Interesting riddles with answers in pictures: how to solve the riddle - “that they don’t eat raw, but they throw it off”?

Interesting riddles with answers in pictures: how to solve the riddle - “that they don’t eat raw, but they throw it off”?

A collection of the most popular riddles of all time.

Today, riddles are one of the most important elements of the development of mental abilities in both children and adults. The inclusion of them in a variety of developing methods contributes to the improvement of logical and creative thinking, quick wit and, in general, helps to maintain the mind in tone.

In this article you will find an answer to a popular riddle « That they do not eat raw, but they throw it off», several other options, as well as a list of riddles, which, in our opinion, will be interesting to both children and their parents.

Image 1. Interesting and popular riddles with answers.
Image 1. Interesting and popular riddles with answers.

Interesting riddles with answers: that they don’t eat raw, but they throw it off with boiled?

Mystery « That they don’t eat raw, but they throw it off?».

Answer: Bay leaf.

  • Despite the fact that this riddle is old enough and any self -respecting mistress can give an answer to it, she is still able to drive some people into a stupor. After all, there are a lot of products that a person will not eat both in cheese and boiled form. It can be bones, eggshells or some types of other spices.
  • However, in this mystery it is a laurel sheet, as it is widely used in cooking and after cooking gives its basic properties (aroma) to the dish. Then he safely goes to the garbage bucket. There are several other options for this riddle, however, in one of them the answer is likely to be a laurel tree, the leaves of which we add to food.
Image 2. Bay leaf.
Image 2. Bay leaf.

Interesting riddles:

We do not eat it raw,
Therefore, cook in the broth.
But we do not eat boiled -
We give a garbage packet.


They will find it in a soup,
Wreaths are weaving from it.
What a tree, friends,
Have I made me here now?


Noble spicy sheet -
I am in soups, borschs artist!
In meat, in vegetables, I flaunt.
In all dishes, I am drawn!
I give the smell and taste ...
In medicine, I'm not a coward!
Not aspen, maple,
So what am I? ( Laurel)

Interesting puzzles with answers: a list of the most popular riddles of all time

There are a great many interesting puzzles in the world and every day there are more and more of them. However, there are riddles that are an integral part of Russian culture and are familiar to almost every person since childhood. We suggest you recall the top 10 most popular mysteries, on which more than one generation was brought up.

  • A pear hangs, you can’t eat.

Answer: Bulb.

  • In winter and summer in one color.

Answer: Christmas tree.

  • Two ends, two rings, and a clove in the middle.

Answer: Scissors.

  • Grandfather sits, dressed in a hundred fur coats.
    Whoever undresses him, he sheds tears.

Answer: Onion.

  • Without hands, without an ax, a hut is built.

Answer: Nest.

  • Without arms, without legs, but they know how to walk.

Answer: Watch.

  • What a nimble old man
    Eighty eight legs.
    Everything shuffles on the floor
    At work hot?

Answer: Broom.

  • One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

Answer: Cabbage.

  • The red girl sits in the dungeon, and the scythe on the street.

Answer: Carrot.

  • From what and why does the dog barify to the moon?

Answer: From the ground through the air.

Interesting puzzles with answers in pictures

Some people, instead of standard text riddles, prefer to solve graphic puzzles, since the brain perceives them easier. These riddles also contribute to the development of attentiveness and logical thinking.

And thanks to a variety of colorful illustrations, the process of solving them becomes more fascinating for both children and adults. We have selected for you the five most popular and interesting riddles in pictures, which, perhaps, are already known to someone, and someone will meet them for the first time.

TOP-1. Riddle about the bus

  • In this task, you need to carefully look at the picture and say which way the bus is going.
Image 3. Riddle about the bus.
Image 3. Riddle about the bus.

Answer: In the process of solving such puzzles, it is extremely important to pay attention to the details. In the picture, the bus does not have doors that are usually located on the right side of the driver. Based on this, we can conclude that the bus moves to the left side.

TOP-2. Riddle with numbers

  • The picture shows two shows with numbers. The number 367 is equal to the number 564. What is the number 478?
Image 4. Riddle with numbers.
Image 4. Riddle with numbers.

Answer: To get an answer, you need to calculate how many sticks are in each number and record their number under the number. As a result, it turns out that the number 564 is 447.

TOP-3. Random meeting

  • Two friends accidentally met on the street:
    - Hello, Zhenya. Where are you going?
    - I'm going to house number 25. Where are you going, Vitya?
    - I am going to visit my friend, who lives in house number 5.
    Guess which of the boys the name of Zhenya is, and whom is Vitya.
Image 5. Random meeting.
Image 5. Random meeting.

Answer: In order to give an answer to this riddle, you need to pay attention to the license plate hanging on the house. The number 19 is drawn there. If you start moving along the street from the first house on it, then all the buildings under the odd numbers will be on your left hand. The picture shows that the boy in the headdress goes towards houses with large numbers (25 more 19). Therefore, this boy is the name of Zhenya.

TOP-4. The names of children

  • The picture depicts five children. One of the boys who stands from the edge is the name of Lesha. If the girl Anya was next to Vanya, then Pasha would be next to her namesake. Guess who stands where.
Image 6. Riddle about names.
Image 6. Riddle about names.

Answer: If you look from left to right, then the first is Lesha, then Vanya, then Pasha, Anya and again Pasha.

TOP-5. Water in the watering can

  • Two guys went to the river to get water in watering water lines for watering the beds. Look carefully at the picture and tell me which of the boys will bring more water?
Image 7. Riddle about watering can.
Image 7. Riddle about watering can.

Answer: Despite the fact that the boy has much larger on the left on the left than the boy on the right, their nose are at the same level, above which the water in the watering can not rise. Here I recall the law from physics about communicating vessels. Therefore, the amount of water they bring will be the same.

Video: 10 puzzles for logic that most people cannot solve

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