The development of the fetus by weeks of the second trimester of pregnancy. Fetal table

The development of the fetus by weeks of the second trimester of pregnancy. Fetal table

In this article, we will tell you how the baby develops in the second trimester of pregnancy.


The second trimester is the most calm time for both mom and the future baby. The threat of miscarriage passed and the fetus, developing, becomes more and more like a newborn.

Pregnancy by weeks: Development and sensation

The beginning of the second trimester
the beginning of the second trimester

13 week of pregnancy

This week is at the turn of the first and second trimester. The body was already almost completely rebuilt to bearing the baby, toxicosis subsides. A woman at this time usually becomes calmer and more beautiful. The chest is gradually preparing for milk production and increases in size.


  • Toxicosis retreats, more strength, energy and desire to eat something appear
  • The mood no longer jumps, the woman feels more confident
  • The tummy is slowly growing
  • Ordinary things begin to squeeze the abdominal cavity. Many pregnant women run up this week to update the wardrobe

14 week pregnancy

The beginning of the second trimester. The uterus increased a little in its size, the tummy becomes more round. If there were kidney problems before pregnancy, they can worsen. This is due to the additional load on the urinary system. In women with diabetes, blood sugar may fall.


  • If the pregnancy passes normally, and without deviations in the health of the baby and mother, well -being should be excellent
  • Toxicosis has already completely retreated. Although some women continue to complain about drowsiness and deterioration of appearance, but this is not due to toxicosis, but with a lack of vitamins
  • Due to the reinforced work of the heart, shortness of breath appears
  • You should refuse to wear high -heeled shoes, as this can cause pain in the back
Fetal development at 14 weeks of pregnancy
fetal development at 14 weeks of pregnancy

15 Week of pregnancy

No special changes are happening yet. The tummy and breasts grow as well as the weight of the mother. Freckles and moles become more pronounced. Health is good, toxicosis is already behind.


  • The sensation time of the first move of the fetus
  • Going to the toilet becomes easier, constipation is slowly retreating. And not so often pulls on a small one
  • A woman can feel pain in the bottom of the abdomen, and as if compression in the uterus
  • The pressure can fall, which will cause dizziness and nausea

16 Week of pregnancy

The uterus grows with the mammary glands. The heart works in an enhanced mode, but copes well with its task. Forgetfulness and inattention still do not leave, you can simply write down all the necessary things or purchases. The tummy has not yet been widened, the figure looks very attractive, since the mother herself.


  • Who else has not yet felt the first movements can feel them this week. No exception that this will happen only at 20 weeks
  • The weight is slowly arriving, as the appetite has increased
  • The gait is changing, already from afar you can determine that this is a pregnant woman
16 Week of pregnancy
16 Week of pregnancy

17 week pregnancy

You should review your diet and eat a little, but often. This will help to avoid digestive problems now and in the future. The volume of blood has increased even more, bleeding from the nose may occur. This is quite normal, the vessels do not withstand additional load.


  • Appetite is increasingly intensifying
  • The woman becomes calmer, not nervous in trifles
  • The tummy is growing
  • The chest becomes less sensitive
  • At night they can only dream of magic dreams

18 week pregnancy

The hormone pineal gland produced by both mother and baby can increase pigmentation on the skin of a pregnant woman. All tune in and pigment spots will pass, shortly after childbirth. The tummy increases.


  • Health is good
  • Some mothers have already enjoyed their stirring, who are unlucky, they will feel them very soon
  • The growing tummy can cause discomfort, cause back pain
  • You feel the tension of the skin in the waist and abdomen
  • The gait is more and more changed
  • Heartburn never retreats
  • Sleep to become more and more inconvenient
Pregnancy 18 weeks
pregnancy 18 weeks

19 week pregnancy

If a woman is quite healthy, there are no strong changes yet. The tummy is growing, but does not stop leading a mobile lifestyle. You may notice that the fingers on the hands, ears or nose increased. You should not worry, everything is normalized after childbirth.


  • We have to sleep only on the side. If you lie on your back, you can harm the baby
  • The increasing tummy changes the gait even more
  • Avoiding direct sunlight should be avoided, this can increase pigmentation
  • It is better to refuse cosmetics, the risk of allergies is possible
19 week pregnancy
19 week pregnancy

20 Week of pregnancy

The middle of pregnancy. The belly and volume of the hips increases, but not very much, which does not provide strong discomfort. The load on the mother’s organs is growing, but they do this perfectly.


  • With a high probability, almost all mothers felt movements, and already enjoy these sensations with might and main
  • The mood is great
  • Many have increased libido
  • Can disturb low blood pressure, with all the ensuing consequences
  • They may start to hurt your legs

21 weeks of pregnancy

The growing uterus provokes rapid urination, and constipation. If a woman has spikes on internal organs, they can stretch, bringing pain. Swelling of the legs may appear.


  • Women begin to feel fatigue and enhanced appetite
  • There is a feeling of shortness of breath and back pain
  • Drops in the mood are resumed
  • The child’s movements in the stomach become noticeable

Important: Starting this week, false fights can occur, so the body is prepared for the upcoming childbirth.

21 weeks of pregnancy
21 weeks of pregnancy

22 weeks of pregnancy

The uterus grows more and more, shifting all internal organs, which brings discomfort. There is a risk of hemorrhoids. Hemoglobin may fall, at the first signs, measures should be taken. It can lay your nose, but this is normal.


  • The tummy is already large enough and interferes with moving, as before
  • Sleep to become more and more inconvenient
  • Swelling of the arms and legs are possible, which brings discomfort to everyday life
  • Frequent dizziness may occur
  • The appetite increases greatly
  • The baby moves more active

23 weeks of pregnancy

There are no special changes. The uterus is growing. The figure is even more rounded. This makes changes to the usual pace of life. Far urination will pass after childbirth, but for now, you should get used to it.


  • The kid begins to move more actively, especially when mom is resting. It can even interfere with sleep at night. To calm him down a little, you should stroke the tummy and talk to the child
  • With a feeling of heartburn, you need to come to terms with the very birth. To reduce this sensation, you should eat small portions
23 weeks of pregnancy
23 weeks of pregnancy

24 weeks of pregnancy

The uterus and child grow, causing frequent urination and back pain in a woman. Swelling may occur. It follows very carefully for this manifestation, as they can threaten a child and mother. It is necessary to limit the amount of salt consumed. Try to move more.


  • A sharp jump in the weight of the future mother is possible
  • Increased sweating may occur
  • The kid is already kicking with might and main, this can bring pain

25 Week of pregnancy

The threat of miscarriage has already passed. The uterus looks like a ball, squeezing the internal organs more and more. You should monitor the pressure, if it rises, I must say about it to your doctor. The weight gain in weight is undesirable. You should adjust your diet and undergo examinations.


  • The back begins to hurt stronger than it was before
  • The legs swell
  • Dygging interferes
  • The kid kicks a lot
  • Vision can worsen
  • Heartburn and constipation are still relevant
25 Week of pregnancy
25 Week of pregnancy

26 week pregnancy

By the end of the second trimester, a woman gains approximately 9 kilograms of weight. The stomach becomes like a watermelon. The chest grows. You should be prepared for training contractions. The pressure becomes higher. The swelling of the legs, arms, faces disturb. If they are not accompanied by health problems, then you do not need to worry.


  • Sleep to become very inconvenient
  • There are pain in the back and legs, convulsions of the lower extremities
  • But, the most important sensation, there is a baby's stirring
  • They are quite active and can become noticeable to others
Convenient pillow for pregnant women
convenient pillow for pregnant women

27 week pregnancy

The beginning of the third trimester is marked by a decrease in appetite. You should listen to your body and not convey. In another case, this will affect both mom and baby.


  • The woman is becoming harder to bend and move. Perhaps the help of loved ones may already need
  • The kid kicks his mother quite strongly from the inside
  • The sweating rises
  • The skin on the stomach is becoming more and more stretched and bring discomfort
  • Unreasonable fears arise, the mood is again changeable
  • The receptiveness of the weather changes increases

Pregnancy development calendar in the second trimester in weeks

13 week:The body becomes more proportional. The baby’s organs are actively developing. You can see the vessels through the skin because it is very thin.

Video: Video gid. 13 week. Sex in the early stages of pregnancy

14 week:The face becomes more rounded. He can already gesticulate. Forming organs begin to gradually work. The kid is already well reacted to bright light and loud sounds.

Video: Video gid. 14 week. Pregnancy and toxins

15 week:Starting this week, you can determine the gender of the future baby and its Rh factor. All internal organs are actively developing, performing each of its own function. The baby is actively trained in breathing.

Video: Video gid. 15 week. Changes in appearance

16 week:The facial muscles were finally formed, on ultrasound you can see how the baby winks or grimaces. The bones are hardened. The skin is still transparent.

Video: Video gid. 16 week. Screening of the second trimester

17 week:Subcutaneous fat begins to form. Through the stethoscope, a beat of the heart is well heard. Movements are more coordinated. Hearing becomes even better. The kid can already hiccup.

Video: Video gid. 17 week. Amniocentesis

18 week:The kid is already very active. Distributes voices and sounds, as well as light and darkness. The fingers have already fully formed, like the genitals.

Video: Video gid. 18 week. We go on vacation

19 week:The body is already proportional, the hands and legs have become even longer. Internal organs can fulfill their functions, but only in the bosom of the mother. The central nervous system is actively developing.

Video: Video gid. 19 week. Pregnancy and superstition

20 week:The skin becomes thicker. The eyes are already slightly ajar. Round teeth are laid. Can play with his own fingers or umbilical cord. The immune system has already been almost completely formed.

Video: Video gid. 20 week. Fit of life during pregnancy

21 weeks:Mom can already know what time of day the baby sleeps, and what he plays. He swallows amniotic fluid, the stomach processes them, taking everything necessary. Meconium is formed in the rectum.

Video: Video gid. 21 weeks. We inform about pregnancy at work

22 weeks:Through amniotic water, the baby may taste food eaten by his mother. He is very interesting to the environment. During wakefulness, the eyes are open. There are enough places, and he uses this with might and main. The brain has slowed its growth a little.

Video: Video gid. 22 weeks. Yoga for pregnant women

23 weeks:The kid continues to accumulate fat, but the skin is still wrinkled. The fluff was slightly darkened. The unborn child is very active and mobile. He has a different reaction to different sounds.

Video: Video gid. 23 weeks. Food during pregnancy

24 weeks:The kid hits and coughs. He uses the entire facial muscles. Pushes with handles and legs, clenches fists. But still very thin.

Video: Video gid. 24 weeks. Pregnant courses

25 week:This week you can determine the baby is right -handed or left -handed, playing, he prefers exactly that hand. The skin is already a little lighter, and less wrinkled. The bone marrow has almost formed. The bones are still formed and the baby takes calcium from his mother. The lungs are not yet ready to fulfill their function.

Video: Video gid. 25 week. Second Concertment time?

26 week: The kid gradually gains weight and becomes like a newborn. There are enough places for somersaults and he uses this with might and main. It distinguishes between the voices of the people around him, gets used to the heartbeat of mom.

Video: Video gid. 26 week. The child hears you

27 week: Born this week, children already have a chance for life. The baby begins to gain well in weight. Mom should reconsider her diet, because overeating will affect the fatty layer of the baby. He can already feel pain. Actively trains to suck and swallow, he tumbles down with might and main.

Video: Video gid. 27 week. Unpleasant pregnancy satellites

Fetal weight in the second trimester by week of pregnancy

In the first trimester, all the baby's forces were aimed at the formation of vital organs. In the second trimester, he gradually begins to gain weight.

  • 13 week: 24 grams
  • 14 week: 44 grams
  • 15 week: 70 grams
  • 16 week: 100 grams
  • 17 week: 140 grams
  • 18 week: 190 grams
  • 19 week: 240 grams
  • 20 week: 300 grams
  • 21 weeks: 360 grams
  • 22 week: 430 grams
  • 23 weeks: 500 grams
  • 24 weeks: 600 grams
  • 25 week: 660 grams
  • 26 week: 760 grams
  • 27 week: 870 grams

Fruit norms for weeks

The norms of the fetus are very important for assessing the development of the baby in the womb. It is according to them that the doctor can accurately determine what time the pregnant woman is.

Fetal standards for ultrasound of outlets
Fetal standards for ultrasound of research on development weeks

The size of the fetus in the second trimester by week

Many parents would like to know what their baby looks like in every week of their development. To do this, you can approximately compare its weight and length with fruits and vegetables.

  • 13 week: peach
  • 14 week: apple
  • 15 week: orange
  • 16 week: avocado
  • 17 week: pear
  • 18 week: mango
  • 19 week: potatoes
  • 20 week: coconut
  • 21 week: grapefruit
  • 22 week: zucchini
  • 23 weeks: eggplant
  • 24 weeks: corn
  • 25 Week: Pumpkin
  • 26 week: Kochan Broccoli
  • 27 week: head cabbage head
Pregnant and the doctor evaluate the development of the fetus
pregnant and the doctor evaluate the development of the fetus

The length of the fetus in the second trimester in weeks

The baby is growing and developing. By the end of the second trimester, it will almost reach a size of 40 cm.

  • 13 week: 10 cm
  • 14 week: 13 cm
  • 15 week: 16 cm
  • 16 week: 18 cm
  • 17 week: 20 cm
  • 18 week: 22 cm
  • 19 week: 24 cm
  • 20 week: 26 cm
  • 21 weeks: 27.5 cm
  • 22 week: 29.5 cm
  • 23 weeks: 31 cm
  • 24 weeks: 32 cm
  • 25 week: 33.5 cm
  • 26 week: 35.5 cm
  • 27 week: 37 cm

Video: How to find out the weight of the child before birth? Weight calculator during pregnancy

Flint of the fetal head in the second trimester in weeks

The fetus’s circumference is a very important indicator for assessing the development of the baby. Starting from 14 weeks, doctors will begin to follow him intently, comparing with other indicators.

  • 14 week: 103 mm
  • 15 week: 112 mm
  • 16 week: 124 mm
  • 17 week: 135 mm
  • 18 week: 146 mm
  • 19 week: 158 mm
  • 20 week: 170 mm
  • 21 weeks: 183 mm
  • 22 week: 195 mm
  • 23 weeks: 207 mm
  • 24 weeks: 219 mm
  • 25 week: 232 mm
  • 26 week: 243 mm
  • 27 week: 254 mm

The rate of the fetal heartbeat by week

The fetal heartbeat must comply with the norms. Deviations in any of the parties indicate the hypoxia of the fetus.

The norm of the fetal heartbeat
the norm of the fetal heartbeat

Fruit pictures by week

Fruit pictures
fruit pictures

Fruit pictures
fruit pictures
Fruit pictures
fruit pictures

Development of the fetus of twins in the second trimester in weeks

Double pregnancy is a double responsibility. It is very important to listen to all the recommendations of your doctor.

  • 13 - 20 weeks:In its development, twins are no different from a single pregnancy. In babies, all vital organs are formed. Kids begin to actively push each other and select a more suitable place in the uterus. The woman’s stomach looks two weeks more than during pregnancy with one baby
Twins in my mother's stomach
twins in my mother's stomach

Important: in the second trimester, the probability of premature birth is very high. A woman often needs to visit a doctor to control her condition and the development of babies.

  • 20 - 27 weeks:Kids continue their development. And they are already very similar to newborns. From about 27 weeks, they already have the right to life outside the womb. Kids are still pushing. Swallow amniotic fluid. Mom's stomach has increased even more and begins to bring inconvenience

Video: Etc. Elena Berezovskaya - About multiple pregnancy

The location of the fetus in the abdomen by weeks

At the beginning of the second trimester, the fruit is still enough in the uterus. Already closer to the end of this period, space becomes less and less with every week. But the baby tries to actively move, turning his head or a pelvis closer to the exit from the uterus.

Video: In the womb of the mother

The fetal cerebellum by week, table

The cerebellum of the fetus is responsible for its motor activity and development. It is very important that the sizes meet the norm.

The term of pregnancy by week Cerebellar size, cm
14 1 — 1,4
15 1,1 — 1,5
16 1,2 — 1,6
17 1,4 — 1,8
18 1,5 — 1,9
19 1,6 — 2
20 1,8 — 2,2
21 1,9 — 2,3
22 2 — 2,6
23 2,1 — 2,7
24 2,3 — 2,9
25 2,4 — 3
26 2,6 — 3,2
27 2,7 — 3,3
28 2,9 — 3,5
29 3 — 3,6
30 3,2 — 3,8
31 3,3 — 3,9
32 3,5 — 4,1
33 3,7 — 4,3
34 3,9 — 4,5
35 4,1 — 4,7
36 4,3 — 4,9
37 4,4 — 5,2
38 4,6 — 5,4
39 4,8 — 5,6
40 5,1 — 5,9
41 5,3 — 6,1

Fruit increase in weeks

The kid develops every week. And by the end of the second trimester, it begins to quickly gain weight.

  • 13 - 19 weeks:weight gain is from 30 to 50 grams
  • 20 - 27 weeks: The increase is 60 - 100 grams every week

Video: The second trimester of pregnancy

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