Gastronomic and culinary tourism in Russia and Europe. Gastronomic tourism and rest - excursions and tasting cheeses and wines: review

Gastronomic and culinary tourism in Russia and Europe. Gastronomic tourism and rest - excursions and tasting cheeses and wines: review

From our article you will learn everything about the best culinary rounds of Russia and Europe.

You will no longer surprise a modern traveler with ancient sights and beautiful landscapes. Thanks to the Internet, any person, without leaving home, can see the beauty of the world and at the same time he does not have to spend on time on a tedious move.

For this reason, most operators offer their customers a service called a gastronomic tour. Acquaintance with culinary traditions helps people to know the country much better, and also makes it possible to try gastronomic masterpieces from the most famous chefs.

What are culinary and gastronomic tours and their types?

Types of culinary tours

The culinary tour is a variety of green tourism, allowing the traveler in a short time to get to know the traditions of the country as close as possible through the prism of national food. As a rule, a trip of such a plan, in addition to a standard inspection of attractions, also includes tasting wines, cheeses and just delicious dishes that are prepared exclusively in this area.

Most often, the best restaurants are selected for acquaintance with local cuisine, but if a person wants to get to know people as close as possible, then culinary familiarization can take place on the market, farm, vineyard or even just on the street.

Types of culinary tours:

  • Green or ecological tour. As a rule, in this case, tourist offers a visit to industries and farms that are engaged in the production of environmentally friendly products. In just a week you can find out all the intricacies of making useful food, and you can also try it and, if you wish, buy it. And although it is believed that such a direction is especially developed in Europe and the USA, now in Russia you can find places where you can taste delicious cheeses and drink all this with high -quality and aged wine.
  • Rural tours. The rest of this plan will appeal to people who have never visited the village in their lives. In this case, in addition to the excursion, a tourist can also pay for living in rural areas, thereby getting the opportunity to feel the life of people as well as possible and find out their culture. Also, such a vacation will necessarily include tasting local products.
  • Event tour. Such a vacation is also called a weekend tour. Typically, tourists are invited to what a holiday, a festival or day of the city are invited and offered to try the culinary dishes of local cooks here. In addition, the tourist has the opportunity to have fun at the festival.
  • Restaurant tour. The rest of this plan will appeal to those people who like to relax with comfort. After you pay for the ticket you will be delivered to the best hotel of the city or country and from there you will ride restaurants and get acquainted with local cuisine and the sights of the region. If you wish, you can already adjust how many restaurants you will visit you during the day.
  • Master classes. They are suitable for those tourists who are not enough just to sit and eat what they have prepared for them. In this case, they will be able to buy products on the local market with their own hands, and then, using the best cook, prepare a very tasty national dish from them.

Wine and gastronomic tours in Russia

Wine and gastronomic tours in Russia
  • If you think that in order to go to a culinary tour, you need to open a visa or make a foreign passport, then you are deeply mistaken. Since at the moment, culinary tourism has become popular in Russia, most travel agencies have made sure that their customers could learn something new about their country. For this reason, they developed several interesting gastronomic tours, which allow people living in the same region of the country to learn something interesting about people living in another area.
  • Such travels help people become closer to each other and, most pleasant, give travelers a lot of positive emotions. The most popular among tourists is the Altai culinary tour. In this case, the tourist will mature not only to learn new recipes for dishes, but also to get acquainted with the wine production of our country. And this means that you can visit the wine factory and taste a huge number of drinks of different excerpts there. In addition to trying very tasty wines, you can find out quite interesting historical facts about this region, and also try to prepare this drink with your own hands.
  • And if the information received is not enough for you, then order yourself a two -week wine tour in the city of refugees in the Tver region. Here you can visit an old winery that produces wine from the technologies of our ancestors. As for the culinary tours, then here, of course, Tula with her famous Tula gingerbread is in the first place. Here you can see firsthand how this delicious treat is preparing, and also visit production where a unique drinking cottage cheese of analogue is made, which is no longer anywhere in the world.

Gastronomic tour in Moscow

Gastronomic tour in Moscow

If you want to get acquainted with different cuisines of the world in just a couple of days, then order a gastronomic tour in Moscow. In this case, within one day you can visit the restaurant of the Lebanese, Indian, French, Japanese, Italian and, of course, ancient Russian cuisine.

If you want your vacation to be more calm and sincere, then you can replace pompous restaurants with small cozy cafes, confectionery and coffee houses. Be sure, wherever you go, you will be met everywhere and treat you from the heart.

TOP of the best tourist places in Moscow:

  • Bar City Space
  • Culinary studio of Yulia Vysotskaya
  • Master
  • Farmer Bazaar Petrovsky
  • Syeric grip

Wine tour to the Crimea

Wine tour to the Crimea
  • Probably, you should not even say that the hallmark of Crimea is its delicious wines. More than 2 thousand years ago, they began to engage in winemaking on the peninsula. Of course, there were periods when production practically stopped, but people who loved their job even in the most difficult times tried to do everything so that wine factories worked at full capacity. Thus, the enthusiasts managed to make Crimea a place where the most delicious Massandra and Inkerman are made.
  • If your goal is precisely these varieties of wine, then be sure to visit the ancient Magarach Vinzavod and wander around its basements. It is here that you can try a high -quality media, and also learn how to drink this wine correctly. Those tourists who do not want to drink alcohol can simply wander around the territory of the Winzavod and take a picture against the backdrop of old barrels and beautiful vineyards. Also, travelers are simply obliged to visit the oldest winery company Alcadar, which is located in Sevastopol.
  • Here you can admire endless vineyards and visit the wine museum, which is located in a very beautiful ancient estate of the nobles of Petrovsky. A visit to the museum involves a tasting of dry, fortified and dessert wines. As a rule, one person is invited to taste at least 9 different samples.

Wine tours of the Krasnodar Territory

Wine tours of the Krasnodar Territory

Since ancient times, the history of the Kuban has been associated with winemaking and vine. Soft climate and fertile land help people grow both local and exported grape varieties, which in turn gives winemakers the opportunity to make wine, which in its bouquet is no different from the famous world brands.

Top wine tours of the Krasnodar Territory:

  • Taman Peninsula. In this case, you can not only taste delicious wines, but also learn about the life of your ancestors. To do this, you will have to visit the Lermontov House-Museum or the village of Starotitarovskaya. But perhaps the most interesting place in Taman is the Yuzhny Vinzavod. Here you can find out everything about the preparation of wine, as well as try to pour this delicious drink on bottles.
  • The winery "Chateen". This place looks like little France. Moreover, here a tourist will find not only a tasting of delicious wines, but also equestrian walks in the vineyard. You can finish the vacation in this beautiful place with a very tasty Cossack dinner, prepared from fresh and environmentally friendly local products.
  • Abrau-Durso. In this place, you can wander around the real old tunnels, enjoy silence and find out how the delicious champagne wine is done in the world. There are also several specialized tasting halls in which you can taste Krasnodar wines.

Culinary tours to Italy in Tuscan: Overview

Gastronomic tour to Tuscany
  • The Italian Tuscana is famous for its tasty and interesting cuisine. The most pleasant thing is that each individual province of this warm and sunny place can please gourmets with something new and interesting. In one place you will take the most delicate meat, in another learn to cook light and fragrant sauces, in the third you will learn everything about the pastes, ham and sausage. In addition, even at the stage of execution of the trip, you will have the opportunity to choose the direction of the culinary tour.
  • Thanks to the special location of Tuscany, you can get acquainted with sea, meat or rustic cuisine. Another highlight of this place is cheese. Therefore, if you are an amateur of this product, then be sure to look at one of the small private farms. As a rule, in any such place you will be offered to taste from 10 different varieties of cheese and, most pleasant, will tell in detail about the history of the appearance of this product.
  • And, of course, if you already come to Tuscany, you will simply be obliged to find out everything about the production of the famous olive oil throughout the world. To do this, you will need to visit any village oil tower located somewhere in the province of Livorno or Grossetto. True, keep in mind that if you want to taste fresh oil, then you need to go there in late October or in early November.

Gastronomic tours to France

Gastronomic tours to France
  • It will probably be difficult to find a person who would not want to visit France. Most tourists go to this country to look at the Eiffel Tower, Louvre and visit the Champs Elysees. Of course, all these places have their own charm, but unfortunately, they do not give a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of the French.
  • In view of this, it will be better if you start acquaintance with the country with its culinary traditions. Just do not walk around expensive and status restaurants, if you really want to know the real France, then visit the small cafes where the French themselves dine and have dinner. Here you can taste the world-famous frog legs, onion soup and the most delicate foie grab.
  • France, like Italy, can surprise you with a variety of tastes and aromas. Therefore, if you have time, then be sure to visit the most famous provinces of this country. If possible, try to visit Tuscany, Burgundy and Champagne.

Gastronomic tours to Spain

Gastronomic tours to Spain
  • Almost all Spain is associated with Paeali and Corrida. But in fact, this country is more multifaceted and interesting. Therefore, if you want to know it closer, then wandering a little along the old streets, look into small cafes and bars. Since Italians love to spend their free time in such places, you can learn the maximum about the kitchen and traditions.
  • If you arrive in this beautiful country for one day, then stop in Madrid and visit a flamenco-party, which takes place in the Corral de La Moreria. Tasty Spanish food combined with a passionate flamenco will leave you the best impressions about this place. If you have time for a longer trip, then visit several interesting places.
  • If you love tomatoes, then go to Andalussia. Here you will be treated with cold soup of the Gaspacho and a fragrant salad with a basil and Mozarella. And if you are a terrible meat -eater, then you definitely need to visit Estremadur. In this place you can see how the hamon is preparing and ripening and, of course, you can taste a lot of different types of this meat product.

Wine-gastronomic tours to Portugal

Wine-gastronomic tours in Portugal
  • At the beginning of its existence, Portugal was isolated from other countries and for this reason the local cooks were limited in the choice of products. But still the Portuguese menu was not monotonous. Due to the fact that they had a lot of fresh seafood, meat and wine, they learned to cook a huge number of dishes, which to this day are very popular.
  • Such dishes include the acute chicken of Piri-piri, thick potato soup and sausage, salted cod and sharp beef giblets. But, perhaps, Portugal Portugal was most glorified. Portuguese make this wine from the 18th century and use certain grape varieties for its preparation. They are so much urgently urging their wine that they created a port of port specifically for him.
  • Also in this country there is a port of port, which presents exhibits telling the whole story of this ancient drink. If you do not want to spend time on crossings around the country, then visit the old city of Obidush or the Abbey of Alcobas. In both of these places you can taste the delicious Portuguese port and get acquainted with their original cuisine.

Culinary tours to Georgia

Culinary tours to Georgia
  • Georgia is a beautiful country that literally from the first seconds will amaze you with its identity, beauty and cordiality. Georgians love to receive guests and do it with the soul. Therefore, if you want to get to know this country as close as possible, then begin your acquaintance from its kitchen. In the process of cooking and eating food, you will learn so many interesting historical information and legends that you will not want to visit any museum.
  • As for the attractions, in order to see them you will not need to go somewhere. In every city and village you can find ancient houses and fortresses that have preserved their decoration since ancient times. If you do not know where to go to Georgia, then start your journey with Tbilisi. Here you can see a lot of beautiful places and taste the most tender Khachapuri, Khinkali and Phali.
  • And if you are interested in Georgian wine, then you are simply obliged to look at the city of Mtskheta. People living in this place make this drink as well as their great -grandfathers and hold it in huge clay pots, dug into the ground.

Gastronomic tours to Armenia

Gastronomic tours to Armenia
  • You probably already realized that national food is able to tell a traveler a lot about the people who have prepared it. Therefore, going on a trip to Armenia, try not only to watch its sights, but also to eat the national dishes of this country. If possible, get acquainted with Armenian cuisine in small snacks or in the homes of ordinary people.
  • Armenians are very hospitable people, so if you ask any person to tell you the story of the appearance of any national dish, then he will do it with great joy. Tourists who, in addition to food, are also interested in the world -famous Yerevan cognac can visit the plant at which it is made, and then dine in a fashionable restaurant Ararat Hall.
  • Here you will be treated to dolmum from grape leaves and delicious kuft. Nature lovers are simply obliged to visit the Ararat Valley and the monastery of the Horus Virap monastery in this place. After a walk in this picturesque place, you can go to the restaurant of Veandzo and taste the most delicate barbecue there, which is served with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Gastronomic tourism in Belarus

Gastronomic tourism in Belarus

Although gastronomic tourism in Belarus is just beginning to develop, many tourists visiting this country were satisfied with their acquaintance with its culinary traditions. For the convenience of travelers across the country, agroecomishes are scattered, which are offered to people overnight and tasty food. Having settled in such a place, you can find out everything about the culture of this people and get to know their cuisine as close as possible.

The hallmark of Belarus, of course, are pancakes or what other sorcerers call them here. In addition, in this amazing country they make their hamon and delicious cheeses. All this is done on eco -farms, on which excursions and tastings are also held. A big advantage of tourism in Belarus is that for relatively little money you can get a good service and environmentally friendly food here. Therefore, if you want to relax economically, then feel free to go on a tour for this beautiful and spiritually rich country.

Gastronomic tours to Germany

Gastronomic tours to Germany
  • Any gourmet knows that it is impossible to get acquainted with German cuisine in one day, so if you have already decided to go on a culinary tour for this country, then allocate for this for a week. In this case, you can visit at least a couple of the most popular tourist places and taste there popular dishes among the Germans.
  • If possible, try to draw up your schedule so that during the vacation you can visit Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Andex. In all these places, try to settle a little further from the center of the cities, so you will have the opportunity to eat food that the Germans themselves eat, and not tourists. So what should I try in Germany? You can start your culinary acquaintance with a German pretzel.
  • It is usually bought for beer or eaten just like that. You also just have to try the famous sausages, a hearty soup of Aintopf and Keshpetsle. Well, of course, do not forget about the dessert. Be sure to taste the Grutz and the Schwarzvald Cherry Cake. Believe me, all these dishes will give you real pleasure.

Video: Gastronomic Tours Taste for Provence from CookingTime

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  1. great article. I want to eat right away)))

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