We teach colors with a child in a playful way: developing games, rhymes, songs, cartoons, exercises. How to teach the colors of the rainbow in order to children? At what age does the child begin to distinguish and should know the colors?

We teach colors with a child in a playful way: developing games, rhymes, songs, cartoons, exercises. How to teach the colors of the rainbow in order to children? At what age does the child begin to distinguish and should know the colors?

The article will tell you how to properly teach the colors of the child.

At what age does the child begin to distinguish and should know the colors?

Parents should always help their young children learn the world and study everything around. For example, getting acquainted with flowers of kids is quite difficult, because they have many shades and are not always pronounced. However, this is very useful so that the child can fully develop, express his thoughts and desires.

It is very difficult for a small child to understand that the colors are different, although he begins to distinguish them since then when he already begins to fully see. The baby will be able to feel the difference between flowers only when he learns to speak, and this happens about 2 years old. Before this age, the silence of the child is considered acceptable, but no later.

To teach a child flowers should be "from the first words". Start with a simple one and get acquainted with the child with basic colors: blue, red, green and yellow. Then, over time, increase the “portion of knowledge”, adding new words: pink, black, purple, orange, blue and so on.

Yours classes with a child should be regular. Do not despair if the child is lazy, does not remember poorly or incorrectly pronounces the names of the colors. The main thing is your zeal and an interesting approach to the educational process in the form of a gamecapable of captivating the baby and unobtrusively teach vital things.

Important: it will be correct to start the educational process earlier than at 2 years old and from the first conscious steps of the baby (first word, independent steps, entertainment with toys, walks in the fresh air, viewing cartoons) to introduce the names of objects and their colors. Over time, the acquired knowledge will be better absorbed and fixed in consciousness.

Child learning after 1 year:

  • You can play with plasticine (plasticine dough, as an option) and call the child the color of a sticky mass. Touching the plasticine, in contact with it directly, he can easier to remember his color.
  • Games with sweets or candies are also considered effective, distributing them between toys or dolls. These sweets can feed your favorite bears or puppies, calling the action, for example, Mishutka loves red sweets, and Mashenka is yellow.
  • Cognition of the world on walks. To do this, it is enough to walk along the green grass, look into the blue sky or at the red house, calling the color of each object or phenomenon (yellow sun shines, green grass grows, orange leaves fall).

Child learning after 2 years:

  • A child with a small vocabulary is much easier to communicate with parents, and is engaged in great interest in training lessons.
  • Such a baby can include educational cartoons, where the colors of different objects are very clearly called.
  • It’s good to play a color designer, creating figures of certain colors and calling them.
  • Favorite toys can come up with interesting stories, connecting them with color. For example: there was a machine, but once she fell from the table to a basket with red berries and she herself became red.

Important: in each lesson with a child, three stages should be held: repetition, acquaintance with new material and consolidation. Focus on how the baby behaves, whether he wants to learn new colors and whether he can remember the names. If not, just repeat and fix the already studied.

Proper training in the colors of a small child
Proper training in the colors of a small child

How to teach color with a child in Russian in a playful way: Receptions

Surprisingly, some capable babies can distinguish several colors up to a year. However, this is the merit of not only good innate data of the child, but also the persistence of parents who pay enough attention to their children. It is known that the cognitive activity of the child is also affected by the development of his motor skills (small), therefore, other classes should not be ignored.

Important: so that the child quickly memorizes the name of flowers, all words should be introduced gradually. But before the start of such lessons, it should definitely be introduced to paints, plasticine, pencils.

Effective and game techniques:

  • We call everything correctly and clearly.This is not that the game is a habit. In any lesson, the colors should be called the subject. For example: Do you want me to pour you tea in a blue cup or let's put this red blouse here.
  • Comparison.Calling one of the colors, you should definitely compare it with the fact that the baby is already familiar with. For example, the machine is blue, like the sky, and the pancake is yellow, like the sun.
  • Ask "what you like". Binding his feelings to the names of flowers (like or not like color), the child remembers them easier and faster. For example: I like pink and don't like black.
  • A change of scenery. Sometimes the educational process gets bored with the child only because it happens the same and always in one room. The change in the situation will help the baby show interest in the lessons. Moreover, you can engage not only, imposing knowledge, but also "by the way." For example, if you are in a store, do not be too lazy to call into the department of vegetables and fruits to name all their colors.
  • Entertainment. If it is difficult for the baby to perceive the simple speech of parents, you can replace it with songs and sonorous poles, which are perceived much easier and more pleasant, are easily remembered for a long time.
Game forms of teaching children to flowers
Game forms of teaching children to flowers

We teach colors with a child in a playful way: developing colors in colors for children 2 to 4 years

Studying flowers in a playful way:

  • Distribution by groups.To do this, you can use colored cardboard and packing sponges for washing dishes. From cardboard, cut the same round plates in diameter, and from the soft part of the sponges of the cubes. Invite the baby to correctly sort cubes on plates (of course, they should have the same colors). The same can be done with buttons, a colored designer or candies.
  • Coloring.To do this, you will need packaging of colored pencils or paint, as well as a template or picture for coloring. It is better to choose simple templates without small details and large size: apple, orange, banana, sun, tulip, sea, cloud. When painting, call the colors clearly and say: why they are, what are similar and what beautiful ones are.
  • Hunting.To do this, you should prepare a basket or a small package, and then place toys or objects of different colors around the house. After that, you can go out with the child “hunting”, collecting all the red or, for example, only blue.
  • Game with products.This lesson does not imply the game in direct text, but allows the child to directly contact objects that he had not touched before and did not feel. You can lay out different vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pepper), fruits (banana, orange, apple) and other products in front of him on the table: milk in a bottle, rice and pasta packaging. Ask the baby to sort everything by color.
  • The game "Color lotto."It can be purchased or made independently. To do this, have a colored cardboard and a printer on which you can print cards. The task is very simple - take a chip from a bag or box (cut out of colored paper) and put a card on that cell where there is an appropriate color.
Games with which you can allow the child to learn new colors
Games with which you can allow the child to learn new colors

How to teach the colors of the rainbow in order to children?

For fun and quick memorization of the names of the colors of the rainbow, there is a fun saying. The first letter in each word saying should cause associations with the name of the color in the child. For more adult children who can remember more than 1 or 2 lines, you can offer to memorize poems about the colors of the rainbow.

Saying for memorizing rainbow flowers
Saying for memorizing rainbow flowers
Rims for remembering rainbow flowers
Rims for remembering rainbow flowers

Learn colors with a child: rhymes about colors

The poems - small and sonorous, will help children quickly and better memorize the name of the colors.

At the traffic light, the color is dangerous,
Remember - it is red,
That color warns
That transport is passing.

The same color as an orange,
Hurma, sea buckthorn and tangerine,
He is called Orange,
He gives bright light, warm!

The sun is yellow in the sky
Shines high and bright,
He warms all the guys
That they are sitting under the sun.

Green tree, the bush is green,
It is kind, soft and very cheerful,
Green color of summer, spring and grass,
Green is soft and juicy foliage.

The blue sky is very pleasing,
Blue droplets from the sky fall that
Blue puddles on the asphalt glow,
Blue droplets in these puddles splash.

Blue Sky in the evening late
Hangs bright beads-stars,
Shines in darkness, without subside
Blue ribbon is a forest river.

I will decorate the house with purple with color,
Violet window, door and windowsill,
The color of that purple is very pleasant to me,
I will decorate the bow with purple, dress.

White snow in the winter snow,
In a white snowman clothes,
White ice in the winter on the river,
In white hats, men.

Black night is very dark,
The black cat breathed so languidly
Nothing is visible to the cat
And it’s insulting from this.

Pink roses blossomed in the garden,
In the sky bright pink, I found a star,
The pink color is kind, the pink color is warm,
Pink is bright and faded.

Brown pot on the windowsill,
Begonia blooms in a brown pot,
I will turn the wrapper very bright,
Brown rafting of a chocolate candy.

Gray dog \u200b\u200bin the yard
Gray rain in October,
Gray clouds in the sky
The cold wind drives away.

How pleasant he is
Beautiful color of light green,
It looks like a spring grass,
On the first juicy greens.

In the courtyard of lilacs bush,
He is beautiful, high and Gust,
And the flowers are lilac
Give the mood!

How fun and interesting to teach with a child color?
How fun and interesting to teach with a child color?

Learn colors with a child: songs about colors

Adult children will be happy to learn and sing songs about different colors.

Song about green color
Song about green color

Learning colors with a child - Cartoons: List, video

Developing cartoons will always help parents. In which there are not only poems and songs, but also events, adventures and comparisons that help study all colors.

List of suitable cartoons:

Video: "Learning colors: cartoons"

Learn colors with a child: exercises


  • We draw with your fingers.Direct contact of a child with colored colors will allow him to quickly and for a long time remember the names of the colors.
  • Stickers.To do this, you should purchase several sheets of stickers (the simplest) and, gluing them on the base, call colors.
  • We build a pyramid.This is a simple toy that helps children quickly and playfully teach colors, stringing every ring on the base.
  • Colored balls.They should be thrown and caught, calling the color of the ball that was caught.
  • Describe yourself.Or any other family member. To do this, you should call all the colors that you can only see.

What does the child know before: color or shape?

As a rule, it is easier for a child to remember colors and only after he studies the basic, you should proceed to memorizing and distinguishing forms. It will be easier and simpler, as well as more interesting. At 2 years old, the child can already know the main figures: circle, triangle, square.

Why the child does not remember the colors: reasons

Before proceeding with the educational process, it should be realized that each child is individual and if one baby with thirst “swallows” every portion of knowledge, the other may not be lazy, not want it and in every possible way confront the lessons.

Why the child does not remember the colors:

  • He is still too small
  • The lessons are boring for him and are not of interest
  • You give him too much information, he simply cannot remember her all at once.
  • You do not present information qualitatively
  • You will use little visualities and game exercises
  • The child is behind development
  • The child has color blindness

Video: "How to teach a child to flowers?"

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Comments K. article

  1. Oh, as I recall, we had problems with this. The baby, well, sooooo very poorly remembered, and not only colors, but all in general. I will worry, I will not hide .... But, ugh ugh, now everything has already worked out with memory and attention. They gave her a Baby formula of Mishka Multivitamins (they ordered a phytomarket in the online store, it’s more profitable) and began to train to play checkers)) Now the colors know well, and the alphabet already teaches without problems))

  2. For me, the problem was to explain all this to the child ... And the baby’s memory was so so, hence all the problems. The only thing that helped correct the situation-vitamits of the multi and tutor)) Now we know the colors well and we can even read) memory, by the way, has become much better)

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