All colors and shades of colors in English with translation and transcription: List and name

All colors and shades of colors in English with translation and transcription: List and name

The most complete dictionary of colors with transcription and translation from English into Russian.

All colors and shades of colors in English with translation and transcription: List and name

The color palette that surrounds us is very diverse. Let's try to figure out not only in the variety of colors, but also in their names in English.

Red and its shades

Red palette
Red palette

The color palette of red consists of 100 tones. The article provides only the basic colors, especially beloved by designers and artists.

Indianred [ˈꞮndɪən red] Dark saturated shade of scarlet.
LightCoral [lʌɪt ˈkɒr (ə) l] The light shade of coral.
Salmon [ˈSamən] Pink-orange (salmon).
Darksalmon [dɑːk ˈsamən] The dark shade of pinkish-orange.
Lightsalmon [lʌɪt ˈsamən] Light shade of pinkish-orange.
Crimson [ˈKrɪmz (ə) n] Pockets.
Red [red] Red - color of the main palette.
Firebrick [ˈFaɪə brɪk] Brick.
Dark Red [dɑːk red] Dark shade of saturated red.

Pink and its shades

Palette pink
Palette pink

The pink color is diverse not only in saturation, but also in the temperature of perception, since it can be either cold or warm.

Pink [pɪŋk] Pink.
Lightpink [lʌɪt pɪŋk] Light shade of pink.
Hotpink [hɒt pɪŋk] Warm pink.
Deeppink [diːp pɪŋk] Deep (rich) pink.
MediumVioletred [ˈMiːdɪəm ˈvʌɪələt red] Half -saturated pink with a purple subton.
Palevioletred [peɪl ˈvʌɪələt red] Pale pink with a purple subton.

Orange and its shades

Orange palette
Orange palette

In the orange palette, you can find 116 diverse colors that differ in brightness, degree of saturation and subtons.

Lightsalmon [lʌɪt ˈsamən] Light shade of pinkish-orange.
Coral [ˈKɒr (ə) l] Coral.
Tomato [təˈmɑːtəʊ] The color of a ripe tomato.
Orange [ˈⱰrɪn (d) ʒ red] Orange with a red submone.
Darkorange [dɑːk ˈɒrɪn (d) ʒ] The dark shade of orange.
Orange [ˈⱰrɪn (D) ʒ] Orange.

Yellow and its shades

Yellow palette
Yellow palette

The variety of yellow is 136 shades.

Gold [ɡəʊld] Gold.
Yellow [ˈJɛləʊ] Yellow is the color of the main palette.
Lightyellow [lʌɪt ˈjɛləʊ] Light shade of yellow.
Lemonchiffon [ˈLɛmən ˈʃɪfɒn] Lemon chiffon (shade of lemon color).
Lightgoldenrodyllow [lʌɪt ˈɡəʊld (ə) n rɒd ˈjɛləʊ] A light shade of golden yellow.
Papaywhip [pəˈpʌɪə wɪp] A light cold shade of yellow.
Moccasin [ˈMɒkəsɪn] Moccasin.
PEACHPUFF [piːtʃ pʌf] Persian fluff.
Palegoldenrod [peɪl ˈɡəʊld (ə) n rɒd] A pale cold shade of yellow.
Khaki [ˈKɑːki] Khaki.
Darkkhaki [dɑːk ˈkɑːki] The dark shade of Khaki.

Purple and its shades

Palette of purple
Palette of purple

The palette consists of 196 different colors.

Lavender [ˈLAV (ə) ndə] Lavender color.
Thistle [ˈΘɪs (ə) l] The color of the thistle.
Plum [plʌm] The color of the ripe plum.
Violet [ˈVʌɪələt] Lilac.
Orchid [ˈƆːkɪd] The color of the orchid.
Fuchsia [ˈFjuːʃə] Fuchsia color.
Magenta [məˈdʒɛntə] Purple.
Mediumorchid [ˈMiːdɪəm ˈɔːkɪd] The color of the average saturation orchid.
Mediumpurple [ˈMiːdɪəm ˈpəːp (ə) l] Purple average saturation.
Blueviolet [bluːˈvʌɪələt] Lilac with a blue subtone.
Darkviolet [dɑːkˈvʌɪələt] Dark shade of purple.
Darkorchid [dɑːk ˈɔːkɪd] The dark shade of the color of the orchid.
DarkMagenta [dɑːkˈməˈdʒɛntə] The dark shade of purple.
Purple [ˈPəːp (ə) l] Purple or purple.
Indigo [ˈꞮndɪɡəʊ] Indigo.
Slateblue [Sleɪt bluː] Sprinkled blue.
Darkslateblue [Dɑːk Sleɪt Bluː] Dark shade of drilled blue.
Lilac [ˈLʌɪlək] Lilac.

Brown and its shades

Brown palette
Brown palette

In the brown palette you can find 195 varied colors that differ in brightness, degree of saturation and subtons.

Bisque [bɪsk] The color of biscuit or cookies.
Navajo White [ˈNavəhəʊ wʌɪt] The color is navajah.
Wheat [wiːt] The color of bran.
Burlywood [ˈBəːli wʊd] Wood.
Tan [tæn] A pale shade of brown with a yellow or orange subtone.
Rosybrown [ˈRəʊzi braʊn] The color of the old rose.
Sandybrown [ˈSændi braʊn] Sand.
Goldenrod [ˈꞬəʊld (ə) n rɒd] The color of the goldener.
Darkgoldenrod [dɑːk ˈɡəʊld (ə) n rɒd] The dark shade of the color of the goldener.
Peru [pəˈruː] Bright shade of brown with an orange subtone.
Chocolate [ˈTʃɒk (ə) lət] Chocolate.
Saddenbrown [ˈSAD (ə) l braʊn] The color of the saddle skin.
Sienna [sɪˈɛnə] The color of ocher.
Brown [braʊn] Brown.
Maroon [məˈruːn] Brown with a burgundy subton.

Green and its shades

Green palette
Green palette

This is one of the most many -faced colors, the palette of which consists of 376 diverse shades that differ in brightness, degree of saturation and subtons.

Greenyellow [ɡriːn ˈjɛləʊ] Green color
Chartreuse [ʃɑːˈtrəːz] The color of chartrez.
Lawngreen [lɔːn ɡriːn] The color of the green lawn.
Lime [laɪm] Lima color.
Limegreen [laɪm ɡriːn] The color of lime with a green subscription.
Palegreen [peɪl ɡriːn] The pale shade of green.
Lightgreen [lʌɪt ɡriːn] Light shade of green.
Mediumspringgreen [ˈMiːdɪəm sprɪŋ ɡriːn] A moderate tone of the color of spring greenery.
Springgreen [sprɪŋ ɡriːn] The color of spring greenery.
Mediumseagreen [ˈMiːdɪəm siː ɡriːn] A moderate green tone with a blue subtone.
Seagreen [siː ɡriːn] Green color with a blue subtone.
Forestgreen [ˈFɒrɪST ɡRIːN] The color of forest greenery.
Green [ɡriːn.] Green.
Darkgreen [dɑːk ɡriːn] The dark shade of green.
YellowGreen [ˈJɛləʊ ɡriːn] Yellow with a green subtone.
OliveDrab [ˈⱰlɪv Dræb] Black olive.
Olive [ˈⱰlɪv] Olive.
Darkolivegreen [dɑːk ˈɒlɪv ɡriːn] The dark shade of olive with a green undercut.
Mediumakumarine [ˈMiːdɪəm ˌakwəməˈriːn] Moderate Aquamarine.
Darkseagreen [dɑːk siː ɡriːn] The dark tone of green with a blue subtone.
Lightseagreen [lʌɪt siː ɡriːn] A moderate tone of green with a blue subtone.
Darkcyan [dɑːk ˈsaɪən] The dark tone of the color is cyan.
Teal [Tiːl] The color of the chiro.
Emerald [ˈƐm (ə) r (ə) ld] Emerald.

Blue and its shades

Blue and blue palette
Blue and blue palette

Blue is not only a classic color that is part of the main palette. These are also 180 shades of various brightness. In addition, experts distinguish blue tones in a separate palette consisting of 119 items.

Aqua [ˈÆkwə] Aquamarine
Cyan [ˈSaɪən] Tsin color.
LightCyan [lʌɪt ˈsaɪən] Light tone of cyan color.
Paleturquoise [peɪl ˈtəːkwɔɪz] Pale tone of the color of turquoise.
Aquamarine [ˌAkwəməˈriːn] Aquamarine color.
Turquoise [ˈTəːkwɔɪz] The color of the turquoise.
Mediumturquoise [ˈMiːdɪəm ˈtəːkwɔɪz] Moderate turquoise.
Darkturquoise [dɑːk ˈtəːkwɔɪz] The dark tone of turquoise.
Cadetblue [kəˈdɛt bluː] The color of the cadet uniform.
Steelblue [stiːl bluː] Blue color with a gray subside.
Lightsteelblue [lʌɪt stiːl bluː] Light blue tone with a gray subton.
Powderblue [ˈPaʊdə bluː] Blue color with a green subscription.
Lightblue [lʌɪt bluː] Light blue tone or blue.
Skyblue [skaɪ bluː] Heavenly blue.
LightSkyblue [lʌɪt skaɪ bluː] Light tone of heavenly blue.
Deepskyblue [diːp skaɪ bluː] The deep tone of the sky blue.
Dodgerblue [ˈDɒdʒə bluː] The corporate color of the baseball team Dodger.
CornFlowerBlue [ˈKɔːnflaʊə bluː] The color of the cornflowers.
Mediumslateblue [ˈMiːdɪəm sleɪt bluː] A moderate tone of blue with a tourmaline subtone.
Royalblue [ˈRɔɪəl bluː] Royal blue.
Blue [bluː] Standard blue is the color of the main palette.
Mediumblue [ˈMiːdɪəm bluː] The moderate tone of the standard blue.
DarkBlue [dɑːk bluː] The dark tone of the standard blue.
Navy [ˈNeɪvi] Deep shade of blue.
Midnightblue [ˈMɪdnʌɪt bluː] The color of the midnight sky.

White, black and shades of intermediate tone

These colors also have a huge amount of halftones. However, the table gives only the main names.

Contrasting colors and intermediate tones
Contrasting colors and intermediate tones

Characteristics of a shade of color

The color has many characteristics. But the average person uses only some of them.

Color characteristics by saturation
Color characteristics by saturation

Metal colors

The table below presents the names of metal colors.

Metal colors with transcription and translation
Metal colors with transcription and translation

Recommendations regarding the study of colors with babies, you will find here and here.

How to ask a question with the name of color in English: translation of questions with transcription

Grammar constructions on a given topic are given in the table.

Grammar design of building a question with color name
Grammar design of building a question with color name

Video: colors in English for children. Video. The pronunciation of English flowers

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