Feminine name Irina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Irina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Feminine name Irina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Irina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Name Irina: origin, meaning, characteristic, totem and talisman of the name.

Irina is one of the most common Russian names, the roots of which are led to distant ancient Greece. Irina is a sonorous, a singing name that gives the owner a unique female energy. In this article, we will tell you all about the name of Irina and about what you should pay attention to when choosing this name for my daughter.

What does the name Irina in the church calendar mean?

The name Irina in the Orthodox religion is widely used and remains unchanged. It is also worth focusing on the name that was given at baptism, it may coincide, or maybe not if it is chosen by Christmas time and these days do not honor St. Irina.

What does the name Irina in the church calendar mean?
What does the name Irina in the church calendar mean?

Saint patron named after Irina

The patrons of the name Irina are several saints at once:

  • Holy Great Martyr Irina Macedonian - she was still a young girl, but had a gift of conviction and was able to turn thousands of pagans to turn into an Orthodox faith. Martyr life and severe death awaited her, but her faith gave her confidence and helped her live a unique life;
  • Irina Aquilean is the holy martyr who lived with the sisters during the time of Emperor Dioclitian, who was fraught with cruel persecution of Christians. She took a vow of chastity in her youth and spent a righteous life, helping suffering as necessary. She was betrayed by the court and promised to throw it into a prodigal house, but the Lord fenced Irina Aquilea from all adversity and helped to live life with dignity;
  • Irina Egyptian - this holy martyr lived life and died for Jesus. She was tortured many times, and as described by the execution, the ruler of Egypt himself was engaged in the execution - Claudius - Claudius;
  • Irina Constantinople is a martyr who showed that her husband is sacred. The spouse opposed the destruction of icons and caused the anger of the ruler, for this reason he was disgraced from the city. The wife left her hearth and went to wander with her husband, supporting him and their faith;
  • Irina Korinfskaya - despite all the threats of reprisals, went to the learning in the desert and listened to sermons about the Lord, when they were caught and condemned for torture and execution no one asked for mercy. The martyr with other students was drowned in the abyss of the sea.

The secret of the name Irina

Irina is very insightful and knows how to see the essence of what is happening as clearly as possible. There is no romanticism and hope in it, it thinks rationally and soberly. If you think that Irina circled around the finger - see if she circles you, allowing you to supposedly deceive her. She has developed intuition, and she instantly makes decisions that others can think over for years. However, if a matter of a love nature, then it can be very straightforward and repeling for men on emotions. She needs to learn to calm down and be able to wait until the moment when a man can show certain feelings himself.

The secret of the name Irina
The secret of the name Irina

Irina also love to control, and “stealthily”, which often emerges out and is the reason for the breakdown of relations or friendship.

What is the nationality of the name Irina?

The origin of Irina is not accurate, but still the majority is inclined to the theory that the name Irina came from the ancient Greek goddess Ayrene (εἰρήνη). The goddess was responsible for the world, and the origin of the estate, respectively, means “peace”, “peace”.

Due to the wide distribution of the name among Slavic culture in ancient times, the name is also considered primordially Russian.

Name Irina: origin and meaning, popularity

If the primary sources reduce the name to the ancient Greek goddess, it is very incomprehensible how the name could spread at such a speed and gain popularity at the most diverse ends of Europe and Asia. The name was popular in pagan culture and did not reduce its positions with the advent of Christianity.

Irina Macedonian is the first great martyr recorded in the Holy Scriptures. She is the daughter of a pagan Likinia, who ruled the region of Migdonia. After her birth, he built a separate castle and settled it in it. District from the father allowed the teacher, a secret Christian to instill a new religion to a young girl. Her father, on the contrary, was a fierce fighter with Christianity and became so furious from her decision that he threw his daughter under the hooves horses, but they did not touch the innocent, but rushed and killed her father to death. After Irina’s prayer, his father was resurrected and believed in God. And the persecution of the government continued, and her, Irina tortured many times more times, but she rose from time to time and continued her job. She could not only treat people, but also resurrect with prayer.

Irina Macedonian - patroness of the name Irina
Irina Macedonian - patroness of the name Irina

A sonorous name spread with the spread of Christianity. They were called both newborns and adult women at baptism. Currently, the name Irina is included in the hundreds of the most common names in the world.

Irina - decoding a name from Greek

Irina in Greek was written as εἰρήνη what peace and peace mean.

Name Irina in English, Latin, different languages

Language Writing
English Irina
Greek Ειρήνη
Czech Irene
Latin Irenem
Armenian Այրին
Chinese traditional 艾琳
Japanese アイリーン
Romanian lui Irene
Turkish ̇Rini
Irish le Irene
Macedonian Aaf
Deutsch Irene
French Irène
Italian di Irene

How is the name Irina written in the passport?

All over the world, a unified international transliteization of letters and sounds was adopted for writing all the necessary information in international documents. According to this transliteization, the name Irina in the passport should be indicated as Irina.

Irina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

To the name Irina there are a huge number of abbreviations, folk names and synonyms. We will indicate only the most common:

  • Arina
  • Ira
  • Erin
  • Irusha
  • Irinka
  • Irin
  • Rina
  • Irisha
  • Irene
  • Aryusha
  • Arinka
  • Irene
  • Irunya
  • Rena
  • Irusya
  • Irene
  • Reni
  • Irena
  • In
  • Irene
  • Arisha
  • Irini
  • Aryuha
  • Orina
  • Arina
  • Yarina

Irina: The meaning of the name is character and fate

Irina is growing active and inquisitive. She visits circles and master classes with great pleasure, she likes to spend time in an adult company and learn something new. Growing up, she independently fondens with all kinds of hobbies and tries to recognize the new as much as possible.

But Irina does not tolerate orders and tyranny, especially from adults. As soon as you make her do something either to do it, how right there she is to resist, and even if you loved the lesson, it will categorically reject it.

Irina are also hot -tempered, such is their temperament. The task of her parents to teach her to restrain her emotions, to be able to control her temper. Without the upbringing of Irina, they grow up selfish, capricious and scandalous. Do not press on your daughter, but affectionately and flexibly explain to her how to control emotions, how to restrain yourself and be able to communicate with people.

Irina: The meaning of the name is character and fate
Irina: The meaning of the name is character and fate

It is important to teach Irin relations with men. By virtue of their features, they love swiftness, and does not know how to wait. If she fell in love, she is waiting for immediate recognition of love, and immediately the proposals to get married. Without hearing such a proposal already on the second date, they are disappointed and can even make a thrashing, and the man, accordingly, does not even understand what he is to blame for. Even worse if Irina comes across a fraudster, and she will perceive him as the love of her life. Disappointment will be so strong that Irina will never let a single man again.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Irina: compatibility with male names

The origin of the name Irina Greek, as well as many centuries, “lived” on Russian lands. It is sonorous, melting and goes well with almost every Slavic, Greek, and any other European name. But still we can recommend trying to pronounce a name with a patronymic and only after that make a decision.

When is the name day, Irina's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

the date The name is holy
January 12 Irina Holy Martyr
January 16 Irina Holy Martyr
February 26 Irina Khvostova, Rev. Martyr New Martyr, 2003?
March 7 Irina Smirnova, Martyr New Martyr, 2000?
April 29 Irina Aquilean, martyr
May 18 Irina Macedonian, Great Martyr
26 of May Irina Constantinople
August 10 Irina Kappodaki, reverend
August 17 Irina, martyr
August 22 Irina, queen
September 30th Irina Frolova, Rev. Martyr New Martyr,
October 1 Irina Egyptian, martyr
November 2 Irina, martyr

Happy Angel Irina's Congratulations in Verses and Prose

Honey Irina!
Congratulations on the names! On the day of the angel, I wish you to always remain on top. Let your every new day be better than the previous one! Do not stop dreaming, and your desires will surely come true.

My dear Irishka,
Wonderful name day
I want happiness a flash
Would illuminate your world.
Let it be easy and very true
Your dream will come true.
And the same incomparable
Beauty remains.

Song named Irina

Many songs and romances are devoted to Irina. We give a selection of a popular and original selection of songs.

Video: Songs about Irina

Tattoo named Irina

Tattoo named Irina
Tattoo named Irina

Suspension with the name Irina from gold: photo

Suspension with the name Irina from gold
Suspension with the name Irina from gold

Name Irina: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Due to their insight, Irina often penetrates the secrets of others, find out what others do not even know about. But if there was no conflict with a person, then Irina will not touch the secret and will not tell anyone about her. And if necessary, it will even help solve a difficult situation. Thanks to her skills, she will be able to make intuitive decisions.

Thanks to the knowledge that Irina receives throughout her life, Irina’s mind can be called sharp, insightful. She knows where to conduct negotiations, and where in a way to lumber to lure. She also has an excellent memory and thanks to this she achieves success in almost any profession.

In relation to morality, Irina is very peculiar. It inferior and shows severity, and forgives, and does not forget to remind you that she has already forgiven and will not allow this again. For the public, she shows that her morality is similar to the morality of a given society, but if this morality is not beneficial to her, he will be able to circumvent her, but so as not to advertise his decision and the consequences of this decision in society.

Name Irina: Hobbies, Activities, Business

Irina loves the genre of detectives, and not only read or watch films, but also investigate in life. Irina also loves to travel and watch the world, but not herself, but in a friendly, noisy company. Having become a mother, he is often fond of the latest systems for raising children.

Irina is not a careerist, but she loves to work and often chooses a global study of her profession. At first, it seems to colleagues to be eccentricity, but already closer to the age of 30, Irina becomes an indispensable employee of the company.

The same thing in business. Irina rarely decides to open a business and, before really starting opening, she carefully delves into the essence of the business. Weighes all the pros and cons and that is why the business in Irina's hands is almost always successful.

Name Irina: Health and psyche

Irins rarely complain about their health, since from birth they are strong and easy to harden. But due to an unbalanced explosive nature, the nervous system often suffers. It is necessary to care that Irina does not overload herself with cares, as well as maintain her in difficult times. Irina, with the support of her husband and parents, can reach unprecedented heights and even adapt to a variety of conditions.

Name Irina: Sexuality, Marriage

Sexual life for Irina is of great importance, you can even say key. She is amorous and ready to switch to a new level of relationship almost on the second date, while in response she expects to see delight, admiration and crazy love.

Name Irina: Sexuality, Marriage
Name Irina: Sexuality, Marriage

But Irina will look for love and passion solely before marriage. Having come out safely, she will forever even refuse the thought of falling in love, even if she falls on her head, Irina will discard and rush her gaze at her husband. Divorce is possible exclusively on the initiative of the husband. She loves and takes care of children, appreciates every minute that she can spend with children until they have grown.

What sign of the zodiac is the name Irina?

The perfect combination of the name Irina and Taurus. Girls born during the Taurus are less hot -tempered, more flexible and easily pour into the life cycle.

Talisman stone to the name Irina

Talismans of the name Irina are topaz, dump, crystal and agate.

Opal will be given by Irina Calm and a clear mind, as well as a sweet dream with pleasant dreams.

Topaz saves Irina from the most difficult situations, life storms and add mental strength. But the topaz is categorically not suitable for a quiet lifestyle, because it is the haste and begins to attract the very storms that he wants to fight.

Agate is a symbol of good health and longevity. He will give life energy and show the joy of life in the most difficult times.

Mountain Crystal - Irina Talisman
Mountain Crystal - Irina Talisman

And crystal attracts love, shows the real face of a deceiver and will help to win people's sympathy.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Irina

Irinam is suitable for chestnut and lily of the valley. The chestnut is nourished by force and adds energy. He will take away pain and help to overcome malaise. For the Christian religion, Chestan is a symbol of chastity.

Kashtan - Totem named after Irina
Cashtan - Totem named after Irina

The valley is the most delicate spring flower resembling miniature bells and giving others a delightful aroma. The valley will give the Irinam long -awaited love and family happiness.

Lily of the valley - flowers of the named after Irina
Lily of the valley - flowers of the named after Irina

Totem animal named after Irina

The Termit and Owl are the name of the name Irina. The termite of the symbol of changes, given the life that Irina chooses, she is very reminiscent of the life of the termite.

Totem animal named after Irina
Totem animal named after Irina

But the owl symbolizes the wisdom that Irina acquires in the advanced years, but if the parents show due attention and will more often talk about life circumstances and ways to solve them, then Irina will be easier to adapt in life, and the wise toward of Owls prevails faster in her life.

Numerology named after Irina

Body number 6

The number of hidden spirit 3

The number of souls 9

Such a combination gives the name Irina romance, dreaminess, impulsiveness and love of big noisy companies. Often, having matured, Irins switch from noisy holidays and parties and are fond of charity.

Pseudonym to the name Irina

Choosing a pseudonym for Irina, it is worth considering her hobbies, directions, hobbies and hobbies. To date, the original Russian variations sound advantageously.

Famous people, celebrities named Irina

Famous singers and actresses and television presenters:

  • Irina Muraveva
  • Irina Allegrova
  • Irina Lindt
  • Irina Khakamada
  • Irina Bilyk
  • Irina Miroshnichenko
  • Irina Rozanova
  • Irina Sashina
  • Irina Alferova

Famous writers: Irina Pivovarova and Irina Shcheglova.

The famous athlete is Irina Rodnina.

And it is impossible not to mention the world famous beauty Irina Shayk.

Video: ux Irina (Ira). Meaning and interpretation of the name


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