Aliexpress in dollars in Russian - purchases, catalog, prices and payment in dollars. How to find out the dollar to the ruble for Aliexpress for today?

Aliexpress in dollars in Russian - purchases, catalog, prices and payment in dollars. How to find out the dollar to the ruble for Aliexpress for today?

Buying on Aliexpress in dollars.

In this article you will find out if there is an opportunity to make purchases on Aliexpress in dollars. And also draw a lot of interesting information about the exchange rate and payments in foreign currency on the site.

How to find out the dollar to the ruble for Aliexpress for today?

For those who first visited the Alienspress and are not yet quite familiar with the methods of ordering and paying for goods on the site, we advise you to read article or view video instruction.

In the online store Aliexpress You can buy almost any goods. The currency of the card does not matter.

To determine the necessary currency of the purchase, you should:

  • Look at Aliexpress.
  • In the upper right corner on the main page to choose a country of delivery and currency, pressing the window " Delivery in ..."And next to the currency icon, select Rub.
  • Do not forget to click " Save«.

To find out the dollar to the ruble, you need:

  • Choose your favorite product, click.
  • Write or remember the price in rubles
  • Further at the top in the right corner Aliexpress Change the currency again for dollars again and write down the price in dollars.
  • Next, divide the price in the rubles of this product for a price in dollars. The resulting figure will be the exchange rate to the ruble at the moment.

Currency converter in the full version of the site Aliexpress no. Therefore, this is the only way to find out the dollar on Aliexpress for today.

In the mobile application there is a currency converter. To determine the course, you need to press three strips in the left, then select " Other" - Further " Currency Converter«.

Select the currency - prices are recalculated
Select the currency - prices are recalculated

Sellers set their goods exclusively in american dollars. The trading platform independently converts money and shows the visitors to the prices in the currency preferred by them.

For example, if the product is worth 20$, after the client changes in rubles, the price of products will show 1200 R ( 1200 rub.\\ 20$ – 60 RUB Course of the ruble to $ 1).

Why is Aliexpress a dollar more?

The most common monetary currency is the dollar. Regularly fluctuating prices and the course on the portal are the consequence of some factors:

  • each seller has its own tariff rates.
  • the manufacturer independently conducts a study of the cost of products, observes the rate.
The course can fluctuate
The course can fluctuate

It is also worth considering that the dollar exchange rate on Aliexpress The desired national currency may approximately differ from the actual course of the bank - the issuer of the card.

How to make the prices for aliexpress in dollars?

The client has the opportunity to change the currency in which prices on the site will be displayed. The form for change is located at the very top of the site page on the right next to the delivery country button.

If the currency is selected in dollars, then the payment for payment will also be in dollars.

Prices change at the rate
Prices change at the rate

Business in the online store becomes not only fashionable, but also profitable. No need to run around boutiques, compare where it is cheaper, where it is more expensive. Now it is profitable to buy for Aliexpress. Here the goods can be purchased at a bargain price, paid in the desired currency.

How to buy on Aliexpress in dollars?

  • As you know, products on Aliexpress You can buy in rubles And any other currency, changing it with a button at the top right.
  • On the Aliexpress It is impossible to order products with cash on delivery and pay for purchases upon receipt.
  • If the currency is selected in dollars, then the account for payment for the order is issued and removed to the dollars. It is impossible to change the currency when paying.

Aliexpress - A trading platform for buyers and sellers from around the world. The funds here are directly credited to the account of the outlet, and only when the goods are received by the buyer, transferred to the seller.

Buy profitably in dollars
Buy profitably in dollars
  • In principle, any currency is accepted on the site, but it is better to pay in dollars, since the money is still converted into dollars, plus the percentage for the conversion itself is still taken.
  • When paying dollars, the commission is not charged. Therefore, choose prices in dollars, as indicated above and make profitable purchases.

How to pay for the goods in dollars for Aliexpress?

The main result of the purchase on the site Aliexpress The payment process is. Buyers want to pay for purchases in dollars, assuming that it is much more profitable. Of course, when there is a dollar account more profitable to pay in dollars.

When paying from the dollar account, no surprises are expected. Payment of the order will pass quickly, without any commissions.

When the client does not have the above account, the payment can be made in dollars and rubles. When paying dollars from a ruble wallet, Aliexpress He sets an account with a bank for a specific amount in dollars.

When paying in dollars
When paying in dollars
You will receive an account from the bank
You will receive an account from the bank

According to the internal sales rate, the bank is calculating. But since the final deduction of money takes a couple of days, when the ruble changes at the time of write -off, the bank can recalculate.

Favorable purchases and a fascinating trip on the site Aliexpress!

Video: Buying for Aliexpress in dollars

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Comments K. article

  1. And if three bills were tied to the map: I was originally one ruble, then I created $ and €.
    How to make it to be removed from the dollar account (for example, I bought $ once at a favorable rate) and I do not depend on today's ruble exchange rate?

    I did not find on Ali options for choosing an account, only a card and that's it.

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