Constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding: what to do?

Constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding: what to do?

The article will talk about the causes of constipation after childbirth and ways to combat it, as well as how to prevent the serious consequences of this phenomenon for the body.

The origin in the female body of a small life makes its own adjustments to its structure and functioning, most of which, eagerly, are unpleasant.

And if, with the end of pregnancy, you expect to normalize all processes, then do not rush to relax - the postpartum period has their unpleasant surprises, Among which most often a woman gets to get acquainted with a prolonged constipation.

The causes of constipation after childbirth

Constipation - This is difficult to empty the intestine, as a result of which a small amount of bowel movements is released during the defecation act. As a rule, this happens painful, damage is possible And a small admixture of blood in feces.

Such a difficult breeding of feces from the intestines does not allow to completely empty, leads to severity in the stomach, gas formation, flatulence and intoxication organism. Difficult defecation is accompanied by discomfort.

There are a large number reasonsprovoking constipation, which explains the prevalence of this phenomenon in women after childbirth:

  • hormonal changes - Under the influence of hormones, intestinal peristalsis slows down and the removal of feces is difficult
  • intestinal displacement from its natural location due to a change in the size of the uterus
  • decrease muscle elasticity abdomen and perineum
  • fear of women in labor during defecation damage the seams (If there are any)
  • slow peristalsis intestines, which causes problems with the movement of feces on it
  • intestinal pathologies (congenital defects of its development, tumors)
  • incorrectly selected diet With breastfeeding
  • insufficient amount of drunk liquids
  • psychological reasons, caused by the new role of the mother, the emergence of new duties and the cargo of responsibility for the life of the born child.
  • Constipation is facilitated by both physiological causes and functional.

Problems with intestinal emptying can occur and through the fault of the woman herself. Since the frequency of campaigns to the toilet for each person individual, then someone can defecate several times a day, and for someone it is enough once every two to three days, which also it is considered the norm.

If a woman begins to receive a laxative in order to more often empty and this will become a systematic phenomenon, there is a great risk of getting used to the drug.

Then the intestines will stop on his own fulfill your function The movements and conclusion of the feces, which will lead to the present, and not imaginary constipation.

Reception of laxatives is an extremely dangerous lesson.

How to get rid of constipation after childbirth: food of a nursing mother

The first step towards solving the problem of constipation, regardless of its reason, should be transition to a special dietwhich will help the intestines work correctly.

It includes certain products, the intake of which will provide improvement in peristalsis, sufficient volume a fluid drunk that will provide the desired fecal consistency, and exclusion from the diet those products that contribute to constipation. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber will help to cope with constipation.

A woman suffering from constipation, the following products are shown:

  • black bread (preferably with bran)
  • buckwheat, pearl barley and oatmeal
  • fruits and berries: figs, apricot, peach, apples, cherries, cherries
  • vegetables and herbs: broccoli, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, red beets
  • dairy products
  • vegetable oil
Nutrition of a nursing mother for constipation
Nutrition of a nursing mother

And from these products It is necessary to refuse:

  • strong broth soups
  • fruits, porridge, crushed in mashed potatoes
  • semolina and rice porridge
  • protein eggs
  • hard cheese
  • white bread
  • pear, currant, Aiva
  • legumes
  • black tea
  • chocolate

    Forbidden products for breastfeeding
    Forbidden products for breastfeeding

It is important to drink per day up to two liters pure water. This rule applies only to those who have no problems with the heart and kidneys.

Food for constipation
Food for constipation

Dried figs, steamed boiling water, helps with constipation. When it softens, take 1 pc. With each meal. You can immediately after eating. In addition to figs, you can steam prunes, dried apricots.

Also effective in constipation, the infusion of flaxseed. To do this, you need to soak 150 grams of seeds at night in hot water to rid seeds from lectins. Then boil them in the water in the morning. About 300 ml of water. Let it brew up and take one glass in the evening 2 hours before bedtime.

Make vegetable smoothies and vegetable juices. Eat boiled red beets. It is useful for both mom and child.

Is it possible to get rid of constipation after childbirth on breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding involves adhere to a certain dietwhich is designed not to harm the fragile digestive system of the child with various allergens.

At the same time, the food of a young mother should be as diverse and full -fledged as possible, because her health and her health and the health of the baby.

Nevertheless, avoiding in its diet allergen products You can organize food so that the woman herself does not suffer from these restrictions, because most often constipation arises precisely due to the lack of some products and excess others, slowing intestinal motility.

The main thing is instilled in the diet of a newly made mother - diversity. There are a huge number of products that can be consumed during breastfeeding, so there is no stoic tolerate minutes "torture" With emptying.

You just need to add to your diet rich in fiber Fruits and vegetables, gradually introducing them in small quantities and observing the reaction of the child.

Fiber for constipation
Fiber for constipation

Video: Piper for breastfeeding

When is the constipation after childbirth?

The duration of constipation It is determined by the reasons that cause it: until the negative factor will cease to exert its effect on the body of a young mother, the constipation will be Your "faithful friend".

It is important to understand that there is no need to expect getting rid of this misfortune, you just need to help your body In the struggle for health and well -being.

If constipation is called physiological reasons, That is, the changes that occur in the body due to pregnancy (an increase in the uterus, intestinal displacement), then the difficult emptying will pass after everything is normalized.

Involution process the uterus ends about one and a half to two months after childbirth, and its dimensions return to natural in two weeks. It is by this period that intestinal emptying should normalize by itself.

Two weeks after birth, the intestines returns to its place
Two weeks after birth, the intestines returns to its place

In the event that the cause of constipation is improper nutrition, then any changes will occur only after you review your menu.

But no matter what the main reason for difficult defecation is not necessary to endure and in proud suffering to wait for the end of torment. There are many ways to help the intestines work correctly.

How to treat constipation after childbirth?

Modern medicine it is negative to the use of any medicines to eliminate constipation.

Firstly, the use of drugs will not deprive the problem of constipation as a whole, since for each subsequent defecation It will be necessary to accept the product again.

Secondly, the work of the intestine is very sensitive and if you overdo it with laxatives, then dependence will arise on them and then the constipation will become chronic.

Of course, in some cases, when you cannot do without a laxative, the intake is justified. But it is better not to bring the body to such a state, but, correctly organizing your drinking regime And nutrition, improve the intestines without the effects of drugs.

Prevention of constipation
Prevention of constipation

Candles from constipation after childbirth

The range of modern pharmacies offers many rectal candleswho instantly help to "celebrate the need." But a woman after childbirth needs to take great responsibility to the choice of such a tool, and better even consult a doctor.

Women who breastfeed are recommended only those candles that have Natural components. The best option, of course, is glycerin suppositories - Available and convenient to use.

But if you have cracks in the anal passage or haemorrhoids, then using them is contraindicated.

In this case, they are better suited sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn candleswho, in addition to quickly provoking intestinal emptying, also heal and prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

Candles cannot be used for more than 7-10 days, 1 candle per day. Then it is recommended to take the same break in 7-10 days.

Sea buckthorn candles
Sea buckthorn candles

Enema from constipation after childbirth

In the most severe cases of constipation, an old proven tool will help - enema. And although it seems that making an enema is easier, but there is your own the nuances of this process And even types of enemas exist several.

Cleaning enema - has ordinary boiled water in its composition (no more 2 liters), which, getting into the intestines, softens the feces and cleanses the intestines of the contents, after which everything is excreted from the body. Without affecting peristalsis and receptors, such an enema contributes to the urge to defecate already after 10 minutes.

Oil enema - prepared from water and any vegetable oil in the ratio 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil per 100 ml of water.

The action of such an enema is extremely soft, so you should not wait for a quick effect - it will come no earlier than after 10 hours. As a rule, oil enemas are made at night, and in the morning the intestines are easily emptied.

Salt enema - It is concentrated salt solutionthat affects the intestinal receptors and enhances its peristalsis.

Such an enema is prepared independently: 1 teaspoon of salt is used per 100 ml of waterwhich is completely dissolved. Then poured into a small pear half The resulting solution is administered rectally. The enema begins to act in 20 minutes.

It must be understood that the use of an enema is critical measure. Do not exacerbate your condition and do not contribute to the transition of constipation to the chronic stage, because the frequent use of enemas will lead To the deterioration of intestinal functioning.

Emulsion enema from constipation
Emulsion enema from constipation

Medicine for constipation at GV

The safest remedy for constipation for both mom and child is an emulsion Dufalac. He has a beneficial effect on the intestinal motility and softens fecal masses. Suitable for prolonged use. The main active substance is lactulose.

Video: how to make an enema correctly with constipation

Why after giving birth a constipation with blood?

If defecation is too difficult and feces have very solid consistency, then this can provoke damage to the intestines and anus. The signal of this will become Bright red blood In feces and acute pain. Regular presence of blood in feces is an occasion to see a doctor.

The blood in the feces is not always indicated about damage caused by constipation. Quite often blood can occur with inflammation of the walls of the intestine (Crohn's disease), cancer and worms.

If there are problems with digestive organs and blood is released from there, then the feces will have black color Due to the oxidative reaction.

When does constipation and hemorrhoids arise after childbirth?

But blood in a chair can occur not only because of the above reasons, but also because of hemorrhoids. In this case, additional uncomfortable symptoms:

  • itching and burning
  • swelling in the anus zone
  • pain arising during the seat
  • feeling in the stomach (in the rectum)
  • laping of nodes from the anus
  • Hemorrhoids in women in labor arise often And to a greater extent contributes to this constipation, which is faced with almost every young mother
  • Prevention this unpleasant disease during pregnancy will avoid all these unpleasant symptoms
  • The main events for this purpose are considered to be proper nutritioncontaining fiber, compliance hygienic norms, washing cold water after emptying and baths with potassium permanganate or chamomile.
  • Baths with potassium permanganate - a method for the prevention of hemorrhoids.

The right lifestyle, including full nutrition, motor activity and abundant drink, will allow you to forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation once and for all. Take care of your health and do not forget that any disease is easier prevent how to heal.

Video: How to avoid constipation?

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Comments K. article

  1. Bunny helps me. Five berries before bedtime and everything is good in the morning.

  2. After giving birth, I just had some hell. The constipation of wild, well -exported advised, everything went with him and she still noticed in his stomach unpleasant sensations disappeared. But I’ll make a reservation: we are on Yves, I don’t know for GV you can do this or not.

  3. Yes, a familiar situation, also passed through it. Fitamucil norms helped me, during feeding with food you need to be careful, and this was the doctor appointed to me, it can be. A glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning is sure to drink tea, ideally green.

  4. I also ran into constipation after childbirth ... But I was a little lucky, if I could put it like that, I didn’t feed, so you could eat and take what is usually prohibited. Fitolax helped me well then helped to cope with him (Bats, I ordered a phytomarket in the online store), well, infusions on the prunes. For me, these are the most effective means))

  5. I drank regulax at my own peril and risk. I don’t think that 12 drops will somehow harm the baby there, but they really help me.

  6. For me, enemas, candles and similar drugs are very uncomfortable. And so the constipation causes discomfort, and here is also such a format of treatment. Therefore, during the GV period I used drops for breeding in water slabicap. They are without taste and smell, you can drink them in the morning, and in the evening you can calmly go to the toilet, and no problems.

  7. I drank duphalak in this case. In any pharmacy is sold. At first, in general, the effect is zero, but after a week the chair was more or less normal.

  8. The postpartum constipation is a typical problem of all mothers. Here, the child requires constant attention (try to retire to the white friend by need), and the muscles of the pelvic floor did not recover enough to stimulate the intestines. Fibrallax, a plant agent against chronic constipation, helped me with a delicate problem. I am glad that with GV or pregnancy it can be taken without fear for health.

  9. After giving birth, I was tormented for 2 weeks, the doctor said to take a laxative, drank teas of different vegetables, not very, then I bought regulax, he helped.

  10. The doctor prescribed me fibrallax. Pretty fast and effective. It is very pleased that it is plant, based on plantain seeds.

  11. First, to establish food. No health and dryness. Drink more water and not strong tea. To normalize the intestines, Fitetimucil Physics, preferably a course for a week or two, if the constipation is regular. He is allowed to pregnant and lactating. In the composition of the heal of plantain seeds, this is natural fiber, stimulates the intestinal walls, normalizes the chair. It helps me.

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