What is the best way to look up: with a pencil or eyeliner? Which eye eyeliner is the best: the rating of the best eyebrows, reviews. How to buy a good branded eyeliner in the Aliexpress online store: review, links to brands

What is the best way to look up: with a pencil or eyeliner? Which eye eyeliner is the best: the rating of the best eyebrows, reviews. How to buy a good branded eyeliner in the Aliexpress online store: review, links to brands

In the article you will learn about how to choose the right eye eyeliner. In addition, the features of each type of cosmetic product are listed here.

What is the best way to look up: with a pencil or eyeliner?

The modern market offers women a lot of cosmetic products an important place among which is occupied by eyeliner. But here it is very difficult to decide on the choice, because every representative of the fair sex paints them differently. That is why cosmetic manufacturers regularly release new items: pencils, liquid, hard, soft eyeliner, eyeliner with brushes or shading, flomasters and much more.

It is very difficult to say confidently and unequivocally: “The better to tell your eyes” is very difficult, because here the answer cannot be 100% true. All because a different way of applying makeup “requires” certain tools and colors. It is also important and the very convenience of use. Some love a pencil for universality (they would still let them down their eyes, eyebrows and even a mole on the face), others like the bubbles with black shadows, and others do not represent makeup without a seductive arrow, which neither tears nor shed rain are washed.

Important: you can choose the best eyeliner for the eyes only when you try all possible options and get down to do exactly the makeup that you like.

Eye eyeliner is a persistent paint in the bottle, which can draw arrows in front of your eyes, using a short and thin brush. The eyeliner, as a rule, draw a curved line only on the upper eyelid. It turns out to be quite clear and "fat". The modern type of eyeliner is the felt -tip pen. This is a liner, with a capsule filled with paint for arrows inside, the outer brush is very dense and capable of leaving a trace of any thickness.

Advantages of cosmetic eyeliner:

  • The clarity of the drawn line
  • The brightness of cosmetic paint
  • A very persistent trace
  • Water resistance
  • The paint is homogeneous
  • The paint does not blur and does not smear (but only after drying).
  • You can draw any lines (straight, curved, thin, thick).

Along with this, pay attention to the shortcomings:

  • The woman does not immediately get used to using this cosmetic product and learns to use it for a long time.
  • The eyeliners (due to the fact that they often remain open) quickly “dry out” (become thicker and denser and therefore it is more difficult to apply them).
  • If the hand is “not stuffed”, the beautiful line will not turn out immediately and this very spoils the mood when the makeup needs to be done quickly.

Almost all women use a cosmetic pencil. It is necessarily available in a cosmetic bag for every woman. But not every woman will decide to draw arrows with a pencil, because for this it must be perfectly subtly sharpened and skillfully applied (and he crumbles, smears, does not give an even and homogeneous line).

However, the pencil has a couple of advantages:

  • It is easy for them to use "beginners" (that is, who is not often and only recently began to use cosmetics).
  • The “pencil” arrows do not last long, but they can always be adjusted at any time.
  • The pencil is always in the assortment, you can choose any texture and color saturation, shade (light, dark, rich, faded).

Its shortcomings:

  • Fast consumption (most of the coloring rod is erased during cleaning).
  • The cost of a pencil is not cheaper than eyeliner, and sometimes even more expensive.
  • He has disgusting resistance in hot times: he flows, smears and sometimes takes “lumps”.

Important: professionals and cosmetologists recommend that both pencil and eyeliner simultaneously use, applying eyeliner to the upper eyelid, and a pencil on the lower.

What means to choose for eye makeup?
What means to choose for eye makeup?

What eye eyeliner is the best: the rating of the best eyes for the eyes

If we talk about cosmetic pencils, then they have not changed for many decades in a row for many decades. There are two types of pencils: ordinary (it looks like the pencils for drawing, but with a soft rod) and mechanical (it does not need to be hidden, the rod is removed if you rotate the capsule that holds it).

But there are several varieties at the moment:

  • Liquid eyeliner -it looks like a small bottle of black liquid. A brush is attached to the bottle of the bottle, with which the product is applied. Depending on what kind of manufacturer you choose, the brush is also different: thin, thick, beast, wide, long, short (here you need to focus on your convenience).
  • Gel eyeliner -the gel -like mass is in a small jar. Separately or together with the eyeliner, you purchase a special thin brush (specifically for eyeliner) and draw a line in your eyes.
  • Flomaster - A capsule in the form of a felt -tip pen with a solid sponge on the tip. Inside the felt-tip pen there is a cosmetic black liquid that impregnates a sponge-inflammatory. This eyeliner provides a woman with 100% convenience of applying makeup and it is possible to draw the most thin arrows.
Types of modern cosmetic carts
Types of modern cosmetic carts

Eye eyeliner: which is better for beginners?

Speaking about which it is better to use beginners to use beginners, you should still note the usual black cosmetic pencil. It can always be shaved if the line did not lie evenly (with a special shading or an ordinary cotton wool).

If you are looking for an eyeliner, which will not only be a persistent, but also have a saturated matte color, here the flamber plate is not inferior to any other cosmetic product. The use of the felt -tip pen is very similar to a pencil, the line turns out to be even (if your hands do not tremble) and as thin as possible (like the end of the felt -tip pen).

Which is better to buy eye eyeliner on Aliexpress: review, links to brands

Such a popular and famous store around the world as " Aliexpress»Already for a long time I won the love of buyers for a huge range of high quality goods and their low cost. Under the heading " beauty and health"Here you can purchase any cosmetic product, including eye eyeliner.

On the site you will face a large selection of colors and textures of the carts. Here is a large assortment of cosmetics for the eyes:

The best eye eyeliner is a felt -tip pen, gel, waterproof, liquid on Aliexpress: review, price catalog

AT Aliexpress You can find any type of eyeliner from the most famous or “young” brands. Pay attention to the most popular:

What eye eyeliner is the best: reviews

Catherine:“Personally, I'm crazy about the firm's eyeliner-FlomasterArtDeco. According to the ten -point system, this tool deserves all 11 points. The resistance is impeccable, it is sometimes difficult to wash off. Perfectly lays a beautiful and thin matte line, does not pour and does not smear. The sponge of the felt -tip pen is soft with a thin tip. Using this eyeliner is incredibly convenient! ”

Kseniya:“All my life I have been using pencils and I will never exchange a good pencil with the fat structure of the rod even for the most expensive eyeliner. You will never let your eyes look around, do not outline the corners and do not make the makeup of “Smokey”. One pencil is enough for a long time (a little less than a year). The main thing is to choose the perfect: persistent, soft, matte. ”

Larisa:“And in my cosmetic bag there is everything: a pencil, gel eyeliner, liquid and even a felt -tip pen. I use everything in turn. If I want to make a “quick” makeup, of course there will be a pencil by the way. For impeccable and seductive, I use eyeliners (most often by two). The felt -tip pen helps to make an acute thin corner of the arrow, and the brush is a fat and saturated line on the eyelid. ”

Video: "My collection: which eyeliner is better?"

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you! We will use \u003d)

  2. The main advantage of a waterproof pencil is the opportunity not worried about the resistance of makeup. Bathing in the pool and rain drops will not be able to spoil the eyeliner made by a waterproof pencil. The arrows retain their color and outline due to resistance to any moisture.

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