Fear of getting sick is what phobia? Where does a strong fear of the disease come from: causes. How to get rid of the fear of the disease: a psychologist's advice

Fear of getting sick is what phobia? Where does a strong fear of the disease come from: causes. How to get rid of the fear of the disease: a psychologist's advice

From this article you will learn what is the fear of getting sick and how to fight it.

For most, the fear of the disease is a stress that affects the psyche, especially if a person is faced with a severe course. Therefore, everyone is trying to protect themselves from diseases, but only such aspirations are not always adequate. There are those who worry too much for their health and receive mental disorders. The cause of this phenomenon is considered nosophobia.

Fear of getting sick is what phobia?

Fear of getting sick
Fear of getting sick

The fear of getting sick is called nosophobia. It is a strong fear of getting sick, which affects human life. It is difficult to overcome, but it is possible and even necessary. It is better, of course, to deal with the problem at an early stage so that the disease does not have time to develop.

Psychologists believe that nosophobia is very common. It is based on children's fears or moral exhaustion. For example, it can appear in adults due to severe stress or nerves.

The phobia of the disease differs in that it is not aimed at a specific object. This is a generalized syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of fear of getting sick in general or any specific disease.

If treatment does not start in time, then, along with the phobia itself, psychosis begins to develop, which makes a person get hung up on hygiene, as well as prevention. That is, he can wash his hands many times a day, avoid public places and so on.

It is important to determine the fact that you really have a phobia or your behavior is caused by other reasons. The fact is that this may not be a phobia, but a hypochondria, when a person finds non -existent diseases. That is, these are two different diseases. Or maybe you just didn’t think too much about your health before and then you began to observe all the important rules, for example, after a strong illness. Then this behavior is normal.

As for nosophobia, with it, a panic constantly begins that this or that disease may occur. So, the Hypochondric reveals signs of different diseases, Nosophobe invents a specific disease. According to phobia experts, many people suffer. In the developed phase, it creates discomfort and deprives of strength.

Where does the strong fear of the disease come from: reasons

The reasons for nosophobia
The reasons for nosophobia

Fear of getting sick can be associated with a variety of reasons.

Some of them are as follows:

  • Psychological injuries from childhood
  • Seriously suffered death of a loved one
  • Too strong impressionability
  • Strong stress
  • Hypochondria
  • Severe disease in the past
  • Fear of doctors

Most often, phobias are formed precisely from children's psychological injuries. The children's psyche is very fragile and susceptible, and therefore any stress leaves an imprint on it, especially strong. Often nosophobia is manifested due to hyper-beams of parents. When the child is constantly wrapped and they say that he will get sick, he takes it close to his heart. And now it is growing, and the guardianship does not stop and parents are already starting to roll up hysteria and swear about possible diseases. Then the child tries not to upset his parents and is afraid to get sick. As a result, he develops nosophobia.

Pressive people, hypochondriacs, asthenics have a tendency to nosophobia. They are not enough in the everyday life to resist the world, and therefore they are afraid of a lot. Another of the reasons may be the death of a relative who was sick for a very long time. This is especially common when all features are discussed with the child.

Of course, a person begins to be afraid of illness when he used to be seriously ill. He is simply exhausted. Gradually, the nervous system will be restored, but the psyche will perceive different events for a long time. Even nosophobia may appear from other fears. It is often associated with the fear of hospitals and doctors. Accordingly, a person will be afraid to get sick in order not to meet doctors.

Nosophobia, fear of getting sick - symptoms: how manifests itself

The most common phobias
The most common phobias

As we have already said, fear of getting sick is also a kind of disease, and therefore it has specific signs.

So, among them stand out:

  • Strong anxiety regarding the disease
  • Fear of getting into a situation that can lead to a disease
  • Decrease in mood towards the spleen
  • Panic attacks and special procedures
  • Obsessive visit to clinics and specialists to find diseases
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Disorder of communicative skills

These are all psychological features. At the same time, there are certain physical manifestations:

  • Sweating
  • Tremor
  • Heat or chills without fever
  • Unstable gait
  • Mutism
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract

Such behavior of the body indicates that a person is really sick.

There is also such a thing as psychosomatics. In this case, it also takes place. It means that a person begins to “try on” the symptoms of the disease and even feels them. Although in fact nothing hurts him. If you conduct an examination, then it is immediately clear that the disease is absent.

How to get rid of fear of getting sick: a psychologist's advice

How to deal with fears?
How to deal with fears?

Do not suffer just like that. If you have a fear of getting sick, then be sure to fight this. First of all, you must realize and accept the problem. This will already be a big step.

Moreover, use the following tips:

  • You must understand that the probability of deadly to get very small. As a rule, it appears when a person performs a number of wrong actions. However, this happens infrequently. You do not have to worry, life is not given to us for this.
  • Take your vacation and rest. It happens that the fear of getting sick appears from stress. Just relax and get distracted from all affairs. Get pleasure.
  • You should not worry only about diseases. Believe in the best and do not be afraid of the future. You need to live in pleasure, and not constantly worry about diseases. Do not run ahead and do not think that you will die young.
  • Go to the doctor if you consider it necessary. Tell him your fears, listen to him what he will tell you. Be sure that the doctor knows his job and he will help you figure it out.
  • Tell someone about your feelings. Find a person you can trust. You don’t copy anything inside yourself, let's go out to emotions. If there is no one to talk to, then write on paper. It helps many.

Prayer from fear of getting sick: read

Feeling fear is normal because it is an internal instinct. Fear of sick can be overcome. Someone advises praying. The appeal to the Higher Forces is a kind of meditation. It allows you to achieve inner harmony, gives relief and calm. There are several prayers that will help you get rid of anxiety.

First of all, you should learn short prayers for Christ and other saints. In moments of fear, they will help to calm down. The prayer for Christ is as follows:

Prayer to Jesus
Prayer to Jesus

The prayer "Our Father" is the best in situations when fear rolls. She best helps to cope with anxiety:

Our Father
Our Father

It is impossible not to say about the prayer of the Optina elders. Read it every morning:

The prayer of the Optina elders
The prayer of the Optina elders

It is important to understand that prayer will be effective only if you yourself believe in the Lord. And faith implies some responsibility for its lifestyle. Live in accordance with the commandments and you will be happy.

Obsessive fear of diseases: forum, reviews

Often, the fear of getting sick is discussed on the Internet. Everyone has their own opinion on this. Someone manages to cope with the problem on their own, and someone turns to professionals. In any case, everyone believes that you need to deal with the problem.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4

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