Is it safe to relax in Tunisia in 2022-2023? In which regions are Tunisia is dangerous to relax in 2022-2023?

Is it safe to relax in Tunisia in 2022-2023? In which regions are Tunisia is dangerous to relax in 2022-2023?

From this article you will learn whether it is dangerous to relax in Tunisia in 2022-2023 and which resorts are the least dangerous for tourists.

Today you can find a lot of information that for Russians, for security purposes, Tunisia is closed. However, this direction is considered one of the most affordable and attractive in the all -inclusive system. So, even despite all the accomplished terrorist acts, the resorts still do not lose popularity. Let's find out whether it is safe to go to this country in 2022-2023.

Is it safe in Tunisia in 2022-2023?

Police guard the beach of Tunisia
Police guard the beach of Tunisia

Official information is provided on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Regarding whether it is safe to relax in Tunisia in 2022-2023 that some tension is observed in the country. Police and local radicals are constantly encountering. The situation along the border of the country where groups operate are especially difficult.

There is still some threat of terrorist acts, demonstrations are held. So the Russian Foreign Ministry recommends to refrain from tourist trips to this country.

However, there is no direct ban on crossing the border. This is just a recommendation. In any case, if you go to this place, then choose the areas where the police will constantly be on duty. The authorized bodies do not advise leaving the hotel and not traveling alone.

In which regions are Tunisia is dangerous to relax in 2022-2023?

There are several areas in which it is most dangerous to relax in the presented country. So, to answer the question of whether it is safe to relax in Tunisia in 2022-2023, you should look at the map:

Tunisian security map
Tunisian security map

The map is divided into several colors, they indicate the following:

  • Green color. If you observe standard security measures, then it is quite possible to travel without problems
  • Yellow. Better to refrain from trips
  • Red - It is strictly not recommended to visit these zones

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Where is it safe to relax in Tunisia in 2022-2023?

Of course, in connection with the recent actions of terrorists, and indeed, due to the political situation, you begin to think about whether it is safe to relax in Tunisia in 2022-2023.

Today there are several resorts where you can safely relax:

  • Resort Hamsamet

This is the best place for vacation in all indicators. This city is better developed in terms of tourism. Beautiful nature, embankments, do not leave indifferent a single tourist. Great for family holidays and large companies. This resort is able to offer the safest places for relaxation.

  • Resort Souss

The whole night life of the country is concentrated here. In this regard, the resort is one of the most expensive. But prices are fully justified, because the safety of vacationers, as well as a high level of service, is strengthened here.

A well -groomed territory, beautiful beaches and a huge amount of entertainment attract many tourists. There are a lot of beautiful species in Sossa and the infrastructure is well developed.

  • Resort Monastir
Resort Monastir
Resort Monastir

One of the well -protected Tunisia objects. Multi -kilometer sandy beaches, as well as long beaches along the coast of the Mediterranean, are concentrated here. This city is ideal for travelers who want to visit unique excursions.

  • Resort Machdia

A calm city with attractive resorts and endless beaches. There is a huge diving club, and water sports are well developed well.

Machdia is a good place for couples with children and outdoor enthusiasts. The cost of rest is average here, but you can always save if you find a profitable hotel for living,

  • Resort Sidi-Bu-Said

This is one of the best cities in Tunisia. Here tourism is actively developing. Unique species have many years of history, which almost every city building has.

At the moment, this city is one of the safe in the country, and therefore you can safely go here.

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What is the danger of rest in Tunisia in 2022-2023?

What is the danger of Tunisia?
What is the danger of Tunisia?

To date, when resolving the issue, whether it is safe to relax in Tunisia in 2022-2023, it is important to consider not only the political situation and terrorist skirmishes, but also other features of the resorts.

In fact, to relax in Tunisia, of course, is a pleasure, and the price of rest is relatively low. However, tourists can in wait for some dangers. Let's find out which ones.

  • Local climate. To go on vacation, it is not enough to take only swimwear and T -shirts with you. It’s cool in the evenings. Of course, you will not have to be insulated at all, but at least a couple of warm sweaters should be grabbed. There is nothing to do without sunscreen. The sun bakes very strongly, and therefore not far to a sunny blow. By the way, do not wear dark clothes.
  • Poisonous jellyfish. If you want to swim on the open sea, then do not forget about its dangerous inhabitants. The peak of Medus activity is in August, and therefore at this time you should not swim in the sea, if you still have a trip. Otherwise, it is better to transfer the rest.
  • Local thieves. As elsewhere, where there are a lot of tourists, in Tunisia there are thieves and scammers who can leave without pocket money. It often happens when thieves tear out a bag or break gold jewelry. So leave all your gold at home so as not to encounter this trouble. It is recommended to avoid a large accumulation of people, as well as monitor things when walking in the local market.
  • Danger to women. In Tunisia, men do not bother themselves with etiquette when communicating with women. Here relations are largely democratic and free. It often happens that women fall into the field of view of not too decent men. Pershing, whistle, vulgarity - this is what you have to encounter. So it is not recommended to walk along the street alone, especially at night.
  • An unstable political situation. Ask the consultant in advance what is happening in the place of the resort you have chosen. There are often terrorist attacks, and therefore be sure to be interested in information.
  • Dehydration of the body. The country has constant heat, so it’s worth drinking water more often. Tourists often believe that there is nothing wrong with this. But in fact, it will end with an ordinary heat stroke, and not the weakest. As a result, the rest will be spoiled.
  • Intestinal infections. You do not have to do special vaccinations before the trip, because rest is quite safe in Tunisia. But be sure to follow hygiene rules. Do not also eat in dubious cafes. Intestinal infections are not rare here. Remove all fruits and vegetables with boiling water. Buy them from the locals.

In every country you need to be attentive to everything that happens. Carefully count the delivery in the store, check the shelf life of food, discuss the price of travel in advance and so on. Store all valuable things in a safe for their safety.

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Comments K. article

  1. Such a terrible picture was painted. For several years I have been going to Hammamet, Kelibia, Nabel, leaving the evenings and in the streets, but I have not seen and did not hear the horror stories to such an extent.

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