Receipt after the 9th grade: Who can you go to study after the 9th grade, what professions to choose? Review of suitable specialties for girls and boys

Receipt after the 9th grade: Who can you go to study after the 9th grade, what professions to choose? Review of suitable specialties for girls and boys

The article refers to where young people can go to study after the end of nine grades, which educational institutions are suitable for them.

Many nine -graders are wondering: what is better - to go further to study in the tenth grade or to master a profession? Before solving this issue, you need to think carefully, study all the pros and against this problem. After all, some professions cannot be obtained without higher education. Well, if you still decide to leave school, you must carefully treat the choice of a new educational institution to obtain new knowledge and continue to obtain education after the ninth grade. Moreover, there are so many of them.

Admission after grade 9: which is better to choose a profession?

It is very difficult to find a thing that would like to do all my life. Therefore, first you should understand yourself. And never listen to stories that only this popular profession today can bring a big income. Moreover, if you do not have much desire to work in this position. Only real experts in their craft can earn big money. And there are not many such people. Therefore, you should not master the position of an accountant if you do not like mathematics at all.

Where to go after grade 9?
Where to go after grade 9?

Choose your future lesson based on the following factors:

  • If you had good knowledge in your school in some subjects, then choose a technical school, school, college where these items will be needed.
  • You can conduct testing, online, by the way, there are a lot of them. Find out which profession is more suitable for you.
  • It is good when the young graduate has a certain goal and already aware of where his future place of work will be.
  • You have already completed many tasks at your favorite work at school, and you have good skills in this, then this profession was created for you.

If all these points are not suitable for you, then just ask your relatives and friends advice. They know for sure about your abilities and will not advise bad. In addition, a consultation with parents can open new opportunities for you. They can recommend you the profession that you did not even know about.

Receipt after grade 9 - which institution is it better to enter the educational institution?

Many choose the nearest college for admission due to the close location of the educational institution. But this is fundamentally wrong, because you may not like the acquired profession skills, as a result you will work in four years not where you wanted.

College training
College training
  • In the modern world, educated people should know several languages. It is very good if in the technical school or school where you will study, some attention is paid to the study of English or other foreign language. In a good workplace, this knowledge is necessary.
  • It is also necessary to study the skills of using computer technology, you can not do without it in modern production. When entering college, ask if there is a computer class in the institution and whether you will have classes in it.
  • During the training period, students gain new knowledge, find new acquaintances. It is important that in your educational institution much attention is paid to comprehensive development, and public work, excursions are carried out. Students exchanged experience with students of others from the regions, countries.
  • Another component of educational institutions is also important. It is advisable to choose the establishment in which employment is subsequently provided. Now there is such a practice when many colleges sign agreements on the employment of their graduates.
  • Those who want to continue their studies after college in higher educational institutions will be able to continue to improve their qualifications. Moreover, they are immediately credited to the third year. The main thing is to set a clear goal and accurately go to its implementation, without fear of difficulties.

Who can you go to study after 9 - college, technical school, school: what to choose?

Those students who decide to enter technical schools can, after its completion, become younger specialists. After the college, secondary specialized education and qualifications from graduates are already received - bachelor.

Admission to the technical school
Admission to the technical school
  • The difference between these instances is that colleges are taught more fundamental, theoretical knowledge, and in technical schools they give practical knowledge, teach visual professions.
  • Those who choose the school give a certificate of secondary education and the corresponding profession, depending on specialization. Previously they were called vocational schools, now they are more often called lyceums.
  • The learning process in technical institutions is carried out according to the school principle, and the duration of the training itself is only two to three years. And in college, educational skills are given almost the same as in universities. Teachers conduct lectures, there are seminars, sessions and training period for already three to four years.
  • That is why after colleges many go to universities. If you are not interested in training further, then it is better to go immediately to the technical school, there you can immediately get to work after its end.

Who can you go to study after the 9th grade for a girl?

When choosing a further profession, it will not prevent the floor. Not every girl will be able to work in an enterprise where there is hard work, harmful conditions, etc. Therefore, this nuance must be taken into account.

One of the most popular areas for girls are the following:

  1. Mid -level salary is available to persons who choose a profession secretary, accountant, administrator etc. Physically, this is not hard work, but you will have to spend a lot of time at the computer table. Spend time to fill out reporting, receive customers. Unfortunately, not many manage to advance along the service ladder, this position may become the only one for many years.
  2. A lot of girls are required for the trade sphere, and there, vacancies can be different: logist, cashier, commodity department, marketer, sales consultant and many others. But working conditions often leave much to be desired, and there are no wages for high trade workers.
  3. There are many lyceums and technical schools who teach young people to work in the food industry. If you have a diploma chef, confectioner, then with the search for work you will not experience problems. And when the girl is lucky enough to get a private restaurant, and she will have good professional skills, her success is provided and high earnings.
  4. If you have some kind of skill in the field of beauty industry, then enter the lyceum or technical school, college for masters of the pedicure, hairdresser, fashion designer etc. You will never be left without work.
  5. In the design direction, you can become not only a fashionable couturier, but also to develop sites, make architectural projects, advertising and much more.
The best professions for girls
The best professions for girls
Of course - these are far from all the professions that are suitable for girls, there are other narrow directions. A person can choose the only one that he likes.

Who can I go to study after grade 9 to a guy?

After the end of the ninth grade, it is not very easy to make a decision to the young guy where to enter. Often they judge professions only by information from the Internet, familiar stories and on television films. Although reality is different from the data provided.

Which educational institution to choose after the 9th grade to choose?
Which educational institution to choose after the 9th grade to choose?

Therefore, before drawing conclusions, first delve into the study of your favorite profession. After that, you can go to the educational institution where you will study specialties, see the conditions, ask friends about the learning process and other necessary conditions for the process. Online on the lyceum or college website, find another information you are interested in.

When the financial situation is difficult, the guys after the ninth grade can master the profession in a fairly short period. And then start work if a young man is already eighteen years old.

What professions can be mastered in courses in the lyceum or other educational institutions?Many boys have already dreamed of driving a car since childhood. When they graduate from school, they can go to study and become driver public transport or cargo. The specifics of this profession requires a person special attention, responsibility, and the ability to maintain control even in stressful situations, to be friendly, restrained.

And in our time a more demanded profession than welder difficult to find. One of the most popular specializations. If a person reaches the level of the master in this matter, then he will receive a decent income, the main thing is not to exchange his talent for alcohol. They get professional skills in colleges and schools.

Electric welder
Electric welder

A good knowledge base is given by technical schools, colleges for mastering professions mechanics and auto mechanic. Such masters are repairing equipment and cars. In many ways, the salary of the master depends on the quality of his performed works. If the specialist has extensive experience, then there will be a queue for repair work. The master will need the ability to diagnose breakdowns, attentive to the repair process, and responsibly to do his job.

As you can see, the choice of a future profession is a responsible business. Moreover, each person has his own talent. Based on the inclinations of the individual, and we must choose the most close thing for the soul.

Video: Where to go after the 9th grade?

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Comments K. article

  1. Capital Professional College
    We invite you to study, in specialties.
    Business Technologies and Law Department:
    - tourism;
    - Banking;
    - Law and organization of social -
    - Programming in computer systems.
    Branch of Theater and Estate Arts:
    - acting;
    - The musical art of pop.
    Admission to college is possible after grades 9, 11. After the college is graduated, a state diploma is issued. During their studies, students are given a delay from the army.
    st. Centuries, d. 21, p. 3, Moscow

  2. Capital Professional College
    We invite you to study, in specialties.
    Business Technologies and Law Department:
    - tourism;
    - Banking;
    - Law and organization of social -
    - Programming in computer systems.
    Branch of Theater and Estate Arts:
    - acting;
    - The musical art of pop.
    Admission to college is possible after grades 9, 11. After the college is graduated, a state diploma is issued. During their studies, students are given a delay from the army.
    st. Centuries, d. 21, p. 3, Moscow

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