How can you replace starch in cutlets so that they turn out to be tasty and juicy: can it be replaced with flour?

How can you replace starch in cutlets so that they turn out to be tasty and juicy: can it be replaced with flour?

Do not know how and how to replace starch in cutlets? To do it is simple.

Starch is often used in cooking. Delicious berry or milk jelly can only be prepared with it. Starch is used as a thickener for sauces and soups, it is added to the minced meat. The content of potassium in it, enveloping properties, participation in the synthesis of complex carbohydrates, all this suggests that starch should be used in the preparation of various dishes as a useful ingredient for the body.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What can be prepared from the residues of cutlets: recipes for a pie, burgers, pancakes". You will also learn what can be made from minced meat except cutlets.

So, when preparing dishes and using ingredients, it all depends on taste, and sometimes, for example, even starch, if necessary, you can find a replacement. And what to use instead of this product is described in this article below. Read further.

Why is starch added to the minced meat when cooking cutlets?

Ranger cutlets to which starch added
Ranger cutlets to which starch added

Add starch to the minced meat when cooking and cutlets will not be collapsed when frying. This is especially important when preparing such products with filling - cheese, mushrooms, butter with chopped herbs.

If you decide to put out the fried cutlets, the presence of starch in them will retain their shape and slightly thicken the sauce in which they extinguish.

Is it possible to replace potato starch with flour in the recipe with minced meat from pork and beef so that they turn out to be tasty and juicy?

Someone may not like the taste of starch or at the time of preparation according to the recipe you will find that it is not in home reserves. Of course, it makes no sense to run after him to the store, potato starch in the recipe, pork and beef cutlets, can be replaced with flour. They will still turn out tasty and juicy.

  • Add two tablespoons of flour per kilogram of minced meat.

But there are still small secrets to make the cutlets juicy and very tasty. Here are a few of them:

  • If you use low -fat beef for minced meat, add for every 100 g of minced meat 10 g of butter and a little wheat bread (without a crust) soaked in waterBut it is better in milk and re -pass the finished minced meat through a meat grinder.
  • In minced meat for pork cutlets, add a little milk and chopped homemade crackers from a loaf. Cutlets will be lush and juicy.
  • You can simply grate 1-2 pieces of potatoes on a fine grater and add to the minced meat, it will add juicy to the minced meat and starch in potato will not require adding dry starch and other thickeners.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

How can you replace starch in chopped chicken cutlets?

In the recipe for the preparation of chopped chicken cutlets, starch chicken can be replaced with flour. Many housewives simply prepare a batter (liquid dough). The batter recipe is simple:

  • Egg and flour mixes.
  • For the splendor of the dough, you need to add several tablespoons of ordinary soda water, salt, pepper, other favorite spices.
  • Add the meat cut into small pieces to the dough and cook cutlets, resembles frying of the other.

Starch can be replaced with semolina. Be sure to add an egg, it will additionally fasten the component. It is necessary to let the chopped meat with semolina so that it swells, then the cutlets will not be dry and the taste of cereals will not really feel in the finished dish. Shiny cereal can be pre -soaked for 30 minutes In milk for swelling, drain through a sieve.

You can use breading crackers and an egg to replace starch.

How to make carrot cutlets: do you need to add starch and how can you replace?


Carrots can be cooked as just vegetable cutlets and like a sweet dessert. The preparation method is the same, they are distinguished only by the presence of sugar in one recipe and salt and spices in another. As a thickener and gluing components, we use starch, but if it is absent, flour is also suitable. Only you need to remember that the flour is added a little more, it holds the ingredients worse. How to cook carrot cutlets?

Sweet carrot cutlets - recipe:

What will be needed:

  • 400 g of carrots
  • 40 g of semolina
  • 30 g of ground crackers
  • 30 g butter
  • 100 g of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1st. Sugar spoon
  • Salt to taste

Do this:

  • My carrots, remove the skin and grate.
  • Add milk, butter, sugar to the stewpan to carrots and simmer over low heat.
  • When the carrots become soft, slowly pour the semolina and cook stirring until it thickens.
  • Add the egg to the cooled mass and salt a little, to taste.
  • We knead the mass well with a spoon, form cutlets, roll in panning crackers and fry in a pan until golden brown.
  • Until readiness, you can for 5 minutes Cover with a lid and tap it over low heat, serve with sour cream.
  • You can put on a paper napkin, get rid of excess oil and bring to readiness in the heat cabinet, first watering with jam or jam
  • When serving, sprinkle slightly sugar.

Ugly cutlets from carrots:

  • The ingredients and the preparation method are the same, only exclude sugar.
  • Add fried onions, salt to tasting, spices to stewed carrots.
  • Serve with sour cream, in which we add chopped greens, salt, ground black pepper.

Both options of cutlets are very tasty and juicy. Try cooking, you and your household will like it.

Do I need to add starch when preparing cabbage from white cabbage and how can you replace?

To make white cabbage cutlets, you need to use starch, but you can replace with such products:

  • Flour
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Egg
  • Shiny cereal

It all depends on the preferences of the housewife that prepares the dish.

Do I need to add starch when preparing cutlets from pike with fat and how can you replace?

Pike and fat cutlets
Pike and fat cutlets

Fish cutlets are a very tasty and healthy dish. Each housewife has its own preparation recipe. In order to do not fall apart and turn out to be appetizing, you need to add starch to the minced meat. But, if it is not, then you can replace with other products. Cutlets will turn out even more juicy and tastier. You can put the following products:

  • Ground vegetables - zucchini, pumpkin, Beijing cabbage.
  • Put the cutlets of the cube of frozen broth or milk inside.

But in order for the cutlets to retain the excellent shape in preparation, it is not enough to roll them before frying in breadcrumbs. It is starch that you need to add to the minced meat, it will best connect the ingredients. Of course, it can still be replaced by adding flour or egg.

How can you replace starch in the recipe for gravy forglets?

Cutlets with gravy
Cutlets with gravy

It is not enough to prepare a dish, it is important what it will be served with. Cutting for cutlets prepared with different spices and seasonings can each time give a new taste to the dish. A thick gravy for potato mashed potatoes and a favorite cutlet, which can be tastier.

The gravity of the gravy will add a density of starch. It is important to choose the right consistency:

  • We take it for this 1 tablespoon starch and dilute it in a glass of water.
  • Then pour a slow stream into 500 ml of finished sauceStiring continuously, bring to a boil, but do not boil.

How can you replace starch in the recipe for gravy forglets? Here are the tips:

  • In the preparation of gravy, you can use not only potato starch, but also corn or rice.
  • You can replace wheat flour, but the gravy with starch is more tender. With it, you can prepare tomato and sour cream gravy, spices will add a special note to the dish.

As you can see, do not be upset if the right product was not at hand or you just want to replace it. Use other ingredients similar in their properties. Cook with pleasure and pleasant appetite!

Video: How to replace starch in the recipe - 5 great ideas!

Video: The secret of delicate, juicy cutlets without bread!

Video: Why are experienced chefs add starch to cutlet: a trick that you need to know!

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