Constipation during pregnancy: causes. What to do pregnant with constipation?

Constipation during pregnancy: causes. What to do pregnant with constipation?

To become the expectant mothers to understand why constipation can happen during pregnancy, and how to safely solve the problem with a chair.

Construction is a phenomenon familiar to almost every second or third pregnant woman. They can appear in a woman in both early and late pregnancy.

The causes of constipation in pregnant women in the early stages

Constipation is considered the lack of defecation for three days. In addition to the fact that the woman feels the heaviness in the intestines, his bloating, and full of gases, she can also feel pain in the lower abdomen.

All these unpleasant moments make the condition of the woman not very comfortable, constipation also negatively affects the pregnancy itself, since the detergent organs are located in the immediate vicinity of the intestines.

Constipation in the early stages of pregnancy may occur due to hormonal restructuring in the body of a woman.
Constipation in the early stages of pregnancy may occur due to hormonal restructuring in the body of a woman.

Important: some women have no defecation for several days, others may have a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, which also causes discomfort. All these phenomena characterizing constipation have their explanation

The causes of constipation in pregnant women in the early stages are:

  1. Active production of progesterone. During pregnancy, already in the early stages, in the woman’s body, the active restructuring of her hormonal balance begins. The hormone progesterone, responsible for the preservation of pregnancy, begins to actively be produced. The action of this hormone is aimed at relaxing smooth muscles, including the intestines
  2. Changes in power and motor mode. One of the possible causes of constipation in the early stages of pregnancy is considered a change in the motor regime of a woman. For some pregnant women, bed rest can even be shown to preserve pregnancy, and some can limit it themselves in connection with their new position. Insufficient motor activity of a pregnant woman can lead to a decrease in intestinal tone
  3. Taking iron -containing drugs in order to avoid anemia. A peculiar negative impact on timely defecation can also have a woman’s use of necessary drugs containing iron and calcium. These minerals make feces more dense, and therefore constipation may occur
  4. Reducing the amount of fluid consumed. Another reason for constipation can be called a woman's restrictions, which is recommended to her in order to avoid swelling
  5. Toxicosis and refusal of food. Many women in the early stages of pregnancy suffer from toxicosis. To avoid and alleviate the condition, they can abandon the usual diet, do not know, and this automatically means a lack of defecation
  6. Stress. An important negative role can also be played by various stresses associated with the new state of pregnant

The causes of constipation in pregnant women in the late stages

Construction can be accompanied by a pregnant woman and in late stages.

In the second and third trimester, the future mother may arise due to the fact that the child presses her on the intestines.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be:

  • an increase in the size of the uterus, its pressure on the intestines
  • the same edema of the limbs and attempts to avoid them without consuming enough fluids, and therefore the feces become solid and poorly erupt
  • stress
  • minimum motor activity
  • possible malnutrition
  • the pressure from the fetal head to the intestines when it takes a position before childbirth

Video: constipation in pregnant women

Means for constipation for pregnant women. Laxative for constipation in pregnant women

  • Unfortunately, constipation in pregnant women can cause unpleasant consequences for the expectant mother and her baby, since the intestines are located in close proximity to the uterus and the birth canal
  • If intestinal microflora is disturbed, and pathogenic bacteria develop in it, then they can infect the birth canal
  • Also, the products of the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria can enter the bloodstream and infect the body
During pregnancy, the woman is not allowed all laxatives.
During pregnancy, the woman is not allowed all laxatives.

The desire to get rid of the masses accumulated in the intestines forces the pregnant woman to push, and this can lead to a miscarriage and premature childbirth.

Important: all these problems must be tried, however, it turns out that there are not so many means to get rid of constipation in pregnant women

The usual laxative pregnant women cannot be consumed due to various reasons:

  • due to their annoying action
  • because of the influence on the smooth muscles
  • due to their ability to violate the enzyme and mineral composition, which is undesirable for a woman

However, there are some drugs that, in agreement with the doctor, can take a pregnant woman. These are microlax and Fortrans, Dulak.

  1. Microlax is miniclism that will have a laxative effect in a few minutes
  2. Duclack is a probiotic that cares about the preservation and development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, a lactulose -based drug, which has a mild laxative effect
Microlax will help the expectant mother to solve the problem of constipation.
Microlax will help the expectant mother to solve the problem of constipation.
  • To the above preparations such as Duclack and Microlax, you can add phyatomucil based on plant fibers, which helps soften the contents of the intestine and contribute to its trouble -free emptying
  • However, we emphasize again, all drugs, even the most delicate, should be taken after the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist
  • In addition to these modern drugs, pregnant women can traditionally use candles from constipation

Candles from constipation for pregnant women

Candles from constipation will help pregnant women choose a doctor, but this is perhaps the main remedy that will allow a woman to get rid of such a problem.

A pregnant woman can use glycerin candles.
A pregnant woman can use glycerin candles.

Glycerin candles are most often recommended. Their role is to soften the feces and promote their bowel movements from the intestines.

Their plus is that they do not absorb into the blood through the walls of the intestines and do not violate anything in the body of a woman. Their action, soft and effective, consists in the irritating effect on the intestinal receptors and softening of feces.

Can pregnant women enema with constipation?

  • When asked about whether it is possible to use an enema for constipation in pregnant women, there is no unequivocal answer
  • Each tool for regular bowel movements in each case should be prescribed by a gynecologist
  • In principle, an enema can be made to pregnant women in the early stages, in the first trimester of pregnancy
The enema can only be done in the first trimester of pregnancy.
The enema can only be done in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Important: the enema is undesirable in the last dates, since the relaxation of the muscles of the intestine can bring the uterus into a tone, and this may, in turn, cause premature birth

Oil for constipation in pregnant women

Vaseline oil, vegetable, linen, pumpkin is considered a good remedy for constipation. But, again, pregnant women are a special category, and you always need to select the most delicate and safe means of getting rid of constipation.

Important: categorically you can’t be pregnant with linseed and vaseline oil

As for vegetable or olive oil, only a doctor can give such a recommendation. But pumpkin oil can come.

Pumpkin oil helps from constipation.
Pumpkin oil helps from constipation.

RECIPE: Pumpkin oil from constipation
Pregnant women, before normalizing the chair, can be recommended to take pumpkin oil 3 times a day on a teaspoon.
Pumpkin oil in a volume of 1 teaspoon can be added to 1/3 of a glass of yogurt mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey. Such a mixture is taken before bedtime.

If you take olive or sunflower, not refined oil, then it is best to add it to any porridge. A useful laxative effect of oil, plus fiber in cereals is an excellent means of preventing constipation.

Prunes with constipation in pregnant women

Bunny and other foods are the best remedy for constipation. They are natural, and among other things, they will strengthen the body of a woman with useful substances and vitamins, primarily iron. Laose -acid products, plums, beets, prunes must be inserted into a daily diet.

Prunes have a soft laxative effect.
Prunes have a soft laxative effect.

RECIPE: A decoction of prunes
2 -3 berries are poured with a glass of boiling water, slightly insisted. They drink a decoction, berries eat.
Such a decoction can be made richer by adding a little raisins to prunes and 2 - 3 dried apricots.

Prevention of constipation in pregnant women

As preventive measures from constipation for pregnant women, it is necessary to name:

  • fiber -based nutrition and fresh vegetables and fruits
  • food should be cooked, preferably with the help of cooking extinguishing
  • you need to avoid nutrition by the drying room
  • sufficient physical activity - walks, easy exercises, if there are no contraindications
  • a glass of warm water on an empty stomach

VIDEO: Constipation during pregnancy: 5 wrestling methods

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Comments K. article

  1. Oh yeah ... what a familiar problem .... I have constipation in pregnancy and appeared for the first time, before that they did not bother. To endure it all of course terrible, otherwise you can’t say. But I was afraid to make enemas, so I was saved only by phytomucil norms and prunes with kefir ... This also helped, I must say)

  2. Quite frequent phenomenon, I was pregnant twice, and both times came across such a problem, though in the last pregnancy I managed to get rid of this and no longer encounter, all thanks to fiber and fibrablax, excellent means for treating constipation)

  3. Pregnant women with constipation are best used only by folk methods, and then carefully. I tried not to use any medicines. Good prevention of constipation to drink warm water with lemon on an empty stomach. I drank a laxative only during postpartum constipation. Then the slabikap helped me, these drops of laxatives had a soft effect. I found out, with GV they can.

  4. I ate plums every day or prunes. Help well.

  5. Such problems are best discussed with a gynecologist. After all, constipation not only depend on the diet. At one time, the doctor Fitetimucil advised me, based on the shell of plantain seeds (this is a real fiber). The natural composition is important, pregnant and lactating are allowed. Reception in the morning and evening, first dilute the contents of the package in water. There were no problems with constipation.

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