Why do you need potassium and sodium in the body? How important their correct ratio is

Why do you need potassium and sodium in the body? How important their correct ratio is

From this article you will learn how important potassium and sodium are in the body, and their correct ratio.

Our body is arranged so that sodium carefully stores, without withdrawing its excess, but is in place of it. Accordingly, if we take into account how we eat, there is almost no lack of sodium, and potassium is often a deficit. It must be remembered that potassium and sodium are antagonists: if one mineral is in abundance, then the other is a deficit, and given how our body consumes potassium, it must be used much more than the norm than sodium. How much sodium and potassium do you need every day? What is their correct ratio? What are the products of these minerals? We find out in this article.

Why do you need potassium and sodium?

Potassium and sodium The body is needed, and it is very important that they are supported in the right ratio. If there are not enough of them, the following problems develop in the body:

  • Heart disease, bones, muscles, joints
  • Metabolic disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Miscarriages in pregnant women

Attention. To maintain good health, sodium and potassium every day should come with food in a ratio of 1: 2.

The content of potassium and sodium in vegetables

Products rich in sodium, and its norm per day

Sodium norm per day in mg:

  • Children under 1 year old-200-350
  • Children 1-3 years old-500
  • Children 3-7 years old-700
  • Children 7-14 years old-1000-1100
  • Adolescents and adults - 1300

Sodium is contained in stone salt that we use every day. It needs a little, only 5 g per day (and that is already a lot), and the need for sodium is satisfied.

Sodium content in products (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Stone salt - 38710
  • Salt herring - 4800
  • Black caviar, red-1630-2284
  • Solid cheese-750-1370
  • Seafood - 540
  • Sea cabbage - 520
  • Celery greens - 200
  • Egg protein - 189

How to find out that the body lacks sodium?

If you adhere to besseled dietor, in the summer - with a strong setting of sweat, in the body can like sodium. This is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • The taste changes, and there is no appetite
  • Losing weight
  • Nausea, vomiting, spasms in the stomach
  • Increased flatulence
  • Rashes on the skin
  • Strong fatigue and frequent infectious diseases
  • The head hurts and the memory worsens
  • Cramps in the legs and muscles hurt

How to find out that the body has an excess of sodium?

The norm of sodium is completely satisfied with the salt and the above products that we eat every day, even excess may be. If the body does not have enough potassium, then sodium is in abundance, and it freely accumulates water in the body, and this is fraught with:

  • Swelling
  • High blood pressure
  • Sick joints
  • Allergies

Not only the use of salt can cause an excess of sodium in the body. An excess of sodium in the body may be a consequence of such factors:

  • In diseases of the kidneys
  • After a strong stress
  • After prolonged intake of corticosteroids

Potassium products

The largest amount of potassium in such products (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Dried white mushrooms - 3937
  • Dried peaches - 2043
  • Black tea - 1900
  • Dried apricots with bones - 1781
  • Kuraga - 1717
  • Soy - 1607
  • Cocoa powder - 1550
  • Wheat bran - 1260
  • Beans - 1100

Fresh mushrooms They contain potassium much less than dried, but there are also quite a lot of it (in mg per 100 g of the product):

  • Champignons - 530
  • White mushrooms - 468
  • Foxes - 450
  • Supply - 443
  • Weekly - 420
  • Smors - 411
  • Supplies - 404
  • Redcles - 310

Quite a lot of potassium is contained in flour and cereals, especially a lot of it in bran (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Buckwheat flour - 577
  • Buckwheat - 380
  • Oatmeal - 330
  • Black rice - 314
  • Wheat flour of rough grinding - 251
  • Wheat cereal - 230
  • Millet - 211
  • Barley cereals - 205
  • Perlovka - 172
  • Sunny - 130
  • Pasta - 123
  • White rice - 100

A lot of potassium in nuts and seeds(in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Pistachios - 1025
  • Almonds - 748
  • Arachis - 658
  • Sunflower seeds - 647
  • Sesamens - 497
  • Walnuts - 474
  • Hang -ups - 445

Except for vegetable ones a number of animal productsrich in potassium:

  • Low -fat dry milk - 1224
  • Dry cream - 726
  • Fish (Paltus) - 450
  • Salmon and pollock - 420
  • Baltic sprat - 380
  • Condensed milk 8.5% fat - 365
  • Gorbusha and Hek - 335
  • Rabbit meat - 335
  • Beef - 326
  • Fat herring - 310
  • Mackerel - 280
  • Pike - 260
  • Beef liver - 237
  • Broiler chicken meat - 236
  • Kefir and milk - 146
  • Chicken eggs - 140
  • Sour cream 10% fat - 124
  • Cottage cheese - 112

Quite a lot of potassium in fruits (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Pineapples - 321
  • Apricots - 305
  • Kiwi - 300
  • Apples - 278
  • Cherries - 256
  • Gooseberries - 260
  • Red Rowal - 230
  • Raspberry - 224
  • Plums - 214

There is potassium in vegetables and herbs (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Cisisa - 521
  • Sorrel - 500
  • Celery greens - 430
  • Ginger root - 415
  • Dandelion leaves - 397
  • Brussels cabbage - 375
  • Black radish - 357
  • Dill - 335
  • Broccoli - 316
  • White cabbage - 300
  • Basil - 295
  • Tomatoes - 290
  • Pumpkin - 204
Potassium products

What is the norm of potassium per day?

So much potassium for the norm per day will need (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Children - from 600 to 1800
  • Adults-1800-2200
  • Women pregnant - up to 3500
  • People engaged in physical labor, athletes with heavy loads - up to 4500

What is potassium for?

Why do you need a sufficient amount of potassium in the body?

  • So that stones and sand in the kidneys do not form
  • For normal brain function, and preventing stroke
  • So that the skin remains elastic longer
  • Athletes - for muscle development
  • Carbohydrates are better absorbed with potassium
  • For a normal blood sugar level
  • For normal pressure
  • For bone strength and prevention of osteoporosis

In what cases do you need an increased potassium content?

There are some life circumstances when potassium in the body is consumed more than the daily norm:

  • Frequent use of diuretic, laxative, hormonal drugs, antibiotics and aspirin
  • If you use a lot of salt food
  • If there is not enough magnesium in the body
  • If you sweat hard
  • If you have bad habits (smoking, alcohol, coffee)
  • In diseases of the kidneys
  • After the burnt burns
  • With reinforced sports

What are the symptoms of potassium lack?

Symptoms of potassium lack in the body:

  • Quick fatigue and weakness
  • Irritability
  • Hypertension
  • I don't want to eat anything, but if it is a potassium -containing product, then you want to eat it
  • Wounds do not heal for a long time
  • Headache
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Nails break
  • Very dry skin
  • Hair fall out
  • Often freeze
  • Cramps in the legs
  • Urination is rare

What are the signs of potassium overeating in the body?

If you eat potassium more than 6000 mg every day, Then comes fixation of potassium. You will learn about this on the following signs:

  • Swelling on the face, arms and legs
  • Frequent urination
  • Enhanced setting of sweat
  • Low pressure
  • Struggle
  • Nervousness

Attention. A potassium overdose is possible only if you take potassium in tablets.

How to save more potassium in products?

There is several rulesthat you need to learn if you want save as much potassium as possible in products:

  1. In all plant products, potassium products are more if they were recently torn from wood or beds. If vegetables or fruits have been preserved for a long time, potassium becomes smaller.
  2. Potassium is destroyed during cooking. Vegetables need to be cooked as little as possible.
  3. If the vegetables and fruits are dried or dried, potassium is completely preserved.
  4. Try to cook food from vegetables, so potassium is little lost.
  5. Cook or bake vegetables with a skin.
  6. If you are going to cook vegetables, pour as little water as possible, so that it only covers them.
  7. Before you cook legumes or cereals, do not soak them, so much potassium is lost.

So, now we know how important it is that both potassium and sodium enter the body. We learned in which foods are more potassium and sodium, and how many of them are needed for the daily norm.

Video: What are electrolytes in the human body? Symptoms of potassium deficiency

Learn about the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits:

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