Harmful tips for the perfect figure. Are all diets useful?

Harmful tips for the perfect figure. Are all diets useful?

In your favorite social network you can find a lot of advice. It seems that everyone knows there! How to lose weight quickly, how to deal with, in just a month, the figure became ideal and pumped up in the right places. But is it worth it to unconditionally believe the written?

Are diets harmful for weight loss?


Superressive diets

In the communities in fitness and weight loss with enviable regularity, a wide variety of super -effective diets are published: cabbage, apple, kefir, buckwheat, meat, protein, carbohydrate, color, such as “minus 5-10 kg per week”, and not counting all.

However, a passion for such diets for someone can end with a hospital. A monotonous diet, taking a kilogram per day for several weeks, is extremely dangerous.

With a sharp weight loss, the internal organs that rest in the abdominal cavity on the fat layers can change their position.

With rapid weight loss, problems with pressure, kidneys, intestines, spine often appear.

The body also suffers due to imbalance in nutrition. Since he receives some substances in excess, but others are clearly not enough.

  • For example, with a lack of glucose, the brain cells are damaged and even die,
  • fans of dairy diets often suffer from lactose intolerance.

Only comprehensive measures bring this effect.

  • You should eat right,
  • drink enough fluids
  • to sleep fully
  • engage in fitness within reasonable limits and
  • completely cure existing diseases.

Are simple weight loss exercises useful?

In fitness groups, they are increasingly praised and attributed literally unique abilities to simple exercises, they are well familiar to us from school (push -ups, tilments, squats, jumps).
Allegedly, for perfect forms of buttocks, it is enough only to squat every day 50 times within a month. And in order to remove fat from the waist in 3 weeks, download the press daily 60 times.

Important: endlessly repeating one exercise, you will not make the body perfect, just get away.

However, 50 squats per day will not bring much benefit.


To strengthen the muscles and reduce the fat layer, you need

  • power exercises
  • We need the right diet
  • cardio and power loads

Important: and ideally, food and a set of exercises should be selected by a specialist individually for you, because we are all different.

For a good result, all muscle groups should be worked out, therefore there are few squats or push-ups alone, but you should not get too carried away too much.

Important: Know the measure: 100 repetitions at a time do not always do even pro. For example, for the press, it is enough to make 30 repetitions on the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, relax and only after starting the second approach.

Will natural fat burners help quickly lose weight?

Also, lists of natural fat burners regularly appear on the pages of communities.
Users assure that the use of grapefruit, cinnamon, Kayen pepper and green coffee will contribute to the rapid disposal of fat deposits.

Data of miracles-means is often praised by sellers who naturally greatly exaggerate their positive properties.
Moreover, grapefruits can cause an allergic reaction.
Spices contain phytonutrients, which contribute to weight loss, if used, then in the complex, and alone they will help little.
In addition, only fresh spices give the effect.

Green coffee is an antioxidant, so it helps to lose weight.
But its prolonged use can disrupt the operation of the antioxidant system of your body.
Therefore, of course, you can drink this drink, but not for long and not perceived as a panacea.

Important: you will never lose many kilograms only in green coffee.

Yoga in pictures for weight loss or for health?

Eastern practices are now in great fashion. Women and men at any age are engaged in yoga for health.
On the Web, you can easily find selection of pictures with asanas, and under them assurances in a fast result: you will easily lose weight and vat.
Unfortunately, the authors of such posts very rarely give detailed explanations on how to perform every asana, how much to spend time, how often to exercise and whether there are contraindications.

Important: you can not quickly get rid of extra pounds, doing only yoga. But well -being will improve, back pain will decrease, and the joints will be less crunch.

There are no such asanas with which you can lose weight in the waist in a month. But

Important: if you deal with yoga regularly and according to all the rules, you will certainly achieve the desired result.

To practice yoga You can independently, but at first you should carefully study the exercise. Although of course it is better to trust a specialist who will rather select a complex from asan, will explain everything and help in the implementation of poses, save from injuries.

If you decide to study at home, then know the measure.
Always start with the simplest asanThen complicate the home program gradually.
Do not tolerate severe pain, slowly increase the time of class.
Use information from more reliable sources than posts on social networks.

It is important to know the reasons for completeness

In addition, it will not hurt to be examined in order to know exactly the reason for completeness. It can be:

  • in stress
  • overeating
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • diseases

For each case, a separate complex of exercises is selected and only the instructor can help you again in this.
And the collections on social networks can be useful to professionals who can stumble upon something new there, but are unlikely to really help lovers.

Success stories - motivation for weight loss

Also in the communities in weight loss, success stories are regularly published, the authors proudly tell how they lost weight, necessarily attach photos before and after losing weight, often advertise their method as the most effective. Girls are usually actively pecking on such stories, and after that many decide to do losing weight again and it does not matter that the body has not moved away from the past attempt.

Important: people with overweight are usually in addition to extra kilograms and have a number of related diseases.

For this reason, you should be very careful about the methods described in communities, perhaps it is you who are categorically not suitable for you.

Important: reducing weight, first of all, you need to think about your health, and not about the number of kilograms lost.

  • Do not trust super -efficient diets because they are harmful to the body.
  • To rely on simple exercises, they will not bring a high result.
  • It is wrong to engage in yoga using pictures from social networks.
  • No need to expect miracles from natural burners, there are few of them.
  • And wealth of weight loss should be treated with extremely carefully, because they may not fit you.

Therefore, information should always be checked, and ideally among experts.

Video: How to lose weight without harm to health!

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