Where he lives, lives, what the brown bear eats: the mainland. Bear - description, characteristic, structure. Types of brown bears, names and photos

Where he lives, lives, what the brown bear eats: the mainland. Bear - description, characteristic, structure. Types of brown bears, names and photos

Description, habitat and types of brown bears.

A brown bear is a fairly common animal in Asia, as well as in Europe, and was also discovered in some regions of America. In this article we will tell you what this animal, where it lives, and what it eats.

Where does the brown bear live?

In America, this bear is called grizzly. That is, this is not another type of bear, an ordinary brown bear. It is only in America that it is called thus due to huge sizes and a strong rea emitted. In some regions, it is listed in the Red Book.

Previously, a lot was distributed where: in some areas of Japan, in Kamchatka, as well as in many states of America. Now the population has decreased slightly. Tangent Europe, it lives in Switzerland, England, as well as in some mountainous areas of the Alps. Basically prefers fields, meadows, as well as mountain massifs. Rarely prefers places without a large number of trees. Basically in Russia it can be found in a forest belt, up to the tundra.

Brown bear
Brown bear

Types of brown bears, names and photos


  • European brown bear
  • East Siberian brown bear
  • Kamchatka brown bear
  • Grizzly bear
  • Tian-Shansky brown bear
  • Tibetan brown bear
  • Kadiak Bear
  • Apennine brown bear
  • Gobi brown bear or Mazalaya
  • Syrian brown bear
East Siberian
East Siberian

Where it lives, what the brown bear eats: the area of \u200b\u200bresidence in Russia

In Russia, a brown bear can be found almost everywhere where there are densely planted thickets, as well as a lot of vegetation and trees, where people rarely penetrate. There used to be a huge number of types of brown bears, now there are not many of them. They are mainly divided into habitats, that is, geographical characteristics and some features of appearance. Although in general, almost all brown bears are very similar to each other. Their size, as well as color, may differ slightly. Basically, the color varies from red, brown-brown to black, almost with a blue tint. Oddly enough, this is also a brown bear.

Despite the fact that a brown bear is considered a predator, 3/4 of its daily diet consists mainly of plant foods. These are the roots of grass, various plants, acorns, leaves, trees bark. There are also a bear, there are worms, some insects. But there are cases when the bear really hunts. He can catch a wolf. Frequent victims of the bear are roe deer, deer, as well as other large animals. Quite often, the bear feeds on carrion and eats behind wolves, hyenas and other more active predators, which are much easier to catch food because of their small weight.

Brown bear
Brown bear

Bear - description, characteristic, structure

For almost 6 months, the bear spends in winter hibernation. To do this, he chooses special places, boulems, gorges in the rocks, as well as pits, inside of which there are many branches. The most interesting thing is that the bear sleeps very sensitively, so it is enough just to wake it. If you wake the bear, then he will quickly get out of the den and go to look for a new place for winter hibernation. There are also bears called connecting rods.

This is not a separate look, the most ordinary brown bears who, due to the lack of fatty reserves and foods, cannot fall into winter hibernation. All winter they stagger through the forest in search of food in order to finally fall asleep. Such bears are very aggressive and attack everything that moves, including rabbits. Despite the enormous weight and apparent slowness, the bear can develop speeds of up to 55 km per hour. Thanks to these skills, the bear can catch fish in quickly current rivers, which very often happens with the Far Eastern bears that catch salmon.


Some of the brown bears are very good hunters, and can catch a rather large prey, such as moose, deer, as well as roe deer. They tear their prey with great power and large paws, at the ends of which there are 10 centimeter claws. On average, in Russia, the weight of the bear is approximately 120 kg.

If these are Far Eastern relatives, as well as the North American bear, as well as species living in Canada, then these individuals can reach 400 kg. Cases of the detection of Grisli bears that live in Canada are recorded, their weight was more than 700 kg, and growth, if you put it on its hind legs, about 3 m.

Brown bear
Brown bear

Bears are copied around in the month of June. At the same time, it is often clashes between the males, as a result of which one of the rivals dies. The female hatches cubs for about 6 months, respectively, they are born inside the den. The weight of newborn cubs is only 0.5 kg. In the spring they are already large enough and resemble a small dog. At this time, they go hunting with their mother, have been held with her for about 2 years.

They become sexually mature in 3-4 years, on average they live about 30 years. As for the structure, many noticed that the bear has a hump or the so -called withers on the neck. In fact, this is nothing more than an accumulation of muscles, which gives the bears of great power. It is thanks to this muscle accumulation that the bear with the help of its paws can break huge animals.

Brown bear
Brown bear

The most interesting thing is that the females, along with the cubs, winter the longest in the dens. The least in the den are old males, because they poorly gain fat for the winter, due to a decrease in mobility. Accordingly, they wake up earlier. On average, hibernation lasts from October to April. A rather aggressive bear happens immediately after awakening, that is, in early spring.

This is due to the fact that the stock of fat ends, and in the spring of plants there are quite few, so there is nothing special to profit from. It is in the early spring that the bears become very aggressive and hunt for smaller animals, that is, they become predators and meat -eaters. With the advent of vegetation in their diet, berries, nuts, as well as a variety of plants predominate. It is worth noting that many interesting legends and rumors are connected with bears. It is believed that it is the Grisli Bear that is the prototype of the old Yetti, which is often mentioned in legends.

Brown bear
Brown bear

The rampant deforestation, reduces the population of brown bears. In some regions, it is entered in the Red Book and are protected at the state level. In Russia, a bear can be found quite often, this is due to a huge number of forests, and impassable thickets, where it is difficult to make people away.

Video: How to escape from a brown bear?

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