Whether the sharks are found in the Black Sea and what: the names. Are sharks dangerous in the Black Sea for vacationers?

Whether the sharks are found in the Black Sea and what: the names. Are sharks dangerous in the Black Sea for vacationers?

Do you like the Black Sea? Do you know that sharks are found there?

Maybe the Black Sea is not the most favorable place for the existence of sharks, since it is surrounded by land and a large number of cities with a large population. But this still does not interfere with toothy predators to live and multiply in its waters successfully.

What sharks are deservedly considered Black Sea? Which of them can you meet not in aquariums, but right in the sea waves - during a summer vacation?

Black Sea Katran or Friday barbed shark in the Black Sea: Description

The Katran is not a very large representative of the shark tribe, who is popularly called the "sea dog." As a rule, in length they grow about a meter, in rare exceptions - two.

Although they live by shark standards and not very long (up to two decades), but during this time they manage to exterminate a huge amount of fish, as they have excellent appetite. Their hunting grounds are located close to the shore, so people can easily observe them. Although most often they still go to the depths, gathering flocks closer to the bottom-especially in winter, when they are coldly on the surface.

Despite excessive gluttony, they have a thin body with a dark back, spotty sides and a white belly. Like other sharks of brothers, katrans can boast of the sharpness of teeth located in rows. They even have spikes in the form of cloves on the body.

Shark with spikes
Shark with spikes
  • It is interesting that in the summer-autumn period, females and males of Katrans live in different flocks, but at the very beginning of spring, during the wedding period, they find each other and mating at a 50-meter depth occurs.
  • The pregnancy of the sharks is long - lasts a year and a half, after which in October closer to the coastline, up to fifteen babies about 30 centimeters long are born.
  • If you decide to look at Katrans in the Black Sea with your own eyes, then in the spring they are observed in the southern part of the Kerch Strait, after which they prefer to live deeper and away in the open sea.
  • Katrans have a very diverse menu that changes depending on the time of year. In winter, leaving to the depths, spotted thorny sharks eat Hamsu and Stavrid, and in the summer - Merlang and sprats, which live at a depth of up to four tens of meters.
  • It happens that Katrans (especially females) eat even dolphins. And the sharks themselves are eaten by people, making meat from meat and fin soup.

The Katran liver is widely used in pharmacology, since it contains a number of biologically active substances, fats and vitamins. Their fat is also appreciated - “squale”.

Cat Shark - Guest of the Black Sea: Description

The cat shark is not too large fish (the maximum long is a little more than a meter), which lives in the coastal zones, and scientists call the mysterious term scillium. Her usual place of residence is the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, but in the waters of the Black Sea it can be seen very often.

Although the shark and cat, it is extremely rare for fish, preferring to eat small tributaries (the so -called “Bensto”): crabs, mollusks, all kinds of worms.


Cat sharks are far from centenarians: the average period of existence is 12 years. The offspring appears from the eggs covered with a hard shell (up to 20 pcs.), Which the female lays and fixes at the bottom.

Are the Black Sea sharks dangerous, do you need to be afraid of the Black Sea sharks for vacationers?

Both types of sharks, whose representatives can be found in Black Sea waters, do not pose a potential threat to vacationers. In any case, they usually do not attack a person for no reason.

You can see sharks in their habitat either during submarine hunting, or during diving. If you still met with a shark, then try not to provoke her aggression. She, in turn, will try to quickly hide from your eyes. A shark can only art a man if she has to defend herself from him or a katran can accidentally hook with her poisonous spike.

Video: Thorny sharks of the Black Sea

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