“Knowledge is power”: origin, meaning of phrase

“Knowledge is power”: origin, meaning of phrase

This article describes the meaning and origin of the phrase "Knowledge - Strength."

It is unlikely that one of the people thinks about what this or that phrase they say mean. For example, many teachers, writers or authors of works often say "Knowledge is power". What is the origin of this phrase? What does it mean?

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In this article you will find an explanation where the phrase came from "Knowledge is power". You will learn about the meaning and how different writers use it in literature. Read further.

To whom owns the phrase "Knowledge - Strength": origin

The phrase
The phrase "Knowledge is power"

It is believed that this phrase has more than one author. Some sources claim that it said King Solomonsome - what Imam Ali. But not a poet Firtosinor Thomas Hobbes, in fact, are not the first to utter this phrase from their lips. Who owns this phrase, what is its origin?

  • Phrase "Knowledge is power" belongs Francis Bacon, the English philosopher.
  • By the way, this person, being another 13-year-old teenager, drew up a plan for his most important treatise called "New Organon".
  • It was with this that it all began - Bacon began slowly but surely establishing his power in the scientific field.

Phrase "Knowledge is power", in itself, masterpiece. However, like everything that is concise. On the one hand, the superiority of the competent over the illiterate, intelligent over the stupid, and the educated - over the ignoramus is explainable. Not only the more useful information in the human head, the more options to apply it for its intended purpose and realize in life. Also, it is education that is the basis of great discoveries. And, consequently, the progress of mankind.

By the way, Bacon He argued that people themselves are a subject of knowledge. The scientist contributed to the development of social relations, developed the so -called “logic of the new time”, and also made many more amazing discoveries.

«Knowledge is power ": the meaning of the phrase        

The meaning of this winged expression is quite simple. The one who owns knowledge is really capable of subjugating this world. An erudite person is able to go "ahead of the whole planet." His rationalization thought never knows sleep. An educated person is always in search of questions and answers, he is always on the way to innovation.

In a simpler sense, "The more you know, the better". Naturally, we are talking about this knowledge that can benefit person and society, and not about all kinds of “ballast”, which can be scolded in the human brain and consciousness. Below is the meaning of the phrase:

  • Knowledge really gives power.
  • Drawing them from the surrounding world, educational sources, his own experience, a person becomes wiser, he masters new activities, expands his horizons.
  • Moreover, in the process of learning, the inner world of a person is also formed, his intelligence increases, and horizons are expanding.
  • An educated person can be distinguished from a pointless person immediately - both according to the manner of speech and formulations, and by behavior, and by the way he leads his story.
  • In human life, there are a lot of events, situations, phenomena and processes in which an erudite person can apply his knowledge.

In other words, for the one who is educated - all roads in life are open. And the smarter a person becomes, the more he is strong. However, in some cases, the statement Bacon Transforms to the option "Knowledge is power". This expression cannot be called synonym. However, this is a kind of harmony. Indeed, in many cases, concepts "strength" and "power" closely connected. One is impossible without the other.

"Knowledge is power": application in the literature

The phrase
The phrase "Knowledge is power"

All famous expressions are used by authors of stories in the literature. With their help, writers can better convey the meaning of the work to the reader. Here, for example, the use of phrases in the literature "Knowledge is power":

  • “It is time for us to understand that scientific knowledge is power, Without which the revival of the country is impossible ”(Maxim Gorky.“ Untimely thoughts ”).
  • “More than anywhere else was the situation: knowledge is power And power, ignorance - powerlessness and weakness, - to the then position of Russia and the rest of Europe ”(P.I. Kovalevsky“ Peter the Great and his genius ”).
  • “If they knew, they would go there,” he thought. BUT knowledge is power, they say. “Sanka was driving away from us to go to the mountain,” Irina Vasilievna my husband mysteriously reported a few days after the described adventure, not noticing that the boy was sitting right there in the room ”(I.V. Omulevsky“ step by step ”) .

Such examples can be given endlessly. But for an essay or report on the topic, this will be enough.

"Knowledge is power": an example of use

Expression "Knowledge is power" Used by us in ordinary life. Sometimes we do not even notice this how we say this or that phrase on the “machine”. For example, in the example of using this phrase:

  • Have you heard? Petka went to the second higher! - Correctly! Knowledge is power!
  • - Learn, son - she said, stroking the boy on the head - they say right "knowledge is power". You will grow up with us and become a great person. Maybe scientists. Or maybe a great writer or poet. Or maybe a historian. Educated people are needed everywhere. This is to us old people to study late.
  • "May be, knowledge and power"Thought Vovochka -" But in the cinema I want more. Do not miss a new film about aliens. ” And the boy calmly went to the cinema, while his peers unsuccessfully and painfully tried to delve into the rules of declension and conjugation of the Latin language.
  • Here you say knowledge is power- retorted Lenka - and look at my father! Candidate of Sciences, by the way! And what in the end? Weak, constantly sick, cannot go abroad. It will not even rest humanly. He doesn't want everything. It turns out that being educated and cheerful is different things. But Vaska has a curve, which has 4 classes of education, now a local oligarch and authority. It turns out that it all depends on the attitude.
  • At first, Timur was very difficult to adapt to the new language. But the sympathy of a new friend inspired him very much. Actually, for the sake of her (for the sake of the native speaker), he decided to teach Japanese. So that evening the young man continued to study the textbook. For some reason, for some reason, the proverbs “Love of Evil”, “Love all ages are submissive”, “love”, “love”, "knowledge is power". However, the latter now was especially relevant for him. Since Japanese was given to Timur with difficulty.

Now you understand how the phrase is used in our everyday life. You can even use it every day in your dialogues with interlocutors.

Synonyms for the phrase "Knowledge - Power"

The phrase
The phrase "Knowledge is power"

If you write an essay or story, then you may need synonyms for the phrase "Knowledge is power". Choosing them is very simple. Here are a few options:

  • The teachings of light, and ignorance - darkness.
  • The more languages \u200b\u200byou know, the more you are a person.
  • Knowledge is that which most essentially elevates one person over another. D. Addison.
  • Who is afraid of knowledge, he is gone. V. Belinsky.

Now you know what origin this phrase has. This phrase, like many others, first said a great and famous person. And this is true, because knowledge is really great strength and power. Therefore, you need to always study and gain experience. Only in this way can you be educated and grow in your eyes and the eyes of others. Good luck!

Video: Francis Bacon: "Knowledge is power!"

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