Cryptorchism in men and children - symptoms, causes and treatment. Do I need surgery for cryptorchinism? Cryptorchrism consequences

Cryptorchism in men and children - symptoms, causes and treatment. Do I need surgery for cryptorchinism? Cryptorchrism consequences

In the proposed article, we will talk about the innate pathology of men-critericism. We will try to tell you about the causes and symptoms of pathology. We will also reveal the principles of treatment of this pathology.

Cryptorchrism It is an innate pathology of male babies. At the same time, only 1 testicle is determined in the scrotum, or they may be absent at all. In simple language, this pathology of development is called not omitting the testicle.

At the birth of a baby on time cryptorchrism found in 5% of the born boys, while for the first half of the year cryptorchrism self-armed in 70-80% of cases. In adulthood, in the absence of the necessary correction of this disease in childhood, it occurs only in 1% of men.

Cryptorchrism testicles - signs and symptoms in men and children

Cryptorchinism of the testicles - signs and symptoms in men and children
Cryptorchinism of the testicles - signs and symptoms in men and children

To date, there is no certain reason for the formation of this pathology of intrauterine development.

Doctors describe only the alleged factors that can contribute to its formation:

• Development of premature birth activities
• Hormonal malfunctions and inconsistencies during gestation by a woman
• bearing multiple pregnancy
• Birth of a baby with low weight
• Genetic predisposition
• Reception of hormone estrogen in the initial pregnancy
• Mechanical obstacles when lowering the testicle (impaired function of the endocrine glands, fusion of the peritoneum and cereal, insufficient development of the vascular leg)

The main and obvious sign cryptorchrism There is the lack of an testicle in a scrotum.

  • Cases of inattention of doctors in the maternity hospital to this part of the child’s body are frequent, and such children are simply discharged from the hospital home without a diagnosis
  • For this reason, after a certain time, complications may occur that cause great discomfort in the process of growing up and turning the boy into a man
  • Therefore, it is worth it to independently inspect the genitals of your baby, so as not to miss this vice of development

If you list the symptoms of pathology, then these are the following signs and sensations:

• In the scrotum not palp one or both testicles when feeling
• When examining, the testicle can be felt in the thigh, inguinal region and even in the root of the penis (in not characteristic and not correct places)
• can disturb abdominal pain

It is worth knowing the fact that in some cases even when contacting a doctor on time, this does not guarantee the elimination of pathology, but this cannot be ignored.

The problem is that when the testicle is in the abdominal cavity, it can lead to the development of immune reactions of the body. To prevent this situation, you need to contact a specialist in the early period.

Children cryptorchrism

Children's cryptorchidism

This pathology, if present, is diagnosed precisely in early childhood, and ideally in the hospital at the birth of the baby. Cryptorchrism It has various forms, we will list them.

Depending on the alleged reason, they distinguish:
• primary form cryptorchism-Prix the child does not have an testicle in the scrotum
• secondary form cryptorchism-Prix Birth eggs palpated in the scrotum, but over time ceased to feel for any reason there
By the features of the abnormal position of the testicle, they are distinguished:
• False cryptorchism-when The child has increased muscle tone, eggs eggs, and on palpation it can be lowered on your own with your fingers
• True cryptorchrism is ivite absent and there is no way to feel it and lower it
• upbringing yaichko is The phenomenon is associated with the lag in the development of the seed cord, which “pulls up” the testicle up
• Ectopia the testicle is eggs Located in the uncharacteristic region (under the skin in the inguinal region or in the perineum) and cannot be lowered into the scrotum when probing

At the location of the testicle:
The abdominal The testicle is determined in the abdominal cavity
Pachovy-Yaichko Determined in the inguinal channel

Why does a child have one testicle more than another?

Why does a child have one testicle more than another?
Why does a child have one testicle more than another?
  • It should be noted that all the paired organs of a person are not identical and the same in size
  • Male testicles are no exception and their asymmetry is due to anatomically. This means that a small difference in form or size is a normal state
  • However, if the dimensions are radically different, while the situation is accompanied by pain or redness, discomfort
  • Be sure to contact a doctor, as this condition may be associated with the development of the disease or the presence of a hernia

False cryptorchrism

False Cryptorchrism
False Cryptorchrism
  • With this pathology, the testicle, which at birth was normally lowered into the scrotum, is drawn into the inguinal canal under the reduction in the muscles. An experienced specialist can help in omitting testicles without surgical intervention
  • There are cases of retracting the testicle even at a rather mature age, but this not dangerous to health and not It has influences on the reproductive function of a man.
  • In this case, the testicle is a full -fledged organ. In some cases, the testicle can be drawn under the influence of low temperatures or when a child feels fear
  • This phenomenon is temporary. The reason for this can also be an overly developed muscle that raises the testicle in a child. After 8 years, this hypertonus It may disappear independently
  • If you don't find an testicle at newborn up to 12 weeks of life, this case is not false cryptorchism, since the muscle lifting the testicle begins to function only from this age

What to do if you have not descended into the scrotum in a newborn boy? Treatment cryptorchrism

Treatment of cryptorchism. Operation for cryptorchrism in children
Treatment of cryptorchism. Operation for cryptorchrism in children

The treatment of this pathology can be both conservative and with the help of surgery.

  • With conservative therapy, this issue is engaged in endocrinologist. More often, such treatment is prescribed for bilateral non -proof of the testicles. The doctor prescribes a number of hormonal drugs and a complex of vitamins to strengthen and maintain the child's body
  • With false form cryptorchrism An experienced doctor, along with conservative therapy, can lower the testicle into the scrotum with palpation without operations

Operation at cryptorchism In children

  • Method of treatment cryptorchrism Using the operation, it is allowed only at the age of the baby over 1 year. This operation is not carried out up to a year due to the fact that the testicle during this period may sink on its own
  • Operation to owl the testicle is called orchypexia. To date, its conduct is possible with the lowest tissue damage using endoscopic equipment
  • It does not require extensive cuts and seams. This operation is carried out according to local anesthesia and does not last more than 2 hours. At the same time, the child is not in the hospital for a long time and it is discharged after 3 days, provided there are no complications

What to do after surgery cryptorchrism?

What to do after the surgery of cryptorchidism?
What to do after the surgery of cryptorchidism?
  • After surgical intervention, the recovery period is quite short and everything quickly returns to normal. Operation completely eliminates this pathology
  • However after her The child is recommended by special gymnastics. It is also possible to appoint a course massage, physiotherapy and balneotherapy
  • The child has been under the supervision of a specialist for another two years. In the first month, the boy is examined every week. Then, for six months, the inspection is carried out once a month, and then 1 time every six months

Cryptorchrism effects

There are a number of complications in children suffering from cryptorchrism:
• Infertility can develop as a result of a belated appeal to the doctor and not proper treatment.
• tumor formation of an unsuccessful testicle
• low level of male sex hormones, which can develop in the process of growing up and puberty

Cryptorchrism and infertility

Cryptorchrism and infertility
Cryptorchrism and infertility
  • Infertility can be the result of a belated appeal to the doctor and not adequate therapy
  • It's no secret that men's testicles should be in a scrotum in a certain temperature regime
  • With abdominal form cryptorchrism They experience an increase in the temperature regime, as a result of which the process of forming spermatozoa is violated
  • Such spermatozoa are not capable of fertilization the amount is insufficient, the speed of movement is slowed, abnormal forms can also form

In general, in such cases, the process of spermatogenesis itself is disturbed.

Video: boys hygiene Komarovsky

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