Inhalation with saline for children with cough, runny nose, bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, sore throat, adenoids: benefits, dosage, recipes, reviews. Physostrait for inhalation for nebulizer: how to breed?

Inhalation with saline for children with cough, runny nose, bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, sore throat, adenoids: benefits, dosage, recipes, reviews. Physostrait for inhalation for nebulizer: how to breed?

A saline, which is called sodium chloride in pharmacies, is essentially diluted salt in water. With this tool you can wash your nose, and conduct inhalations. After such procedures, the mucous membrane of the throat is covered with particles of the solution and the process of sputum release is accelerated.


Interesting: in ancient times, inhalation was called inhalation of fresh sea air. The healers of the ancient world "prescribed" a walk near the sea during the storm. At this time, air was saturated with particles of sea water. When inhaled such air, these particles fell into the respiratory tract, cleaned them, moistened their mucous membrane and fought with manifestations of colds.

Inhalation with saline for children with dry and humid cough Berodual, Amboben, Lazolvana: benefit, dosage, recipes

Inhalations can be carried out with a clean saline. But, to enhance the effect, various drugs can be added to it. Most often, such inhalations are carried out using nebulizers. Devices that, using compressed air or ultrasound, spray medicinal substances to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

With dry coughing, as well as acute respiratory diseases, preparations that inhibit the excitability of nerve receptors are added to a saline for inhalation. If you need to dilute sputum, then for this purpose you can use Ambroben, Lazolvan and other mucolytic agents. With dry coughing in children, a good effect can be achieved with the help of a "Petussin".


Important: mucolytic agents can provoke a more intense cough. This should not scare you. This is a normal phenomenon when sputum.

After inhalations for the removal of sputum, you need to use drugs for inflammation. For example, Rotokan or Chlorophyllipt.

With wet cough, inhalation is also indicated. As in the case of a dry cough, mucolytics, as well as anti -inflammatory drugs, have proven themselves well. For adults, an effective drug is Comogexal. To accelerate recovery, you can use inhalations with antiseptics (“dioxidine”, “furatsilin”, “chlorophyllipt”, etc.) or antibiotics (“fluimucil-antibiotic IT”, “gentamycin”, etc.).

Children with a wet cough need inhalations with broncholitics. This will help accelerate the appearance of the gap of the respiratory tract. 20 minutes after inhalation with broncholitics, mucolytic should be inhaled. When a cough with a sputum department begins, it is necessary to inhalation with anti -inflammatory drugs.

Inhalation with saline for children with nasal congestion and runny nose: benefit, drug, dosage, recipes

Inhalation with saline from a runny nose in children are carried out using an inhaler with a mask for the face. When carrying out such a procedure, an adult must be near the child. In the inhaler, 10-15 ml of saline must be seasoned. Its temperature should correspond to the temperature of the child's body.

A saline is not only used to remove mucus from the nose, but also for the prevention of its formation. In addition, saline is able to eliminate bacteria and allergens from the nose.

Inhalations with saline are used several times a day for 3-4 minutes. For a complete effect, the Nebulizer mask must be kept tightly, clinging to the child’s face. It is necessary to ensure that the child breathes at a sprayed saline. Therefore, if he cries, he needs to be reassured. And then he will repeat the procedure.

Famous Dr. Komarovsky believes that it is advisable to use saline for the treatment of a runny nose in a child if he has thick snot. At the same time, a pediatrician whose baby is observed should be prescribed by the dosage. If the child is not yet able to carry out inhalation, then he can wash his nose with a saline. To do this, drip 1-2 drops in each nostril 3-5 times a day.

Inhalation with saline for children with bronchitis: benefits, drug, dosage, recipes

With bronchitis, it is important to strengthen the removal of sputum. For these purposes, you can use inhalations with saline. But, it needs to be added to it with an expectorant effect (“mucaltin”, “lazolvan”), as well as antitussive drugs (“ice cord”, “tussamag”).

Bronchitis in a child
Bronchitis in a child

Also, in bronchitis, you can use:

  • "Berodual" (solution for inhalation). The active substances of this drug are phenoterol and bromide. For children under 6 years of age, the dosage should be 2-10 drops, children from 6 to 12 years old-10-20 drops. Over 12 years old - 20 drops. You can use inhalations with this drug 4 times a day.
  • "Lazolvan" (solution for inhalation). The active substance is Ambroxol. Children under six years of age are carried out using 2 ml of the drug 1-2 times a day. A child older than six years old can be increased to 4 ml per inhalation.
  • "Pulmicort" (solution for inhalation). The active substance is Budesonite. 1 mg of the drug is diluted in a saline (2 ml). There are 4 inhalation procedures with this tool per day.

Inhalation with saline for children with laryngitis: benefits, drug, dosage, recipes

Laryngitis has an infectious nature and is associated with damage to the larynx and vocal cords. Inhalations with such a disease are very effective and capable of quickly helping the affected body. They need to be carried out 6-10 minutes three times a day.

With laryngitis, inhalations with the "Lazolvan", diluting sputum, proven themselves well. Antiseptics (“Miramistil”, “dioxidine”, etc.), anti -inflammatory herbal preparations (“Rotokan”, “Tonsilgon H”, etc.) and glucocorticosteroids (“hydrocortisone”, “prednisolone”, “” can be used for this purpose. Pulmicort ”and“ Flicksotide ”).

Important: with severe laryngitis in children, inhalation can be carried out with a “pulmicor”.

Inhalations with laryngitis can be carried out using:

  • "Epinephrine." Synthetic analogue of adrenaline. It is used in acute manifestations of the disease threatening to develop into laryngospasm. It is carried out with a strong cough that causes a child’s lack of oxygen. To conduct inhalations in 5 ml of saline, the contents of the Epinephrine ampoule are diluted.
  • "Dixamethasone." A drug related to hormonal drugs, which has anti -inflammatory and decongestant effects. With laryngitis, the contents of one ampoule of the drug are diluted in six parts of saline. Children are inhaled 4 ml of such a solution.
  • "Prednisolone." Synthetic analogue of glucocorticosteroid hydrocortisone. It has an immunosuppressive and anti -inflammatory effect. Can only be used as a doctor’s appointment and in the dosages indicated by him.

With laryngitis, it is possible to conduct inhalations using pure saline or with the addition of Lazolvana to it.

Inhalation with saline for children with sinusitis: benefit, drug, dosage, recipes

It is not only possible to treat sinusitis using inhalation with a nebulizer, but with such procedures you can achieve an excellent therapeutic effect. But, this can only happen if the device is used that is able to spray drops with a diameter of at least 10 microns. When spraying drops of smaller diameter, they will settle in the bronchi and do not have the desired effect.

Sinusitis in a child
Sinusitis in a child

The inhalation procedure for sinusitis for adults should be 10 minutes, for children 5-8 minutes. Immediately before the inhalation procedure, you need to clean the nose and drin over the vasoconstrictor drops into it. Tact as “Naphthyzine”, “Ximelin”, etc.
You can carry out inhalations with sinusitis with the following drugs:

  • Antibiotics: “fluimucil-antibiotic”, “Trammycin”
  • Antiseptics: “Miramistin”, “Furatsilin”
  • Immunostimulators: Derinat, Leikinferon, Interferon
  • Anti -traffic drugs and antihistamines: Komogexal, Dexametazole
  • Moisturizing agents: mineral waters "Narzan" and "Essentuki", saline
  • Phytical preparations that remove inflammation: "Rotokan", "Malavit", propolis, tincture of calendula

When using the inhalation procedure, it is important to try so that the drugs do not get into the lungs. To do this, use a nebulizer with a special nozzle.
It has proven itself very well as a drooping drug for children Antibiotic "Torbbi". It acts on a pseudoscan, a microbe that often causes otitis media, pneumonia and sinusitis. TorbbiMicin is sold in ready -to -use in a nebulizer form.

If the Miramistin antiseptic is used as a means for inhalations from sinusitis, then it is bred with saline in a ratio of 1: 2. The inhalation procedure with this drug is carried out three times a day.

For inhalations, Deksomethasone 0.5 ml of drugs is diluted in 3 ml of saline. The inhalation procedure is carried out four times a day.

"Derinat" with saline is diluted in a proportion of 1: 1 and inhaled 2 times a day.

Inhalation with saline for children with sore throat: benefit, drug, dosage, recipes

Throat pain is a very unpleasant symptom. To facilitate the condition and fastest recovery, inhalation with saline are shown. Before this procedure, you need to abandon rinsing and strong activity.

With pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis, they have proven themselves inhalations with Fluimucil. For children under 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 1 ml. Children from 6-12 years old in a dosage of 2 ml. “Fluimucil” is bred in a proportion of 1: 1.

One of the best disinfectants is Dioxidine. It is shown with sore throat due to purulent sore throat. The ampoule with a 1%science is diluted with saline in a proportion of 1: 4. Inhalations are carried out using 3 mm of the finished solution.

With a sore throat as a result of acute respiratory viral infections, you can help the child with the help of furatsilin inhalations. For one inhalation, 5 ml of the finished 0.24%are used.
For the treatment of a sore throat in children, a plant drug "Rotokan" can also be used. The drug is diluted in a proportion of 1:40 and used for inhalations of 3 ml of solution. Three inhalations with this solution can be used per day.

Inhalation with saline for children with adenoids: benefits, drug, dosage, recipes

You can use inhalations with a nebulizer and with overgrown adenoid tissue in children. Sodium or mineral water chloride solutions can be prepared independently. With their help, you can not only suspend the growth of lymphoid tissue, but also reduce swelling of the throat.

Inflammation of adenoids in a child
Inflammation of adenoids in a child

You can use inhalations for adenoids at 2-3 degrees of development of the disease. When you can still help the body without surgery. For these purposes, solutions are used:

  • "Lazolvana." This broncholitic is used for this disease to thin the mucus that fills the sinus sinus and does not allow them to function normally. “Lazolvan” in the amount of 1-2 ml is diluted with the same amount of saline.
  • "Fluimucil." This antibiotic is used to relieve inflammation in the nasopharynx. A solution for inhalation is sold in ampoules. One ampoule is used for two inhalations. Its contents must first be diluted in 3 ml of saline.
  • "Pulmicort" and "hydrocortison". These hormonal drugs are also used to relieve swelling. The ampoule with 2 ml of the drug is diluted with an equal amount of saline.

Inhalation with saline for children by Berodual: for what diseases is used, dosage

When the cough takes an obstructive type and can develop into suffocation shows inhalations with Berodual. This bronchodilator helps well for diseases such as bronchial asthma and pulmonary emphysema. Berodual helps to cope with bronchospasm and other consequences of lung damage.

To carry out inhalations with Berodual, you need to correctly dilute the drug. A child under 6 years of age, weighing less than 22 kg needs to be added to a saline (2 ml) by a drop of the drug for every 2 kg of child weight. Moreover, the first inhalation must be done with a minimum amount of solution, and gradually increase it to a standard dose.

For children from 6 to 12 years old, a solution for inhalation should consist of 10 drops of the drug diluted in 0.5 ml of saline. With acute bouts of bronchial asthma, the dosage can be increased in two.

Inhalations with Berodual are done 2 times a day with a normal course of the disease and 4 times a day with complication.

Inhalation with saline for children Lazolvan: for what diseases are used, dosage

Colds that are accompanied by sore throat, runny nose, fever and cough can be cured with inhalations with Lazolvan. This drug is able to remove sputum from the bronchi and alleviate the symptoms of colds.

Inhalations with Lazolvan
Inhalations with Lazolvan

For inhalations, the finished Lazolvan solution is used, which is divorced with sodium chloride in 1: 1 proportions. To determine the dosage of the solution, you need to take into account the age of the child. Children under 6 years of age are taken taking 2 ml of the drug twice a day. Inhalation time should not exceed 5 minutes.

Children who are already 6 years old can increase the dosage to 3 ml twice a day. The time of the inhalation procedure should be no more than 5 minutes. Such procedures need to be carried out daily for seven days.

Inhalation with saline for children Pulmicort: for what diseases are used, dosage

Another drug for the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system is pulmicort. This is an anti -inflammatory hormonal agent that does not cause addiction with prolonged use. The attending physician may prescribe inhalations with a “pulmikort” for bronchial asthma, laryngitis and laryngotracheite.

Inhalations with a “pulmikort” can be carried out by children from six months of age. The maximum allowable dosage of the drug at this age is 0.5 mg. The drug is divorced with sodium chloride in a ratio of 1: 1. As a rule, the entire contents of the ampoule (2 ml) are first bred, and then the solution is divided into several inhalations.

For children from 6 months to 6 years, the dosage of the drug can be increased to achieve a greater effect. On the day, two inhalations with this drug are allowed.

Inhalation with saline for children with naphthysin: for what diseases is used, dosage

With severe nasal congestion, obstructive bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and tracheitis, inhalations with “naphthysin” are indicated. As part of this drug, the active substance is naphazolin, which fights well with diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract.

Inhalations with saline
Inhalations with saline

Inhalations with Naftisin can be used to treat children only after consulting with a specialist. At the same time, the first 2-3 days such procedures cannot be carried out. It is also necessary to abandon inhalation at temperatures in a child above 37.2 degrees.

Subject to such procedures, it is very important to observe the proportions. An overdose of Naftisin is dangerous for child health.

If Naphtisin is used 0.05%, then 1 ml of this substance must be diluted in 5 ml of saline. When using Naftisin, 0.1% - 1 ml of this drug is diluted in 10 ml of saline.

For inhalations, children use 3 ml of the finished solution.

Inhalations are carried out three times a day for 3-4 minutes under 6 years of age. For children of older age, the time of such procedures is increased to 5-6 minutes.

Inhalation with saline for children with Ambrogexal: for what diseases is used, dosage

Cough, this is one of the forms of complication of the cold. It usually occurs in the presence of obstacles to free air. At its appearance, the intake of mucolytic drugs is indicated. Those that dilute sputum and contribute to its withdrawal from the body. One of the most popular mucolytic drugs is Ambrogexal. This drug based on Ambroxol of hydrochloride is available in the form of tablets, syrup and inhalation solution.

Before using inhalations with Ambrogexal, you need to make sure that the cough is not an allergic nature. In addition, it is important to know that this drug is advisable to use in the treatment of wet cough. Before using it, you need to consult your doctor.

To conduct inhalations with Ambrogezal, it is important to correctly dilute this tool in a saline. Children under 2 years old need to dilute 1 ml of this product into 2 ml of saline.

Children from 2 to 6 years old can be increased to 2 ml, and children from 6 years old to 3 ml. 1-2 inhalation procedures are allowed per day.

Inhalation with saline for children Miramistin: for what diseases are used, dosage

Miramistin is an antiseptic and disinfectant that is used for sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis and other similar diseases. The active substance of this drug acts on pathogenic bacteria and destroying their membrane. Which leads to their death.

“Miramistin” is a small toxic agent whose action does not cause problems in healthy cells of the human body. Moreover, the action of this tool is activated by local immunity. Which contributes to a quick recovery.


The most successful drug is valid for inhalation. These procedures are carried out by an undiluted solution of Miramistin (0.01 %). For children, you can use 2-4 ml of this drug. The exact dosage can be found from the attending physician.

The duration of one procedure takes 10-15 minutes. Treatment with inhalations of Miramistin is carried out for no more than 5 days.

Inhalation with saline for children Ambroben: for what diseases is used, dosage

Ambrobene proven itself well in the treatment of cough and diseases of the respiratory system. Most often, Ambrobene is taken with bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma and pneumonia.

Ambrobene has practically no side effects. If you use this drug for inhalation, as well as taking inside, then you can significantly accelerate its effect.

For children, a solution for inhalation is prepared based on sodium chloride. For this, the same amount of the drug and saline is mixed. Children under 6 years of age should consist of 2 ml of Amboben and 2 ml of saline. Children are older than this age, the dosage is increased to 3 ml of Amboben.

Inhalation procedures are carried out 2 times a day for 5 days. Already on the 2-3 procedure, the action of this medicine should have a positive effect.

Inhalation with saline for children Fluimucil antibiotic: for what diseases is used, dosage

“Fluimucil Antibiotic” for inhalations is used in the treatment of a large number of respiratory diseases caused by the action of pathogenic bacteria. The composition of this tool includes:

  • tiampenicol - a wide range of spectrum of action
  • acetylcysteine \u200b\u200b- mucolytic

The antibiotic destroys the cell membrane of bacteria and causes their death. The mucolytic agent facilitates the removal of sputum and improves the penetration of thiampenicol into the body tissues.


Important: do not confuse “flumucil antibiotic” and “flumucil”. The composition of the latter includes only a mucolytic agent. This drug is not able to influence pathogenic bacteria.

Inhalations with “fluimucil antibiotic” are used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngotracheitis, adenoid, lung abscess, pertussis, otitis media, acute and chronic sinusides, sinusitis and many other diseases. Its use is shown only when prescribing a doctor.

The drug is sold in a package, which includes a bottle of powder and water for injection. The powder is diluted in water, and then the solution must be mixed with saline. For this, “flumucil” in a diluted form in an amount of 1.25 ml is diluted in 1 ml of saline.

To get this dose of the drug, you need to dial a syringe from the bottle of 1.25 ml of the resulting solution of “fluimucil” and add 1 ml of physiological solution to it. The finished solution is used for inhalation. The procedure is carried out for 5-6 minutes. The course of treatment is 8-10 days.

Can I do inhalation with saline at temperatures?

Steam inhalations at body temperature over 37 degrees can be done, but not desirable. At this time, the body fights with the disease, and the load in the form of warm air can spend its extra resources. After such a procedure, the temperature may even increase even more.

But, modern nebulizers do not heat the air. They simply deliver medicinal to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. So, you can use this procedure at high temperature. But, you need to do this carefully.

Is it possible to inhalation with angina with saline?

Everyone knows that Angina is a disease caused by the action of pathogenic microorganisms: bacteria, fungi and viruses. A special effect in the treatment of this disease can be achieved using local therapy. That is why such procedures as rinse and irrigation of the throat, as well as inhalation are so popular under sore throat. But, in order for inhalations to give a positive effect of them best with a nebulizer. That is, a device that simply sprays the drug without heating it.

Angina in a child
Angina in a child

With the help of such inhalations, you can treat not only bacterial, but also viral sore throat. A special effect can be achieved if you begin the treatment of this disease at the initial stage. Then, when purulent foci have not yet formed.

In the initial stages of tonsillitis, inhalations with mineral water (“Narzan”, “Essentuki”, etc.), as well as saline, have proven themselves well. Such procedures are able to relieve throat edema, reduce the pain syndrome, soften the nasopharynx and heal the microsyas of the mucous membrane.

How many times a day, by time, days, to make a child with saline?

The dosage and number of saline for inhalations is determined by the pediatrician in accordance with the age of the child. For a child age 3-4 years, inhalation is carried out with 2 ml of saline. For children 5-7 years old-3 ml. Children are older than this age during inhalations use 4 ml of solution.

Between inhalations you need to withstand 4-6 hours. One procedure should take from 2 to 10 minutes depending on the age of the child.

The course of such procedures should not exceed 7-8 days.

Contraindications for inhalations with saline for children

Pure saline has practically no contraindications. But, experts do not recommend using this tool for extracellular hyperhydration, as well as blood circulation disorders. It is not recommended to use saline at a high sodium level in the body, as well as in hypocalemes. With a left ventricular and heart decompensated insufficiency of inhalations with saline, you also need to refuse.

Do inhalations help with saline with coughing, runny nose: reviews

Katia. With obstructive bronchitis, the pediatrician prescribed inhalations with Berodual and saline at his daughter. Three days later, when the symptoms of the disease began to retreat "Berodual" canceled. But, inhalations with saline were left. The child quickly got better.

Ivan. I have two children. When one of them brings the virus from school, we take turns sick with the whole family. The pediatrician advised to wash his nose and make inhalations with saline. Now it is used in us constantly. They began to hurt less.

Video. How to make inhalation with saline with cough and runny nose?

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Comments K. article

  1. Inhalations, of course, is a super thing. It was they who helped the son from the cold to get rid of .. True, they used aquamaster. I think everything has helped together here)) In the same matter, the main thing is to start treatment in time, then everything will be fine)

  2. I myself was disheveled for the holiday ((both the temperature is low and the throat is grinding, the heat. I don’t drink the antipyretic yet, but I have already begun to be actively treated from my throat. I was rinsing in the morning, now I have been absorbing sage from nature, I hope I can recover for the weekend, I can recover, Do not hunt at all ....

  3. I tried to do such ingallion with dry cough, it only got worse, the cough intensified and it became hurt in my chest. I switched to Gedelix. I did not understand, maybe I did not do it.

  4. my daughter loves inhalations with chamomile very much) although anyway, with colds, only comprehensive treatment with honey cakes, teas, sprays, and hedelix

  5. Such inhalations did recently every evening, when the baby was sick. They also gave Savis broncho Ambroxol (it was pleased that the ratio of price and quality is good, Evalar all the same produces). Probably, it is precisely due to the fact that such an integrated approach-roll was used quite quickly and passed, although usually this business is delayed ... So I can safely recommend such “therapy” to parents of sick children)

  6. The husband coughed for a long time and the cough did not go even at night. Since he does not go to the doctors and is treated himself, Gedelix was advised in the pharmacy. It helped to cope with the cough over time, but not as fast as we would like. But onions with honey or inhalation with herbs or saline have not tried yet, it may work better, although they seem to be similar, it is better than antibiotics at the first signs of coughing

  7. I do inhalations only with dry cough, for three days to sit in the evenings like that, breathe and everything is OK. I try to immediately be treated immediately, in order to avoid complications. I treat my throat with dorricin, in the intervals between rinse eucalyptus or chamomile. Working scheme, I will recover in a couple of days

  8. They are also good as a means of prevention, in fact. We periodically make courses, and of course, without fail, we also give vitamins of Immuno. By the way, they really like the child to taste and form. Probably precisely because of this we do not get sick practically, even pediatricians praise us.

  9. Recently appeared on the sale of an Oryvis Probiotic. Probiotic, specially designed to maintain the health of the respiratory tract. I bought in capsules. But you can pour the contents of the capsule into water or milk. It has no taste. I drink children, not even suspecting that something has been added !!! The prevention of respiratory system diseases is good.

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