Women's sex - inkjet orgasm: description, technique and methodology of bringing, sex poses, pills, spray, sex toys, tips. How to bring a girl or woman to a jet orgasm, how to learn how to do it? How to learn to experience a jet orgasm?

Women's sex - inkjet orgasm: description, technique and methodology of bringing, sex poses, pills, spray, sex toys, tips. How to bring a girl or woman to a jet orgasm, how to learn how to do it? How to learn to experience a jet orgasm?

What is an inkjet orgasm? How to achieve jet orgasm with and without a partner? How and what women can experience a jet orgasm? What additional tools and toys can be used to achieve jet orgasm? Tips for achieving jet orgasm. The harm and benefits of jet orgasm for women and pregnant women.

What do you know about the female orgasm? What is the peak of pleasure for a woman during intercourse? Do you know that there are as many as four types of female orgasm? If not, then this article will become very cognitive for you.

What is the name of the jet orgasm, what does it look like, why it comes, where and what stands out, of which it consists of: the description

What is an inkjet orgasm?
What is an inkjet orgasm?
  • Inkjet orgasm, squirt or squirting is a special type of female orgasm that allows a woman to reach the top of pleasure.
  • Translated from English, the word “squirt” means “spray” or “stream”.
  • It is these two words that exactly convey the essence of this type of orgasm.
  • The fact is that at a minute of the highest bliss from the mouth of the parauretral gland (skin of the skin), which is located between the urethra and vagina of a woman, a whole stream of the so -called “female seed fluid” breaks out.
  • Many ignorant partners sometimes think that an involuntary urination occurred from an overabundance of feelings and sensations of a woman.
  • In fact, parauretral fluid is a secret of the parauretral gland, which in excess begins to be produced as a result of active stimulation by a partner of the female point G.
  • The very mouth of the skin of the skin is localized at the output of the urethra.
  • At the time of orgasm from a woman, he begins to spray the very secret that, as a result of his active production during squirt, breaks out.
  • That is why at first glance it may seem that a woman urinates from happiness.
  • In addition, the "culprit of the celebration" itself also has the feeling that she wants to be in a small toilet.

Do girls and women experience a jet orgasm?

What girls are able to experience a jet orgasm?
What girls are able to experience a jet orgasm?

The physiology of the female body is such that any girl is able to experience a jet orgasm. However, in life, few people manage to achieve such high notes of pleasure.
There may be several reasons for this:

  • Inexperience and unwillingness of a partner
  • The stiffness and compression of the woman herself
  • Psychological barrier in a woman
  • Fear of involuntary urination

How to determine, understand that there was a jet orgasm?

How to understand that this is precisely a jet orgasm?
How to understand that this is precisely a jet orgasm?
  • A clear sign that the woman had a jet orgasm is considered a stream of the secret of the skin of the skin.
  • No other type of orgasm can boast of such a sight.
  • Many women experiencing squirt also cannot hold back groans or even screams - so strong feelings are falling on them.
  • If we compare the duration of squirting with other types of orgasm, then it is many times higher than their indicators.
  • For example, if the clitoral orgasm lasts 1-5 seconds, then the jet can last up to a minute or more.

Inkjet orgasm: benefits and harms

The benefits of jet orgasm
The benefits of jet orgasm

The jet orgasm has a number of positive actions on the female body:

  • strengthens immunity
  • rejuvenates
  • stabilizes the menstrual cycle
  • relaxing
  • it charges with energy for a long time
  • eliminates stress and depression
  • helps keep the figure
The harm of jet orgasm
The harm of jet orgasm
  • The rejuvenation and strengthening of the body during jet orgasm is facilitated by the active production of the hormone oxytocin and dihydropiandrosterone.
  • A good mood and getting rid of all sorts of experiences is associated with the complete discharge of a woman, as well as a sense of satisfaction she endured.
  • Women who often experience a jet orgasm, as a rule, have a harmonious, toned body, since in the process of achieving and enjoying orgasm they constantly strain, and almost all body muscles relax.
  • Scientists have proved that the female orgasm, especially the jet, is able to prevent the development of diseases such as myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, breast and uterus cancer.
  • If we talk about the dangers of Squirt, then most likely it can only be associated with the mistakes of partners during intimacy.
  • It can be harmful to female health by excessive efforts and mechanical damage to the inner wall of the vagina, as well as the introduction of infection into it through dirty hands or patients with genitals.

Technique of bringing to jet orgasm: Instruction. Jet orgasm point ji

How does a jet orgasm work?
How does a jet orgasm work?
  • Squirt technique is based on stimulation of the paraunshtral gland.
  • In order to make this gland develop its secret, it needs to be carefully activated.
  • Activation of the skin of the skin occurs through the so -called "point G".
  • In the week, the point G can hardly be called a point, since it is a small area localizing in the vagina.
  • The size of the region G is equal to the size of a five -pick -up coin.
  • Properly exerted pressure on this area of \u200b\u200bthe vagina stimulates the swelling of the parauretral gland.
  • When the iron is swelling, “female juice” emits, which at the time of greatest bliss breaks out.
  • There are several techniques for bringing a woman to a jet orgasm.

How to make a girl, woman, wife inkjet orgasm with hands, fingers?

How to bring a woman to a jet orgasm?
How to bring a woman to a jet orgasm?

To bring a woman to a jet orgasm, two techniques have been developed using her hands.

Technique No. 1

  • We introduce the middle and ring fingers into the vagina.
  • At a distance of 4-5 cm from the entrance to the vagina with fingertips with fingertips, we grop it for a pitch of it-this is the point G.
  • We tightly press the fingers to this point, performing such movements, as if we would become an beckoned with a palm.
  • At the moment when the fingers are pressed as much as possible to the G region, we exert additional pressure on it (but so that the partner does not hurt).
  • We begin the movements smoothly and rhythmically, gradually increasing the pace.
  • With a free thumb, we additionally stimulate the clitoris and pubis of the partner.
  • With the second hand, we caress the other erogenous zones of the woman.
  • When the partner’s vagina will swing the most as possible from caresses, and she will begin to push the foreign body out of her, we take out his fingers, thereby letting the female ejaculate go outside.

Technique No. 2

  • We introduce the middle and ring fingers into the vagina.
  • Grind the point G.
  • We begin to put pressure on it with circular movements.
  • At the time of the ejaculation approach, we take out the fingers from the vagina.

How to correctly bring a girl or woman to jet orgasm with erotic sex massage?

Erotic massage with jet orgasm
Erotic massage with jet orgasm

Erotic massage is most likely a way to prepare a woman for the upcoming orgasm, to warm her up. Erotic massage allows the partner to relax, feel happy and desirable. To conduct this massage, it is advisable to comply with a number of conditions:

  1. The room should be warm so that the girl does not freeze.
  2. It is advisable to wind the light a little in order to give an atmosphere of some intimacy.
  3. Before the massage, you can take a warm bath with aromatic dishes.
  4. Aroma lamps and aromatic surges are also recommended to be placed in the room where proximity will occur.
  5. To perform massage, it is best to use aromatic oils or special erotic oils.
  6. You can massage all parts of the body - they make a lot of brown and relax the massage of the back, legs, head and front of the body.

How to achieve jet orgasm from oral sex?

Oral sex with jet orgasm
Oral sex with jet orgasm
  • Oral sex, like an erotic massage, is only an additional or preparatory technique used on the way to squirt.
  • After massage, a man may try to scurry in a woman a fire of desire through oral caresses of her genitals.
  • Also, in the process of performing the squirting technique, he can caress her clitoris with his mouth - this will double the sensation of the lady during the jet orgasm.
  • There are times when a woman simultaneously experiences a clitoral orgasm from oral sex and squirt from male hands - such bliss can be compared with nothing.

Sex poses for jet orgasm

The best poses for jet orgasm
The best poses for jet orgasm
  • The best postures to achieve squirting are poses when the man is behind, and the woman’s pelvis is located in such a way that the male penis rests with the point G.
  • Sexologists advise partners to choose a pose in which a woman lies on her stomach, and under her pelvis is a roller or a pillow - thus, the female genitals will be directed up and it will be easier for a man to feel its erogenous zone.
  • You can also use the “spoons” pose when the couple lies on the side (a man behind) - a woman can then bend and adjust the angle of inclination of the vagina until its most optimal location.
  • Experienced partners, who have not once pleased their second half with jet orgasm, in principle, in any position will be able to catch the moment of friction of the penis on point G and direct the right force there.
  • In turn, experienced young ladies, having saddled their partner, will also be able to independently regulate the direction and influence of the male penis on their erogenous zone.

How to learn to experience a jet orgasm?

How to learn to experience a jet orgasm?
How to learn to experience a jet orgasm?

Any woman in order to regularly experience a jet orgasm, it is enough to take a number of the following events:

  • To decide for yourself whether her hesitation and shame are facing her partner of her female health and well -being.
  • Talk to your partner about squirting and enlighten him as much as possible in this matter.
  • Prepare your body and intimate muscles for an early orgasm - to compress, unclench and restrain the vaginal muscles in a few seconds in a couple of approaches daily.

How to get a jet orgasm yourself?

How to learn to deliver a jet orgasm for yourself?
How to learn to deliver a jet orgasm for yourself?
  • You can get a jet orgasm without a man’s help.
  • A woman can stimulate the point GAD, using one of the techniques.
  • Perhaps she will have to achieve what she wanted a little longer than with the help of a partner, but still this is quite real.
  • It is worth starting gradually, unstable, without the involvement of foreign objects.
  • Later, having brought the technique of independent squirt to the ideal, a woman can use additional, auxiliary devices in her-sex toys.

Spray for jet orgasm

Sprays for jet orgasm
Sprays for jet orgasm
  • Sprays of the length of intimacy are products that are primarily intended for men.
  • They are also called prolongers.
  • Such funds allow you to extend sexual intercourse.
  • Often, lidocaine is used in sprays, which delays the moment of untimely ejaculation of a man.
  • Caution with such sprays need to be men with individual intolerance to this substance.

What tablets to take for jet orgasm?

Helpish orgasm tablets
Helpish orgasm tablets
  • It is worth saying right away that no sexologist will never advise a woman to take tablets for orgasm.
  • The fact is that such drugs are often produced abroad and are not examined in our country.
  • In other words, no one knows what side effects are capable of having pills to raise libido to the human body.
  • Even if the seller in a sex shop assures the reliability of such drugs, he should not believe him.

Jerking orgasm: sex toys

Sex toys for jet orgasm
Sex toys for jet orgasm

In specialized stores for intimate needs, a number of different sex toys can be offered to help reach the top of pleasure:

  1. vibrators
  2. squirt devices
  3. vaginal balls
  4. vaginal nozzles

Most often, women use such toys who independently bring themselves to a jet orgasm.

How to quickly bring a girl, woman, wife to a jet orgasm?

How to quickly give a woman a jet orgasm?
How to quickly give a woman a jet orgasm?

In addition to the technique of bringing a woman to a jet orgasm with her hands, there is also a second technique that involves the use of the male genital organ:

  • First, a man relaxes a woman with preliminary caresses.
  • Then it begins to stimulate the point g with his fingers.
  • When a woman is already in an excited state, the partner begins to affect the erogenous area of \u200b\u200bthe partner with a penis.
  • It is very important not to overdo it - a woman should not feel discomfort.

Do men like the inkjet orgasm in women?

How do men relate to jet orgasm?
How do men relate to jet orgasm?
  • Of course, an inexperienced partner at the sight of a woman who is erupting from a woman may be frightened and think that his beloved simply could not restrain himself and was wet.
  • But if a man is familiar with the jet orgasm and he was at least once lucky to deliver such pleasure to his woman, he can be proud of himself.
  • Many representatives of the strong half of humanity simply enjoy their skill and the happiness of their beloved from squirting.

Inkjet orgasm: how often can it be?

How often can a jet orgasm occur in women?
How often can a jet orgasm occur in women?
  • After the first jet orgasm, a woman begins to experience it more and more often - her muscles become more trained, and point G developed.
  • Another feature of squirting is that after it there is no refractory period (time to restore the sensitivity of the organ), as with other types of orgasm.
  • Sensing a jet orgasm, the woman continues to be in an excited state, and her next orgasm can happen in a matter of minutes.
  • Thus, you can experience several jet orgasms at once per night.

Inkjet orgasm during pregnancy

Pregnancy and inkjet orgasm

Inkjet orgasm during pregnancy is a very real phenomenon. Pregnancy is not a disease, and a woman should not feel infringed in anything in such a responsible period. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, and the gynecologist gave good, the future mommy can and should relax. When using a squirting technique during pregnancy, both partners need to be somewhat careful:

  • Do not bring infection in the birth canal.
  • Do not put pressure on the stomach.
  • Do not damage the vaginal tissue mechanically.
  • Refrain from intimacy in the event of a prohibition of a gynecologist.

Inkjet orgasm: tips

Tips to achieve jet orgasm
Tips to achieve jet orgasm
  • Participants in sexual relations need to put their hands in order - cut sharp nails, so as not to injure a woman.
  • To acquire special lubricants to exclude pain.
  • Stand up with an additional sheet or towel that can be placed under a woman at the time of ejaculation.
  • It is advisable to go to the toilet in a small way to the partner, so as not to confuse the sensations of an approaching orgasm with the fullness of the bladder.
  • Take care of the romantic atmosphere and the mood of both partners.

Dear women, we hope that our article has opened another type of pleasure for you, and soon you yourself will be lucky to feel it!
Dear men, having got acquainted with our article, you will find out what has not been enough in your intimacy. Giving at least once your favorite jet orgasm, you will be unequivocally rewarded!

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Comments K. article

  1. Damn why do you confuse the men married, I don’t have a biologist, and my head is racking my head for how to achieve it ....

  2. I feel it every time I make love with my beloved husband. For a long time I did not understand what was happening. Thanks for the enlightenment. Make love with your husband and without shame and modesty and point G will find yourself !!!

  3. If you have not experienced a squirt, this does not mean that this is crap. In the article, everything is very competently written, especially in technology for men. The most important thing is to leave a woman during an orgasm approaching.
    I have been married for 7 years, and during this time my husband and I realized how this is done only recently. All health and more love

  4. I am 48 years old and I always thought that I just described 🙈 now I have a new relationship, my man said that this is a squirt ... I went on the Internet to read what it is)) thanks for the article🙏🤗

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