Witer and hernia of the testicles in newborn boys. Causes and treatment of dropsy and hernias of testicles in children

Witer and hernia of the testicles in newborn boys. Causes and treatment of dropsy and hernias of testicles in children

How look testicles u newborn, a photo

Appearance baby in family always big joy, which accompanied constant experiences mom: BUT all lee good? How he breathing? BUT how in norm must to look like his sexual organs.

We we will try reply on the most delicate question, after all u children all a little on another, rather than u adult men.
When you wait boy, then his testicles start own formation already in the first 3 months pregnancy. Before the latter months they are located in abdominal cavities fetus, and nearly before most birth going down in bag scrots.

What do you look at the newborn, photo
What do you look at the newborn, photo

How option development wrong owls they can not descend or descend only one, this pathology received title « Cryptorchrism». About this condition we already they wrote in one from ours articles, about which you you can read, crossing on link: “Cryptorchism in men and children - symptoms, causes and treatment. Do I need surgery for cryptorchinism? Cryptorchrism consequences "

Visually sexual organs baby practically not differ from adults, per exception togo, what head member u newborn open fully it is forbidden, she is hidden extreme flesh. And, certainly, dimensions children's organs correct them age.

Dimensions testicles u newbornsnorm

The dimensions of the testicles in newborns are the norm
The dimensions of the testicles in newborns are the norm
  • After birth child male paul in maternity hall examines doctorneonatologist. He produces visual assessment and palpator study organs baby
  • Examination conduct in horizontal position. Inspecting scrotum child, assess her dimensions and color, present lee swelling this areas and availability both testicles in bag. Procedure conduct both hands simultaneously, for togo, to adequately estimate asymmetry both testiclesAt feeling testicles must to be elastic
  • AT norm dimensions testicles can vary from 8 before 11 mm in length and from 6 before 8 mm in width. At this right testicle u boys usually a little more left
  • Excess these size, especially one -sided, can testify about development violations and accumulation liquids in areas testicles, which it has title Hydrocele

Dropsy testicles u newborns, the reasons

Dropsy of the testicles in newborns, reasons
Dropsy of the testicles in newborns, reasons

Hydrocele develops only u infants male paul and characterized accumulation liquids between petals membranes scrotsTesticle grasp 7 petalsmembranes yaichka.

Visually scrotum baby exceeds dimensions norms at formation this pathology. Edema maybe to be how one -sided, so and accumulate with both sides.

Such condition maybe on one's own disappear approximately in 85% cases.

Hydrocele u kids maybe to be 2 species:

When u baby testicles start to fall in bag, they « pull» per yourself site peritoneal. AT consequences this losk peritoneal folding, and not allows organs or abdominal liquids permeate in scrotum. If a on whatthen reasons this fighting not happened, then u baby maybe develop communicating type of hydrocele.

We already mentioned, what edema maybe to be how one -sided, so and bilateral. Reasons this can serve the following states:
Hereditary predisposition (if u dad it was in anamnesis hydrocele, then exists probability development pathology u future baby)
Colds diseases women in period pregnancy
High intra -abdominal pressure u kids, when baby often crying, excessively excited, it has problems with Gastrointestinal tract. it maybe become reason not only dropsy yaichka, but and formation hernias
Presence in anamnesis boy generic injuries
Hormone dysbalance u child or u mom in time pregnancy
Birth child prematurely

Isolated type of hydrocele arises in case, when part liquids i penetrated in region testicles before moment infections parts peritoneal. At this was violated process evacuation this liquids and she is so and remained in areas testicles.

So the same reason isolated hydrocele maybe serve violation in work lymphad systems. Lymphatic system displays liquid and she is determined between leaflets membranes in not big quantity, accumulating gradually.

Reasons development isolated hydrocele serving:
Factor hereditary predisposition
Hormonal and lymphadish failures in body baby
Transferred inflammatory disease testicles u baby
Cordiallyvascular failure
Cross yaichka
Injury pachovoy areas

Symptoms development dropsy yaichka

Symptoms of iconic dropsy
Symptoms of iconic dropsy
  • The main and most expressed symptom development hydrocele is swelling and swelling testicles. This swelling maybe to be not big and barely noticeable or achieve impressive size
  • it condition not carries painful sensations and not worries baby. Urination swelling so the same not interferes. If a dropsy yaichka it has communicating type of, then after togo, how baby lay in horizontal position, this edema a little reduces in volume. At isolated type such not is happening
  • By form edema yaichka maybe to be different: rounded, in form pear or sanding hours. At feeling this is education enough dense and elastic

Diagnostics hydrocele-water eggs

For staging diagnosis dropsy yaichka assigned and conducted the following research:
Inspection boy pediatrician and surgeon for staging preliminary diagnosis
Diafanoscopy and x -ray picture in rare cases
Ultrasounddiagnostics pachovoy areas

Dropsy testicles u newborns boys, treatment

Dropsy of testicles in newborn boys, treatment
Dropsy of testicles in newborn boys, treatment
  • If a yours son set diagnosis « Hydrocele», then before two -year -old age child watching urologist. He evaluates degree pathology and her flow. Usually before this age kids not operate, so how pathology maybe disappear on one's own
  • AT more elder age, if this is condition not passed, then to kid recommended pass the surgical treatment pathology
  • On the today day not exists conservative (with help drugs) method treatment dropsy yaichka. That's why this is disease subjected only operational treatment

Dropsy yaichka u childoperation

Dropsy of the testicle in a child - operation
Dropsy of the testicle in a child - operation

At negative dynamics this diseases operational intervention, in most cases, conduct in age from 1.5 before 2x years. At similarity development dropsy and tense condition masenki, operation can spend and in more early age.

Strict indications to operational treatment serves availability communicating type hydrocele with fast increasing edema.

AT real moment exists 4 basic type operational treatment dropsy yaichka:
Bergmanthis operation held at big sizes dropsy with thickening membranes. Perform operating access, with help syringe remove liquid, abdominal shell removes and sewn pathological enlightenment. Then testicle immerse in scrotum and sutered wound
Vincelmanheld under general anastasia u children early age. Performed definite access and inspection yaichka in the wound, then plastic petals and peritoneal. At this shells, how would turned out « inside out» and sew
Lordhydropic bag disords, but not turning out in wound.
Punctuation methodconduct puncture edema and « suction» superfluous serous liquids
Sclerotherapy dropsyat this method needle extracted superfluous liquid and in cavity introduced substance, which in consequences calls spike leaflets membranes. To example alcohol or betadin

Hernia yaichka u newborn

Yaichka hernia in a newborn
Yaichka hernia in a newborn
  • Hernia yaichka u kidsthis is separate disease, having row reasons for development. However swift development dropsy yaichka, related with not overgrowingpassage in peritoneum, maybe become one from reasons formation hernias
  • At this in hernial gates with current abdominal liquids maybe get intestines or organs abdominal cavities. Terrible complication this states maybe serve infringement hernias with necrosis fabrics hernial bag
  • In avoid these complications costs resort to urgent operational intervention

Folk funds treatment dropsy yaichka u newborns

Folk remedies for the treatment of dropsy of the testicular in newborns
Folk remedies for the treatment of dropsy of the testicular in newborns

People's the medicine offers their methods treatment dropsy yaichka:

Recipe 1: Apply compress at witroe yaichka. For preparations necessary pour half liter water 50 g peas and insist in flow 1 hours, after expiration this time put this « infusion» on the weak the fire and boil on the length 15 minutes. After cooling decoction, necessary damp in solution linen napkin and apply to swollen scrotum. Procedure costs do before moment recovery.

Recipe 2 : Prepare ointment from dropsy yaichka. For this 50:50 mix ointment calendulas and children cream. Ointment rub in region testicles before sleep. Testicles wrap marlev napkin and dress to kid dense swimming trunks. Dense lingerie wear on the length total day, in quality supportive bandage for scrots.

Recipe 3: Prepare infusion. AT equal parts mix herbs motherandsteps and flowers medicinal donnik. Then 1 art l mixtures boil 1 a glass boiling water and leave cool down on the 30 min. accept this infusion on 3 art l before 5 once in day before moment recovery.

Recipe 4: Prepare chopped squares 10*10 cm from flannel fabrics, and from cellophane such the same size. On the water bath sterilize sunflower oil on the length 20 min and drain in clean a bottle. Flannel napkin thoroughly iron and moisten warm sunflower oil, wrap she testicles. Then put above cellophane. Repeat compress 3 times in day before recovery.

Video: Live great! Hydrocele - igan testicles

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