Mature skin at what age? From what age can collagen, inject Botox, hyaluronic acid?

Mature skin at what age? From what age can collagen, inject Botox, hyaluronic acid?

You can deal with old age! For this, it is necessary to affect the skin both internally and externally. This article tells about the most popular and effective procedures of "beauty".

Mature leather, at what age?

Mature The skin is called when begins to experience the first signs of chronological aging. Simply put, these are the simplest physiological changes that are characteristic:

  • Increasing dryness
  • Reducing elasticity
  • Reduction of elasticity
  • The appearance of facial wrinkles
  • The appearance of deep wrinkles
  • The appearance of pigmentation
  • The appearance of a capillary grid
  • Increasing bags under the eyes
  • The appearance of sagging

Slow down the aging of the skin It is possible only, given the needs of mature skin. In particular, the skin needs to be intensively moisturized, nourish useful substances, protect from the harmful effects of the environment using special cosmetics.

After 25 five years Human skin begins to slow down the process of cell division. This contributes to the fact that it does not so effectively hold moisture in itself, which leads to unpleasant consequences. Slow down occurs from 25 to 30 years. In each person, this process occurs individually, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

After 25-30 years, the skin gradually begins to fade

W tive of the skin (occurring after ripening) is a process that cannot be canceled. It is affected not only internal, but also external factors.

  • Internal factors: Human heredity (features transmitted from parents), hormonal disorders and malfunctions, violation of metabolism in the body (natural metabolism), biochemical changes (taking certain medications).
  • External factors: Environmental influences (harmful ecology, dirty air, hard water, not high-quality cosmetics), as well as an incorrect lifestyle (unhealthy food, violation of sleep and rest, lack of drinking, violation of water-salt balance).

Video: "Seven causes of premature skin aging"

At what age can you use anti -aging creams?

Slowdown in aging processes the skin can be achieved by exposure cosmetics marked "Anti-Age". Such a procedure without problems will be able to perform for you in any beauty salon, it can also be done independently by purchasing funds in a pharmacy or store (they are freely available).

Use anti -aging cosmetics It should be strictly focused on the recommendations of funds. Each manufacturer produces cosmetics with clear designations: 25+, 35+, 45+ and so on. It is not recommended to violate these age frames, since each separately contains a number of important components focused on the needs of mature skin at a certain stage.

Cosmetics in the struggle for skin youth

In addition to cosmetics, other procedures can be performed with skin:

  • Chemical peeling - Facial cleaning with cosmetic and physical means. It is produced by special brushes, brushes and mittens. Allowed at any age to remove skin imperfections and improve cell regeneration.
  • Massage - Improves the skin of the skin by restoring blood circulation. The skin receives the required amount of oxygen, its color and elasticity improves. It is recommended at any age, since massage has a positive effect on cell regeneration and is the prevention of aging.
  • Photography -a procedure aimed at removing the "old cells" of the skin and improving the work of new ones, by means of exposure to the UV world. Recommended from 25 years after the appearance of the first signs of aging: dryness, loss of tone and moisture.
  • Contour plastic - “quick” rejuvenation of a face by introducing special products under the skin of a person in the form of a gel.
  • Laser rejuvenation- The procedure with which the laser removes the layer of old keratinized cells and promotes the regeneration of young tissues. Recommended from 25 years after the appearance of the first signs of aging.
  • Biorevitalization - a powerful effect on the skin by the influence of external factors (for example: current, cold, laser) and the introduction of subcutaneously hyalouranic acid. The procedure is recommended from 30-35 years of age, it is at this time that the skin begins to actively fade.
  • Mesotherapy - the introduction of the drug into the skin (4 millimeters deep) by acupuncture. The procedure from 25-30 years is allowed when the first signs of aging appear.
Ways to return youth of the skin

At what age can collagen use?

Collagen - The component that is in the skin of a person. He is an important component of matterwhich is capable protect the skin from premature aging. The skin itself produces collagen. The older a person becomes, the less collagen is in the skin. As a result, sagging appears and tone is lost.

You can make up stocks by the use of cosmetics with collagen content And its introduction under the skin. Collagen is proteinproduced by fibroblasts (dermis cells). Its sufficient amount allows you to keep the skin in good shape, “retains” the oval of the face, without losing its contour, prevents the formation of wrinkles.

The loss of collagen skin is affected by several important factors:

  • Stress
  • Bad habits: smoking, alcohol
  • Poor -quality cosmetics
  • Incorrect use of cosmetics
  • Frequent stay in the sun
  • Insufficient skin hygiene
  • Hormonal background problems
  • Climax in women

Cosmetics with collagen not only prevents the prevention of all age -related changes, but also helps to rejuvenate the skin: eliminates deep wrinkles, increases the tone and elasticity of the skin.

There are three types of collagen, which is added to cosmetics:

  • Plant collagen (mined from algae)
  • Sea collagen (mining from cartilage fish)
  • Animal collagen (mined from cartilage).

Most often, plant and sea collagen is usedsince the animal causes an allergic reaction. The peculiarity of plant collagen is that it acts in the epidermis, and the sea is that it “works” on the surface of the skin and in the dermis.

There are no special age guidance on the use of cosmetics with collagen. Creams and masks can be used 25 years old, Depending on the characteristics of your skin. Actively use serums, lotions, capsules, creams and masks with collagen recommended 30-35 years of age. At the same time, you can start experiments with the introduction of collagen subcutaneously.

Cosmetics with collagen are allowed after 25 years

Video: “About collagen, elastin, fibroblasts. How to be younger? "

At what age can hyaluronic acid be injected?

Collagen net, located in the dermis, supports the contour of the face, being a kind of support. This mesh holds the skin in good shape and does not allow it to make a lot. Water is able to hold the gridwhich should be in abundance in the skin. Water is collected around hyaluronic acid moleculeswhich is also an important component of the dermis.

Hyaluronic acid Able to regenerate. However, the older the person becomes, the less this substance is in the tissues. With age, its amount decreases greatly.

Up to 25 years old age of human skin is actively it produces hyaluronic acidprovided that he leads healthy lifestyle. To influence that the skin loses this substance, maybe adverse environment. You can make up for acid reserves with the help of cosmetics.

Hyaluronic acidcontained in creams and serums, does not penetrate deep into the dermisbut is able to create a kind of “barrier” on the skin. This barrier protects the skin from harmful environmental factors and does not allow it to age.

Anti -aging cosmetics with hyaluronic acid

But there is one important warning: applying a product with hyaluronic acid can only on cleansed skin. If it is dirty, the cosmetic product will only contribute to the development of bacteria.

Video: "What is hyaluronic acid, and why is it needed?"

From what age can Botox be injected?

Botox - neurotoxin a, who Introduced subcutaneously to prolong the youth of the skin. Introduce a substance with injections, the action of which is very simple: botox relaxes the muscle. The relaxed muscle does not provoke the formation of wrinkles. Along with this, impulses coming from the nerve endings are also blocked.

Make Botox injections follows only when this procedure an experienced specialist will advise. A doctor or a cosmetologist must take into account the age and individual characteristics of the patient's skin. But better, do not make injections earlier than 25 years of age (until the first signs of skin aging).

Botox is not recommended up to 25 years

Such injections are able to smooth several types of wrinkles:

  • Horizontal (present on the forehead)
  • Vertical (located on the nose)
  • "Goose legs" in the outer corners of the eye
  • Nasolabial folds and corners of the lips
  • Longitudinal wrinkles on the neck

The injection is not noticeable at once, it manifests itself about the third (and maybe fifth) day after injection. Botox effect is growing gradually in two weeks. You can do injections no more than three to four times a year. Approximately 4 months the substance is in the tissues until its complete destruction.

Botox injections are not sick (an individual threshold of sensitivity follows), but have cautions after completing the procedure. In particular, it is forbidden:

  • Be in a horizontal position for 4 hours after the injection.
  • Sunbathe
  • Actively use facial facial expressions
  • Do sport
  • Have sex
  • Carry out physical activity
  • Cry
  • Laugh
  • Do face massage
  • Rub the injection site
  • Drink alcohol
  • Visit the sauna, bathhouse

Video: "Botox: harm or benefit?"

At what age can biorevitalization of the face do?

Biorevitalization - process the introduction of a gel -like substance based hyaluronic acid subcutaneous. After injection, the substance actively affects skin regeneration, restoring the natural tone of the dermis and the contour of the face. The principle of operation of the procedure is very simple: gialuron - Molecule, Holding water at the cellular level. Moisturized skin is filled from the inside, looks smooth and young.

Biorevitalization procedure

Biorevitalization should only be done when when the first noticeable signs of aging appear on the skin, that is, no earlier than 30 years of age. As a correction of a face shape, the procedure can be carried out at 50.

Biorevitalization is necessary for:

  • Elimination of age spots
  • Restoration of skin elasticity
  • Smoothing wrinkles
  • Elimination of sagging
  • Getting rid of dryness

Video: "Biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid"

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Comments K. article

  1. There are actually more options than it seems. This area is now very developing.

  2. I agree, there is something to choose from now. Thanks for the link.

  3. Thank you for the article! Mom uses the collagen Librider series, is very satisfied, indeed, the skin has become much better and fresh, there are no new wrinkles!

  4. Well, as for collagen, it can generally be introduced into their departure in the departure of the internal one)) I myself have now connected the Evalarov hyaluronic acid in capsules (35 years old). But all sorts of beauty injections are not risk yet, I think it’s enough for now it’s just to drink everything in the form of additives

  5. Collagen is of course the necessary thing in the body, I now drink collagen from Evalar, in which it is as much as 6000 mg, the skin has become more elastic, it looks better, and this is only 2 months)

  6. Everyone chooses for himself. He needs it or not. Well, a genetic predisposition too. I have a dry skin by nature. And wrinkles appeared earlier. Therefore, take the collagen of the beginning. Like the sea collagen Evalarovsky. I read that the highest degree of assimilation in fish collagen, as it is very similar to human protein. Therefore, I accept it. And did not lose. Wrinkles froze;) I do not give them a chance. The skin is moistened, in good shape. And I am very pleased with the result.

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