The beard does not grow, the bristles do not grow: what to do?

The beard does not grow, the bristles do not grow: what to do?

In the last few, beards have become very popular. Some famous personalities even released songs on this topic, a beautiful and well -groomed beard - this is a symbol of masculinity and self -confidence, so in old films about commanders you can see bearded men.

If some guys do not have time to cut a beard, then others think about what to do if it does not grow. This article will consider the reasons why the beard does not grow, as well as common ways to grow it.

Why is a beard growing?

There are many reasons why men do not grow in men. Some of them are associated with genetics, while others are related to human lifestyle.

Common reasons why the beard does not grow:

  • Young age. Most guys under 25 years of age do not need a razor;
  • Problems with the nervous system. Frequent stress and depression negatively affect hair growth;
  • Skin damage. If there are scars from burns or cuts on the face, then in this place the hair will not grow;
  • Reaction to drug treatment;
  • Psyche disorders;
  • Genetics;
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, fungus, etc.);
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Increased blood sugar;
  • The consequences of infectious and sexually transmitted diseases.
The beard is not growing - what to do?
The beard is not growing - what to do?

As you can see, there are a huge number of reasons why men do not grow in men and bristles. It is impossible to independently determine a specific factor. You need to undergo an examination by trichologist. After the examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment, and will tell you what to do to grow a beard.

The beard does not grow: what to do?

  • There are many different ways that you should use if the bristles do not grow. Most of them are connected with a change in lifestyle. After all, constant stress and improper nutrition can negatively affect all functions of the body.
  • You can also use drug treatment. But, it should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. In this case, you need to constantly go for an examination to a specialist in order to control the effect of drugs on the body.
Why is a beard growing?
Why is a beard growing?

Get rid of bad habits

  • Often the male immune system suffers from constant nervous tension. This leads to the fact that a beard stops growing.
  • Often this leads to hair loss, What should men should not be allowed if they want to be attractive.

There are several ways to restore the nervous system:

  1. Yoga and meditation.
  2. Martial arts of the oriental style.
  3. The psychotherapist's session.
  4. Visiting cultural institutions (theaters, museums, concerts of classical music, etc.).
  5. A hobby where you can do something (pottery, drawing, modeling, etc.).

Problems can be associated with a lack of sleep. After all, the body is experiencing severe stress. Therefore, it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a dayTo have time to recover and gain strength.

If you want a beard and bristles to grow quickly, give up bad habits. Smoking, alcohol and narcotic substances negatively affect the state of the body.

Hygiene and care

  • Many men are faced with the fact that the beard is not growing due to damaged skin during shaving. It is not enough to spend a dry razor in the face. This damages the hair follicles.
  • If you want the stubble to grow faster, do not forget to use shaving foam. After the procedure, carefully moisturize the skin using high -quality cream or gel. Do not save on care.
  • Try to purchase more expensive cosmetics, because they better affect the skin. It is important to choose the right one brutta and machines. The quality of the blade It also affects the further growth of beard and bristles.
Choose a razor correctly
Choose a razor correctly
  • Luxurious vegetation on the face is possible thanks to thorough cleansing. Given that daily on the human body accumulates fat, dust and keratinized tissues, it is necessary to carefully cleanse the skin. They will help foams and gels for washing. To remove a layer of keratinized fabrics, use scrub or Pilling.

Sports and proper nutrition

  • If you play sports regularly, then the level of testosterone increases in the body. This hormone affects hair growth.
  • In addition, sports contribute to the acceleration of blood circulation, normalization of metabolism and increase the absorption of mineral components.

If a beard does not grow, it is necessary:

  • regularly go on a run in the morning;
  • exercise for 20-30 minutes;
  • engage in strength training.

Sports not only stimulate the growth of bristles in men, but also help in the formation of a relief body. If a man stands out for a press, then this will emphasize the beauty of a male beard even more.

  • It is important to saturate the body with vitamins. Also, do not forget to drink 2-3 liters of pure water every day so that the body cells are saturated with moisture.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables daily. They contain a lot of vitamins and mineral components.
Engage in yourself
Engage in yourself

Among those vitamins that contribute to the growth of the beard, distinguish:

  1. Vitamin A. Participates in the stimulation of hair follicles. This vitamin is contained in eggs, pumpkin, cheese and avocados.
  2. Vitamin C. It is necessary to maintain hair beauty. Contained in tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper, apples, citrus fruits and sea buckthorn.
  3. Vitamin E. It stimulates blood flow to the hair bulbs, which accelerates the growth of bristles. Vitamin is contained in legumes and nuts.
  4. Vitamin B3 (BIOTIN). If this vitamin is not enough in the body, then slow hair growth occurs. At least 30 μg and no more than 100 μg of biotin should be consumed per day. It is contained in fish, bananas, carrots, colored cabbage and beans.
  5. Vitamin B5 It is necessary to combat stress, for the splitting of fats and proteins. As a result, hair follicles are strengthened, and hair growth is accelerated. If you want to increase the amount of pantothenic acid in the body, use milk, broccoli, avocados and beer trembling.
  6. So that the hair is always thick and strong, use spinach, nuts, legumes and whole grain bread. These products contain folic acid, which positively affects the condition of the hair.

The help of a trichologist

If the above methods have not given any result, contact a specialist. In case of problems with hair, a trichologist will help.

After a thorough examination, the doctor will send the patient to:

  • dermatologist;
  • immunologist;
  • endocrinologist.

You will also need to take tests. This will determine which factors do not allow bristles to grow. Doctors will tell in detail what to do, and also write a prescription for medicines that you need to purchase at the pharmacy. Quite often patients are prescribed to go through the course to increase the level of testosterone in the body. It will take, on average, 12 months. If you want the stubble to grow, gain patience and follow the instructions of the specialist.

Folk remedies to grow beard

  • In ancient times, when traditional medicine was not yet, everyone turned to folk healers. And now traditional medicine is successful, because it gives a positive result for a short time.
  • To speed up the growth of bristles, use natural oils - castor, burdock, coconut and linen. They will help to stimulate hair growth. The mixture of oils must be thoroughly rubbed into the skin and leave for 1 hour. After that, rinse with a large amount of water and soap so as not to clog pores.
  • Often use special losion with eucalyptus oil. You can buy it at the nearest pharmacy without a prescription. It can also be prepared at home. This will need to be mixed ¾ parts of warm water with ¼ part of eucalyptus oil. Lotion is applied to the skin with a cotton pad. If there is no discomfort, then it can not be washed off.
  • A mixture of cinnamon and lime juice Helps accelerate hair growth. To prepare the solution, mix the components in equal proportions and apply to cleansed skin. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with a plentiful amount of running water. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening to speed up the growth process of the bristle.
Folk remedies
Folk remedies
  • A very popular hair growth recipe - mesh -powder mask. Mix 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 egg yolk and 2-3 tbsp. l. warm water. Apply the mixture to the face and leave for 40-60 minutes. After that, rinse. If the burning sensation is very strong, then you can wash off the mask earlier. No need to endure discomfort.
  • If you do not want to prepare the mixtures yourself, you can purchase them in the store. Fortunately, chain stores sell different masks, lotions, sprays and creams that stimulate blood circulation. If you use them regularly, then your bristles on your face will cause envy of others.
Folk remedies can help
Folk remedies can help

Medications, if a beard does not grow

  • In the modern world there are many means that stimulate hair growth. They were developed by scientists, which is why they have a high speed of action and a positive result. The price of such funds is average, so even ordinary students can afford them. Before use, you need to consult a specialist.

Medications, if a beard does not grow:

  • "Finasteride" - This is a hormonal drug that is produced in the form of tablets. It is used to increase the level of male hormones in the body. The advantage of this drug is that it not only stimulates hair growth, but also reduces the likelihood of prostate cancer.
Helps to grow head and hair
Helps to grow head and hair

Lack of medicine:

  1. Allergic reactions are possible.
  2. Reducing potency.
  3. Violation of ejaculation.

Minoxidil for beard: Features of use

  • The composition of growth stimulants includes different percentage of the active substance. If you want to grow bristles, try to buy drugs that contain no more 5% minoxidil. If the indicator is exceeded, possibly the appearance of burns or allergies on the face.
  • To accelerate the growth of bristles, use the drug according to the instructions. Lasons must be applied 1-2 times a day with a pipette. If you purchase a product in the form of a spray, then it is enough to spray the contents of the bottle on the skin. At a time you need to use no more than 1 mg of the drug.
  • After use, rinse thoroughly Hands with soap. Rinse the products from the skin no earlier than after 3-4 hours. It is necessary that the contents of the bottle are saturated in deep Skin layers. The course of application - 10-12 months. But, after 4-6 weeks, you will notice that the stubble began to grow.

Substance Minoxidil, which is part of many drugs to accelerate hair growth, awakens sleeping bulbs. It is not recommended to use drugs with this component for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. If after use there is a feeling of tightness and itching, stop applying to the skin to avoid allergies and irritation.


Help in choosing quality drugs

  • If you decide to purchase special drugs to stimulate hair growth, ask to show you quality certificate.
  • Majority chain stores and barber shops They have all certificates, so their products are safe for humans. But, if you purchase an uncertified product, you can aggravate an already unpleasant situation.
  • The modern market has a huge number of different cosmetic and drugsthat you can easily buy even in the nearest supermarket. Before buying, read the composition carefully.

It is optimal if such components will include:

  1. Oils of natural origin.
  2. Red pepper or mustard.
  3. Extracts of medicinal herbs.

Carefully watch your skin reacts to applying the product. Itching, redness and discomfort are signals that it is better to refuse use. Medicines are more complex.

If you choose a poor -quality tool, that is, the probability of developing such side effects:

  • gathering hormonal background;
  • problems with the endocrine system.

The most famous and effective tool is considered Rogaine. It includes 5% minoxidil. Production is carried out in America at the company's factory Johnson & Johnson. To see the result, you need to apply the spray according to the instructions for 4-5 months.

There are a number of contraindications for the use of such tools. These include:

  1. Age up to 18 years.
  2. Deficit vitamin a in organism.
  3. Lack of iron.
  4. Chronic diseases hearts and blood vessels.
  5. Skin pathologies.
  6. Open wounds and skin damage.

So, there are many reasons why men do not grow in men. To determine them, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe comprehensive treatment and will help normalize the condition. Before buying hair growth stimulants, consult a doctor. It is possible that you will be able to grow bristles without the use of medications. And an independent solution you provoke other problems in the body. Do not self -medicate, because this can worsen your health.

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Video: How to grow a beard if it does not grow?

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