher breed: Description

It was mentioned above that this is the most scandalous breed. I would like to immediately note that not the animal is scandalous, but around it there is a lot of noise and disputes. Which, in turn, further added popularity to these representatives.

A little about the appearance of a leopard cat:

  • First of all, it should be noted that this is a relatively new breed. She was artificially bred by breeders in 2006. True, literally two years later this breed was refuted as a new one. And they called only a little advanced savannah, which was bred back in the 80s.
  • It was mentioned above that three gene were taken for the cat - an ordinary domestic cat, African Serval and an Asian cat. But, according to the results of the DNA study, it was found that only two genes were taken - African Serval, of course, the most ordinary domestic cat.
  • The name of the cat has a loud and rich word - the name of the goddess Asher. In the Phoenician peoples, she was considered the mother of all the gods and the ancestor of all living things.

Distinctive features:

  • Such a cat just needs to walk in the fresh air. It sounds, maybe slightly unusual, but they walk perfectly on a leash.
  • It is also necessary to consider the fact that this cat can and should be trained. Yes, like a dog. She needs to move a lot and actively. And thanks to its intelligence, he will be able to grab the teams very quickly.
  • It is logical that for a cat of such sizes, you need a lot of space for games and relaxation. Therefore, in a one -room apartment, such a pet cannot be placed. A huge house is ideal for her, where the pet will have its own room.
  • You should also know that this miracle cat is not afraid of water. Yes, it also sounds a little paradoxical, but it is committed calmly to water procedures.
  • It is also important to know another nuance - it will not work to breed such cats. After all, they are mandatory passing and sterilization. And why are extra competitors? After all, you can make a limited amount and set the heavenly price for it.

The character of the cat asher, similar to a leopard

This cat has not only an unusual and bright appearance, but also has a wonderful character. You can even say gold. Moreover, some character traits are not at all inherent in cat representatives.

  • Literally all owners of such a cat can say that it is the kindest and most affectionate animals. Despite their predatory and slightly frightening appearance, they are very friendly.
  • And how perfectly it gets along the kids. For them, she can become a real four -legged friend. It is no secret for many that pets often become nannies and educators for children. Asher is no exception.
  • It should also be noted that this cat has a huge fidelity and devotion. Among cats and even dogs, she has no equal.
  • Such a cat will never be offended by its owners. Although they are committed, not aggressive, it will always intercede if there is a danger.
  • By the way, with other animals, the cat gets along wonderful. She will find what to play with dogs, grind with cats and even freeze with fish.
  • The only thing that should be taken into account when buying such an animal is terribly does not like loneliness. It is important for her that she is paid due attention and do not forget to play. And this cat just loves. Even, being one, rarely sits still.
Features of the character of the animal
Features of the character of the animal

A few words about the care:

  • Based on an unpretentious and flexible nature, they are also not demanding in care. The big plus is that Asher understands who is the master in the house. She loves to rub and bask, but she cannot be called obsessive. And since this is a very smart animal, he will always find the right moment for games.
  • It will be wonderful if she has some game house. Even better - on the street. Still, this is a big cat. So the places should be plenty. Such animals simply demand to live in a spacious house with a huge yard.
  • You should be attentive to claws. As the cat is supposed to, Asher loves to sharpen them. And he does it regularly. And the claws are far from a small kitten. Therefore, in order to save furniture and walls, it is worth taking care of the claw.
  • Despite the fact that this is the most expensive cat, in food it is perfect, not whimsical. Of course, you need to follow the diet. But Asher will eat the most ordinary food, which many feed their Murok and Barsikov.
  • The hair of such a cat does not cause any trouble. The maximum care is only in weekly combing.

To date, there are four types of Asher cats - these are ordinary, hypoallergenic, tiger or snowy, and royal. The latter species is considered the most rare and the most expensive.

  • The royal Asher is very rarely born. According to statistics, no more than four kittens are obtained over the year.
  • All varieties of the cat depend on the color and size of the spots. The royal Asher has a red or orange color of spots. And their size and shape are the same as that of a real leopard.
  • By the way, the cost of such a kitten is above 120 thousand dollars.
The most expensive cat
The most expensive cat

How much does an Acher's cat cost in Russia? It has been mentioned more than once that such a cat is considered the most expensive in the world. Perhaps it will be to many, but only units will be affordable. And buying such a beauty is not so simple and not so fast.

  • The price category starts from 20 thousand dollars. But this is the minimum price and you still need to look for it very much. And, of course, this refers to the usual breed.
  • If you transfer to Russian rubles, then more than one million is released - 1.200 million. The rate was rounded to 60 rubles.
  • In the USA, of course, such a beauty can be bought cheaper - for $ 1,500.
  • And you should also know that you will need to wait for the queue at least a year. If you are not tolerant of playing with a new pet, then the price increases three times.
  • It was mentioned above that such cats are sterile, so it will not work to breed them. But for your money, as they say, any whim. You can buy cats for propagation, but the price will increase at least once by five.
  • By the way, small kittens are not sold. They can only be bought at the age of age. By this time, they will already be accustomed to a tray and a claw. It is also believed that all the qualities of this cat are revealed to this age.

This is a really very beautiful cat, as well as just a wonderful pet. Of course, first of all, such a pet says the prosperity of his owners. Although they say that this breed does not exist, interest in it did not fall at all. To some extent, she even attracted attention. Everyone already decides for himself - a separate breed or not. But one thing can be said safely that such a cat-board cat will become a dream of not only many children, but also adults.

Video: TOP-10 of the most expensive animals in the world

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