How to distinguish good butter from poor quality? How to find and choose on the shelves of the store, when buying a high -quality butter? How to check the butter for naturalness? How to determine the quality of butter at home?

How to distinguish good butter from poor quality? How to find and choose on the shelves of the store, when buying a high -quality butter? How to check the butter for naturalness? How to determine the quality of butter at home?

In this topic, we will talk about the quality of butter and methods for checking it.

Many of us use this product daily, not imagining breakfast without a piece of butter, and it is also used to prepare many hot dishes or baking. But not everyone knows how to distinguish high -quality butter from a fake, how to choose a full -fledged product and check it for naturalness. Let's try to figure it out.

How to distinguish good butter from a poor -quality product?

Supermarket shelves today are clogged with multi -colored packs with these products. And we, making our choice, are more focused on the only criterion - do we like the oil taste or not. And at the same time, not every oil can be called butter, and not even every oil can be called oil altogether.

Among these packaged packs, unambiguously and without exaggeration, there are fakes based on vegetable fats, and margarine, and various spreads. Therefore, let's look at the indicators by which we will determine the quality of butter.

Oil is a beloved guest on our table
Oil is a beloved guest on our table

Percentage classification

Natural butter contains the percentage list of dairy fats below, which must be indicated on the label. Of course, ideally, have 98-99%, but this can only be achieved by whipping milk at home. And then, this is also affected by the fat content of the milk itself, its possible separation, etc.

Important: the lower the percentage of fat content in oil, the higher the content of preservatives, stabilizers and other unnatural elements, as well as water!

Therefore, in accordance with the percentage of fat, the following classification of butter is determined:

  • inscription 50% indicates tea oil;
  • 61-61.5% - This is already sandwich.By the way, these two positions allow according to the standards the presence of coloring carotene, modified starch, monoglycerides and additional vitaminization. It is also possible to include E-Dubs extremely undesirable for the body (200, 210, 211, 440, 461, 466, 471);
  • very popular content in 72,5% Says for peasant oil;
  • number 80% - this is amateur product. For these two points there is a normative assumption of powdered milk, water, cream, degree product and groin;
  • but 85% it is called traditional oil.We cannot insist, but also refute the theory that it is from this feature that the butter on the shelves can be called butter. But the composition of this product is closest to the desired requirements;
  • also available Ghee of oilwith a percentage of 98%. But this product practically does not contain active biological elements.

Correspondence of standardization

  • On the packaging of this quality product, information is always given about the conformity of standardization. In Ukraine, this is DSTU, in Russia - GOST, which is corresponded to the following codes:
    • DSTU: DSTU 4399: 2005 for oil. As well as DSUT 4445: 2005 for spread;
    • the most important indicator is GOST 37-91. It is this combination that will speak for the first -rate product;
    • but there are others GOSTs: R 52969-2008, GOST 32261-2013, R 52253-2004, as for the oil About the percentage increase. And also do not miss R 52178-2003 for spread.

This is information that corresponds to a quality product.

Important: the oil can be sweet -core, produced on the basis of conventional cream, and acidic, developed on the basis of cream and adding fermented milk bacteria to them. And also it is grouped on a salty or unsalted product.

The percentage share is very important, which meets the standards
The percentage share is very important, which meets the standards

How to find and choose high -quality butter on the store shelves?

When we buy packaged oil in supermarkets, we do not have the opportunity to try or consider it. All that we can study is a package, on the basis of which draw the appropriate conclusions.

  • Of great importance is The cost of a pack of oil.Since cheap analogues do not even require your time for a more detailed study. Let's conduct small calculations - to get 0.5 kg of oil, you must spend about 10 liters of milk. Therefore, a pack of 500 g is cheaper than 250, a maximum of 200 rubles should not even be considered as natural oil from milk. 200 g The pack allows indicators of 80-100 rubles.
  • The second that is striking - This is the name "oil"! The spread or the mixture immediately goes aside - in these products there is not even a name.
    • If, instead of standard naming, “sweet -core” or “acidic”, fictitious names are used, then in front of you is most likely a fake. That is, this is a semblance of "Oil", "special oil", "extra". Especially if at the same time you still do not find marks on the compliance of standardization on the package.
    • The naming "Creamy" is also allowed, which is very common on the windows.
Study the label
Study the label
  • Next, look at The composition of the oil.Based on the above information on the admission of substances, depending on the percentage share, we can immediately weed out the goods less than 72%. Although even this indicator will not give us natural oil, so Pour from 78%!
    • Remember - in the oil chain can only be Milk and cream!Sometimes salt is added to the oil according to the “Salt” classification to increase its storage period. But all E-indicators, dyes and flavors of taste, as well as water-this is already a signal of non-natural oil.
  • Trust only our hands. That is, we take a little Press the pack with your finger.If you have a plasticine mass in your hands even from the refrigerator, then feel free to put it in place. After all Chilled oil from natural products will be solid and will not be crushed!
  • note at the expiration date.High -quality butter cannot have this indicator for more than 30 or 20 days, depending on the packing wrapper. A longer expiration date indicates the presence of preservatives, additives or the addition of vegetable fats in it.

Tip: buying packaged oil, choose the one for the packaging of which a foil or parchment is used! This is a more successful material for maintaining the beneficial qualities of this product. But it is important that the same packaging is not damaged, and the form of the beam itself was not dented. Otherwise, this will talk about a possible defrosting.

Oil should not be crushed or with damaged packaging
Oil should not be crushed or with damaged packaging

How to determine low -quality butter on a weight?

When we buy oil at the points selling it by weight, we have the opportunity to carefully examine the product and maybe even try it. And we can also buy a small piece for a test to check it at home using some other methods.

  • Carefully consider the piece from which you cut off the oil when buying - it should be dense, even, without interspersed, divorces and light shades. Also There should be a cutdry, but brilliant!
  • The color of natural oil Maybe from white to yellow, it depends on the composition of the feed of the cows. But there is one nuance. In the summer, when the cows are on the pasture and get fresh grass, the color of the oil acquires a yellow tint. In winter, the cows are on concentrated stern, so the oil made of their milk is white.
    • However, some manufacturers add dyes to it. Keep this in mind and try to buy, starting from seasonal production. And do not take a rich yellow color - this is the service of chemicals.

Important: If you doubt the quality of the oil, you have the right to ask the seller for a certificate of product quality! And it should indicate all the information: fat content, composition, product shelf life, and most importantly clearly indicated-natural oil or creamy-lowering spread.

The cut of oil should be dense and with uniform color
The cut of oil should be dense and with uniform color
  • When sample tastes The real oil from the substitute can be easily distinguished even by an inexperienced amateur. The fact is that natural oil is instantly, and most importantly, evenly melts in the mouth. Margarine or herbal product, as it were, envelops the cavity with fat, and does it unevenly, and lumps.
  • In this case, only natural oil will give you pleasant Creamy aftertaste!
  • The aroma of oil Also must have creamy notes! Margarine or spread will smell unpleasant and not even clear, with a certain salt note.
  • Little by weight It will not be stored for more than 10 days!

How to check the butter for naturalness: we find out a fake

  • Like any fake, poor -quality oil will have and Not quite high -quality packaging. The fact is that there are few unscrupulous manufacturers, that they mask a plant product in packaging from oil. But at the same time, it can be lighter in coloring pigments or not to be at all from suitable material. For example, paper envelopes are often used to save.
Oil does not stick to the wrapper
Oil does not stick to the wrapper
  • We study the packaging itself - In form, the real oil is more even, because it has a solid consistency. But the spread is easily pressed and crushed. There is also a small pattern - it is a little heavier, so if you clearly compare two packs, then the fake oil will already be more in dimensions. But this is not always observed.
  • Attention to the font! This is a separate story that the manufacturers miss some elements of the entire composition. Although they are required to write truthful information. But they also resort to one trick - do very small font, To make it hard to find an unnecessary line or name.
  • We also spend "Test for the trail."Due to the large percentage of fat content, natural oil does not stick to packaging paper, which can not be said about budget analogues on substitutes.
  • Do not forget to study Standard inscriptions.To confuse the buyer, fake manufacturers often stamp the long line of incomprehensible numbers. In real oil near the barcode there is a technical marking from a certain number of designations.
  • If the oil is long Contacts the air,it is covered with a yellow fine. The color of plant products does not change. But this does not apply to uneven plaque in non -natural oil from the abundance of dyes.
An extra digit is observed
An extra digit is observed

How to check the quality of butter at home?

  • One of the first signaling bells - How oil is smeared on bread. If the real product is a little smells, then it will be applied exactly and without problems. And margarine or spread will stick to the blade of the knife.
  • If you Place the oil in the freezer,then trying to cut it after that, get breaking and fragile pieces. But at the same time they will have a pure break. The plant product will still cut smoothly. And sometimes it will remain soft and not quite frozen at all.
  • If you Throw a piece of oil into a preheated frying pan,then it melts very quickly, turning into a thick yellow liquid, which will tightly cover the bottom of the pan. At the same time, a pleasant aroma will appear. The spread will be no smell or with unpleasant notes, hissing and breaking into divided bubbles.
We conduct an experiment
We conduct an experiment
  • If you leave the oil on a plate at room temperature, then on it no dew from condensate.Also, it will not turn into a liquid or plasticine mass. The oil will become soft and supple, but still will not lose its shape.
  • And a small experiment - Throw a piece of oil into warm water, And stir the mixture well. Natural oil will dissolve evenly. But a mixture of plant substitutes will decay into individual components, like vegetable oil, and then it will completely precipitate.

Video: How to choose and check high -quality butter?

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