Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools, toilets in a private house: how to use, which is better, effective, reviews. How bacteria work for cesspools: the principle of action

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools, toilets in a private house: how to use, which is better, effective, reviews. How bacteria work for cesspools: the principle of action

A review of the best bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools.

In some settlements, especially for summer settlements, there is no centralized sewage. Thus, almost all the impurity that are excreted from the human body accumulate in the cesspool. To ensure purity, and obstacles to soil infection, it is necessary to call the Assenizers from time to time. Biological products will help to save significantly, and septic tanks for cesspools. In this article we will talk about bacteria for cesspools.

How bacteria work for cesspools: the principle of action

How do septic tanks work? In general, this is a composition that is contained in dry or liquid form. In the package, such microorganisms sleep, since adverse conditions for their propagation and growth.

How bacteria work for cesspools, the principle of action:

  • When breeding with water and providing favorable conditions, bacteria begin to grow, multiply and come to life. Microorganisms feed on organic waste, turning them into water, carbon dioxide and a small amount of mechanical impurities.
  • After using the septic tank, the smell disappears, while the liquid from the cesspool can be used to water the garden. It is absolutely safe and does not contain aggressive impurities that are in urine and feces.

How to use bacteria most effectively for cesspools: tips

In general, in order for the bacteria to work, it is necessary to provide appropriate conditions for their reproduction and growth. In each case, there is an instruction on the package, how to use. 

How to use bacteria for cesspools most effectively, tips:

  • The presence of air access into a cesspool. That is, the design should not be tight. If this is a well, then it is necessary to provide air access by opening it a little. 
  • Temperature within +4 +30. If the temperature is very low, bacteria cease to multiply and work. They need a favorable environment for life. 
  • The presence of a small amount of liquid. Almost all microorganisms, before the introduction of a cesspool, must be dissolved in water. This triggers chemical reactions and allows the septic tank to start working.
  • In addition, a relatively small amount of chemical impurities of an aggressive nature is also necessary. This applies to chlorine or phenol. If chlorine for disinfection, or other chemicals, could significantly affect the vital activity of bacteria, up to the extinction of bacteria, up to their extinction. 

Bacteria for cesspools - how to use: instruction

There is a so -called starting dose, this is the minimum amount of the septic tank that must be added to the water to start the process. The initial stage needs a fairly large number of bacteria, it is indicated on the package.

Bacteria for cesspools - how to use: 

  • The number of microorganisms is calculated depending on the volume of the cesspool. About a month is needed to start the processes and the reaction goes. During this month, bacteria multiply in the fecal mass, and begin to eat organic substances, with their converting into water and carbon dioxide.
  • After a few days, you will notice that bubbles began to appear on the surface of the cesspool. This is carbon dioxide, which rose as a result of the use of microorganisms and their work. A few days later the smell disappears.
  • This is due to the fact that ammonia compounds are binded and turn into safe substances. Thus, there are no unpleasant aromas near the toilet. In order to maintain the cleaning effect, it is necessary to administer a small amount of the drug about once a month. The dose is several times less than with the initial administration.  

The best, most effective bacteria for cesspools: Names of drugs

Microorganisms for the cesspool are saprophyta bacteria that work in an anaerobic or aerobic environment. They are also found in ordinary natural conditions. Most often sold in the form of powders or small granules. There is a liquid, as well as a tablet product. Below we present an overview of the most common septic tanks for cleaning cesspools. 

The best, most effective bacteria for cesspools, the names of the drugs:

  • SanEx. The drug positions itself as a bioactivator, consists of anaerobic bacteria. This is a powder, but in order for it to work, it is necessary to dilute it in the water and pour the resulting mixture into the cesspool. He copes with organic matter perfectly, but at the same time monitors the condition of sewer pipes. As a result of the action of the substance, water is obtained, as well as a small amount of silt. The resulting water can be drained immediately in the garden, or use for technical purposes. It is absolutely safe.  
  • Dr. Robik. This is a universal drug, it can be used if there are fats and phenol in feces. Even if you sometimes use household chemistry, then the microorganisms contained in the drug Dr. Robik will still work. In order for the product to be effective, it is necessary to pour the powder into the toilet and wash it off several times with water. Please note that if there is a large number of thick feces in the cesspool, and there are few liquids in it, water will have to be added to the drug, since they do not work on dry microorganisms. 
  • Roetech 106m. This tool is available in the form of powder and suspension. Development is originally American, but is carried out in Russia. The composition contains 6 types of bacteria, which work both in the presence of oxygen and without it. In order for the product to work, it is necessary to mix one package with a bucket of water and wash off in the toilet in 2-3 approaches. The tool also removes hardened feces, which have dried up to the walls of the septic tank. Neutralizes harmful chemicals. Disadvantage: the product cannot be used in winter. 
  • One of the best products is the drug Ecoline bioactivator. A product is sold in a bucket weighing 1.5 kg. In order to start working, it is diluted in an amount of 50 g in 5 l of water, poured into a cesspool. About 1 m3 of feces is enough for such a product. The product begins to act quickly enough, while it is necessary to update the effect of the drug, about once every 2 weeks, dissolving one tablespoon of 5 liters of water, pouring into feces. 

Advantages of cleaning the toilet with bacteria

Advantages of cleaning the toilet with bacteria:

  • Reducing the need to use the Aquarius machine.Part of organic waste is processed, their number is reduced, since most of them go into carbon dioxide. 
  • Elimination of an unpleasant odor on the site. Under the influence of bacteria, all ammonia, which is contained in urine and feces, evaporates, turning into safe chemical components that do not smell.
  • Contribute to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. This reduces the likelihood of developing diseasesplants, and improves in general the condition of the site around the toilet. 

How quickly bacteria cleanse the cesspool?

It depends on the specific drug, and the features of the conditions in which it is operated. The lower the temperature, the slower the bacteria work. The best cleaning occurs in the summer when it is hot outside.

How quickly bacteria cleanse the cesspool:

  • All chemical processesthey proceed much more active. The first results can be seen in three days. During this time, an unpleasant odor disappears. The validity period depends on the specific manufacturer and the characteristics of bacteria. The most effective are those that multiply when exposed to air and oxygen. The amount of sediment or silt is very small, 3-15%. 
  • As for bacteria that live without air access, they themselvespre -recommended Worse, since there is much more waste. After about a week, it is possible to significantly reduce the level of feces. Some manufacturers guarantee that in about 1-2 months it will be possible to reduce the level of sewage by 80%. 
  • Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting that such substances cannot be used in winter, so the best option is to use in the spring, when there are no frosts on the surface of the earth, and until the end of summer. Under the winter, cesspools are usually cleaned. The plus is that the precipitate that remains is a valuable mineral fertilizer that is not necessary to dispose of or call the Assenizers. It is enough to independently scatter the silt in the garden, after digging it. Thus, it will be possible to save on compost, as well as organic fertilizers, such as litter or mullein.  

Where can you buy bacteria for cesspools?

You can purchase a means for safe feces from official representatives. Try to check the packaging, and the expiration date of the product.

Where can you buy bacteria for cesspools:

  • The fact is that some liquid substances cannot be stored in the cold, or at high temperature. Therefore, read storage conditions, and term. If questions arise, do not hesitate to ask them the seller.
  • Now in almost every store for gardeners there are similar funds. However, it is best to order them from official representatives on the sitea company that is engaged in the manufacture of such products.
  • In this case, you can be 100% sure that the products were stored correctly, and effectively cope with its task.  

The best bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools, list

The best bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools, list:

  1. Biogranulas. The product is produced in South Africa, enzymes and microorganisms are included. It works with oxygen access. After about 1 month, solid organic deposits and hardened fecal mass turn into a muddy fluid. It can be pumped out and poured into the garden, as it is organic fertilizer. Among the negative sides, the product is worth highlighting sensitivity to chlorine and phenols. Therefore, the technical waters that remained after washing cannot be poured into a cesspool.
  2. Bioactivator Biosept - This tool is produced in France. It can be purchased in the form of powder or granules. It is recommended to use every 2 weeks. The composition includes not only microorganisms, but also enzymes. Plus this drug - it can work both in the presence of oxygen access and without it. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting that the tool cannot be used along with chlorine and phenols. It does not work if there are dried feces in the cesspool. In no case should you mix with washing powders and a dishes for washing dishes. 
  3. SanFor bioactivator. This is a tool that can be used to clean the barn where animals are contained. The drug is carried out in Russia, helps to deal with the deposition of fat, feces, as well as phenols and cellulose. The tool can be used even if you drain water into the cesspool after washing. Among the pluses is a low price, the ability to use with soap solutions. The product does not work if there is very little water in the cesspool or there are dried feces. In winter, it works poorly, almost does not destroy the smell at low temperatures. 
  4. Ecorecycle. A universal product is used both in septic tanks and in cleansing tanks. He removes hardened organic residues, can be used to clean the clogs in the pipes. Safe drug. Disadvantages: It works poorly if the remains of soap or powder hit the cesspool. 
  5. Expel. itbioactivatorwhich is produced in the form of tablets. It contains calcified soda, as well as dry bacteria and enzymes. 
Living bacteria
Living bacteria

How to buy live bacteria for septic tanks Aliexpress: Link to the catalog 

Aliexpress - A platform on which anything can find. Living bacteria for toilets, as well as septic tanks, are no exception. Below we present a catalog of bacteria for septic tuals for alesspress.

Catalog of living bacteria for septic tanks with Aliexpress.

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools: reviews

Below you can find customer reviews.

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools, reviews:

Oleg, Anapa. Initially, I thought that it was a whim, or the divorce of the people for money. I bought one package, I decided to try on the advice of a neighbor in the country. Now I constantly use it. The last time he called the Assenizers about 5 years ago. I use the product, I really like the drugMarvelous. Its consumption is small, and the price is very low. Every year before winter, the remnants of silt, which settles at the bottom, I introduce instead of compost in the garden. 

Elena, Rostov. I learned about such bacterial agents just a year ago. Therefore, I can’t objectively evaluate how effective they are. I can say for sure that the number of sewage in the pit has become much less, an unpleasant odor disappeared. Now it is possible to be near the toilet, planted a flowerbed there. The main drawback is that such funds cannot be used in winter. 

Valentine, Krasnodar. I am an avid gardener, I have many vineyards, in the yard there is a toilet. I think that no one needs to talk about the smell. I tried ways to fight the stink, for this I used chlorine, other chemical reagents. The smell disappeared for a short time. More recently, I learned about the drug, I was very pleased, since the next day the smell was gone. At the end of summer, I noticed that the cesspool became not so complete. In my opinion, the feces became half as much. I will now constantly use such means.  


If people live constantly in one place, for example, this is a private house, then you need to call a car once or twice a year. This is quite financially, not everyone can afford. The perfect solution is microorganisms for toilets.

Video: Bacteria for septic tanks

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