How to determine the floor in the puppy in appearance: diagram, description

How to determine the floor in the puppy in appearance: diagram, description

Ways to determine the floor of the puppy.

After the birth of the puppies, many breeders need to determine their floor in order to distribute to who the baby will get. The fact is that many prefer boys, while others, on the contrary, are girls. This is due to the difference in characters, as well as some features of the content of puppies. In this article we will tell you how to determine the floor of puppies at a small age.

How to determine the floor in the puppy in appearance: scheme

First of all, not only behavior, but also sexual characteristics differs. The fact is that at such a small age, for example, immediately after birth, and up to about 4 weeks, the genitals of the puppies are practically not formed. That is, boys do not have a pronounced penis, and in girls the sexual gap is tightly closed. Accordingly, to figure out where the boy is, where the girl is quite difficult. But with certain skills, it is still possible to easily find out whether you have a male or a bitch.


  • To determine it is best to choose the day when the puppies are calm. The first few weeks it is advisable not to touch the puppies at all, so as not to weaken their smell. The fact is that the mother of the babies focuses directly on the smell of puppies, respectively, if he is interrupted by perfumes, or some perfume, then the woman in labor can abandon her kids. To prevent this from happening, try not to carry puppies in your hands in the first days.
  • When several weeks pass, you can determine the floor of the puppies. To do this, take a large terry towel, which should first be heated on a battery or heater. Next, the towel is laid out on a large feathers, in which a recess is made. Thus, a kind of hammock will turn out. It is necessary to put the puppy with the back in it in a recess, so the legs will stick out at the top, and the tummy look at you.
  • Now you can proceed to the inspection. The females have small dots in the upper part, these are nipples. Males also have them, but are quite rarely visible, or practically not identified. Next, you need to look at the bulges in the groin. In puppies in age up to one month, the penis may not be at all pronounced.
  • But in this place there is already a small tubercle, as well as a decent accumulation of wool. That is, if you saw a bunch of wool on the tummy of the puppy, which is covered by some small tubercle, most likely this is the penis. Now you can see in the tail. The male has only one hole in this area. That is an anus. The second button, which is a vaginal hole, has no males.

It is worth noting that there is no need to look for sexual appendages from males up to one month. The fact is that at this age they are practically not formed, they are not. They fall into the scrotum after some time. But in this place there may also be a small cluster of hair, that is, wool.

The pattern of the genitals
The pattern of the genitals

How to define a female: Description


  • In this area, the female on the tummy has no bulges, as well as clusters of wool. The tummy is almost bald, without concentrated sections of the hairline.
  • Accordingly, there are no clusters of the wool in the groin. But if you turn the bitch to you booty, then under the tail you can see that there are not one, but two buttons. That is, one is an anus, and the second is directly the sexual gap.
  • In puppies, up to 1 month, only a slight seal and darkening can be observed. Only with age does it become more distinct, acquires a certain shade.

Why determine the floor of the puppy?

Why is it so important to determine the boy or girl in front of you? The fact is that many owners want to get a male directly. This is due to the fact that he does not have estrus, there is also no need to conduct a melt, and grow puppies. No need to worry about childbirth, because they can be difficult to transfer, like people. In addition, many believe that male are the best guards than females.

But dog handlers say the opposite that females during security manipulations are more aggressive and faithful to their master. It is harder to conduct them, they are to the end are ready to fight the attackers. Regarding the females, many believe that they are more devoted to the owner, a certain place, and even if they are lost, they find their house very quickly.

In this case, the female is most often located directly near her owner, even if not to walk with a leash. The male, on the contrary, are rather windy and can easily go for a female who has an estrus. In this case, it is useless to scream something, say, because the dog is unlikely to obey you. In the first place he has sexual reproduction.

Paul puppy
Paul puppy

Accordingly, the male is easy to conduct. There are even special baits with the smell of a female in order to outwit patrol dogs. It is worth noting that the basic inconveniences that are associated with the care of the female include estrus, as well as the possibility of childbirth. If you do not plan to educate, raise puppies, at this time it is best to carefully monitor your pet.

No free walking can be allowed, only on a leash and under your close control. It is worth noting that many speak regarding the aggression of the female during estrus. This information is not confirmed, and not an axiom. Both females and males behave completely differently. The female can be aggressive, or vice versa excessively affectionate, constantly rub on your legs.


Alternative ways to determine the floor of the puppy

It is worth noting that the inspection of the genitals is not the only way to determine the floor of the puppy.


  • Many dog \u200b\u200bhandlers claim that the muzzles of females and males are significantly different. They say that females have a deeper look and pretty features of the muzzle. Males, on the contrary, are more courageous in appearance, as well as large ones.
  • Very often, it is the weight that becomes the main feature by which the floor of the puppy is determined. Since absolutely always males are born larger than females. That is, their weight is slightly larger. Males are gaining weight much faster than females.
  • That is, they hang more and more often on their mother’s chest, as well as hungry all the time. Females may not have time, or give up milk. Accordingly, because of this, weight is gained more slowly.
Paul puppy
Paul puppy

As you can see, even immediately after birth, you can easily determine the floor of the puppy, despite the non -core pronounced sexual characteristics.

Video: how to determine the floor of the puppy

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  1. Lord, what have I read now? Is this instruction for glamorous ladies? Or - judging by the video - for illiterate rescue? Both categories, however, like the author, do not need to come close to dogs

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