Bruxism in children and adults: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention. Cappa from Brooksism, trainer, exercises, sedatives and folk remedies

Bruxism in children and adults: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention. Cappa from Brooksism, trainer, exercises, sedatives and folk remedies

An article about the causes of Broxsism and methods of combating it.

More than half of children and 5% of adults during night sleep emit an unpleasant grinding with their teeth, sometimes accompanied by clicking. This sound arises involuntarily and can last no more than 10 seconds, but there can be a lot of similar “attacks” over night.

What is Brooksism at night and daytime and what are its symptoms?

Bruxism - This is a specific sound, a rattle that occurs during sleep as a result of compressing the jaws. At the same time, chewing muscles are involuntarily reduced to such an extent that the jaws begin to move unnaturally, and the teeth - rubbing.

Brooksomania - bouts of grinding teeth in a conscious state
Brooksomania - bouts of grinding teeth in a conscious state

If the rattle of teeth occurs during the day, during wakefulness, this phenomenon is called brooksomania.

Symptoms of Brooksism:

  • close are noted by the rattle, the person himself does not wake up from him
  • unreasonable toothache
  • pain in the jaws
  • dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • headache
  • ringing in the ears and head
  • the teeth are erased
  • cracks and chips appear on the dental enamel
  • inflammation of the gums
  • falling out (loosening) teeth
  • destruction of dentures, crowns, sealing

Important: if a person suffers from Broxsism or Brooksomania for a long time, he may have pathologies in the oral cavity (fibroma, lichen, abrasion).

Calling in the ears and head - signs of Broxsism
Calling in the ears and head - signs of Broxsism

Causes of Broxsism in children and adults

Broxsism can develop for many reasons. The most common of them are:

  • stressful conditions, overload, overstrain
  • violations in the dentition of the dentition - abnormal development of teeth
  • incorrect bite, "extra" teeth
  • incorrectly selected braces or dentures

Less popular versions of the occurrence of a night rattle with teeth:

  • polyps or adenoids in the nose
  • frequent rhinitis
  • apnea
  • the curvature of the nasal partition
  • worms
  • improper nutrition
  • hodo-brain injuries
  • the period of teething or change of teeth in children
  • abuse of coffee, smoking, alcohol, chewing elastic band, antidepressants

Important: despite the fact that Broxsism is a very common phenomenon, the causes of its appearance are not understood enough. However, research by German scientists proved that neither social status, nor age, nor Paul definitely affect the risk of developing Broxsism.

Broxsism in children is often observed during the teething period
Broxsism in children is often observed during the teething period

What is the connection of Brooksism with worms and epilepsy?

There is an obsolete opinion that Broxsism is caused by the presence in the body parasites, namely - pinworms. So the doctors suggested, and 30 years ago they “treated” the worms from all children suffering from Brooksism.

When the treatment did not have a positive effect, and the night grinding continued, the children were examined on other worms. When it became clear that Broxsism has nothing to do with worms, the doctors began to appear other versions.

The connection of Brooksism with epilepsy Domestic medicine explained the jaws similar to the two of these states, similar to muscle cramp. To save patients from bruxism, they were prescribed antiepileptic drugs.

Laboratory studies have not confirmed the connection of Broxsism with worms infection
Laboratory studies have not confirmed the connection of Broxsism with worms infection

However, such treatment turned out to be unsuccessful, and this version was soon refuted, because not all compression of the jaws is epilepsy.

Bruxism psychosomatics

Ginger teeth arises at the moment when the cortex of the brain is excited. Brooksism is often observed in people suffering sleepy apnea. This can be explained by the need for partial awakening from sleep, and, accordingly, the activation of the brain, in order to take a breath.

This process is accompanied by an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the face to such an extent that the teeth are compressed and begin to move.

Brooksism - frequent Apnee satellite
Brooksism - often accompanies the attacks of sleepy apnea

Important: Broxsism can suddenly arise in children and also suddenly stop. But sometimes the pathological rattle of teeth remains in adults.

The consequences of Brooksism

Bruxism - Not at all such harmless phenomenon as it might seem at first. If a person creaks his teeth in a dream or in reality for a long time, negative consequences will not be long in coming.

Among them:

  • chronic pain in the ears and head
  • pain and discomfort in the facial muscles
  • inflammatory processes in the gums
  • fragility, shake and gritting teeth
  • damage to dental enamel, development of caries
Facial muscles are one of the consequences of bruxism
Facial muscles are one of the consequences of Broxsism

Which doctor treats Brooksism?

The treatment of bruxism should begin to engage only in the establishment of the exact cause that caused it. Since Brooksism is, first of all, sleep disturbance, you need to contact a dramatic doctor.

The specialist will conduct a number of examinations. The most indicative among them is polysonographic observation, during which all involuntary contractions of the chewing muscles are recorded.

These studies will help with the most likely determine the cause of Broxsism, as well as exclude epilepsy and brain disease.

The method and duration of treatment will depend on the results of a polysonographic study.

The treatment of Broxsism is engaged in a instrumental doctor
The treatment of Broxsism is engaged in a instrumental doctor

Brooksism kapa and trainer: how to use?

If Brooksism is a result bite defect or dental problems, to reduce its negative consequences, it is advisable to use kapa or Trainer.

mouth guard - A transparent removable lining on the teeth. It fit tightly to the surface of the teeth, and does not allow them to close much at the moment when another spasm of the muscles of the face occurs. Thus, the teeth are protected from abrasion and damage to enamel. In addition, the kapa takes on part of the load, which avoids the appearance of muscle pain and further deformation of the jaw.

Papal from Brooksism
Papal from Brooksism

Capes are day and night. Daytime they wear without removing, under Brooksomania, but night Wearing only for a while with bruxism.

Trainer With bruxism, it performs the same functions as the cap, but has a slightly different design.

Guide to the use of cap and trainee:

  • Pour boiling water into a cup or other container
  • Mall in boiling water rod or trailer for 30 - 50 seconds.
  • Remove the device from the water with a fork or spoon
  • Having rejected, place in the mouth
  • Helping yourself with your fingers, lips, tongue and cheeks, press the device tightly
  • After use, clean the device using a soft toothbrush and gel toothpaste
Brooksism trainer
Brooksism trainer

Important: the use of caps and traineers for bruxism is not a treatment. These devices serve only to prevent complications.

Treatment of Broxsism by musorelaxants and sedative pills

Treatment of bruxism is usually complex. Only an experienced doctor can correctly choose the necessary methods and means, so self -medication is not permissible here.

One of the measures necessary for the healing of bruxism is to get rid of the patient from the state of stress that occurs as a result of frequent stress. At this stage of treatment, they come to the rescue soothing drugs.

List of sedatives for the treatment of Broxism:

  • Valerian (tablets, tincture, rhizomes, extract)
  • Novo-Passit
  • Passifit
  • Lily of the lily of the winding tincture
  • Motherwort (drops)
  • Persen, Persen Forte
  • Soothing fees No. 2, No. 3
  • New Sed
Calmages for Brooksism
Calmages for Brooksism

Musorelaxants Need to relieve tension and reduce muscle pain. With bruxism, drugs are prescribed from the list:

  • Sirdalut
  • Tizanidine
  • Clonazepam
  • Midokalm

These drugs have a number of contraindications and side effects, so only a doctor can prescribe them and calculate the necessary dosage.

Important: in addition to medicines, leisurely walks in the fresh air, a warm bath before bedtime, quiet music and a favorite book will help to relax.

Treatment of bruxism folk remedies

Folk remedies In some cases, they help to get rid of Broxism.

  • With Brooksomania, you need as much as possible chew chewing gum.
    Drink at night warm milk with honey and turmeric.
  • Daily for breakfast and dinner, eat products rich in calcium and magnesium: oatmeal, almond nuts, hard cheese, cabbage, buckwheat porridge.
  • Before going to bed, the child is given eat an apple or gnaw a carrot, and adults will help drinking seeds. In this way it is necessary to "tire" the muscles of the face.
  • Throughout the day and before going to bed inhale herani oils, mint, roses, marjoran, bergamot.
Milk with honey will help to overcome Brooksism
Milk with honey will help to overcome Brooksism

Decoctions and infusions from Broxsism:

Recipe No. 1. A decoction with motherwort and mint.

  1. Take the dry grass of the motherwort (1 tsp), caraway seeds (0.5 tsp), dry mint (1 tsp), valerian root (0.5 tsp), hop cones (1 Ch.L.).
  2. Place in a small pan.
  3. Pour boiling water (1.5 tbsp.).
  4. Boil in a water bath for 10 - 15 minutes.
  5. Cool.
  6. Strain through gauze.
  7. Take 1 - 2 tbsp. before bedtime.

Recipe No. 2. Infusion of geranium leaves and mint.

  1. Connect in equal proportions (1 tsp) dry goranic leaves, mint, pine needles, chamomile flowers, hops and lavender cones.
  2. Place in a dish with a dense lid.
  3. Pour boiling water (1.5 tbsp.)
  4. Cover with a lid.
  5. Let it brew for 2 - 3 hours.
  6. Strain.
  7. Take three times a day before each meal of 1.5 - 2 tbsp.
Infusion from Brooksism
Infusion from Brooksism

Treatment of bruxism by exercises

All recommended exercises for bruxism are aimed at ensuring tires chewing muscles In the afternoon, so that at night there is no involuntary reduction.

Exercise with a chewing elastic band.

  1. Place the chewing gum on the right, near the lower teeth.
  2. Get it on the right for 1.5-2.5 minutes.
  3. Leave the chewing gum in the same place, and put the same on the left.
  4. Get chewing gum on the left 1.5 - 2.5 minutes.
  5. Get both chewing gum for 2 minutes.
  6. Combine both chewing gums in a large ball, fuck it for 2 minutes alternately on the right and left.

Repeat the exercise 3 - 5 times a day.

Exercises with chewing elastic band will help get rid of Broxsism
Exercises with chewing elastic band will help get rid of Broxsism

Exercise for relaxation of the muscles of the face.

  1. Sit in front of the mirror straight, keep your head evenly, slightly lift the chin.
  2. Open your mouth.
  3. Applying a slight effort, push the chin with two fingers a little back.

Repeat 15 times a day 15 times a day.

Massage of the muscles of the face.

Keep your head evenly.

  1. Squeeze the lower jaws with your palms so that the thumbs are tightly pressed to the neck.
  2. Open your mouth.
  3. Make neat circular movements at the same time with two palms 15 - 20 times.

Repeat 3 - 5 times a day.

Face massage with bruxism
Face massage with bruxism

Bruxism prevention

Broxsism is a phenomenon that cannot be predicted. However, with a combination of factors that cause it, Broxsism will appear with a high probability.

Therefore, it is important to carry out simple prevention of bruxism in advance, which consists in:

  • normalization of a psycho -emotional state
  • exclusion of stressful situations
  • teaching self -destruction
  • getting rid of bad habits
  • timely quality treatment of teeth
Timely dental treatment is one of the methods of prevention of bruxism
Timely dental treatment is one of the methods of prevention of bruxism

Brooksism: reviews

Alla, 27 years old: I learned about the fact that I have Brooksism from my husband. It was a lot surprised by this news. At first I thought that it seemed to her husband, or he joked. However, constant, increasing pain in the jaws made me think. I turned to the therapist, but she did not find the reason. Fortunately, soon my husband and I took a vacation at work and flew to rest. Probably, it was my relaxation that was not enough for me. She returned well rested. 3 months have passed since then, and during this time the husband has not heard any creak. Yes, and my jaws stopped hurting. I hope that such a story is no longer repeated with me.

Elena, mom Katya: My daughter is 6 years old. I noticed that at night she began to grit her teeth. When I first heard this rattle, I immediately remembered what my grandmother said: "Who's tears at night, that worms have." We were examined, the daughter passed all the necessary tests, but there were no parasites. Then I turned to the local pediatrician who advised me to think whether the child was in a stressful or tense environment. After the doctor’s words, I decided to “unload” my daughter a little. She excluded a TV and a tablet from her life, wrote down on drawing. Every day before going to bed, we began to walk on the street for an hour. After 2 weeks, the daughter stopped gritting her teeth in a dream.

Eugene, 43 years:Chronic bruxism led to the fact that the tooth enamel was very damaged. On the advice of the dentist, I began to use special caps during sleep. Of course, we need to look for the cause of this disease, but I do not have time to run around the doctors.

Video: Brooksism - causes and treatment. Grinding teeth in a dream

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