How to feed newborn puppies without a mother? How to feed newborn puppies without a mother: a list of mixtures

How to feed newborn puppies without a mother? How to feed newborn puppies without a mother: a list of mixtures

Ways to feed newborn puppies without a mother.

If the puppies are left without a mother, it is possible to grow them on their own, making maximum efforts. In this article welet's tell How to feed a puppy without a mother. 

How to go out puppies without a mother?

The easiest, affordable option is to relocate puppies to a female who recently gave birth to puppies. Most often, females are happy to nurse other people. But it happens that due to the difference in smells, the dog does not want to accept other people's cubs, rejecting them.

How to go out puppies without a mother:

  • In this case, it is necessary to rub other people's puppies with the underlying of the mother, on which she usually lies with her offspring. This will help outwit her. If despite this, the dog still refuses to feed other people's cubs, you can pick up two mother’s puppies along with strangers. Move them to another room. Usually the cubs begins to whine, the mother hears the squeak of her kids. If you return her puppies with strangers, most likely she will gladly feed them. If this trick did not help, in this case you will have to take care of the puppies on your own. 
  • This requires a lot of effort and time, since the puppies at this age do not urinate on their own, do not go to the toilet “in a big way”, they cannot follow and even walk.
  • Newborn puppies are prone to infections, which they avoid as a result of constantlicking mother. If it is not, then a person will have to fulfill all the duties of the mother on his own.
  • First you need to find a suitable bed with high sides, on the bottom of which it is worth laying a warm blanket, or a disposable diaper. It should be borne in mind that the puppies will put up this diaper, so you should not move them to a new beautiful bed. Find some temporary housing, for example, a cardboard box. It will not be a pity to throw it away, unlike the expensive bed.

How to feed newborn puppies without a mother: a list of mixtures

For feeding puppies, special milk mixtures are used, which can be purchased in a vetaptex. The standard cow's milk is not fed for dogs, due to the inconsistency of the concentration of minerals and trace elements. In such milk, puppies are underdeveloped, with a large number of chronic ailments.

How to feed newborn puppies without a mother:

  • Royal Canin Babydog Milk
  • Canina Welpenbrei
  • Beaphar Lactol Puppy Milk
  • Bosch Puppy Bezernovaya
Feeding by the mixture
Feeding by the mixture

How many times to feed a newborn puppy?

It is necessary to feed the kids every 2 hours, during the first week.

How many times to feed a newborn puppy:

  • At night, it is allowed to take a break for 4 hours, provided that there are no too weak individuals among the puppies. They must be fed even at night every 2 hours.
  • In the second week, it is allowed to increase the interval between feedings to 4 hours, and at night to 6 hours.
  • Only starting from the third, fourth week, it is allowed to transfer kids to 4 or 3-razor nutrition. 

Puppies must be transferred to a full nutrition of puppies no earlier than 6 weeks. Prior to this period, puppies are fed exclusively with a milk mixture with the addition of porridge, gradually increasing the concentration of cereals, making the dish more thick. 

How can you feed newborn puppies?

Unlike cats, which are fed for three weeks exclusively by milk mixture, dogs from the third week need to add a small amount of porridge to the milk mixture.

How to feed newborn puppies:

  • In a blender, grind the cereal to the powder state and cook in the milk mixture. It is necessary that the mass in consistency resembles semolina, but very diluted. In the fourth week, you can increase the viscosity of the porridge by making it thicker.
  • Puppies, especially a large breed, may not be eaten in a milk mixture. It is necessary to ask the veterinarian about the amount of food consumed, depending on the breed of dogs, the feeding norms differ.
  • It is recommended to measure the temperature of the puppy before each feeding, it should be higher than 35.5 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the dog’s stomach does not work and the intestinal is inventor. 

How to feed a newborn puppy without a mother: a microclimate in the room

During the first week, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the den at a level of 30 degrees. For these purposes, you can use a heating pad.

How to feed a newborn puppy without a mother, a microclimate in the room:

  • For puppies, also harmful both low and high temperature. Therefore, it is worth avoiding overheating. Experienced breeders recommend using heating pads for these purposes, butspecial lamps, which are used in incubators for heating eggs and small chicks. 
  • Modern models of lamps are equipped with sensors, as well as thermostats that do not allow puppies to overheat. In the second week, it is allowed to reduce the temperature to 27 degrees, and in the third week the optimum temperature will be 21-23 degrees of heat. 
Mom feeds puppies
Mom feeds puppies

Can you feed the newborn puppy with a syringe?

To avoid serious consequences, health problems, after each meal, it is necessary to massage the stomach of the puppy. Moisten cotton sponges or a children's napkin with warm water. Stroke the stomach in the direction from the navel to the urinary tract and the anus. Usually emptying occurs within one or two minutes during massage. Therefore, it is best to carry out such a manipulation above the sink or disposable diaper, which is not a pity to throw away.

After that, the anus, the external genitalia of the dog is wiped with a damp cloth so that there are no dried feces or urine. Such a manipulation must be carried out until the puppies are 3 weeks. When they perform 21 days, they can already go to the toilet on their own. Make a disposable diaper in the house, placing it at a short distance from the den or house where the puppies are located. 

You can feed the newborn puppy with a syringe:

  • Unlike kittens, puppies cannot be fed with a syringe without a needle, as aspiration pneumonia can develop. This violates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, since the puppy swallows a large amount of air along with food.
  • He may have bloating, can torment colic, serious pain. It is best to use a special nipple and a bottle for dogs. If they are not, then an ordinary bottle with a soft nipple, purchased in a pharmacy for a child, is suitable.
  • To begin with, make a couple of small holes so that the milk did not pour, and it had to be sucking. If the puppy swallows the mixture too eagerly, it is necessary to take breaks to avoid swallowing air. If the bubbles come from the baby during feeding the baby, this indicates an too large hole in the nipple and a strong flux of the milk mixture.
  • Replace the nipple with a small hole. It is necessary that the puppy seemed to chew the pacifier. Do not be discouraged, the nipples for bottles will have to be changed at first quite often. After feeding, it is necessary to hold the baby vertically for several minutes so that all the air comes out, the dogsmog Bend the rest of the mixture. 

Follow the purity of the puppies so that there are no residues of the mixture on the head and body of other babies. This often leads to infections, rotting of the navels, orconjucivitis. Be sure to wipe the muzzles of the puppies with a damp cloth after each feeding so that they do not have milk or mixture. Wipe your eyes with cotton, cloth moistened in a strong tea solution.

The kid is sleeping
The kid is sleeping

Is it possible to feed a newborn puppy with cow's milk?

Milk sugar in the intestines in dogs begins to be processed from 20 daily age. That is, after 3 weeks. The cow's milk contains a large amount of lactose that the stomach of puppies cannot process.

Is it possible to feed a newborn puppy with cow's milk:

  • Therefore, gas formation, bloating can be observed. If there is no special dairy mixture purchased in the vetaptex, it is allowed to use 10% cream instead, after diluting them with boiled water. It is necessary to take 10 parts of cream and one part of boiled water.
  • This is necessary that the fat content of the mixture is 9%. That is how much fat is contained in milk in dogs. It is recommended to give whole milk starting from 3 weeks. The fat content of milk should be 2.5-3.2%. Washed chicken eggs are added to it to increase the amount of vitamin D, proteins in the mixture. They continue to feed such a mixture for up to 4 months. 
  • After 4 months, the dog is not recommended to give milk, due to a decrease in the amountlactoses In the intestines. In adults, there are practically no enzymes for splitting milk in the gastrointestinal tract. However, if the dog was artificial feeding, it was not stopped feeding milk from birth, it is allowed to give it one glass, twice a week. If the dog does not have an allergic reaction, bloating or diarrhea after milk, it can be introduced into the diet. 
Feeding through the bottle
Feeding through the bottle

Read on the topic:

Kids of dogs on artificial nutrition are prone to conjunctivitis, as well as infection of an umbilical wound. Therefore, carry out hydrogen peroxide processing. Do not allow the puppies to lick each other. 

Video: How to feed newborn puppies?

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