The smell of sweat under the armpits: causes and methods of treatment. Smell of sweat in children

The smell of sweat under the armpits: causes and methods of treatment. Smell of sweat in children
The reasons for the unpleasant smell of sweat in women, men, children. Effective ways to eliminate it.
A person consists not only of the outer shell, mind and reason, but also from the smell. The perception of you by surrounding people depends on the latter, their location to communication.
It should be noted that absolutely all people sweat. This is the physiological process of our body, designed to maintain the water-salt balance of the body and the environment, as well as derive products of life and toxins beyond its limits.
By the way, there is no smell of sweat, it is added:
  • because of the bacteria that live on the surface of the skin and especially “love” its moist areas
  • thanks to the location of the apocrine glands in some areas of our body, which add their contribution to the formation of a specific smell
  • due to the abuse of coffee, alcohol, garlic and sharp seasonings
Since the varieties of the first are a huge number, the smells from a person are different.
In continuation of the topic about potings of the legs Let's talk about similar problems under the armpits.

Causes of smell of sweat under mice in women

Pure dry armpits of a girl
pure dry armpits of a girl
Women are impressionable creatures and are more susceptible to stress than men. Therefore, the smell of sweat from under the mice often gives them psychological and physical discomfort.
  • At the time of severe excitement, an increased dose of adrenaline is thrown into the woman’s body, which triggers the process of accelerated sweating.
    The most prone to sweating in adolescence and middle age
  • The second reason is a violation of the hormonal system. The thyroid gland is responsible for its coherence. And if thyroid diseases appeared, then you will inevitably encounter the problem of increased sweating under the mice
  • The third reason is the blockage of the sweat glands under the armpits of antiperspirants

Modern manufacturers of these funds of hygiene in pursuit of profit and client go to everything to remove the unpleasant odor and reduce the amount of sweat secreted. In this they are helped by zinc or aluminum oxide. The second is especially dangerous due to poor withdrawal from the body. So the pessimistic scenario is gradually developed:

  • the pores of the sweat glands are clogged
  • the lymphatic system is overloaded with waste and toxins
  • the heart receives an increased load
  • the body suffers from serious diseases

Therefore, it is important to consciously make a decision before the use of modern means for daily hygiene.

  • The fourth reason is the presence of excretory, endocrine, heart, nervous systems. For example, with diabetes, "fragrant" sweating is a constant companion
  • The fifth reason is violations in nutrition, the absence or insufficient number of natural products in the diet
  • The sixth reason is overweight due to the wrong regime and the choice of foods for food
Note that in women most often the smell of sweat under the armpits has a sour tint.

The reasons for the smell of sweat under mice in men

A man applies an antiperspirant for mice
a man applies an antiperspirant for mice
  • Men in nature are inclined and hard to work. Therefore, the smell of sweat from under the mice is the expected result of physical and mental stress
  • On the other hand, the strong half of humanity is attentive to its body and its beauty. Men love the gym and outdoor games, which means they sweat a lot
  • The third reason is wearing clothes from synthetic materials. It irritates the skin and causes the process of "fragrant" sweating
  • The fourth reason is the lack of a food intake and variety in the menu of natural products. Often men prefer sharp dishes, and the latter cause enhanced work of the sweat glands
  • The fifth reason is the increased hairyness of those parts of the body where the apocrine glands are present. Most men leave vegetation under the armpits to emphasize their personality
  • The sixth reason is the disease of internal organs and/or systems that provoke the release of sweat with the smell. For example, diseases of the liver, kidneys, hearts create increased pressure on the work of the sweat glands

The smell of sweat under mice in children, reasons

Kid after water procedures
kid after water procedures
Children have different causes of the smell of sweat from under the mice:
  • excessive wrapping when the child is more dressed than the ambient temperature requires
  • long outdoor games or physical training
  • seasonality, for example, in the summer on a hot day, all people suffer from sweating and smell that accompanies it
  • too high temperature in the children's room, especially before bedtime
  • soft bed, warm blanket, incorrect clothes for sleeping
  • with influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections acts as a side effect
  • lack of vitamin D, rickets
  • in the presence of diseases of the nervous, vascular, endocrine, hormonal systems
  • due to taking drugs

Why is there a strong smell of sweat, reasons

The girl clamped her nose due to an unpleasant odor
the girl clamped her nose due to an unpleasant odor
Sweat acquires a smell at the time of contact with the surface of the skin. However, the reasons for its strengthening are as follows:
  • the temperature of both a person and the environment. In cases of diseases with its increase or hot season, sweat stands out more so that the human body is cooling, not overheat
  • susceptibility to stress and emotional differences. Often the rhythm of life makes us react to trials, conversations, other people with anxiety and a fountain of emotions. We are too attached to our expectations from others, we believe that our plans are obliged to realize only as we ourselves have outlined
  • long -term intake of antibiotics and antispasmodics
  • addiction to acute food, onion and garlic. This also includes the food of fast food. We all run, we hasten for the ghostly future, forgetting about the value of our body and care for it
  • the increased humidity of the environment naturally causes your body's reaction to an increase in sweating
  • an increase in the amount of sugar in the human blood. This is especially present in diabetics
  • intestinal and gastric diseases that add unpleasant aroma sweat
  • hormonal disorders

Why did the smell of sweat appear after childbirth?

Mom kisses the baby
mom kisses the baby
  • During pregnancy, hormonal restructuring occurs in the body of women. So it is provided for by nature so that the mother’s body helps the crumbs to grow and prepare for the future feeding
  • After childbirth, the female body continues to develop hormones for several months, which affects the aroma of its sweat
  • Another explanation of a very smelling sweat from a woman who has recently gave birth to a baby to learn from a mixture of other odors
  • Although the mother herself is often unpleasant to hear the aroma of her body from herself, one should not panic too much. Soon your body will return to normal, hormonal background will return to the previous regime of functioning and sweat will acquire a former smell

Why has the smell of sweat changed?

Pure dry armpit in a girl
pure dry armpit in a girl
There is nothing constant in our world, everything is subject to changes. It also applies to the smell of sweat.
As we have determined above, our harmful taste habits, addiction to pharmaceutical drugs, emotionality and the effect of stress, diseases on our well -being entail changes in the aroma of the body. Also, the reasons for changing the smell of the body are:
  • age
  • hormonal malfunctions
  • changes in the temperature and humidity of the environment
Our ancestors were more attentive to themselves and the surrounding people. They, by smell, exuded by the body, accurately determined the diseases that begin to develop in it.
And they focused on eliminating the causes of the disease, simultaneously getting rid of the unpleasant aroma of sweat. And they did not mask the smell and reduced the sweating artificially, thereby causing tangible damage to their body and processes that occur in it.

Sweat with the smell of vinegar, causes

The girl has wet under the mouse
the girl has wet under the mouse
Sweat of a healthy person has practically no expressed smell. Only pathologies of the internal processes of his body and environmental conditions are able to bring their contribution to the appearance of the “spirit”.
If you have learned the smell of vinegar from your body or a loved one, then its possible reasons may be:
  • deficiency or excessive amount of iodine in the body. The latter is more likely in people taking pharmaceuticals for a long time
  • thyroid disorders when the production of hormones deviates from the norm
  • developing diabetes. True, it can be suspected by the manifestation of a combination of symptoms - a frequent feeling of hunger, poor folding and healing of wounds
  • mastopathy in women. It begins to develop with the formation of seals, tumors in the area under the armpits. And the vinegar smell signals that the process has launched. This fragrance is most sensed by the woman herself during the removal of the bra
  • vitamin D deficiency, rickets in the crumbs of the first months of life. In a newborn, the sweat glands begin to work from approximately the third week of life, and are fully turned on only during puberty. That is, until this time, a healthy baby does not have any scent of sweat
  • mixing mother’s milk with skin of crumbs is the most harmless and easily eliminating the reason. During feeding, the baby is easily capable of shedding food on himself, and mother can notice her remnants while bathing crumbs

How to treat the smell of sweat?

The girl lubricates under the armpits
the girl lubricates under the armpits
  • If you are praised by an unpleasant aroma during sweat, then you should carefully sort out all the possible causes that cause it
  • Often a trip to the doctor and additional examination will help to establish the diagnosis more accurately
  • By the way, mask the unpleasant aroma of the body with external means - deodorants, perfumes, antiperspirants - a useless activity. So the smell mixes with them and eats into clothes, with which later it is very difficult to get it
  • Along the way, with the main treatment, the causes of “smelling” sweat use the advice of traditional medicine to eliminate it. They are definitely safe and effective, even for a short time
Wipe clean dry armpits:
  • fresh lemon juice
  • soda
  • infusion of tea mushroom
  • Take a bath with essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, tea tree
  • Apply salicylic paste in small quantities to problem areas before bedtime
  • Take the infusion of sage leaves inside half an hour before meals three times a day. The method for women during menopause is especially shown
  • Brew oak bark and make lotions
  • Buy Teymurov Paste in a pharmacy and lubricate under the armpits after water procedures. However, the frequency of its use is up to two times a week. After applying the paste, it should be washed off with ordinary water, and the area under the armpits should be softened by baby cream in order to avoid skin irritation
  • Sign up for an appointment with a cosmetologist. The latter can recommend you drugs for internal use, Botox injections, surgery. The latter is the most extreme and rare way to eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat

Small smell

Girl lubricates under his arm
girl lubricates under his arm
To eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat, you can use:
  • antibacterial types of soap
  • special products that kill fungi and bacteria on clothes and shoes
  • deodorants and antiperspirants
  • boiling clothes on which there is a designation allowing to do this
  • injections in a cosmetic clinic/center. For example, after the injection of Botox under the mouse, the effect without an unpleasant aroma will last up to a year
  • food soda applied to the axillary depressions for 5 minutes immediately after water procedures
  • cotton swabs moistened in vodka, for the region, a kind of mice
  • pharmacy creams, ointments, pastes with formaldehyde, circus, aluminum content. But they should not get carried away due to the toxicity of these components and their harmfulness for the physiological processes of the body

How to deal with a strong smell of sweat from the body: tips and reviews

Wet stains on a T -shirt under the mice of a girl
wet stains on a T -shirt under the mice of a girl
  • Follow hygiene rules - take a shower twice a day with soft gels, not soap. The latter too overdles the skin
  • Regularly remove the hair from zones subject to increased sweating. This advice may be more relevant for women
  • Improte the room before bedtime
  • Try to observe the temperature of 18-20 ℃ in your and children's room
  • Choose clothes both for sleeping and for daytime wearing from natural fabrics that sits well on you and does not constrain movements
  • Review your diet. Enrich it with natural products and foods that you have prepared, and not the cook of a supermarket or fast food-restaurant
  • The nursing young mother should avoid the use of perfumes and deodorants with a strong aroma, since they interfere with the baby and distract him. There may be cases of his rejection of his chest because of this
  • Refuse meat food or bring it to the diet to a minimum for a couple of months. You will feel that your natural aroma will become easier
Snezhana, Rielter
I am on my feet all day, I often meet with different people. Therefore, I do not allow myself to smell bad. However, in the summer and during pregnancy there were cases when my body exuded unpleasant smells of sweat. They were saved by pharmacy pastes, soda and lemon juice.
Victoria Sergeevna, financial director
I never suffered from an unpleasant odor during sweating. And how I stepped in the age of 50, I found out what it is. She took the infusions of sage and drugs that the endocrinologist prescribed to me after the examination. Gradually, my hormonal background was leveled and the unpleasant smell of sweat disappeared.

Video: How to escape from the unpleasant smell of sweat under mice?

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Comments K. article

  1. For those who are tired of fighting sweating, I recommend burnt kvassians. This is a very useful and effective tool.

  2. Not always the cause of the smell, the lack of hygiene. The cause may be increased sweating, and bacteria that are the culprits of the unpleasant odor are well propagated in such an environment. To eliminate excessive sweating, and with it the smell, I use the formgel - an excellent tool to solve such a problem.

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