Red Sea: where is it on the map of the world, what is the water temperature by months, what countries does resorts for beach holidays wash? Why is the Red Sea called red? Are there any sharks in the Red Sea, and what are dangerous inhabitants and fish?

Red Sea: where is it on the map of the world, what is the water temperature by months, what countries does resorts for beach holidays wash? Why is the Red Sea called red? Are there any sharks in the Red Sea, and what are dangerous inhabitants and fish?

The origin of the name of the Red Sea. Famous resorts, dangerous residents of sea depths.

Our planet is amazingly beautiful. There are so many beautiful places on it that travelers dream of visiting them all.

Red Sea: where is it on the map of the world, what countries is washed, which ocean is belonging to the water area?

The Red Sea is an internal pond of the Indian Ocean. It is located between Africa and Asia, or rather, the Arabian Peninsula in tectonic fault. The only world that does not receive new waters from rivers, since none of them flows into it.

The Red Sea washes the shores of such countries as:

  • Egypt
  • Sudan
  • Djibuti (Ethiopia)
  • Eritrea
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Yemen
  • Israel
  • Jordan
The location of the Red Sea on the map
The location of the Red Sea on the map
The location of the Red Sea on the map of the world
The location of the Red Sea on the map of the world
The Red Sea on the map is indicated by the Red Arrow
The Red Sea on the map is indicated by the Red Arrow

With the approach of vacation, many of us leaf through the pages of tourist magazines and sites with offers of interesting recreation options. Another useful occupation is the study of forums and reviews of tourists who have already visited the places of our dreams.

Continuing the topic of rest in different parts of the planet, let's talk about the Red Sea, its attractions and water temperature by months.

Why is the Red Sea called red?

Slide with a photograph of underwater inhabitants near Coral and text about the origin of the name of the Red Sea
slide with a photograph of underwater inhabitants near Coral and text about the origin of the name of the Red Sea

There is no definite answer to this question. There are versions and romantic stories.

Among the first, the following are known:

  • Rocks - sailors saw a reflection of red rocks in water at sunset.
  • Corals - their abundance in the abysses of the sea gives him such a color if you look down from a bird's eye view.
  • Blood is a biblical story telling about the passage of Moses through the waters of the sea, which closed over the heads of the pursuers.
  • An error of translation - up to the 6th century on the coast lived a people who did not have vowels in the language. Adding them to their discretion in the Arabic version and it turned out that name.
  • The color of the inhabitants of the waters - if corals live in water and grow, this is a sign of its purity. It is logical that the world of Fauna feels good in such conditions. There are many red fish in the Red Sea.
  • The geographical position - the Assyrian calendar assigned their color to the main cardinal points. So the south symbolizes red.
  • The mistake of the interpretation of the ancient word - again back to the biblical story about Moses. It is about, about the passage of the reed sea. But one of the translators into English lost one letter in the word. And so it turned out the sea red.

In stories that gave such a name the sea, about:

  • A man in love, strewn the surface of the sea with petals of red roses in order to betray the depth of his feelings to the lady of the heart.
  • Black-Bogache, who made a huge fortune on the sale of burning spices-red pepper. But the inhabitants of the city in which he lived expelled him. Due to the overload, the rich man’s ship went to the bottom, and the surface of the water was painted in red because of the pepper that fell into the water from the holds of the vessel.

What is the water temperature in the Red Sea for months?

The man dipped the thermometer into the water of the Red Sea to determine its temperature
the man dipped the thermometer into the water of the Red Sea to determine its temperature

Since this sea is most part in a tropical belt, its temperature is comfortable for bathing all year, does not fall below +20 ℃.

The peak of heat falls from July to October. For more information about the temperature indicators of the water of the Red Sea, see the figure below.

Monthly fluctuations in water temperature in the Red Sea on the shores of Egypt
monthly fluctuations in water temperature in the Red Sea on the shores of Egypt

However, due to the length of the sea area from north to south, there are fluctuations in water temperature. See the average data in the figure below.

The average temperature of the water of the Red Sea
the average temperature of the water of the Red Sea

What are the resorts on the Red Sea and the best cities of Israel and Jordan for a beach holiday?

Photo of the beach on the Red Sea - Akaba, Jordan
photo of the beach on the Red Sea - Akaba, Jordan

In every country whose shores was washed by the Red Sea, there are resorts worthy of attention. They accept tourists all year round and delight their level of service in addition to the beauty of water, its depths.

If you are thinking about which resorts to visit on this sea, pay attention to:

  • Hurghada and charm in Egypt
  • Eilat and Coral beach in Israel
  • Akabu and the bodies beat in Jordan

Why is the Red Sea the most salty, which explains the high salinity of the Red Sea?

Slide on the salinity of the Red Sea and its location on the map
slide on the salinity of the Red Sea and its location on the map

The high percentage of salt in the water of the Red Sea is not accidental. There are several reasons for this:

  • lack of new waters, since no river flows into it
  • the location in the hot climate, respectively, a large number of fumes

Are there any sharks in the Red Sea, and what are dangerous inhabitants and fish?

Since there are corals in the Red Sea, its fauna is very diverse. And sharks live here. There are tiger and gray reef. We note about the latter that it is typical of the Indian Ocean.

Among the dangerous fish and inhabitants of the waters of this warm salty sea you can meet:

  • muren - they are the first to attack, only in cases of too close to the approximation of the scuba divers,
  • blue -heater Balistod, aka giant spinorog, spinorog of titanium and the ventral pseudo -baller, another name - yellow -mild spinorog - they are dangerous during spawning; Their females selflessly protect their nest,
  • surgeon fish-its tail fins are more acute than the blade, aggressive when meeting with a person,
  • fish-stone, or wart-is disguised as a stone bottom, its poisonous spikes on the spinal fin are dangerous, dangerous
  • shelves, or fish-lions-never attack, injuries are possible by the negligence of a person about the poisonous rays-sordates,
  • scorpen - hide in thickets and at the bottom in silt, have toxic processes on the dorsal fins,
  • skatov-Khvostokolov-with a poisonous spike on the tail, hide in silt at the bottom,
  • barrakud - rarely attacked, dangerous teeth of the lower jaw, leave torn wounds,
  • snails of cones are the most dangerous species geographical and textile,
  • sea \u200b\u200bstars "thorns" - their poisonous spikes located throughout the body are dangerous,
  • fire corals - touching them leaves toxic burns.

Why can't you feed fish in the Red Sea?

A tourist feeds bread in the Red Sea
a tourist feeds bread in the Red Sea

There are several reasons and each significant:

  • Firstly, the digestive system of fish is not adapted to digestion of human food.
  • Like any animal that a person will feed, it requires the addition and regularity of food supply.
  • In case of a person’s refusal, the fish is able to attack and bite it. It should be recalled here that the underwater world of the Red Sea is replete with dangerous species of fish, which through the bite inject poison into the human body.
  • Fish live in an ecosystem that worked perfectly without people. The loss of one or more links in the food chain inevitably provokes the death of others.

The underwater world of the Red Sea, corals: description

Field of multi -colored corals in the Red Sea
field of multi -colored corals in the Red Sea

The colony of corals in the Red Sea is the center of life not only for marine residents, but also people. The smallest representatives of the coral reef are polyps. They form their colonies due to the carbon dioxide produced by unicellular algae. She lives in the soft tissues of Coral.

  • Living corals have color, the dead are white solid structures. The former build their branches on the latter. So corals grow in width, length and height. By the way, their growth rate is scanty, it is about 1 cm per year.
  • Polyps in their body produce 2 colors - blue and red. However, even black corals are found in the Red Sea, which are highly valued in jewelry.
  • The yellow tones are added to them by Zoxantella - a micro -cross living in the soft tissue of coral.
  • The polyp has a mouth through which it sucks food, as well as small tentacles around it. In a number of species, the latter have toxic hairs with which the body shoots the sacrifice.
  • There are also polyps that exudes a poisonous aroma that paralyzes small plankton or have sticky mucus on the surface on which it sticks.
  • Polyps hunt only at night. Among the polyps there are meat -eaters and vegetarians. The former feed on small crustaceans and plankton.
  • Coral settlements prefer small depths - up to 100 m pure warm water. Since they live thanks to algae, the latter need sunlight for photosynthesis.

In the Red Sea you will find a huge number of types of corals. It:

  • brain
  • soft eight -beam
  • dendroneftia
  • sacrofitons of various shapes - ball, mushroom, curved
  • orange
  • xenidia
  • fiery
  • gorgonaria
  • bright red sunny
  • heterorxenia
  • cell Favia
  • arabic Acropy

Together, they make up a unique symbiosis with a local fauna and attract tourists to look into their world again and again.

So, we examined the history of the origin of the name of the Red Sea, its geographical location, its most famous resorts. They looked into the sea abroad in order to familiarize themselves with dangerous residents and views of corals.

If you plan a vacation in winter, choose a trip to the Red Sea. There is warm, beautiful, and fun for any company. Unforgettable impressions and bright photos!

Video: Underwater inhabitants of the Red Sea coral reefs

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