Bonus glasses for Aliexpress: what is it, why is it needed, what they give, what privileges? How to get, save and spend bonus glasses on Aliexpress?

Bonus glasses for Aliexpress: what is it, why is it needed, what they give, what privileges? How to get, save and spend bonus glasses on Aliexpress?

Bonus points on Aliexpress: System of accumulation and use.

Swift growth of consumer demand at the trading platform Aliexes It occurs to a greater extent thanks to a very attractive bonus program.
Consider the basic principles of its work.

Bonus glasses (points) for Aliexpress: what is it, why is it necessary, what they give?

The algorithm is based on the summation of the assigned bonus glasses, depending on the earned status of the client.

The company offers a 5-level rating:

  • A0 - is assigned for the first time registered the site user who has not yet performed any active operations.

This status gives the right:

  1. to receive individual notifications on the mailbox about discounts and promotions
  2. to the message to the potential buyer in the case, reducing the cost of the order located in the basket or the list of desires
  • A1 - assigned after the first purchase worth more than $ 2, with accumulated points at least: 1–99.
  1. Privileged rights do not differ from the level "A0"
  • A2 - set in the presence of: 100 - 499 points.
  1. Additional privileges are not provided compared to previous statuses
  • A3 - it is required to accumulate: 500 - 1999 cylinder units.
  1. This status gives the right to the advantage of quickly returning money for purchases, worth not higher than $ 25
  • A4 - assigned in the presence of 2000 balls

By moving to this level, the opportunity appears:

  1. to receive a quick refund for orders, executed for more than $ 100
  2. accelerated verification of disputed situations
Accumulative stages

How to get, accumulate bonus glasses for Aliexpress?

The accumulation is very simple:

  1. For a purchase worth more than 2 $ is assigned 1 point for each spent dollar
  2. One review will add 1 point
  3. With daily purchases, 5 points arrive at the account

Important: for not delivered or returned orders, the balls accrued for their purchase are removed.


  1. By posting a link to Aliexpress In social networks, for a user who registered at this link, 50 points are awarded
  2. Daily use of the application Aliexpress On a mobile phone gives 20 bonuses

Video: Bonus glasses and level on AliExpress

How to spend bonus glasses on Aliexpress?

Before using the accumulated points, they must be exchanged for coupons:

  1. We go to the “My Aliexpress” tab
  2. Choose the line "My points"
  3. In the category "Available Points" we monitor the number of points accumulated
  4. Choose a suitable bonus exchange coupon
  5. Add the selected order to the basket, bring the abbreviation of the coupon
  6. We get a discount


  • It is allowed to purchase 3 coupons per day
  • It is valid for 30 days
  • Burn - annually 30. 06 (even if the validity period does not end)

Score offers 3 types of coupons, with the possibility of exchange for accumulated glasses:

  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. twenty

On Ali Express, it is easy to earn additional mobile bonus points:

  1. Install a special mobile application from Aliexpress
  2. Go to the main page of AliExpress through an upset application
  3. Open it every day, activating the coin field
  4. Collect coins and exchange them for coupons

In this case, when exchanging a coin - a coupon: the cost of one dollar is 100 coins

Options for accumulating glasses

Visitors Aliexpress Actively involved in all proposed programs, the possibility of accumulating good bonus points is available. This is an excellent incentive for making purchases using a virtual store, as it allows you to decently save a home budget.

Information about the most profitable offers can always be found by going to the site page on link

Video: Aliexpress bonuses how to exchange bonuses for goods

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