Amur tiger - a brief description for schoolchildren with photos

Amur tiger - a brief description for schoolchildren with photos

Amur tigers and people, how does the predator get along with a person in Russia? Description of the Amur tigers, their way of life and the environment.

Amur tiger: what does it look, what color, weight, size, number?

Amur tiger - This is the largest cat in the world. True, he has a competitor - a Bengal tiger, almost the same in size that lives in the southern regions of Asia: in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. The Bengal tiger has not such a thick wool and a slightly different body anatomy. Although he is also red with black stripes and very large.

In the Northern Amur Tiger, the weight reaches 25 ° Kg, his body is about 3 meters long (along with the tail). In terms of dimensions, it can be compared with a small car, or with a large motorcycle. See how easily the Amur tigers become on the roof of the car with front paws.

Amur tiger weight and size
Amur tiger weight and size

The Amur tiger has thick, long and fluffy wool - it protects it from a strong cold. He has short ears so as not to freeze them in a harsh climate. The paws of the Amur tigers are large - it is easier for them to move in deep soft snow.

The largest Amur tiger, on which they were able to put on the GPS-sewer, weighs 214 kg. And the tiger with a weight of 254 kg was recorded already in 1911. Scientists consider these data not accurate because tigers are not so easy to catch and weigh, there are probably larger animals in nature. Males of the Amur tiger is larger than females.

  • The average weight of males is 176 kg.
  • The average weight of the Amur tiger is 118 kg.

What is a different called Amur tiger?

Amur tiger is also called ussuri or far Eastern, according to the name of the area where he lives. The Ussuri Territory is the southern part of the Far East.

The largest cities in the Ussuri Territory - Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. The Ussuri Territory is beautiful - there are mountains, rivers and waterfalls. All this beauty makes a harsh cold climate, the average annual temperature in these places is only about zero. And in winter, the average temperature is minus 20 degrees.

In America and Europe, our Amur tiger is called siberian tiger.

The Amur and Ussuri Tiger: Is this the same animal?

The Amur and Ussuri tiger is the same animal. The name of the Ussuri tiger is more common in colloquial speech. The correct literary name is still the Amur tiger.

Nature surrounds the Amur Tigers
Nature surrounds the Amur Tigers

Why is the Amur tiger dying and entered in the Red Book?

The Amur tiger has no enemies in nature, except for man. In 1930, the situation with the Amur tiger became critical - only 30 individuals remained. This meant that the Amur tigers could die forever.

At the state level, decisions were made to save the Amur tigers: severe punishments for poaching were provided, detachments were organized to capture poachers, and reserves were created. And these measures were timely. In 1960, there were already 100 individuals, and in 2018 550 tigers lived in Primorye.

Today, Amur tigers remain listed in the Red Book. They continue to be considered an endangered look.

The number of Amur tigers
The number of Amur tigers

What factors affect the number of Amur tiger?

Nowadays, for the Amur tigers, the problem is to find a habitat. In nature, one Amur Tiger considers just huge areas its territory.

  • The male hunts in a radius of 25 to 28 kilometers.
  • Females go to a distance of 22 kilometers from the house.

Where does the Amur Tiger live, on which mainland, which reserve is guarded?

Where do the Amur tigers live?
Where do the Amur tigers live?

Now it is very difficult for young male individuals to find a place for life. They stumble upon the possessions of another more experienced tiger that drives them away, or come to the place of forests cut down by people, or meet automobile highways and human cities in their path. Many young tigers remain to wander. It is easier for females because when they fall into the possession of the male, he does not show aggression for them.

The main threat to the Amur tigers is people. And it's not only about poachers. It is easy to love Amur tigers if they do not walk near your home. If you see the traces of the tiger in the snow, he attacked your cattle or a dog, then to love the Amur tiger is much more difficult.

A special public service was organized in the habitats of the Amur tigers. You can contact it if the animal, in your opinion, behaves aggressively and comes up too close to people. Specialists go to the call and take the tiger to the reserve, there they treat the tiger, if necessary and observe its behavior. If the tiger behaves normally, then he is again released by the will. Usually he is put on the GPS-cheek.

The collar transmits where the tiger is located
The collar transmits where the tiger is located

Were there any cases of an attack by the Amur tiger on a person?

Now the Amur tigers really attack people. But in Russia this happens infrequently. From 1970 to 2001, tigers on average attacked people 1.4 times a year. The number of deaths is less, on average, this is about 4 people per year. Although in this case, it is not very correct to use statistics and average values.

Bengal tigers who live in India are more aggressive than Amur. Perhaps the fact is that they suffer from the thorns of porcupines that cannot be pulled out. Or maybe the reason is that they live in densely populated areas.

In Russia, 3 cases of the appearance of tigers-ceremonies were recorded. Either these animals tried to attack people repeatedly, or tried to eat a man after he was killed. Such tigers are caught.

What is the hazard of the Amur tiger?

The Amur tiger is dangerous in that it is an animal. He has his own animal habits. For example, in Russia there was a case when a tiger attacked people because they came close to him when he ate his prey. Father and son did not notice a predator in tall grass. The father received injuries, from which he later died in the hospital, his son was armed with a carbine, shot, and killed the beast.

Tigers come close to human housing if they have little nutrition in nature. More often than others, this is done by old or sick Amur tigers. The owners sometimes find Amur tigers in their sheds when they attack cows or other animals. Nature guards urge people from these places not to let go of dogs because they provoke tigers. And in hunting grounds they try to make the game for tigers. Pired -crib is vaccinated and slightly feed them.

Amur tiger predator, and he has animal habits
Amur tiger predator, and he has animal habits

Many people believe that the Amur tigers are now not attacking people without extreme need. This happened due to the fact that when they almost died out, only those animals that did not approach people remained to live. It is also known that females attack people twice as less often than males.

What is the Amur tiger eats, how much meat eats a day?

Amur tiger should receive every day 9 kilograms of fresh meat. Also, zoologists say that each tiger catches 50 greenhouse animals every year.

All these numbers are approximate. In nature, the tiger can remain hungry one day, and the next one to catch a deer weighing more than 200 kg. Males eat more females, and females need more food than babies.

What is the Amur tiger eats? His traditional menu got:

  • Deer.
  • Fast roof roe deer.
  • Wild wild boars or vepon.
  • Bears, although tigers do not always win in contractions with them.
  • Moose.

But if there is little food, Amur tigers can even catch fish. They also eat frogs, hares, birds and plant foods, if very hungry.

Tiger and bear - two dangerous predators
Tiger and bear - two dangerous predators

Zoologists say that if the Amur Tiger converges in a fight with a brown bear, then in exactly half the cases the tiger wins. In 27 percent of cases, the bear wins. And in 23 percent of cases, animals diverge.

What is the average life expectancy of the Amur tiger?

  • Amur tigers in nature survive, on average, up to 15 years.
  • And in captivity they live for about 20 years.
  • It is known that the tiger can live 30 years, but only if it does not hurt.

What is the difference between the Amur Tiger and Bengal and the usual, who is stronger and more?

Which tiger is stronger than the Amur or Bengal - the question is complex. The Bengal tiger is still stronger, because the Amur tigers have recently decreased in size, their average size is 170 kg. The average mass of the Bengal Tiger, which lives in the wild - is 220 kg. If the Amur and Bengal Tiger live in the zoo, then the Northern Amur Tiger will be stronger. He has more dimensions by nature, if he receives enough food.

Which tiger is stronger than the Amur or ordinary - the question is not very correct. The usual tiger and the Bengal tiger is the same thing. Bengal tigers are the most numerous. There are 9 types of tigers in total: this is the Chinese tiger, the Sumatran tiger, the Indochina tiger and others. All of them live in Asia. In general, the Amur Tiger does not meet in nature with some other tiger because they have different habitats.

Amur and Bengal tigers are similar
Amur and Bengal tigers are similar

Who is larger and stronger: Leo or Amur Tiger?

Some people who wanted to know who is stronger than a lion or a tiger checked it in reality. This was done in ancient Rome. The tiger always won. He is more in mass and he has more impact power.

The case when the tiger killed Leo was in the Turkish zoo. Employees claimed that the Amur Tiger killed a lion with one blow of his clawed paw.

Why then is the lion, and not the tiger king of animals? This title was granted Leo because he behaves in a kingdom. Lviv has a pride that he leads. And the tiger is a loner hunter. And the lion also has a truly royal roar, which is heard for 3 kilometers. In general, a white bear is considered the strongest predator on earth.

How much is the Tigers is born in the Amur tiger?

The female of the Amur tiger makes the den in the most impassable wilds. There she is born 3 or 4 cubs. The pregnancy of the tigress lasts three to four months. Tigers are born into the light of completely helpless. The first two weeks they are blind. Mother feeds them with milk up to six months. Growing up, they feed on both milk and the game that the Tigress has obtained, she teaches them to catch prey.

Tigress wears tigers like a cat
Tigress wears tigers like a cat

What can you find out by stripes of the Amur tiger?

People in stripes of the Amur tiger can distinguish one tiger from another. These strips are unique as our fingerprints. And even if the tiger is to melt the wool, then the strips will remain, they are on the skin of the beast.

It may seem strange to us that the tiger has such a bright color. But this only human eye knows how to see orange so well. Deer and other animals on which the tiger hunts are deprived of this opportunity. For them, the coloring of the tiger is camouflage.

Amur tiger and goat: History

This story happened in the Primorsky safari park. Once, employees put in an aviary with a tiger Amur Kozl so that the tiger ate it. But the goat's tiger did not eat, moreover, the goat took his sleeping place, and the tiger had to lie in the cold for several days under the snow. The goat Timur walked behind the tiger on the heels, he foamed him with horns and played with him. Webcams were put in the aviary with animals so that everyone could watch their amazing friendship.

The Amur Tiger and Kozel lived together for more than a year. But then an annoying case happened. The goat was pestering the tiger for more than an hour, he foamed him with horns and trampled with hooves. Amur could not stand it, took his teeth and dropped him from a small cliff. The goat survived, but it was postponed from the tiger. In captivity, he lived for another three years, and then died of a heart attack. The goat Timur wants to erect a monument, but so far this is only a project.

Amur and Timur
Amur and Timur

Amur tiger: interesting facts, legend

The indigenous peoples of the Ussuri Territory always had a very respectful attitude to the Amur tigers. Taiga researcher Vladimir Arsenyev said that his guide through the forests of Dersu Uzal called the tigers “people”. This man was a native of these places.

A bad act was considered not only to kill the tiger, but also to kill his prey. If a person did not notice the chase and killed the animal that the tiger hunted for, then he first had to leave him prey, and secondly, to atone for people before people.

The dead tigers were buried. For them, special tombs were built and huts on trees were made. They meant that this place should be bypassed.

There is more than one case when a dying tigress brought her tiger to people, in the hope that they will help them. Tigers respected people, and people of tigers. So it was before the beginning of large -scale Soviet construction projects in these places. The visitors behaved differently. Tigers began to attack workers, and then people almost exterminated them.

  • Cases of domestication of the Amur tiger by people

In the houses of Russians, Amur tigers do not live now. Keep a wild animal at home so that it walks around the apartment - we have illegal. But in circuses there are Amur tigers, and trainers get along with them.

On the coat of arms of what city the Amur tiger?

The Amur Tiger is depicted on the coat of arms of Vladivostok. But this is not the only Russian coat of arms with the Amur tiger. This predator is depicted on the coat of arms and flag of the Primorsky Territory. The coat of arms of Khabarovsk depicts a tiger and a bear. The Amur tiger is on the coat of arms of the city of Irkutsk. Amur tigers are depicted on many coats of arms and flags of small settlements of the Ussuri Territory, where this wild cat lives.

Emblem of Vladivostok with the Amur Tiger
Emblem of Vladivostok with the Amur Tiger

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Video: Amur Tiger - the most interesting facts about the animal

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