Why is your girlfriend's girlfriend dangerous for you?

Why is your girlfriend's girlfriend dangerous for you?

Girlfriends of your friends. What are they dangerous to you? How to deal with them?

What to do if a friend is jealous of you to another girlfriend? Why is your girlfriend's girlfriend dangerous for you? Jealousy and triangles in female friendship have become the theme of this article.

Why am I a jealous girlfriend?

When a friend has another friend, many feel jealousy. There is often fear behind her: what will happen if they begin to be friends against me? And this, unfortunately, is often in some circles.

If a beautiful girl comes to the deaf village and does nothing wrong with anyone, then she will probably become hated to the whole village. Because there are many problems in the team and there is nowhere to drain the negative. And she is a white crow. Of course, it is to blame that the neighbor's cow has little milk.

This often happens in very young children. Let us get angry with you, and in order to make friends we will not love that girl. A new person is always a test of adulthood and strength of relations in society. Everyone is familiar with some caustic feeling of emptiness that causes jealousy. It seems omnipotent and endless and seemed to exist even before you, and stronger than you. A girl who is jealous of a friend to another friend is experiencing him in her own skin. A new friend of your girlfriend can provoke a storm of emotions: “You know, I went to rest with a new girlfriend (without you). We really liked it there. ”

Jealousy - This is the reverse side of attachment. But what to do if your girlfriend’s girlfriend bothers you? What is never attached to anyone? Of course not.

Attachment and mutual assistance is that once in distant antiquity people came up with ... to be less afraid. It’s scary to live in a world where man is a wolf man. And people have concluded a contract among themselves - let's take it well with me, and I will. And if you treat me badly, then you will be punished.

  • This works at the level of laws. For example, you will not kill me, and I will. Otherwise, you will be imprisoned for 15 years. At the level of personal relationships, this works too. We say: let's be my beloved friend, and I am yours. Otherwise, a friend is jealous of another friend. And it is not very clear what to do with this jealousy.
  • The agreement on public mutual assistance is often and densely violated. A person is still a wolf. The contract is generally just words. And a beloved friend can say: “You know, I have a family, and there is absolutely no time for you”, or “You know, you are good, but with another friend it is more interesting to me than with you.” And as if the sky falls. But you should admit to yourself that there is no justice in the world, and it has never been, you gain real freedom.
Justice is a myth
Justice is a myth
  • Perhaps you are jealous of a girlfriend to another girlfriend because you were born with a little growth and a tendency to fullness. And your friends top models. This is probably what it is. And look for what God awarded you as compensation is a waste of time. Everyone from birth does not get equally, although we do not like it. But to think that you could learn to be beautiful with your appearance is a good idea.
  • You can be from a dysfunctional family, and your girlfriend have good respectable parents. She may allow herself not to take the session at the institute three times, and each time they will be saved. And you just don’t have to get one point on the budget or spend the extra three hundred rubles in the supermarket - and you are already on the verge of abyss. In the world there is no justice and the same conditions for all conditions.

Why is your girlfriend's girlfriend dangerous - a party?

Why is your girlfriend's girlfriend dangerous - a party? A girlfriend of your girlfriend flies into your house, like a butterfly with curls, makeup, and in a charming outfit. She doesn’t care what is half past four in the morning, and you get up early tomorrow. She begins to tell that you exchanged freedom and a wonderful life for “let's drink tea after the 10th series”, and she’s on a bespectacled group from your group, from which you can write off. For some reason, your girlfriend listens to her, and you begin to be jealous of a girlfriend to another girlfriend.

What to do? You can use your girlfriend’s girlfriend for a fun pastime. Of course, if you continue to focus on study, family or work, you will lose 75% of what the parties are started for.


  1. A girlfriend’s girlfriend can just be a cheerful party -player who has fun in moderation.
  2. She can be a girl who sometimes does something that you don't like. For example, a drunk wakes up on the street or beats a tooth, accidentally falling on a bench.
  3. There are also such friends from whom insomnia begins and pulls the eye. She can tell you that she started an affair with a married man. And then, when meeting with his family, get scared and swear with your child that this has never happened. Here you are already starting to feel the accomplices of her crimes.

To solve which friends to communicate with, and with which it is not is your freedom.

When a friend of a girlfriend is a party
When a friend of a girlfriend is a party

What is the dangerous friend of a friend - an intelligent lady?

What is the dangerous friend of a friend - an intelligent lady? For her, a party, a slut and a loafer is you. She does everything as it should. A girlfriend of your girlfriend studies well, talks well, dresses well and, it seems, even smiles exactly as it should. Not like you…

What to do? The girl who says, I am a jealous girlfriend to another friend, should understand that this person also has benefits. Customs officers and traffic cops do not stick to beautifully and intelligently dressed people, they are afraid of them. And she has more chances to pass the exam well than you have battered after a party. It will help you, use these bonuses and your good reputation.


Caring for your good name is also not a clear postulate, but a scale with points.

  1. You can just try to make a pleasant impression.
  2. A girlfriend of your girlfriend can sometimes refuse help to hooligans and sloppers.
  3. If a girl for the sake of a good name can hide pregnancy up to 7 months or does not communicate with a sister-anutist only so that no one knows-this is an extreme.

Why is a friend's friend dangerous - eternal misfortune?

This girl always has problems. If she leaves the house, then she breaks the castle. If it is raining, then she has wet legs. If everyone wants to turn out for tickets and go to the theater, then she has no money.

What to do? If a friend is jealous of another girlfriend who has trouble, then she can be called callousness. Try to help Miss bad luck if you have such an opportunity. You do not know where you will stumble in the future. And then, for sure, it is this person who will be happy to give you a hand.


  1. If you are asked to help open the door, and you are free, then this is not difficult.
  2. If you are asked to help buy new boots on your bonuses in the store, you should think about whether you yourself need you.
  3. But if a friend asks to withdraw money from your credit card, and lend her on a new plasma panel, then the question is already very difficult. Although the choice is yours.
When a friend of a friend is an eternal misfortune
When a girlfriend’s friend is an eternal misfortune

Why is your girlfriend's girlfriend dangerous - a rich man?

A friend of your girlfriend bought an iPhone of the last model. She has a premium car. Or maybe not. But if a friend is jealous of another friend who is rich, it happens not only to envy. In general, money is good. Но, относительно богатые люди бояться того же, что и средний класс — потерять свой статус. No, they are even afraid of this stronger.

What to do? Try to gain experience with a more successful girlfriend. Возможно, деньги на 50% упали ей на голову от кого-то: от мужа, от родителей или ей повезло с работой. And the second 50% of her success she deserved. And then she has something to study. Дорогие конфеты и элитный кофе в гостях у подруги — тоже приятный бонус к общению.


  1. Если подруга твоей подруги не хочет чтобы ее «раскуркуливали» и разделили все ее имущество между нуждающимися поровну — то это можно понять. If she is nervous that you gave her the nickname "ATM" - then this is also clear.
  2. But if this girl does not do anything for you with a friend at all, then everything is complicated. Бывает, что подругам подруг все время некогда, даже если у вас случился пожар, а она ходит по магазинам. She needs you more, like a retinue for the queen.

What is the dangerous girlfriend of the White Crow?

This girl constantly turns out to be a scapegoat and an outcast in the team. In the family of mother -in -law, the daughter -in -law is always to blame because it is different. And in a group of people a white crow is always to blame. She is not at all like others. For some reason, she has not such an appearance, not such clothes, not such relatives, she does not behave like that. And this is enough for everyone to merge anger precisely on this person. Often the white crows themselves consider themselves terrible people.

What to do? Communicate with a white crow and appreciate it - this is an extraordinary person. People of the white-waists organize their flocks. They can be found in a crazy house, in a community of writers, in an art gallery, at the training "Shamanism and torsion fields." Do not try to fix the white crow and introduce her to collective work. She works more productive and knows about it.


  1. If I am a jealous girlfriend to another friend and she is a little out of this world, you can come to terms with some characteristics of a person. This is if a friend of a girlfriend simply has an extraordinary appearance and hobbies.
  2. White crows are biased and cutting with people, they clearly know that there is no justice. And they can sharply say “leave me”, for example, a nerve person.
  3. White crows sometimes get to the point that I am aggressively reacting to everyone and everyone, even to the electricity controller because he could come to withdraw data at a more convenient time. In police officers, in doctors, in friends, white crows often see only the negative and aggressive outside world that hurts them. But it is very difficult to friends with aggressively tuned friends.
White crows - amazing
White crows - amazing

Why is a girlfriend dangerous - a collectivist?

Why is a girlfriend dangerous - a collectivist? This girl is the opposite of the white raven. There are always people around her. If a friend is jealous of another friend to a collectivist, then she suspects that you want to use bonuses from this girl. The collectivist will defend your place in the group. Of course, it is unfair to offend such a good girl like you. But she can protect only those people that she likes.

What to do? Friend the three of your old friend and her new friend. This girl knows how to defend your interests in front of others. And she, for sure, is well versed in people. And he will be able to tell who is in your environment a valuable frame and who is potentially dangerous.

Borders: The collectivist, like the White Crow, knows that there is no justice. Only she skillfully exploits the idea that justice exists. Sometimes she hides that everyone should carry equally heavy backpacks, even if she is a master of sports, and you weigh 40 kilograms. It may turn out that in search of justice, you should always come to her, and she is not ready to beat her legs. And someone will come to her anyway, if not you, then other people. It can be difficult to put up with such injustice.

Why is a girlfriend dangerous - queen?

Why is a girlfriend dangerous - queen? She is not a gentle meek kitten. She is a lioness! She, like a queen who climbs on a stone higher, is casting a magnificent look at everyone and publishes a mighty roar. If a friend is jealous of another friend-the queen, perhaps she feels something unkind in her.

What to do? Rejoice if you or your girlfriend have chosen a queen - this means that you are really special. The queen is good in the war, her main weapon is shame. If you have common enemies, then she will skillfully beat them with words, calling the sluts, slutty people and generally inferior. The queens often want to become collectivists, but they do not always get it.


  1. In general, not hesitate to be a queen - this is good if the girl deserves it.
  2. The queens of the girls who live in shame are appointed themselves. For example, in childhood, she went in casters, and now she is ready not to eat sausage, but to buy a beautiful dress. You can somehow put up with this.
  3. If your girlfriend’s girlfriend only cares not to look at her askance - it's scary. Some queens are unimportant neither friendship nor even their family, their life is solid, which will be ashamed. And they do not even understand what is embarrassing and what not.
The queens are often cruel
The queens are often cruel

Why is a terrible friend dangerous?

If a friend is jealous of a friend who all the time wears a stretched sweater, this is unpleasant. Sorry for the poor thing. The girl can really have a difficult situation in life. But a terrible one can be the addition of some queen. She is ashamed too. She knows that if she puts herself in order, she still will not get praise. Rather, they laugh from her. And he considers it normal.

What to do? Be kind and try to make a terrible girlfriend feel beautiful too. But be prepared that this girl will be nervous and very hesitate to go out to people without her usual appearance.


  1. A terrible girl can be an ugly duckling who turns into a beautiful swan and will become your beloved girlfriend.
  2. You may face some oddities. For example, a new girlfriend will object that you need to brush your teeth every morning.
  3. Sometimes a terrible girl can strike as shame as deftly as the queen. Она не подскажет вам, что у вас размазалась тушь или торчит длинный волос из подмышки. Not only she is terrible!

What is the dangerous friend of the "psychologist"?

Здесь речь пойдет не о настоящих психологах, которые больше 6 лет получают образование в институтах и все равно знают, что ничего не знают. Эта подруга вашей подруги просто решила, что она хочет быть психологом и жаждет видеть людей на сквозь. What is the dangerous friend of the "psychologist"? She longs for power, and power, like money, is good.

What to do? Не отвечайте на вопросы из разряда: сегодня цвет твоей футболки не совпадает с твоим настроением. What are you hiding? Or, what was the most shameful act in your life? These are false revelations that normal people do not need. Зато их часто используют манипуляторы в сектах, деструктивных движениях и вообще по жизни.

Borders: In principle, we all manipulate each other, and this is normal. Trying to understand the laws of these manipulations is even commendable. A friend of a friend can play and instead of the authorities get a bad reputation.

A friend sees everyone through
A friend sees everyone through

Why is a girlfriend dangerous who wants to be friends in pairs?

This girl wants to be friends with families. Your man and her man must communicate with each other. And it’s good if they are interested in it. Но что делать, если ваш парень очень спокойный и любит смотреть футбол по телевизору. And her boyfriend loves races on cars and participation in the fights of fans?

What to do? Well, you can try to enter nature together or spend an evening with them. Постарайтесь позаботиться, чтобы у ваших мужчин была возможность заняться их привычными занятиями. And they should not only communicate with each other. Perhaps you all will even like to spend time together.

Borders: People always want to be closer to each other. Но постарайтесь не пересекать чужие границы, если человек вас не хочет пропускать. Be as attentive and correct as possible.

What is the danger of a new best friend?

Until that moment, you rightfully considered yourself her best friend. But suddenly she appeared from somewhere. She knows everything to her friend, and marks in your place.

When I am a jealous girlfriend to another friend, I want to take an iron basin and hit someone on the head. But do not make sudden movements. Imagine that you managed to get rid of this new girlfriend of your girlfriend. What's next? Your girlfriend will feel deprived and orphaned. And you will be to blame for this. Better just stay yourself, let your girlfriend still have a person who can consult with. If this girl appeared in the life of your girlfriend, then she needed her. And if they did not communicate, then there was also a reason for this. Time will put everything in place.

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