How to grow a beard correctly and quickly? Rapid growth products - how to accelerate the growth of beard with masks, medications and cosmetics?

How to grow a beard correctly and quickly? Rapid growth products - how to accelerate the growth of beard with masks, medications and cosmetics?

Folk remedies, medications for rapid beard growth.

Beautiful and magnificent beard is now at the peak of popularity. For several years in a row, more and more people want to grow a chic beard. If you are just going to get such a pretty detail on your face, we will tell you how to do it.

Where to start growing a beard?

The main mistake of beginners is the desire to grow a beard as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this does not happen. The fact is that the hair does not grow as fast as we would like. Therefore, get ready to wait. The main thing in this case is patience, as well as a little care.


  • First you need to wait for about 4-6 weeks, when the hair becomes about 5 mm long. However, it is too early to cut or shave something. But already at this stage we can say whether it is worthwhile to grow a beard. The fact is that, unfortunately, not all men can boast of abundant vegetation on their face.
  • Very often, hair grows with bald spots, which becomes an obstacle in growing a beautiful, thick beard. If, unfortunately, you belong to people who do not have enough hair on their faces, we advise you to limit yourself to a small digitalis, or impudent bristles.
  • If the hair grows perfectly and quite thick, continue to grow it. On average, you will need about 4-6 months to get a decent hair length and form something from it. It is during this time that approximately 3-4 cm of beard grows.
  • However, all this time you should not just wait. It is necessary to resort to some methods that will allow you to transfer this difficult period as easily as possible. But the fact is that as soon as the hairs begin to grow, after about a month, the skin itchs very much.
  • At the same time, many people begin to scratch their face, which provokes the occurrence of a rash. To avoid this, take care of the beard correctly. Be sure to wash it with soap twice a week. Also, facial care products will not be superfluous. It can be a moisturizer. Because the skin under the hair very often becomes dry and peeling.
  • If you noticed and noticed several scales in the hair area, you can use with a special shampoo from dandruff. A special series is an ideal option, such as a basket or ketoconazole. These shampoos contain antifungal drugs, and 100% will cope with the peeling of the skin on the face.
With a beard and without
With a beard and without

How to speed up the growth of a beard?

In order to accelerate the growth of the beard, it is necessary to give it the necessary nutrition. This can be done using homemade masks, as well as simple components that can be purchased at any pharmacy.


  • One of the best options for obtaining a beautiful, lush beard is the use of castor and burdock oils. In order to prepare a nutritious lotion, it is necessary to pour 1 part of burdock oil into a container with a spray, and 5 parts of clean, boiled water. It is best if it is distilled or cleaned using the reverse osmosis filters. Now you need to shake the mixture and spray onto the beard.
  • This must be done every day, preferably before going out. Thus, the oil will envelop the hairs, improve the nutrition of the roots, and also moisturize the skin. All this will prevent peeling, stimulating hair growth.
  • In order for the hair to grow as quickly as possible, do not forget to free them from the dead particles of the epidermis. This can be done with a simple scrub. To prepare it, there is no need to lay out a lot of money. Of course, if you can afford, then purchase any face scrub at a cosmetics store or in a pharmacy. But everything you need can be done with your own hands.
  • In order to prepare a scrub yourself, it is necessary to mix honey and sugar in a ratio of one to one. You can take any sugared product, the one that you do not use, or it has become too firm to eat. In order for honey to mix well with sugar, it can be a little warm in a bowl of warm water.
  • When it straightens, pour sugar, mix thoroughly, pour about two tablespoons of ordinary olive or burdock oil. It can be ordinary sunflower, purified oil. Now mix the mixture thoroughly, you should get a slurry. Apply to the skin and rub. Thus, sugar gently exfoliates dead particles, this will prevent the occurrence of ingrown hair, reduce the amount of inflammation on the face, and also accelerate the growth of your beard.
Before and after
Before and after

How to grow a beard correctly and quickly?

In order for the hair to grow perfectly, you can use not only means for external use, but also take vitamins inward. The fact is that vitamin B7, as well as organic saturated acids, omega-3, sprouted wheat grains, perfectly affect the growth of the beard. It will not be superfluous to receive vitamins of group A and E.

They will betray shine to your hair, and will also allow them to grow faster. It is desirable that during this period food is saturated with animal proteins, as well as a sufficient amount of fiber. All this will contribute to the rapid growing hair, you can quickly enjoy a beautiful beard.

Beautiful beard
Beautiful beard

How to grow a beard with the drug Minoxidil?

What to do if the beard grows poorly? In this case, you may have to use drugs stimulating hair growth. One of them is Minoxidil. The fact is that initially this drug was developed to normalize blood pressure, but then it turned out that it has a very interesting side effect, hair growth improves from it.

Therefore, now there are a lot of manufacturers of drugs that can be found in a pharmacy or in caring stores, with a minoxidil content. These are not tablets, nothing needs to be taken inside. Funds are realized in the form of gels, as well as special stumps for a beard. It is necessary to lubricate the beard once or twice a day. It is to accelerate hair growth.


How to grow a beard: folk remedies

You can use standard methods that stimulate hair growth. Basically, all masks that are used to accelerate, stimulate hair growth, contain aggressive components that can cause irritation. Therefore, in no case do not use these products on the skin, where there are some damage and irritation.

Masks to accelerate the growth of beard:

  • With cognac. It is necessary to mix 20 ml of cognac with one chicken yolk, pour a tablespoon of burdock oil. All this is thoroughly marked with a brush, applied to the beard. Please note that this tool may absolutely not fall on the hairy part, but it is necessary that the gruel enters the skin. She is able to wake follicles who sleep and do not work. This will make the beard much thicker.
  • Mask with cinnamon. To do this, you need to warm 30 ml of bee nectar in a bowl, and add a teaspoon of cinnamon. Now the resulting mixture is applied to the face, for about 5 minutes and is left. There is also no need for the mixture to fall directly onto the hairy part. It is enough for the medicine to serve on the skin.
  • You can cope with the growth of a beard with vodka. To do this, enter 30 ml of vodka into the bowl, add about a teaspoon of bee nectar to it, as well as 2 vitamin E capsules. After that, the mixture is mixed and thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots on the face.

When is the first time cut a beard?

Start the first haircut after about 4-6 months, after the start of the beard’s growth. By this point, you will get a decent bunch of hair. To do this, it is best to contact Barber, that is, a specialist who knows a lot about haircuts, and how to handle a beard.


  • In no case do not try to cut the beard yourself for the first time. In almost all cases, this undertaking ends in failure. For these purposes, there are barbers, both in special showrooms and in hairdressers. Choose any option you like, but it is best to go to the master on the recommendation of one of your friends.
  • Already after the specialist gives the form to your sticking hair, you can continue to care for the beard on your own. To do this, purchase several rowers. You will need one with wide teeth, and a large distance between them, as well as a comb with frequent teeth.
  • In addition, you will also need a trimmer. With the help of this simple device, it will be possible to trim the hair that is on the sides and on the neck. In the process of hair growth, it is allowed to shave off absolutely everything that is below the admixture.
  • You will not need this, because the beard should be neat and grow directly on the chin, not on the neck. All the hair that is located below the tub must be ruthlessly shaved. In addition, this will reduce growth, as well as itching.

Board growth in a pharmacy

Please note that the lack of vegetation on the face or a significant amount of prophesh, they say that the body has a small amount of testosterone. However, in no case should you try to increase it with hormonal means. Oddly enough, many advise contacting the gym. The fact is that in the process of strength training, testosterone is being developed, which is responsible for hair growth throughout the body. That is, having started sports, you can increase the amount of hair on your face.


  1. In addition, you can use pharmacy products. The most popular of them are BIOTIN. It is often taken for rapid hair growth. This is a veiled name of vitamin B7. You need to drink two capsules in the morning and evening. It is best to take about 2-3 months. Yes, indeed, vitamins do not act as fast as we would like, but they will help you achieve a thick, beautiful beard.
  2. A pretty good remedy for accelerating the growth of beard is finasteride. The tool is positioned as a cure for baldness, but the fact is that the active component of this drug intervenes in metabolic processes and stimulates an increase in the amount of hormones that are responsible for hair growth on the face and body. After taking this tool, hair can begin to grow not only on the face, but throughout the body. The optimal reception rate is 6 months. Please note that after the termination of the reception of the product, baldness may begin again.
  3. One of the safest drugs is Minoxidil. He copes with baldness perfectly, and also stimulates hair growth, but only in the beard, as it is used locally.
How a beard changed life
How a beard changed life

Remedy for the growth of a beard at home: cosmetics

There are cosmetics that are sold in beauty stores or barbershopes.


  1. The most famous is Black PhoMthong. This is nothing more than a substance that stimulates the growth of a beard. It contains green tea extract, as well as nut oil. Sold on the Internet and in some pharmacies.
  2. You can also purchase a cream with the same name "Beard". It is produced by a domestic company, and is applied to the face after cleansing in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is about six months.
  3. You can also purchase boreard ointment with zinc. The fact is that zinc is a drug that kills most gram -positive and gram -negative bacteria. Thus, acne and irritation will not occur on the face. In addition, with a lack of this trace element, the condition of the skin is significantly worsened, many follicles freeze. Using an ointment with a zinc for a beard, you will help revive frozen follicles and make a beard more thick.

As you can see, growing a beard seems very simple, although in fact it is not so. Most of the owners of a beautiful, thick beard cost a decent number of nerves, as well as patience. The most difficult is the moment when the face is not a beard, but it is not clear what. Good luck to you in this difficult matter.

Video: How to quickly grow a beard?

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