Zinerite - Instructions for use

Zinerite - Instructions for use

A product intended to combat acne rash-“Zinerit”. In the article we will discuss those cases in which its use is shown and when it should not be used.

« Zinerite»Instructions for use

In the means " Zinerite»Includes two main active component-erithromycin and zinc acetate.

Erythromycin is an antibiotic and, accordingly, has a bactericidal effect, killing a number of microorganisms that caused inflammation. Zinc acetate acts as keratolika, that is, the substance helps to reduce the amount of skin fat produced and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells.

Like all antibacterial agents, erythromycin, which is part of lotion, has a pronounced anti -inflammatory effect. When using the product external, part of the antibiotic nevertheless penetrates the body and has a systemic effect, on one's own It is excreted by the body.

« Zinerite»Form of release

"Zinerit" form of release

The product is available in the package that contains 2 bottles. One of them contains powder components of the active substance:

• DIGIDART Acetate zinc

The second bottle contains a dissolving substance, which includes:

• Ethanol
Sebakat disopropyl

To use the solution, these two bottles must be mixed. The packaging also contains a specialized applicator for application lotion On the skin.

« Zinerite»Indications for use

"Zinerite" indications for use

Lotion It is used for the treatment of acne, which is not associated with disorders of personal hygiene of the skin of the face.
Treatment Zinerite It is shown for acne, which is associated with excessive products of the sebaceous glands of the skin. The product has a drying effect.

« Zinerite»Method of application and dose

For use lotion It is necessary to dissolve the powder of one bottle in the solvent, which is contained in the second and thoroughly shake.

"Zinerite" method of application and dose

It is necessary to apply the product on clean (washed) skin with a specialized applicator. The product is applied with a thin layer. Rinse, withstanding the recommended time if necessary. The applied solution quickly dries and becomes not noticeable.

Use this solution recommended 2 times in day- c Morning and evening time. On average, the use of this antibacterial agent is prescribed for 12 weeks. After this course, a good therapeutic effect should be noticeable, the first improvements should occur over the first 3-4 days.

« Zinerite»Contraindications

The use of this tool is contraindicated in individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug. Also, given that in the composition lotion An antibiotic enters that partially penetrates through the skin barrier, the use of the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding is also not desirable.

« Zinerite" side effect

"Zinerit" Side effect

Using the drug " Zinerite»Could provoke the development of local allergic reactions. Can be observed:
• dry skin
• burning in the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the solution
• redness
• irritation of the skin
• Itching

To eliminate such side effects, antihistamines are used for symptomatic therapy.

Most often, the manifestation of an allergic reaction is slightly pronounced, therefore they do not require cancellation of the course of treatment.

« Zinerite" special instructions

"Zinerit" special instructions

It is not recommended, when undergoing a course of treatment, to use scrubs and all kinds of use at this time peelings. Also do not combine this drug with other anti -war means. The only thing that is allowed to use after washing the solution is Moisturizing and softening creams.

You should also not often resort to the use of this lotion And increase the course of therapy for a long time. The antibiotic contained in the solution with prolonged use can cause adaptation (addiction) of bacteria to the antibacterial component and the product will not become effective.

Long -term use of the product can violate the immune properties of the skin. After the end of use lotion Probably the occurrence of a relapse of the disease, therefore, after a course of treatment, it is necessary to provide protection for the skin.



• Indoxil
• Erythromycin

« Zinerite" reviews

The solution has a large number of positive reviews. Its effectiveness in the fight against acne is noted. Inflammation is quickly eliminated, and the skin is cleaned.
It should be noted such a side manifestation of the action as dryness and peeling of the skin, but they pass after the end of the course of therapy and normalize the function of the sebaceous glands of the skin.

Video: acne, acne, acne. Malyshev about Zinerit

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Comments K. article

  1. In the appendage to Zinerite, the doctor advised me to take a metrogil, supposedly a different spectrum of action and normalization of the pH. I don’t know what helped there, but the skin was cleansed. Maybe even such strong drugs need “support”.

  2. After all, there is already an antibiotic in Zinita, the point of taking Metrogil with it? I understand that he was appointed to his brother with Skinoren, but Zinerit has the essence that he contains a complex of components.

  3. Thanks for this article! I really have problems about this! I'll try Zinerit)

  4. My friend has a terrible acne !!! She began to accept this product, and the skin improved significantly !!! I recommend)

  5. Zinerite helps well and is transferred normally, unlike the same coolant, which is excessively expensive and the skin burns no worse than hydrochloric acid ...

  6. I had neither burning nor redness only when using a mirror. The rest of the funds all the time delivered discomfort.

  7. Soantra is generally a nightmare, I don’t understand how such terrible ointments allow to sell one and a half thousand. And I like Zinerit, the skin after it is fresh.

  8. The son was also appointed Zinerit with Metrogil, they said a very bad scraping. I hope it will help.

  9. Yes, I also prescribed me a doctor Zinerit and Metrogil. At first I bought only Zinerite, doubted in the second drug. He cleaned, of course, acne, but not as fast as he wanted. But when I also took Metrogil, everything went in an instant.

  10. Somehow she took a chance and bought Zinerite. I think, since dear, it means it should help, and how much they twist in advertising. As a result, I threw out this tube, and saved me metrogil-a is 3 times cheaper.

  11. I would not take risks and took the metrogil, but of course, all the same effect from him

  12. Here, as they say, the budget allows you to take Zinerite, look for cheaper, take metrogil-a

  13. Zinerit terribly dries the skin, I definitely

  14. In general, I personally buy a metrogil. I have seasonal acne, appear in the spring.

  15. You can take what you like, I am also for metrogil and more all the same

  16. I thought an allergy on my face. As a result, it was not she, I went to the metrogil-a

  17. They say that metrogil is not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age. This is true?

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