Ailurophilia - love in cats or illness?

Ailurophilia - love in cats or illness?

This article describes what ailurophilia is.

There are many different attachments in the world that we call diseases, and vice versa, there are ailments that can simply be called a sick hobby or a tendency to something. This can be said about Ailurophilia. It is still not clear to many whether this pathology should be called a psychological deviation, or is it a manifestation of excessively good relation to animals. So what is ailurophilia - a disease or love for cats. Let's understand this article.

Ailurophilia - what is it: Wikipedia


There is no page about Ailurophilia on Wikipedia. But there is a scientific explanation of the word. So, Ailurophilia - what is it? Here's an explanation:

  • Ailurophilia - This is the term used to indicate pathological attachment to cats. This attachment is pathological because a person starts not one cat, but a lot.
  • He collects all cats in the vicinity that he can only. Wandering, strangers, domestic cats, kittens. All this “cat community” lives and multiplies in his apartment, and often in a not very large area.
  • As a rule, these cats do not eat enough, naturally, it is impossible to provide normal care, and there is not enough cat toilet for everyone. They go to the toilet wherever they have to.

Cats die very "fragrant". Accordingly, the smell costs such that all neighbors have far from the most benevolent mood in relation to the subject that this catfish breeds. The attitude with people who live nearby, others, relatives spoils. As a result, it turns out that a person lives only surrounded by cats. So what is Ailurophilia after all-a disease or not? Read further.

Ailurophilia: pathological attachment, excessive love for cats or illness?


If we talk about such a pathological state, when more than 300 cats live on 30 square meters, then this naturally creates serious problems for both a person and for him. Such an environment can be a certain epidemiological risk.

  • Many believe that taxoplasmosis is guilty. But he is not a cause of ailurophilia.
  • Here, rather, on the contrary, too many groomed cats represent a great risk of infection with taxoplasm.
  • If a person loved cats all his life, but he was not yet sick with ailurophilia, then he could develop taxoplasmosis. It is known that even communication with one animal is already a risk.
  • Therefore, if an infected person suffering from toxiplasmosis turns on cats, then there is no connection, respectively,.

Is Ailurophilia an independent disease? Is this pathological attachment or excessive love for cats? Here's the answer:

  • We can say with confidence that this is not an independent disease.
  • As a rule, this is a secondary phenomenon.
  • Perhaps a person suffers from a mental illness. It can be a personal disorder, or there may be a psychosis.
  • As a result of this, he falls out of society, ceases to communicate, participate in the life of the family, team, yard, home and so on. And all these contacts are completely closed only on cats.

Perhaps a sick person is just a lonely person who, in his life, in nature, has such a difficult, harmful, grumpy disposition that he is hard for him to communicate with other people. That is something on the border between psychopathy and a personal disorder. Such a person can also reduce all his contacts only to contacts with cats.

Another reason:

  • It may be such that this person did not waste his potential of care, and intensely seeks him a way out.
  • Most often, this is observed in elderly single women.
  • That is, the unspent maternal instinct, unused body resources aimed at taking care of others, for the weak and small ones, can also be realized in such an unusual way.

As a result, it is worth noting that this is more psychological than a medical phenomenon. Ailurophilia itself, as a pure disease, is practically not found. As a rule, always in such complex combinations: instincts, psyche and personality disorders.

Ailurophilia takes place over time?


If a person lives nearby, who causes many problems, then I always want to know when all this will pass, and whether he will understand that it is difficult to live with him. Therefore, the question arises - does the ailurophilia take place over time?

In order for such a pathology to go faster, a person must be treated with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The doctor will be able to find the true cause, prescribe drugs to help the nervous system and the brain. Without medical care, such a psychological disorder can last in a person for years.

How to help patient with ailurophilia: tips


How much or cannot be agreed with a person or to convince him of something-depends on what caused the appearance of a large number of cats in the apartment. If a person has a delusional disorder, on the basis of which he believes that his mission is to collect all the cats of the world in his apartment, then of course, it is impossible to agree or convince him with him. Here are some tips on how to help patient with ailurophilia and is it possible to do it at all? Here's the answer:

  • If this is an elderly person, then people after 50-60 years are quite conservative, and rarely change their worldview.
  • But, if for some reason he just had such an algorithm of behavior, then agreeing with such a person can be easier than with delusional patients, but still extremely difficult.
  • Talk to this person calmly, find out what worries him, what problems there are, help if you can. Perhaps then he will understand that he does something wrong.

The other side of the problem:

  • If a person does not have any pronounced mental disorders, and he just loves cats, then he is unlikely to start so many cats in the apartment.
  • He will also care for his favorites to be well -groomed, not starving, not sick, do not fight.
  • If, nevertheless, because of great love, he started the cats, then it is necessary to explain to the person that this is wrong. Not everyone likes these animals and they interfere with everyone around.

Therefore, in order to help a patient or just a loving person, you should first understand the reasons for his affection. For example, on the basis of what ailurophilia arose, why a particular person completely switched to representatives of the Koshachi family. Then the prospect of agreeing with him, adjust his behavior and help to recover, will be more real. Each situation must be solved strictly individually.

Ailurophilia test: questions and answers

Do you have exorbitant love for cats? You can’t imagine life without your pet? It seems to you that you have an ailurophilia, since you love all cats around without exception? Go through the test to understand whether it really is. Below there is a test for ailurophilia with questions. Answer "Yes" or "No", write the result:

Ailurophilia test
Ailurophilia test
Ailurophilia test
Ailurophilia test
Ailurophilia test
Ailurophilia test

If you have more answers "No", then you should not worry - you have no illness and excessive attachment to cats. If you have equally both answers, then you should think about your love for these animals. More answers "Yes" Already indicates a tendency to the disease.

Be careful and “rummage” in yourself, ask yourself what exactly drives you. If such a sick attachment is already noticed by other people around you, then you should see a doctor for help so that the disease does not progress. Good luck!

Video: ailurophilia painful attachment to cats

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