Daniela's female name: Name options. How can Daniel be called differently?

Daniela's female name: Name options. How can Daniel be called differently?

The female name Daniel is unique and unique. It has many different forms - delicate, cute, short, affectionate, etc.

Nothing in our world appears just like that. Everything should be an explanation and meaning, as well as a name given to a person from birth. What does it mean? Where did it come from, and who was the very first carrier? Undoubtedly, all people were at least once interested in these issues.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Women's name Vasilisa: Name options". You will learn how to call Vasilisa differently.

The character of a person and his further fate directly depend on behalf. The proverb “how can you call a ship-this is how it will float”, carrying something of his own, special to this world. Read further.

Daniel name: meaning, origin


Incredibly beautiful and unusual name Daniela It came from the male name Daniel (Daniel). It is formed from two Hebrew roots “Dan” - “Judge”, “Iel” - “God”. If you combine into a proposal and translate into Russian, it will turn out: “My God is a judge”, “subject to God” or “Divine”.

Interesting: The names correspond to the zodiac constellations Scorpio and Aries, Planet Mars patronizes. Stones of talismans for this charismatic and outwardly attractive person will be amethyst and jasper. Favorable plants are mustard, radish and tobacco, red is considered a happy color.

For a long time, the name remains in the top in polarity among the most beautiful names and is common in many countries, although the ancient Hebrew origin. Although many just like a beautiful pronunciation and few people think about such a deep meaning of the name, at the moment it is common in Central Europe, in Russia it is quite rare.

Because Daniela - The form of the male name Daniel. It is believed that the first carrier was the prophet who served the Nebuchadnezor - the king of Babylon. He had an amazing gift to interpret dreams. Later, when the name was popular, different forms went from it, including the female - Daniela, which spread in Europe. For the first time, this nationality appeared on the territory of Russia only in 1820, and before that, forms as Daniil and Danil had popularity, although they have no particular difference, they are considered different names.

Daniel name: What will be the full name?

Many people think that there are several correct spellings of the full name - Daniel, Daniella and DanielBut this is erroneous. The full name is invariably left Daniela - change, add or remove letters should not.

Daniel's name-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

It is amazing that having changed at least one letter in the word, it turns into a completely different one, with another pronunciation and spelling. It seems that this is the same name, but no, it becomes only a new form of pronunciation. How can Daniel be called differently? Here are the beautiful forms of the name:

  • Daniel
  • Danielle
  • Danielzinya
  • Tan
  • Daniel
  • Daniella
  • Daniella
  • Daniella
  • Daniela
  • Daniel
  • Daniel
  • Danielite
  • Daniel
  • Danielin

These options seem to be similar, but they are completely different. Below are even more options. Read further.

Daniel name: Brief form of the name

An interesting fact is all the names that come from the abbreviated name Daniela, are independent. But Daniela will not be their complete pronunciation. For example, the Dana girl will not have a complete spelling of the name as Daniel, and another - Denitsa, Danitsa, Danuta and others. But Daniela has a reduced name for Dana.

Here are still brief forms of adversary:

  • Yes Yes
  • Dane
  • Dania
  • Danya
  • Denmark
  • Dani
  • Yes
  • No no
  • Nininya
  • Nani
  • Naninya
  • Ela
  • Lita

Of these options, you can come up with other forms of adherence, for example, affectionate. Read further.

Daniel name: affectionate form

The parents of their children, as well as in love with their second halves, affectionately call. It turns out cute and beautiful. Here is the affectionate form to the name Daniela:

  • No no
  • Nani
  • Ela
  • Dani
  • Nininya
  • Daninya
  • Daninia
  • Denmark
  • Danzinya

You can come up with such options on your own. Just change the name without touching the root or at least some of its letters. It will turn out very interesting and unique. Read further.

Daniel name: diminutive form

Of course, the name is unique in itself, as well as the way of its spread. It quickly “scattered” around the world and is found in almost all nations and countries. It can be slightly changed in writing and sounding, but the meaning of the name never changes, remaining associated with something divine.

With friends Daniel They will not be called that officially. It's easier to briefly and in the same way. Here is a diminutive form:

  • Yes
  • Neither
  • Elya
  • Ella
  • El
  • Danka
  • Danna
  • Dania
  • Danyusha
  • Dane
  • Lita

As you can see, many options echo with affectionate and short forms. And this is not surprising, because the adoption Daniella - Original and beautiful. You can only come up with special options for contacting this girl.

Daniel name: Form of the name in Latin

Such an interesting and unique name will be bear the same stylish and intelligent girl who is full of energy. It is difficult for her to sit still and do one thing. But from these women there are beautiful photographers, designers, actresses, journalists or musicians where they can direct their creative energy and switch between different matters.

These women often go abroad to rest, work or simply to visit their friends, whom she has a lot. Therefore, you need to draw up a passport and other similar documents. In the papers to receive them, you need to write personal data in Latin. For Daniela These are the options:

  • Daniela
  • Danije
  • Daniehla
  • Danie’la
  • Daniyla

To know how to write a word in Latin, use the translite.ru site. Insert the word into the table and click on the "translation".

How to write the name Daniel in Ukrainian?

Ukrainian and Russian languages \u200b\u200bfrom one language group. They are Slavic and often names, even foreign, sound the same. So, the sound of the name Daniel in Ukrainian is like Russian. It is written a little differently:

Daniel's name in Ukrainian
Daniel's name in Ukrainian

Pronounced as "Daniela."

How to write the name Daniel in Japanese?

The owner of such a name will be an excellent guide or secretary. Daniela is a stubborn girl with a firm leadership character, like all the Japanese. Therefore, she will suit her calm, delicate and affectionate second half, which will restrain her fiery disposition. If Daniela He will decide to go to Japan, then she needs to learn how her name is written in this language:

Daniel's name in Japanese
Daniel's name in Japanese

Sounds like kamikoto, translated from the Japanese “God's judgment”.

How to write the name Daniel in French?

A girl with such an exotic name has a vivid sense of justice, hyper liability and discipline. The people around them should also have these qualities, which she will follow in terms of the correctness of the decisions made. It is impossible to say that such a lady is not romantic, she loves Paris, loves exalted feelings and dream, flying in the clouds.

You can write the name Daniel in French as follows: Danielle. Sounds like Daniel.

How to write the name Daniel in English?

Another popular foreign language is English. Now many people know him in thoroughness, but some cannot even write their name in English. Daniela The letter will look like this:

  • Daniela

In pronunciation it sounds like Daniel.

How to write the name Daniel in German?

Daniela will achieve great success in his career, due to the firmness of her character and determination, possessing entrepreneurial veins and the ability to find a common language with people. It is the Germans who differ in such qualities. Write a name Daniela In German, you can like this:

  • Daniela. Sounds like Daniel.

Roads in front of her will always be open, but there are also disadvantages. Daniela He will grab a few things at once, but by virtue of his restlessness, he will not be able to bring them to the end and abandon at the very beginning. You just need to choose only one thing and concentrate all the attention on it. If this suddenly happens, the result of the works will not live up to all expectations, a born sense of responsibility will not allow you to poorly finish any business.

Video: Value of the name Daniella

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