How to quickly and just learn words in English? How to remember English words forever: the best technique and error analysis

How to quickly and just learn words in English? How to remember English words forever: the best technique and error analysis

Learning English: we remember a large number of words forever. How to increase the vocabulary in the shortest time?

Words - the basis of the language and without them, no knowledge of the rules helps. But as most people say, it is most difficult to learn English - to learn the required number of words. Yes, as soon as you learn words, you will not become polyglot, but you will be able to understand speech without difficulty, somehow express yourself and convey your thoughts, but most importantly, probably, watch films, listen to music and read in English. In this article, we will analyze the basic principles of studying a large number of English words.

Learning English words is simple: technique of memorization

The standard jamming of English words is considered the least effective, because it is primarily boring, and all that is boring our brain intuitively repels. On average, students “fade” no more than 1.5 thousand words for studying at school, of which half are simply forgotten. We suggest abandoning such a system and teaching English words fun and with pleasure.

Mobile applications and games are a great way to learn English words
Mobile applications and games are a great way to learn English words

So, let's analyze the main problems of studying English words:

  • As soon as you stop repeating the words - they are instantly forgotten;
  • A large number of words at a time is not very simple, and sometimes impossible;
  • Not quite the correct understanding of the process of effective study of words in general;
  • A short -term memory is a dangerous thing, because as soon as the words get there, they are forgotten immediately after repetitions.

Interesting: studies were conducted in Germany, during which a certain result was obtained. The studied people were proposed to learn a number of words with two consonants and one vowel between them, while all words did not cause any associations. As soon as people began to pronounce them in the correct order and unmistakably - the study stopped. After a couple of hours, people could only recall 35% of the information, and in a day, most of the subjects could not repeat anything from what they taught.

After that, scientists once again conducted a number of studies that showed a certain result. First - we teach words, the second is a repetition in a certain order:

  • 20-30 minutes of a break and again you need to repeat English words;
  • After 1-2 hours, go through the same program again;
  • Repeat the next day again;
  • After 7 days, repetition again;
  • After 14 days, there is still a repeat;
  • After 60 days, repetition again.

This combination of traditional repetition and interval learning is an ideal way to learn a large number of words forever, and not for a short period of time.

Memory of English words: tips

In this section, we offer several options for studying English words according to the above scheme. Which one is more effective dependent on a person. Try all the methods and then by trial and errors you will probably derive your ideal option.

We teach English words in order - we take a dictionary and begin to study along the way. On the one hand, it is boring, on the other, the words different in complexity are remembered by many easier. Minus - you do not know the context in which this or that word is used, but on the other hand, a great option for the base.

Thematic version of the study of words - Take a notebook dictionary and write out the words on the topic, for example, "House". Thus, you not only teach words, but also systematizing them. For example: a house, a private house, an apartment building, a skyscraper, a shopping center, a cinema, a country house, etc.

These are the schemes - one of the effective ways to remember the words on always, but to draw yourself, very time -consuming, although interesting
These are the schemes - one of the effective ways to remember the words forever, but to draw yourself, very time -consuming, although interesting

Learn the words on cards. This option previously assumed the manufacture or purchase of cards on which the English word was written on the one hand, on the other - its translation. Today there are many mobile applications with such a system, while complemented by transcription and sound transmission of the word.

Studying words in context. Suitable for those who have already switched to the second and higher level. You are watching a video in English, and when you meet an unfamiliar word - write down and teach all the sentence to understand not only the word, but also its binders.

Now having chosen the technique, let's move on to the very system of memorizing English words. If you decide to study the words yourself, and not according to the finished program, remember such a formula.

80% of repetitions, 20% of new words. At the same time, it is necessary to repeat both yesterday’s words and words of two -month ago. Thus, the easiest way will be to remember new words, and do not forget the already learned material.

You can learn words in different ways, but as soon as your reserve steps for 1000 words - connect associations. Without them, it will be much more difficult to remember the rest of the words.

How to quickly learn words in English?

In this part, we suggest studying words in mnemonics. This system is rapidly gaining momentum and becomes one of the most popular in the world. The word is a set of letters and meaning. So, this technique offers associations between words and values \u200b\u200bto build in such a way that at the sight of this set of letters you have a necessary association and response in the brain.

Mnemics is an effective way to learn words
Mnemics is an effective way to learn words

Why mnemonics work:

  • After many years of research, scientists have proved that the brain creates visual relations best;
  • The technique appeared a long time ago and was actively used in ancient Rome and Greece. Socrates especially loved her;
  • Mnemics are given in different ways, but after studying 1000 words according to this technique, almost all supporters of the technique say that they can remember about 100 words per hour! What does its high efficiency say.

Four reasons to choose mnemonics:

  • The visual shares in the human brain are the most powerful and contain the highest percentage of neurons, and accordingly can absorb the larger amount of information over a certain time compared to other shares;
  • The brain does not store sets of letters, the brain stores a picture with meaning (word) and sound. That is, regardless of that, we see the letters "dog", we hear the word dog, we still imagine a dog;
  • Associations, as feelings, they transfer us to the place where we first got acquainted with something new, or at a time when emotions were at the highest level. Did you play a melody, and you feel a gust of wind, goosebumps and before your eyes the time when this melody was special? So, you have a perfectly developed direction, and you can easily remember many words from the first lessons. If not, then after a few weeks you will reach the desired level and can easily remember a large number of words in one lesson;
  • 90% of those who began to use this technique reported that after the first week of classes about 100-300 words are remembered (the indicator is individual and largely depends on the initial skills).

How to engage in mnemonics:

  1. Visual pictures are good, but are not suitable for this. Turn on the image and draw a picture in the head. For example, we teach the word sun. We close our eyes (if with open eyes it doesn’t work out) and imagine a bright sun on a clear day. Not the street, but the sun, we “look” at it repeating the word and reading letters;
  2. If the first rule works with difficulty, we try the second. Association with absurdity. We are looking for a suitable word in Russian, for example, to English fist so Russian pistachio. Now we represent a pistachio in a fist and pronounce the word fist. Now it will definitely come up in consciousness as the most vivid memory of sound or set of letters FIST. But here it is important not to confuse that the word fist is a fist, not a pistachio;
  3. The plot associated with the picture. Another bright direction of abstraction. We represent a huge lifting crane that lifts giant fish, and repeat Fish;
  4. It is important - to put your eyes correctly. Behind each word you make a repeat 4-5 times and set your eyes in this way: lifting slightly and directing it to the nose. According to scientists, in this position of the eyes the neutrons of the visual part of the brain are most active;
  5. Learn to remember with open eyes, this is important, since the memories come depending on it, you kept your eyes initially closed or open (to remember you need to return your eyes to the same position);
  6. Repetition is the mother of teaching. Do not forget the associations well, but, without repeating according to the scheme given in the first section, the associations will disappear.

The main mistakes in the quick memorization of English words

No matter how you try to learn English words, you can make mistakes, so we propose to make out the most basic ones, and ways to solve them.

  • «Today I’ll learn everything. ” Do you know how muscles hurt after the first training? And how then does not want to train again, so as not to suffer at the end? So in study, moderation is good, otherwise the lesson will quickly get tired and it will be very difficult to return to it.
  • "I will find the most difficult, but I will leave the lung for later." Of course, the initiative is good, but then you will simply have a “porridge”, because each level has its own vocabulary. English teachers recommend starting with simple words, especially verbs, and only a month later, try to switch to a more complex level.
Great association to learn the word error
Great association to learn the word "error"
  • “Today I’ll learn a new one, and next week I will repeat.” And again, deception, it is necessary to repeat according to the compiled schedule, as well as 80% repetition and only 20% of the new, the only way you can effectively remember everything and for all.
  • We teach without understanding the context. Do you know that one and the same item, the action is called differently depending on the situation? So it is necessary to remember the word in the context, and not separately, to minimize the "blunders" .
  • Learning words with improper pronunciation. Even if you do not speak out loud, you think with one or another pronunciation. We strongly recommend thinking several times and only then pronounce. This is very important, since it is 10 times more difficult to retrain than to learn.

Video: How to teach and remember English words forever? Five tips

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