Nomophobia is a dependence on a mobile phone, the fear of being left without a phone: cause, symptoms. Dependence on the phone - how to get rid of?

Nomophobia is a dependence on a mobile phone, the fear of being left without a phone: cause, symptoms. Dependence on the phone - how to get rid of?

Symptoms, causes and ways to get rid of dependence on the phone.

Approximately every 7 people in the world are addicted to a mobile phone. In this article we will get acquainted with nomophobia, and tell you how to deal with it.  

Nomophobia - psychological dependence on a mobile phone, disease of the 21st century

Mobile phones in our country became popular about 15 years ago. It was then that the widespread sale of gadgets among the population was widespread. Almost everyone has mobile phones. Since then, stationary devices have lost their popularity, and many have abandoned them in favor of mobile phones.

However, not everything is so good. Indeed, now the gadgets have significantly improved, have changed compared to those that were 15 years ago. Now it is not easy to communicate, but also an entertainment device that helps not only to communicate with the help of phone calls and SMS, but also to lead a kind of public life.

Dependence on the phone
Dependence on the phone

Thanks to social networks, Instagram, Telegram, new opportunities have opened for all users. Now most of the events are recognized from each other not with direct communication, but with the help of social networks. Thus, a peculiar capture of all users mobile phones was obtained. Because of this, a rather difficult situation has developed with dependence on these gadgets.

It is worth noting that this is not a ghostly illness, but a completely recorded ailment, which stands along with gambling and alcoholism. Oddly enough, indeed, a mobile phone can cause dependence.  Psychologists called nomophobia a disease of the 21st century. They really make a serious problem from the disease, which does not allow us to live normally, and also changes a person’s mental behavior.  

I am constantly sitting on the phone
I am constantly sitting on the phone

Dependence on the mobile phone: Symptoms

Signs of nomophobia:

  • You can’t part with your gadget for a minute. Constantly try to keep it in sight and wear it in your pocket. At the same time, take it with you even to the store, despite the fact that it is 2 minutes walk from home.  
  • You rarely release the phone from hands. Spend a lot of money on the purchase of new updates, as well as the applications necessary for communication.  
  • During sleep, put the phone under the pillow or next to the nightstand.  
  • You constantly prefer to communicate on the phone than a tete-a-aTT or personally with a person.  
  • When facing face to face, you have a feeling not at ease, you feel quite constrained, and you cannot choose the right words. This does not happen during communication on the phone.  
  • To communicate with a mobile friend is much easier than a tete-a-tet. You are constantly afraid to lose the phone and check if he is in place or not.  
  • You pay a lot to Salfi, and often post them on Instagram, as well as other social networks. It is important for you that you are seen in good clothes, with beautiful makeup directly in the photo, even if you do not look quite good in life.  

All this is signs of nomophobia - dependence on the mobile phone that you need to fight. The fact is that a mobile phone radiates certain magnetic fields that can damage some brain cells, which ends with serious diseases.

That is why, try to keep the phone away from yourself, use it only in specific and necessary cases. Since the dependence on the mobile phone is a rather serious ailment and is put on a par with alcoholism and obesity, it is not as easy to deal with it as it seems at first glance.  

Dependence on the phone
Dependence on the phone

The reasons for the appearance of dependence on the mobile phone?

The reasons for the appearance of nomophobia:

  • Fear of being alone. The fact is that all these gadgets, the Internet and social networks create the illusion of a person’s need, his need. In fact, users are very afraid to be left alone and unnecessary. The phone gives a kind of self -confidence, and allows you to feel necessary and indispensable.  
  • The illusion of impunity. On the network you can say and post anything. Thus, you can create an image that is not true. A person may want to seem not entirely what he really is. And at the same time, no one on the network will know that this fact is not true. This allows a person to rise in his own eyes and create the illusion of success.  
  • Constant advertising. Indeed, advertising of various gadgets, the Internet, and social networks indicates that a person cannot live a day without a phone. If adults can still somehow filter the information that gets to them from the screens of TVs and the Internet, then it is quite difficult for children to do this. Kids, as a sponge, absorb all the information that is located on the network, and really consider phones and similar gadgets necessary and indispensable in the modern world.  
  • Lack of communication with the outside world. Now telephone booths do not work, so it is quite difficult to contact in any other way, except for a mobile phone. Many of us do not even imagine how people lived 20 years ago, when it was impossible to contact a person, and correspond with him almost around the clock. The calls were carried out quite rarely, but at the same time, people had more desire and opportunity to meet and spend time. Now part of the relationship is just for correspondence in social networks.
  • This is also due to the need to spend a huge amount of time to work. If before there were no professions such as a programmer and an advertising agent, now these specialties are common. But at the same time, they take a huge amount of time. A person thus works around the clock. Accordingly, there is practically no time for personal life, so people are forced to spend most of their lives in gadgets. Now part of the relationship develops directly through the Internet.  
  • A person without a mobile phone becomes no one, there is no opportunity to contact any of his friends. It is this fear that becomes the cause of nomophobia.  
Living on the network
Living on the network

Dependence on the phone, the fear of being left without a mobile phone - how to get rid: tips


  • In order to get rid of the problem, it is necessary to abandon the use of gadgets. In fact, it is quite difficult to do this initially, since dependence already exists. At the initial stage, experts advise stopping carrying a phone with them around the apartment.
  • Leave it somewhere in an inaccessible place. Put the cabinets upstairs, or in a bag. Try to use the device only as a last resort. Stop going out with a phone on the Internet.
  • In order to enter the network, use exclusively a computer. When you go outside, for a walk with your child, or with your loved one, leave your mobile phone at home. Try to be more often in places where there is no coating area.
  • That is, where there is no connection. It can be an underground cafe, or a place where there are no Wi-Fi and 4G.

War with a mobile phone


  • During the rest and on vacation, try not to use gadgets. Try to turn off the phone and turn it on quite rarely. Spend less time on the network, and try to call people only in case of emergency.
  • Minimize your contact with the phone. In no case do not put it under the pillow at night or on the nightstand near the bed. Keep it in hard -to -reach places, use it quite rarely.
  • Thus, the time that you spend with the phone gradually decreases. Over time, you will perceive the gadget, exclusively as a means of communication. At the same time, do not abuse the time that you spend with the phone.  
Life in social networks
Life in social networks

Thus, you will understand that life does not end without a phone and you can easily do without its help. This will improve your social skills, will allow you to communicate more with people in the real world, as well as not to engage in retreat.  

Video: Dependence on the phone

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