The child’s departure abroad: passport, insurance, permission, consent, power of attorney, ban. The laws and rules of the child’s departure abroad with parents, without parents, with one of the parents, without the consent of his father

The child’s departure abroad: passport, insurance, permission, consent, power of attorney, ban. The laws and rules of the child’s departure abroad with parents, without parents, with one of the parents, without the consent of his father

When going on a long -awaited vacation or sending a child to a foreign camp, check if you have all the necessary documents in your hands.

The procedure for the departure of children abroad

Renting with children abroad is a rather common situation for many. Children go on vacation with their family and closest relatives, visit foreign recreation camps and language schools, go to sports competitions and in excursion tours with a class.

What papers should be issued in each specific situation so that the rest takes place and the border control service does not have any reason to cancel the trip?

What documents are needed when the child is exported abroad?
What documents are needed when the child is exported abroad?

Speaking about a foreign trip, it is important to understand that your child is:

  • The border services of the Russian Federation undergoes a check when he leaves Russia
  • Passport-visa control of a foreign state is going on when he enters it

At the first stage, it is important to observe the laws of the Russian Federation, at the second stage - the laws of the state where you are going.

Hereinafter, the article is understood as a child’s minor citizen of the Russian Federation who has not reached the age of 18.

When leaving abroad, the child needs to issue a passport
When leaving abroad, the child needs to issue a passport

Passport to a child to travel abroad

Citizens of the Russian Federation are obliged to have a foreign passport of an old or new model for a trip abroad. What is the difference?

An old -style passport

An old -style passport costs cheaper, is designed faster, operates 5 years. Such a passport can be issued through unified multifunctional centers (MFCs), which operate in all regions of Russia.

The child can be entered into the passport of one of the parents
The child can be entered into the passport of one of the parents

A son or daughter can be inscribed in an old -style passport for mom or dad - such a procedure is formalized even faster. If a baby or a teenager is inscribed in your passport, he does not need to apply for his own passport.

You can see the coordinates of the MFC of your region here. List of documents required for drawing up an old -style passport, see here.

Important! If you inscribed the baby in your passport, you will not be able to go abroad without you!

With his own passport, the child will be able to travel without you
With his own passport, the child will be able to travel without you

A new -sample passport

A passport of a new sample (biometric) is made longer, its validity period is 10 years. The list of documents required for drawing up a biometric passport can be viewed here. To apply for such a passport, you need to contact the passport office at the place of permanent or temporary registration.

It will not be possible to fit your own passport into your biometric passport to enter your biometric passport.

How to apply for a child a passport?
How to apply for a child a passport?

Documents of the child for traveling abroad with parents

On a foreign trip, the baby, accompanied by a mother and father, needs to take a passport, drawn up according to the rules of the Russian Federation, as well as a birth of birth to confirm kinship.

Is notarial consent to traveling a child abroad with one of the parents?

According to Russian laws, in this situation, permission from the second parent is not required.

If the surname of the mother does not coincide with the name of her daughter or son, in order to avoid misunderstandings, you should have a birth about birth, where mom is inscribed under her current name.

For a trip with mom, consent to export the child from dad is not required
For a trip with mom, consent to export the child from dad is not required

If the change of the mother’s name in the HB-WITH is not reflected (for example, the mother re-marryed and took the name of her second husband, but she did not change the present), then you need to take a document on changing the name of the mother (for example, the St.

To enter the baby into the territory of another state with one of the parents or guardians, it is necessary to clarify the relevant rules of the country of entry.

Most of the visa -free countries do not require permission from the second parent, and when designing a Schengen visa, it is necessary to present such an agreement formalized at the notary.

In visa -free countries, consent from the second parent does not need
In visa -free countries, consent from the second parent does not need

At the same time, it is better to draw up a document in duplicate, since you will give one of them to the consulate for a visa, and the second will need to have on hand at crossing the border.

The child’s departure abroad without the consent of the father or mother

In some situations, it is impossible to obtain permission from the second parent. What to do, what documents to present a passport and visa service?

  • If only mother is raising a son or daughter, and in the St. Father there is a dash in the column “Father”, it is enough to present the original certificate
  • If the father is recorded from the words of the mother, take in the registry office the certificate of the established sample of the corresponding content
If the father is not inscribed in the birth certificate, consent to export is not needed from him
If the father is not inscribed in the birth certificate, consent to export is not needed from him
  • If the second parent (father or mother) died, provide death certificate
  • If the second parent is in places of imprisonment, you will receive a certificate from the corresponding correctional institution
  • If the second parent is deprived of parental rights, take the court decision with you
  • If you have lost contact with your father or mother, you must provide a certificate from the court that his whereabouts have not been established, or a certificate from the police that he was wanted
  • If you are a guardian or trustee, provide a corresponding document on the establishment of guardianship when traveling abroad.
If the child is raising a guardian, consent from parents to export is not required
If the child is raising a guardian, consent from parents to export is not required

What documents are needed for the child’s departure abroad without parents?

To export your child in the company of other adults (relatives, the head of the children's group, etc.), at least one parent is required.

It is designed at a notary. It is mandatory to indicate the data of the parent, baby and person who will accompany him (name, registration, passport number or birth certificate). The permit must indicate the country of entry and the validity of the consent (specific dates!).

If the child goes unaccompanied, you need consent from both parents
If the child goes unaccompanied, you need consent from both parents

Since the notarial forms and samples are strictly regulated, almost every notarial office knows how the resolution should look good. But in any case, carefully check the data so as not to get into an unpleasant situation on the trip.

The rules for the import of the baby into a foreign state, unaccompanied by both parents, must be clarified in the consular-visa service of this country. Most of them require notarial resolution from the father and mother at the same time, and both can be inscribed in one document.

How to apply for consent to the removal of a child?
How to apply for consent to the removal of a child?

If the child is raising a guardian, it is enough to present a certificate on the establishment of guardianship instead of consent. If the child goes without a guardian, then the consent is given by the guardian.

Do parents agree to traveling a child abroad with a grandmother?

In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, the consent of the mother or father to the export of the minor is necessary, even if he goes accompanied by his grandmother.

Under the legislation of many countries, when the young foreigner entered, accompanied by a grandmother, the consent of her mother and father is required at the same time.

Consent to the export of a child requires most countries
Consent to the export of a child requires most countries

Removal of a child abroad unaccompanied by adults and without parents

In some cases, children go abroad without adults. For example, if mom or dad (or grandparents) lives in another state.

Most airlines provide a minors support service. In this case, an agreement is signed with the airline, according to which the company representative accepts the minor from one of the adults at the departure airport, accompanies him during the flight and passes it to the other adult at the arrival airport.

How to arrange a child’s departure unaccompanied?
How to arrange a child’s departure unaccompanied?

For such cases, permission to leave unaccompanied (possibly only for children over 5 years old).

Recently, children in foreign camps have become very popular. Some travel companies propose to issue permission unaccompanied, explaining this by the fact that the leader of the group will be appointed immediately before departure.

If you agree to this option, you must understand that the leader will not formally be responsible for your child in this case.

Consent to traveling a child abroad
Consent to traveling a child abroad

How to get permission to leave the child abroad?

To arrange the papers at the notary, the personal presence of the parent, the consent, the presence of the child and the person, accompanied by whom he leaves.

In some cases (depending on the notarial office), the presence of the cover is not required, but it is necessary to provide a copy of its passport.

For registration, you need to have a passport of the Russian Federation, the original birth certificate and the abroad passport of the baby - the data of these documents will be indicated in accordance.

For registration of consent, notaries charge a fee in accordance with the set tariffs.

KK apply for a notary public?
KK apply for a notary public?

The deadline for resolving a child abroad

As a rule, the exit document indicates the dates of the trip and the name of a particular country (or countries). The wording "for a period of two months" is not allowed.

In some situations, you can draw up a document for several years (for example, if a child leaves with a grandmother to the same country every summer), but at the same time specific dates will still be indicated (for example, from 01.01.2016 to 01/01/2018) and the name) countries.

It is important to remember that when applying for a permit for a long time, it is necessary to consider whether its laws are allowed. For example, in Schengen countries, consent is made for each trip separately.

Rules for the registration of consent to exit
Rules for the registration of consent to exit

A sample of a power of attorney to leave the child abroad

  • Sample permission without accompaniment can be viewed and downloaded here
  • Sample permission, accompanied by one of the parents, can be viewed and downloaded here

How to impose a ban on leaving the child abroad?

If one of the parents or guardians categorically does not agree with the removal of the baby, he can write an appropriate application to the FMS bodies and border control bodies.

However, he is not obliged to notify anyone of the prohibition. The ban on export can be filed at any time without explanation.

Prohibition for the child’s departure for the harpits

Prohibition for the child’s departure for the harpits

About the rules for submitting an application for a ban on read here.

If there is a conflict situation between parents, before leaving it is worth contacting the FMS and Border Control authorities in advance to make sure that there is no ban from the second parent.

Removing the prohibition of leaving the child abroad

You can remove the existing ban only in court. When resolving a dispute, the court takes into account all the arguments of the parties, including the purpose of the trip and the desire of the child himself.

Removing the ban on traveling abroad
Removing the ban on traveling abroad

If during the court session it is proved that the removal is temporary, aimed at recovering and developing your child, then the ban can be lifted. The court will also take into account the availability of already paid air tickets to both ends, tourist tickets and other documents confirming the stated goals and terms of the trip.

Child insurance for traveling abroad

When leaving abroad, it is important to make sure that if necessary, the baby is provided with qualified medical care abroad.

Insurance differs in the amount of the coating and the list of insured events that they cover.

Medical insurance for the child
Medical insurance for the child

The simplest insurance provides for medical care in case of sudden health disorder (SARS, food poisoning) or household injury. The action of such insurance does not apply to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

With an expanded insurance version, additional risks can be provided. For example, if you are going to a ski resort or to a sports camp, it is worth enableing assistance in injuries received during extreme sports.

If your son or daughter has chronic diseases, then medical care can be provided for exacerbation.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, such insurance are not mandatory. But their indispensable presence is provided for by most countries. For example, when registering a Schengen visa, insurance is submitted without fail. At the entrance to visa-free countries, employees of the border service can present such insurance when passport-visa control.

In any case, when drawing up insurance, it is necessary to first be guided not by the requirements of the legislation, but by real concern for the preservation of the life and health of your child.

Video. Consent to traveling a child abroad

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