How many teeth does a dog have? When does the teeth change in puppies?

How many teeth does a dog have? When does the teeth change in puppies?

This article will talk about the proper number of teeth in the dog, as well as the period of changing milk fangs.

Teeth in dogs play an important role in their life. After all, they serve not just to chew food or take certain items, it uses them to protect and attack the enemy. Therefore, it is extremely important for each dog to have a healthy dental system, which is equally laid both hereditarily and depends on the cultivation and creation of favorable conditions during the period of change of milk teeth to permanent ones. And so that you, as the owner, can distinguish the normal state from the deviation, it is worth knowing how many teeth should have!

How many teeth does a dog have?

At birth, the puppies have no teeth! In the dog, they also appear along with the first complementary foods when mother’s milk begins to lack. This happens from about 4 weeks of their life, it is then that they begin to cut through the milk teeth. After 2-3 weeks, this process ends, and the puppies can already be excommunicated from the mother.

How many teeth does a dog have? In puppies of large and medium breeds, the growth of milk teeth ends by about 6 weeks, in miniature breed puppies - no earlier than 2 months. By this time, they already have all the milk teeth and can eat on their own.

Dog teeth
Dog teeth

Puppies have 28 milk teeth!

  • it 12 incisors(In professional literature, they are indicated by the letter I). 6 teeth in the upper and lower jaws located in front - they are usually cut out in the puppies in the puppies.
  • They appear behind them Fangs (C.). There are 4 of them - 2 in the upper and lower jaws.
  • Next are the false deciduous teeth, which are still called premoles (p).In total, the dog has 16 premolars - 4 on each side of the upper and lower jaws. But the first premolar, which is the smallest tooth in the dog, is not milk - it immediately grows constant after a change of teeth.
  • As well as subsequent molars - Molyar (m).Thus, the puppies have no these teeth in the dairy version, and the entire milk premolar is 12: the second, third and largest - the fourth premolar (which, respectively, are designated as P2, P3 and P4).

An adult dog has 42 permanent tooth!

  • 12 incisors (I)
  • 4 fangs (C.)
  • 16 false decorated teeth or premolars (p)
  • and 10 root teeth - molar (m)

They are located symmetrically on the right and left side, but in the lower jaw one pair of teeth more. That is, respectively, 20 teeth in the upper jaw and 22 in the lower. These "extra", small teeth in size - Third Molyar (m3)- are located the very last in the lower jaw, one in the left and right. They are considered rudimentary, not having a functional purpose.

This is an ideal description of the dental formula of the dog, but the teeth do not always grow in full set. In many ways, it depends on the breed, size, genetics and individual characteristics of the animal. It is noted that small or medium breeds have a smaller dental amount.

Dental structure in a dog
Dental structure in a dog

Here is an example of breeds that have fewer teeth - 40:

  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Toy Terrier
  • French Bulldog
  • Brussels griffin
  • American naked spaniel
  • Chinese crested dog
  • Toy-poodle
  • Bigl

And some breeds have an acceptable value from 42 to 40:

  • Samoyed dog
  • English bulldog
  • Irish black spaniel

Other breeds have 38 at all:

  • Chihuahua
  • Pug
  • Velsh-corgs
  • Shi-Tzu
  • Dwarf Pincher
  • Pomeranian spitz

Of great importance for the dog is also the bite - Closure of incisors formed by the ratio of the upper and lower jaws. It is several types:

  • scissor -shaped (correct for most breeds)
  • straight
  • uNOCK
  • snack

Violations in the process of teeth can also affect the form of bite.

Correct bite in dogs
Correct bite in dogs

When is the change of milk teeth in dogs to permanent?

The period of change of milk teeth in dogs to permanent is the most responsible and important point in the life of your pet. After all, it is not only associated with the intensive growth and development of the puppy, the formation of its exterior and character, but is still associated with the period of the greatest susceptibility to various infectious diseases - that is why it requires special attention and control by the owner!

  • The change of teeth in large breed puppies begins Approximately at the age of 3-3.5 months and ends by 6-7 months.In miniature breed puppies, this process is usually more prolonged, the beginning of the change of teeth can linger and add up to nine months of age. Wherein Small dogshe is worse tolerate, they often need the help of a doctor.
  • The first puppies begin to change incisors, They usually faster than other teeth complete their full growth. This happens approximately From 3 to 5 months.
  • The following "cursed" constant fangs,which in the puppies grow long and their final size reach by 6-7 months.
  • From the root teeth, first grows The first premolar.It does not have a dairy option and appears immediately permanent in the fourth or fifth month of the puppy’s life. At the same time, the largest, first molar, grows with it, Then all the rest of the false and root teeth.
Tooth shift table
Tooth shift table

The process of teeth change is ideally as follows:

  • The root of the milk tooth subjected to resorption (resorpopted).The fixation of the tooth in the jaw is weakened, it begins to stagger.
  • At this time a permanent tooth Actively grows through his channel, pushing a milk tooth. If he still holds firmly in the gum, a growing permanent tooth can “break” nearby and for some time they will be in the jaw together.
    • If this continues no more than a week It is not accompanied by painful processes in the gum, you can wait a bit. While the milk tooth falls and the permanent rises in its place.
    • But if the gums at the same time Inflammation or the loss of the milk tooth is delayed more than a week,take a doctor immediately.
Two rows teeth
Two rows teeth

Features of the dental change period in dogs, puppies: Care recommendations

  • During the period of teeth, in dogs, immunity in the puppy is weakened. Therefore, the owner must make sure that Until 3-3.5 months of age, all preventive vaccinations were madeagainst the most dangerous infectious diseases.
  • You must also control that all the necessary measures to process the puppy are carried out From external and internal parasites. And take care so that the puppy receives High -quality nutritionand mineral-vitamine top dressing necessary for their age.
  • Ideally, the process of teeth change should not affect the condition of the puppy. But sometimes possibly insignificant (0.3-0.5 0) and short -term increase in body temperature.If the elevated temperature lasts a long time, you should consult a doctor.
  • Also at times may arise stomach upset- There is nothing wrong with that. But it is important to be sure that the cause of diarrhea is precisely in this, and not in the infection of the puppy with any infectious disease.
  • In the process of teeth change, the puppy constantly occurs Itching in the gums.Therefore, he begins to bite furniture, shoes and everything that will fall under his teeth. You can’t punish it for this, you just need to take warning measures.
    • For this, there are special Sprays,by which you can process things in order to avoid their damage.
    • In addition, it is extremely important to provide a puppy with toys and special "chewing" bones,made from the veins, which he will be happy to nibble.
During this period, carefully follow the health of the pet
During this period, carefully follow the health of the pet

Important: playing with a puppy during this period should be carefully so as not to damage the already painful gums and not cause him unpleasant sensations.

  • Puppies with standing ears in the standard (for example, a German shepherd), during the period of change of teeth, the ear cartilage becomes quite weak. Therefore, the ears can fall, get up with a “house”, then rise again and fall again. If the ears have a strong cartilage at the base and they stood before the start of the teeth change, then this should not be a cause for concern.
  • In large breeds The process of teeth change, as a rule, occurs painlessly and nothing but control is required.
  • Puppies have miniature rocksthis process is often disturbed due to the inability of the root of the milk tooth to be absorbed. While the milk tooth is still firmly kept in the gum, an intense growth begins at a constant tooth and it goes nearby.
    • When this happens simultaneously with several teeth, a double row is formed.This is especially common with incisors and fangs, which can cause inflammation of the gums, stomatitis and even improper formation of a bite.

Therefore, the process of changing the teeth in dogs should always be carefully monitored and consult a doctor in a timely manner. Many owners prefer to remove milk teeth if they are firmly held in the gum, and the growth of permanent has already begun.

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