Speaking in the joint: causes, symptoms, types, methods of treatment

Speaking in the joint: causes, symptoms, types, methods of treatment

Causes and methods of treating effusion in the joint.

The effusion in the joint is a common ailment that often affects people, regardless of their age. Not necessarily this disease is preceded by injuries. There are many causes of this ailment. In this article we will get acquainted with the causes of the disease and treatment methods.

Speaking in the joint: Reasons

The effusion in the joint (synovitis) is an accumulation of liquid in a synovial bag. Depending on the composition of this fluid, the effusion can be both specific and non -specific. There are several options for the disease.

List of reasons:

  • The causes of effusion are injuries
  • Systemic diseases
  • Wounds with suppuration near the joint
  • Elderly age
  • Other joint diseases that can provoke edema and fluid accumulation
Synovite knee
Synovite knee

Types of effusion in the joint

Types of effusion:

  • Infectious. It can be provoked by both conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and internal infections. Most often, the cause of effusion is infection of the joint staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, that is, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The ailment appears due to tuberculosis or syphilis. These infections also provoke the occurrence of inflammation in the joints.
  • Serous
  • Serous-fibrous
  • Hemorrhagic
  • Purulent

Infectious ailments are treated with antibiotics and special substances. Depending on what caused the disease, the effusion in the joint is infectious, aseptic and allergic. As indicated above, the infectious arises due to pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that begin to grow, multiply in the joint.

Aseptic synovitis occurs as a consequence of mechanical trauma. That is, it can be a fracture or a bruise, strong stretching. Often occurs due to endocrine diseases or with metabolic disorders. Often there is also an allergic version of the effusion, which become the result of the effect of the allergen on the body.

Synovite (effusion)
Synovite (effusion)

Symptoms of effusion in the joint

Among the symptoms of the disease, one can distinguish:

  • Strong edema
  • Redness
  • Pain

Symptoms often depend on the type of effusion. With an infectious disease, the symptoms are most pronounced. Often the disease is accompanied by temperature, general malaise, severe cutting pain in the joint. With serous drain the symptoms are not so bright, there are practically no temperatures. The pain can grow, sometimes a person can be completely bend, unbend the joint. In this case, the pain can only intensify in the evening.

Regarding the diagnosis of the disease, it is mainly an examination, as well as an X -ray. In order to determine the type of ailment, they often take a puncture of the liquid that accumulates in the bag.

The pain in the knee
The pain in the knee

Speaking in the joint: how and what to treat?

Options for treating effusion in the joint depend on what caused the occurrence. If these are endocrine diseases, then these ailments are treated. If the doctor does not understand what reason the synovitis arose, he is unknown etiology, then in this case the patient is hospitalized. After injuries, patients are also hospitalized in the trauma department, treated injuries and simultaneously treat the efflorescence in the joint.

Types of treatment:

  1. If synovitis is not purulent, then physiotherapy is often used for treatment. This is ultraviolet exposure, phonophoresis and electrophoresis, as well as a variety of heating with ozokerite. Often prescribed electrophoresis with hyaluronic acid or hydrocortisone.
  2. In order to reduce the amount of fluid in the synovial bag, if the effusion in the joint is purulent, then in this case the limb is completely immobilized if it is a hand or leg. Carry out, a liquid is sucked in, a special drainage is installed so that the pus does not accumulate inside the bag. If this is chronic synovitis, then drug therapy is most often carried out, prevention is carried out several times a year so that complications or exacerbations do not develop. To do this, use paraffin, ozokerite, as well as magnetotherapy.
  3. The main task in the treatment of effusion in the joint is to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. That is, if this is an injury, it is worth maximizing the joint as much as possible. If there are some bone fragments inside, fibrous tissue is collected, it is worth it to remove it. Mostly treating physiotherapy. In infectious ailments, antibiotics treatment are required. If you do not eliminate the cause of the disease, then the liquid in the synovial bag will accumulate. Therefore, from time to time, you will still have to engage in liquid removal or eliminate the cause.
  4. It is impossible to start the disease, because due to effusion in the joint, a large number of complications can occur. This is purulent arthritis, polyarthritis, as well as serious ailments that involve almost all bone tissue and cartilage. In this case, a person can receive disability. Therefore, the treatment of synovitis must be carried out without fail.
Affected by the knee
Affected by the knee

The main advantage of this disease is that almost all patients are forced to go to the hospital. This is because very severe pain occurs, the joint swells, increases in size. It is almost impossible to start this ailment, due to the fact that the symptoms are pronounced and do not allow living a full life.

Video: effusion in the joint

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